60,069,971 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973

The funny thing is, if we'd killed 60 million dolphins, there would be more outrage.
Well, "pro-choicers" -- I'm waiting for an explanation.

Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

What good has been achieved by this?

This statistic is very, very low. More like over a billion Americans who could have existed never will. Think about it. Sixty million aborted children. If each child had produced one or two children, and those children had produced children of their own—well, it's exponential genocide; exponential mass murder. Over a billion Americans who never had the chance to exist, possibly more. It is the single greatest genocide in human history.
I have met two men who said they were pro-life, but are glad abortion is legal because it kills off the black people.

These two men immediately became my enemies for life, but at least they were being honest.

"Pro-choicers" will you be honest?

Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of some whites so that so many blacks can die?
I've actually heard people say, look at how much lower crime is because of all the blacks that have been aborted.
Dragon Lady, you've gone AWOL.

Is abortion a solution to crime? A retroactive death penalty to punish criminals before they commit their crimes?
I guess we'll never have any answers, because "pro-choicers" are ghosting this thread.

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