60 years ago, Edward Murrow took down Joe Mccarthy

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

don't sweat it CF is just a liar

Yes, apparently so; after seeing his alleged 'list of communists' we can add 'Crank' to his reportorial failings, along with poor reading skills.

Do you know who Owen Lattimore and Lauchlin Currie were? Look them up sometime
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

they're trying to revive all the old John Bircher inneundo. Ann Coulter had nothing new to get attention with so she came up with regurgitating this dumbass conspiritard gibberish again, and of course applying it to Obama and the Democrats, with zero new evidence, just the same old baseless hyperbolic repackaged narratives for a younger and dumber audience.
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

That's all horseshit, of course. It's the commie version of American history. It's unfortunate that it's the version students are spoon fed in college by commie professors. People are right not to trust communist, and especially not when they hold sensitive positions in the government. A communist, in those days, was someone who took orders from Joseph Stalin. Getting these people out of our government was all McCarthy tried to do, and he was totally justified in doing it. For that he is vilified.

BTW, numskull, McCarthy had nothing to do with the so-called "Hollywood blacklist." Furthermore, everyone on it turned out to be a member of the communist party.
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

That's all horseshit, of course. It's the commie version of American history. It's unfortunate that it's the version students are spoon fed in college by commie professors. People are right not to trust communist, and especially not when they hold sensitive positions in the government. A communist, in those days, was someone who took orders from Joseph Stalin. Getting these people out of our government was all McCarthy tried to do, and he was totally justified in doing it. For that he is vilified.

BTW, numskull, McCarthy had nothing to do with the so-called "Hollywood blacklist." Furthermore, everyone on it turned out to be a member of the communist party.

See how it works. This is the McCarthy legacy. Same old dumb stuff. Brainwashed students and commie professors!!!!!! Beware!!!!!
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

Don't despair, amigo.

This is the second round of these idiots crawling out from under their rocks that I've lived through.

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See how it works. This is the McCarthy legacy. Same old dumb stuff. Brainwashed students and commie professors!!!!!! Beware!!!!!

Don't be naive. The posters reviving this are themselves commies, running false flag psy ops on message boards. They hope to desensitize us all to the real commie threat by incessantly posting ridiculous and clinically insane narratives over and over and over again until nobody pays attention any more, so you can bet these posters like Frank and the rest are hardcore neo-commies.
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Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

That's all horseshit, of course. It's the commie version of American history. It's unfortunate that it's the version students are spoon fed in college by commie professors. People are right not to trust communist, and especially not when they hold sensitive positions in the government. A communist, in those days, was someone who took orders from Joseph Stalin. Getting these people out of our government was all McCarthy tried to do, and he was totally justified in doing it. For that he is vilified.

BTW, numskull, McCarthy had nothing to do with the so-called "Hollywood blacklist." Furthermore, everyone on it turned out to be a member of the communist party.

See how it works. This is the McCarthy legacy. Same old dumb stuff. Brainwashed students and commie professors!!!!!! Beware!!!!!

You mean truth? Yeah, that does get old. Propaganda makes you feel so much better.

BTW, did you ever consider trying to prove your moronic claims?

Do you think known communists should have been allowed to retain sensitive positions in the State Dept and other government agencies?
Don't despair, amigo.

This is the second round of these idiots crawling out from under their rocks that I've lived through.]

I don't think anyone with your intellectual credentials should go around calling anyone an idiot.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

only to the braindead
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

only to the braindead

McCarthy era translation of "fellow traveler" was an easy way to brand someone a communist sympathizer when actual allegations and accusations couldn't be proven. McCarthy and his kind were and are the bright lighted example of governnment institutionalized "bearing of false withness" to demonize, silence and punish individual citizens that challange the status quo and established political ideology that holds power, complete or shared.
It was never against the law to attend communist meeting in the USA. It was never against the law to be curious about what communism, the new ideology that had taken hold in Russia and was growing in parts of Europe. It wasn't even against the law to be a member of the communist party. The vast majority of those attacked by the McCarthy era conspiracy theorist were attacked not for joining the party, but for attending one of even a few meetings or for having associations with members. Guilt by association and guilt for participating in constitutionally quaranteed rights because the right of the individual had been demonized.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Turns out that McCarthy was right.

60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Turns out that McCarthy was right.


How was he right? At best you can bring up the Verona papers to indicate the Soviets had a normal and expected spying program. No larger or more significant than the one we maintained or what was normally maintained by most nations during that period.
McCathy was wrong.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Sadly, the press is not free enough for this to happen again.

When Obama took office the US was ranked about 20th in the world in terms of free press. Today it is ranked around 47th in the world.
The man was such a drunken nasty embarrassment even the GOP got rid of him.

Now some of you folks think that the GOP was mistaken.

Anticommie revisionism lives on.
After over a half century since demonization was recognized as a method and technique to scare and mislead citizens it is still used successfully by segments of our political structure. It is not a coincedence that the supporters of those that continue to use these methods and techniques are the same ones who attempt to defend the methods and techniques of the McCarthy era.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

What's truly scary is you believe the constant parroting of right wing propaganda, and you're not alone. The more lies, half-truths and character assassinations posted on line by true believers like you, more demagogues and charlatans exploit the voters and some even get elected to high office (see the H. of Rep. for evidence).

Hillary was correct, there is a vast right wing conspiracy and you are a fellow traveler of that movement.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

What's truly scary is you believe the constant parroting of right wing propaganda, and you're not alone. The more lies, half-truths and character assassinations posted on line by true believers like you, more demagogues and charlatans exploit the voters and some even get elected to high office (see the H. of Rep. for evidence).

Hillary was correct, there is a vast right wing conspiracy and you are a fellow traveler of that movement.

So your criticism of my post boils down to this: I'm a right-winger. Other than that, you haven't said a thing. You certainly haven't supported your claim that McCarthy was some kind of monster. You've called him many names, but you haven't supported any of the charges against him. For instance, can you name a single person whose life he supposedly ruined that wasn't a communist?

Feel free to post whatever evidence you have. This is your chance to put McCarthy's reputation in a coffin once and for all.
After over a half century since demonization was recognized as a method and technique to scare and mislead citizens it is still used successfully by segments of our political structure. It is not a coincedence that the supporters of those that continue to use these methods and techniques are the same ones who attempt to defend the methods and techniques of the McCarthy era.

Hmmmm . . . . . moron, you do realize, of course, that no one has been demonized more than McCarthy himself. It's come to the point where liberals use stories about him to scare little children. If any group is guilty of the crime of "McCarthyism," it's the left-wingers who demonize McCarthy.

The hypocrisy couldn't be more profound.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

Turns out that McCarthy was right.


How was he right? At best you can bring up the Verona papers to indicate the Soviets had a normal and expected spying program. No larger or more significant than the one we maintained or what was normally maintained by most nations during that period.
McCathy was wrong.

"Normal and expected spying program?" I've never seen such idiocy in print before, not even on the internet. The Soviets had the most massive spying program every conceived. They had spies in every level of the U.S. government, even right at the top. The rest of the world had spy programs solely to deal with Soviet aggression.

Soviet espionage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the 1920s Soviet intelligence focused on military and industrial espionage in the United States, specifically in the aircraft and munitions industries, and penetrating the mainline federal government bureaucracies, such as the United States Department of State and War Department.[citation needed] These efforts had mixed results. A front organization was created by a NKVD agent in 1928 for the infiltration and placement of scientists into industry and government: the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (FAECT). "The FAECT never attracted enough followers to make an impact in labor conditions, but it served the progressive cause in other ways."

One chief aim was the infiltration, placement, and subversion of American political life at all levels of society. Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA), served as an agent recruiter himself on behalf of Soviet intelligence.[1][5]

Browder later stated that "by the mid-thirties, the Party was not putting its principal emphasis on recruiting members." Left unstated was his intent to use party members for espionage work, where suitable. Browder advocated the use of a United Front involving other members of the left, both to strengthen advocacy of pro-Soviet policy and to enlarge the pool of potential recruits for espionage work. The illegal residency of NKVD in the US was established in 1934 by the former Berlin resident Boris Bazarov.[6] In 1935, NKVD agent Iskhak Akhmerov entered the US with false identity papers to assist Bazarov in the collection of useful intelligence, and operated without interruption until 1939, when he left the US. Akhmerov's wife, an American who worked for Soviet intelligence, was Helen Lowry (Elza Akhmerova), the niece of CPUSA General Secretary Earl Browder. Recent information from Soviet archives have revealed that Browder's younger sister Marguerite worked until 1938 as an NKVD operative in Europe. She discontinued this work only when Browder himself requested her release from duty, fearful that her work would compromise his position as General Secretary.[1]

In the 1930s, the chief Soviet espionage organization operating in the U.S. became the GRU. J. Peters, headed the secret apparatus that supplied internal government documents from the Ware group to the GRU. Browder assisted Peters in building a network of operatives in the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This group included Alger Hiss, John Abt, and Lee Pressman. Courier for the group at the time was Whittaker Chambers. Browder oversaw the efforts of Jacob Golos and his girlfriend, Elizabeth Bentley, whose network of agents and sources included two key figures at the Department of Treasury, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and Harry Dexter White.

The Russians even managed to infiltrate the Manahattan project and steal the secret of the atomic bomb.

The extent of Soviet spying was massive. Nothing like it has ever been seen or ever will be seen in the future.

It's obvious that like all the dedicated McCarthy haters you're just another fellow traveler.
After over a half century since demonization was recognized as a method and technique to scare and mislead citizens it is still used successfully by segments of our political structure. It is not a coincedence that the supporters of those that continue to use these methods and techniques are the same ones who attempt to defend the methods and techniques of the McCarthy era.

Hmmmm . . . . . moron, you do realize, of course, that no one has been demonized more than McCarthy himself. It's come to the point where liberals use stories about him to scare little children. If any group is guilty of the crime of "McCarthyism," it's the left-wingers who demonize McCarthy.

The hypocrisy couldn't be more profound.

McCarthy demonized himself. He publicly made claims and allegations against people and was exposed to be a liar and to have purposely and maliciously bore false witness against people. He was rejected by his own party and followers when they discovered how truely evil that man was. He helped put the country through a shameful era and was rightfully judged a horrible human being. Right wingers believed he was evil as much as left wingers. Everyone believed he was an evil POS by the time his circus master days were over. Republican leaders like President Eisenhower detested him.

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