60-something socialist is Britain's unlikely political star

Good Lord, it's Michael Foot all over again. After him, Benn and Scargill, you'd think the British lunatic fringe would have learned something.

If he gets into power you can see the muslims being protected when they start raping 12 year old girls again. It happened the last time we had a neo Marxists P.M
Fossil socialists are hip these days.

Good Lord, it's Michael Foot all over again. After him, Benn and Scargill, you'd think the British lunatic fringe would have learned something.

If he gets into power you can see the muslims being protected when they start raping 12 year old girls again. It happened the last time we had a neo Marxists P.M
Their religious duty to rape 12-year old infidel girls must be protected.
Good Lord, it's Michael Foot all over again. After him, Benn and Scargill, you'd think the British lunatic fringe would have learned something.

A Betrayal of the Left
The Left in Britain used to be in favour of secularism and against the politicisation of religion. The lives of Thomas Paine, Bertrand Russell and many others attest to this proud history. They campaigned against and opposed the domination of any one religious group – and they did so even when it was dangerous, both to their careers and even their lives. (The burning down of Joseph Priestley’s laboratory was not an entirely isolated event; and the sentiments expressed were not those of a minority. As John Keats wrote in his “Religious Musings”, ‘priests idolatrous / By dark lies maddening the blind multitude / Drove with vain hate’.)

But recently, the tide has began to turn, and many Left-wingers now find themselves allied with deeply reactionary elements within religious groups — and they do so while claiming to endorse the same values as their noble predecessors.

Jeremy Corbyn, who has now – astonishingly – been elected leader of the Labour Party with an almost unthinkably large majority, is the most prominent example of this insidious trend; but it is widespread, and truly worthy of criticism. People like him and George Galloway, for example, as well as Ken Livingstone and others, have found themselves in support of deeply unpleasant individuals, many of whom hold or endorse decidedly reactionary and theocratic views.

Under the guise of advocating on behalf of the oppressed of Palestine, for example, too many liberals have thrown their lot in with Hamas, an organisation which cites the Qur’an in its Covenant when justifying the eradication of Israel and the extirpation its citizens. (And let it not be forgotten that anti-Semitism is surprisingly and depressingly widespread in some Left-wing circles.)

Jeremy Corbyn has made frequent appearances on Iran’s propaganda channel, Press TV; it was there, for example, where he declared the killing of Osama bin Laden to have been 'a tragedy'(and not just that: a tragedy to be spoken of in similar terms to the 9/11 attacks).

A Betrayal of the Left

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