60 years ago, Edward Murrow took down Joe Mccarthy

I remember the McCarthy era. It was as close as the USA ever came to outright fascism.


Man, your killing me!

How is investigating people in sensitive positions to determine whether they have ties to the communist party "close to fascism?"

He was eventually officially censured, and then quickly drank himself to death. A grateful nation gave thanks to God and the whiskey industry..

That's all lies, of course. Virtually everything the left says about McCarthy is a lie.

By the way, that whole Welch exchange was an utter distortion. Welch asked McCarthy what evidence McCarthy had that Welch's aid was a communist, and McCarthy gave it to him. Welch then staged some political theatre for the cameras which Edward R. Murrow played without context over and over and over again, sort of like the Rodney King arrest.

It was classic Goebbels style propaganda.
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The only response to McCarthy attackers, or those that belittle McCarthy's efforts is to label the attackers communists. That was always McCarthy's response to an attack and it still is the best defense.
Murrow helped but it was McCarthy himself that brought down McCarthy. McCartthy's exhibition before the Army-McCarthy hearings is what did old Joe in. The Army-McCartyy tapes should be shown on tv on a regular basis so that America realizes how fear can be used to create more fear and finally put wedges into a nation.

McCarthy and Cruz have so very much in common.
One wonders if Cruz is modeling himself after McCarthy.
I remember the McCarthy era. It was as close as the USA ever came to outright fascism.


Man, your killing me!

How is investigating people in sensitive positions to determine whether they have ties to the communist party "close to fascism?"

He was eventually officially censured, and then quickly drank himself to death. A grateful nation gave thanks to God and the whiskey industry..

That's all lies, of course. Virtually everything the left says about McCarthy is a lie.

By the way, that whole Welch exchange was an utter distortion. Welch asked McCarthy what evidence McCarthy had that Welch's aid was a communist, and McCarthy gave it to him. Welch then stage some political theatre for the cameras which Edward R. Murrow played without context over and over and over again, sort of like the Rodney King arrest.

It was classic Goebbels style propaganda.

...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....
I remember the McCarthy era. It was as close as the USA ever came to outright fascism.


Man, your killing me!

How is investigating people in sensitive positions to determine whether they have ties to the communist party "close to fascism?"

He was eventually officially censured, and then quickly drank himself to death. A grateful nation gave thanks to God and the whiskey industry..

That's all lies, of course. Virtually everything the left says about McCarthy is a lie.

By the way, that whole Welch exchange was an utter distortion. Welch asked McCarthy what evidence McCarthy had that Welch's aid was a communist, and McCarthy gave it to him. Welch then stage some political theatre for the cameras which Edward R. Murrow played without context over and over and over again, sort of like the Rodney King arrest.

It was classic Goebbels style propaganda.

...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....

And your posts are but tired cliches which state nothing more than the conventional dumbness of the day.

You help perpetuate other's ignorance like your own.

Man, your killing me!

How is investigating people in sensitive positions to determine whether they have ties to the communist party "close to fascism?"

That's all lies, of course. Virtually everything the left says about McCarthy is a lie.

By the way, that whole Welch exchange was an utter distortion. Welch asked McCarthy what evidence McCarthy had that Welch's aid was a communist, and McCarthy gave it to him. Welch then stage some political theatre for the cameras which Edward R. Murrow played without context over and over and over again, sort of like the Rodney King arrest. There was no grief when he died.

It was classic Goebbels style propaganda.

...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....

And your posts are but tired cliches which state nothing more than the conventional dumbness of the day.

You help perpetuate other's ignorance like your own.

Also, for trivia buffs, "Tailgunner Joe's" career was the inspiration for the movie, "The Manchurian Candidate" in 1962. The candidate for VP in the movie was based on Joe's career. The character is an undercover dupe of the Chinese communists, forever waving pieces of paper purportedly listing names of communists in the State Department. When he complains to his "handler" (his wife), that she is always changing the number of communists that he is exposing, she replies, "Just keep yelling "point of order". to the chairman of the House un-American Activities Committee. Nobody is asking IF there are communists in the State Department. They are asking "How MANY communists are in the State department".

And Mojo, I was watching when Joe was destroying people and their careers, in order to advance his own career. You were not. Murrow took him down, and when Joe looked for support in his own party, even Ike turned his back on him. The man was evil personified. He was a fraud, and opportunist, and a drunk. He was also the most dangerous man in politics that this country has ever seen. He even went after George Marshall, who was the senior military officer in WW2.

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...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....

And your posts are but tired cliches which state nothing more than the conventional dumbness of the day.

You help perpetuate other's ignorance like your own.

Also, for trivia buffs, "Tailgunner Joe's" career was the inspiration for the movie, "The Manchurian Candidate" in 1962. The candidate for VP in the movie was based on Joe's career. The character is an undercover dupe of the Chinese communists, forever waving pieces of paper purportedly listing names of communists in the State Department. When he complains to his "handler" (his wife), that she is always changing the number of communists that he is exposing, she replies, "Just keep yelling "point of order". to the chairman of the House un-American Activities Committee. Nobody is asking IF there are communists in the State Department. They are asking "How MANY communists are in the State department".

And Mojo, I was watching when Joe was destroying people and their careers, in order to advance his own career. You were not. Murrow took him down, and when Joe looked for support in his own party, even Ike turned his back on him. The man was evil personified. He was a fraud, and opportunist, and a drunk. He was also the most dangerous man in politics that this country has ever seen. He even went after George Marshall, who was the senior military officer in WW2.

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the service he performed for this country, of ridding it of much of the Communist influences in Government is only now being appreciated.

With the sudden proliferation of Commies in the actual White House, in the West Wing and the Oval Office (!!! :eek: !!!) it seems we need Tailgunner Joe to be revived so he can clean 'em out once more.

Just because you witness something doesn't mean you know what you are seeing.

Millions of Americans SAW Obama campaign for the nomination and then the job of POTUS.

But how many of you actually understood what you were seeing?

You didn't.

So, much for your having been witness to history meaning anything as far as proving a point.

It doesn't.
The only response to McCarthy attackers, or those that belittle McCarthy's efforts is to label the attackers communists. That was always McCarthy's response to an attack and it still is the best defense.
Murrow helped but it was McCarthy himself that brought down McCarthy. McCartthy's exhibition before the Army-McCarthy hearings is what did old Joe in. The Army-McCartyy tapes should be shown on tv on a regular basis so that America realizes how fear can be used to create more fear and finally put wedges into a nation.

McCarthy and Cruz have so very much in common.
One wonders if Cruz is modeling himself after McCarthy.

Ladies and Gents,

That is a comment typical of the Liberal mindset, which actually believes that if your opponent LOOKS like someone who is demonized they will also think and behave like that demon.

One of my old sales managers looked like The Fonz. People sometimes asked him if he was The Fonz.

But he wasn't the coolest guy around. And he didn't ride a motorcycle.

Does that surprise you?



Then I might be the first person to tell you that you don't take on Cary Grant's persona just because he's your avi image.

Although, an argument to support the idea of people acting like those they resemble, MIGHT be made with the strange case of our poster, Candycorn and Sandra Flukke, the woman in her avi.

I think we captured lightning in a bottle with [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION].

She is as much a 'ho' as Ms. Flukke, the bitch who goes through $3k of Trojans a month.


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I remember the McCarthy era. It was as close as the USA ever came to outright fascism.


Man, your killing me!

How is investigating people in sensitive positions to determine whether they have ties to the communist party "close to fascism?"

He was eventually officially censured, and then quickly drank himself to death. A grateful nation gave thanks to God and the whiskey industry..

That's all lies, of course. Virtually everything the left says about McCarthy is a lie.

By the way, that whole Welch exchange was an utter distortion. Welch asked McCarthy what evidence McCarthy had that Welch's aid was a communist, and McCarthy gave it to him. Welch then stage some political theatre for the cameras which Edward R. Murrow played without context over and over and over again, sort of like the Rodney King arrest.

It was classic Goebbels style propaganda.

...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....

Yes. Knowing the facts instead of having a head full of left-wing propaganda is the reason home schooling is far superior to government schooling.

The Real McCarthy Record, Page 4

The Fred Fisher Episode. On June 9th, the 30th day of the hearings, Welch was engaged in baiting Roy Cohn, challenging him to get 130 communists or subversives out of defense plants "before the sun goes down." The treatment of Cohn angered McCarthy and he said that if Welch were so concerned about persons aiding the Communist Party, he should check on a man in his Boston law office named Fred Fisher, who had once belonged to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), which Attorney General Brownell had called "the legal mouthpiece of the Communist Party." Welch then delivered the most famous lines from the Army-McCarthy Hearings, accusing McCarthy of "reckless cruelty" and concluding: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?"

The fact of the matter was that Fred Fisher's connection with the National Lawyers Guild had been widely publicized two months earlier. Page 12 of the April 16th New York Times had carried a picture of Fisher and a story about his removal from Welch's team because of his past association with the NLG. If Mr. Welch was so worried that McCarthy's remarks might inflict a lifelong "scar" on Fisher's reputation, why did he dramatize the incident in such histrionic fashion? The reason, of course, was that McCarthy had fallen into a trap in raising the Fisher issue, and Welch, superb showman that he was, played the scene for all it was worth. Was Fred Fisher hurt by the incident? Not at all. He became a partner in Welch's Boston law firm, Hale & Dorr, and was elected president of the Massachusetts Bar Association in the mid-1970s.
...and this, ladies and gentleman, is the tragic result of home schooling....

And your posts are but tired cliches which state nothing more than the conventional dumbness of the day.

You help perpetuate other's ignorance like your own.

Also, for trivia buffs, "Tailgunner Joe's" career was the inspiration for the movie, "The Manchurian Candidate" in 1962. The candidate for VP in the movie was based on Joe's career. The character is an undercover dupe of the Chinese communists, forever waving pieces of paper purportedly listing names of communists in the State Department. When he complains to his "handler" (his wife), that she is always changing the number of communists that he is exposing, she replies, "Just keep yelling "point of order". to the chairman of the House un-American Activities Committee. Nobody is asking IF there are communists in the State Department. They are asking "How MANY communists are in the State department".]

And the plot of a movie proves exactly what?

And Mojo, I was watching when Joe was destroying people and their careers, in order to advance his own career. You were not. Murrow took him down, and when Joe looked for support in his own party, even Ike turned his back on him. The man was evil personified. He was a fraud, and opportunist, and a drunk. He was also the most dangerous man in politics that this country has ever seen. He even went after George Marshall, who was the senior military officer in WW2.

Who did McCarthy "destroy" who wasn't a communist?

Do you have anything on McCarthy that isn't a cheap ad hominem from the gutter?

George Marshall was something of a fellow traveler who played a large part in turning over China to the communists. McCarthy's criticisms of Marshall were accurate.
The only response to McCarthy attackers, or those that belittle McCarthy's efforts is to label the attackers communists. That was always McCarthy's response to an attack and it still is the best defense.
Murrow helped but it was McCarthy himself that brought down McCarthy. McCartthy's exhibition before the Army-McCarthy hearings is what did old Joe in. The Army-McCartyy tapes should be shown on tv on a regular basis so that America realizes how fear can be used to create more fear and finally put wedges into a nation.

McCarthy and Cruz have so very much in common.
One wonders if Cruz is modeling himself after McCarthy.

One wonders if you haven't had a frontal lobotomy.
the left and the rewriting of history so people accept communism which they are now imposing on the people in this country

just shameful more people don't wake up to this
Murrow wasn't even the one who tooko down McCarthy. His broadcast came so late that the senator's popularity was already completely toasted by other journalists. The Murrow vs. McCarthy take down is largely hyperbolic and mythical.

The defenders of McCarthy today use the same old discarded rhetoric, call your enemies "communists."
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McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

The new medium aired his worst traits for all of America to see. He was argumentative, rude, annoying, and usually drunk. The Army’s counsel caught Roy Cohn citing doctored photos as evidence. At one point the senator blurted out that the Army’s chief lawyer, Joseph Welch, had a young colleague with supposed Communist connections.

The dignified, bow-tied Welch coolly replied, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. . . . Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I’m a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.” The standing-room-only crowd erupted in applause.

When McCarthy tried to persist in his assault, Welch said, “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” The effect was devastating.

And so the hearings broke McCarthy’s hold on the Senate. His public image plummeted. Soon only a third of Americans viewed him favorably. Ralph Flanders, a moderate Republican senator from Vermont, introduced the resolution for censure. At first the idea seemed absurd—the Senate had censured only five men in its history—but then Lyndon Johnson, a rising Democratic star, gave the resolution his support.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?


In the 1940's, Soviet spies in the WH advised FDR to surrender Eastern Europe to Joe Stalin and give Mao control of China. FDR aided and abetted history's two biggest mass murderers: Stalin and Mao and was so in love with Totalitarianism that he called Stalin "Uncle Joe".

In 1948-49 the USSR tried to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade.

McCarthy made his first speech on Soviet infiltration of the White House in February 1951.

The Summer of 1951 would see Communist and ChiComs killing US soldiers in Korea

And, in the Bizzaroland of the LMSM, this was how McCarthy started a "Red Scare"
The people AT THE TIME fully understood what a drunken, lying, wanker McCarthey was.

THAT is why the GOP got rid of the man.
Then later, McCarthy was vindicated.

In the minds of ignorant, weak headed folks.

Unfortunately for you, Fake, the historical record paints an entirely different picture. I realize that anything fact related is far too advanced for a low info partisan like you, but rthe facts are just so stubborn.

There were coomunist members in high roles of government at that time, as McCarthy tried to show. It's all in the record, loser.
The people AT THE TIME fully understood what a drunken, lying, wanker McCarthey was.

THAT is why the GOP got rid of the man.

And in the end, he was vindicated and was correct. That you stopped paying attention, or failed to see the event through to when the files that proved him correct were released, only means you're ignorant. Dont worry about it, though. Many, many low info voters stopped paying attention.

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