Zone1 60 Minutes Interview With Pope Francis

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
There are three things that I get out of this interview.

1. I do believe that the pope is confusing blessings with prayer. They're not necessarily the same thing. A blessing is sometimes known as condoning whereas a prayer is always just wishing the best for that person or persons and that God will watch over them and make a difference in their life/lives.

2. What is so wrong with being a surrogate mother?

3. B. Tatum nailed this one. Every Catholic on here seems to cling to their beliefs and is not open minded.

There are three things that I get out of this interview.

1. I do believe that the pope is confusing blessings with prayer. They're not necessarily the same thing. A blessing is sometimes known as condoning whereas a prayer is always just wishing the best for that person or persons and that God will watch over them and make a difference in their life/lives.

2. What is so wrong with being a surrogate mother?

3. B. Tatum nailed this one. Every Catholic on here seems to cling to their beliefs and is not open minded.

Surely being religious is all about not being open minded.
They used to just rape teenage altar boys.... now they've gone full Che Guevara??

Raised catholic, catholic schools, wore the ties, got my ass beat by nuns because I was 7 and couldn't fight back.... I quit that evil mother fucker as soon as my brain developed. What's the difference between catholics and hamas? That's right, bacon.

Fuck that cult... and its leader.
Surely being religious is all about not being open minded.
Says the Left with their safe spaces at universities that ban conservatives from speaking as they ban all contrary speech from their social media.

You can take your open mindedness and shove it up your rump.
They used to just rape teenage altar boys.... now they've gone full Che Guevara??

Raised catholic, catholic schools, wore the ties, got my ass beat by nuns because I was 7 and couldn't fight back.... I quit that evil mother fucker as soon as my brain developed. What's the difference between catholics and hamas? That's right, bacon.

Fuck that cult... and its leader.
Which one is worse, the raping of the boys or the being like Che Guevara?
3. B. Tatum nailed this one. Every Catholic on here seems to cling to their beliefs and is not open minded.

too bad you think that being certain about God's Truth is closed mindedness..

how ironic!

I guess you don't like being certain vis a vis God..
Says the Left with their safe spaces at universities that ban conservatives from speaking as they ban all contrary speech from their social media.

You can take your open mindedness and shove it up your---
They used to just rape teenage altar boys.... now they've gone full Che Guevara??

Raised catholic, catholic schools, wore the ties, got my ass beat by nuns because I was 7 and couldn't fight back.... I quit that evil mother fucker as soon as my brain developed. What's the difference between catholics and hamas? That's right, bacon.

Fuck that cult... and its leader.
Wow... if you have to use such strong and vulgar language to describe something that you don't even like or respect and claim to have let go of

uh... something's going on there, to be sure.. doesn't look like you have let go 100%

The Catholic Church saved me... Too bad you apparently didn't stick around long enough for it to save you.

I say you are going straight to Hell if you don't change your vile view of the Church Christ founded. Oh, wait, not so much your view... your soul. "You will know them by their fruits"..

Oh, the RCC has sinners in it! OMG OMG OMG!


What earthly organization doesn't?!

Get real
Norah O'Donnell: There are conservative bishops in the United States that oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you address their criticism?

Pope Francis (In Spanish/English translation): You used an adjective, "conservative." That is, conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

Contrary to the belief of some, this is exactly what Jesus taught when explaining why so many ancient traditions (to Jewish conservatives at the time) needed to be revisited and understood in different ways:

Matthew 15:

Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”

3 Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’[a] and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’[b] 5 But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ 6 they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

8 “‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’[c]”
10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
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Wow... if you have to use such strong and vulgar language to describe something that you don't even like or respect and claim to have let go of

uh... something's going on there, to be sure.. doesn't look like you have let go 100%

The Catholic Church saved me... Too bad you apparently didn't stick around long enough for it to save you.

I say you are going straight to Hell if you don't change your vile view of the Church Christ founded. Oh, wait, not so much your view... your soul. "You will know them by their fruits"..

Oh, the RCC has sinners in it! OMG OMG OMG!


What earthly organization doesn't?!

Get real
Good for you. Weak people need that kind of validation... and some people don't mind being stuck in the 1200's.

I'm glad it works for you. I'll see you in heaven.... I'm just taking a different flight.
Norah O'Donnell: There are conservative bishops in the United States that oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you address their criticism?

Pope Francis (In Spanish/English translation): You used an adjective, "conservative." That is, conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."
Francis is not Catholic. A dogmatic box?

Please. Truth does not change. God does not change. Incidentally, human nature doesn't change either.

A conservative "does not want to see beyond" his conservatism?

No, we don't want to see beyond or go beyond TRUTH. THERE IS NO GOING BEYOND OBJECTIVE TRUTH

I'll be glad when the Church gets a real pope
Good for you. Weak people need that kind of validation... and some people don't mind being stuck in the 1200's.

I'm glad it works for you. I'll see you in heaven.... I'm just taking a different flight.
You're not going to Heaven, according to my information.

And I trust my information

Francis is not Catholic. A dogmatic box?

Please. Truth does not change. God does not change. Incidentally, human nature doesn't change either.

A conservative "does not want to see beyond" his conservatism?

No, we don't want to see beyond or go beyond TRUTH. THERE IS NO GOING BEYOND OBJECTIVE TRUTH

I'll be glad when the Church gets a real pope

The truth does not change. What can and does change is one's understanding of the truth.
He’s an old guy who wears fancy costumes.

What do you expect from him?
so many short sighted people here.. Well, this Francis.. I don't care what is said about him but the real popes were different.. haven't had one of those in a LONG time

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