60 years ago, Edward Murrow took down Joe Mccarthy

My interest is piqued by this book;

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies: M. Stanton Evans: 9781400081066: Amazon.com: Books

Accused of creating a bogus Red Scare and smearing countless innocent victims in a five-year reign of terror, Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts.

But that conventional image is all wrong, as veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans reveals in this groundbreaking book. The long-awaited Blacklisted by History, based on six years of intensive research, dismantles the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy and his campaign to unmask Communists, Soviet agents, and flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government. Evans’s revelations completely overturn our understanding of McCarthy, McCarthyism, and the Cold War.

Drawing on primary sources—including never-before-published government records and FBI files, as well as recent research gleaned from Soviet archives and intercepted transmissions between Moscow spymasters and their agents in the United States—Evans presents irrefutable evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our government, influence its policies, and steal its secrets. Most shocking of all, he shows that U.S. officials supposedly guarding against this danger not only let it happen but actively covered up the penetration. All of this was precisely as Joe McCarthy contended.

We had a thread on that book and the co-author chimed in and schooled Starkey who is apparently incapable of learning

Murrow wasn't even the one who tooko down McCarthy. His broadcast came so late that the senator's popularity was already completely toasted by other journalists. The Murrow vs. McCarthy take down is largely hyperbolic and mythical.

The defenders of McCarthy today use the same old discarded rhetoric, call your enemies "communists."

If the shoe fits...
The people AT THE TIME fully understood what a drunken, lying, wanker McCarthey was.

THAT is why the GOP got rid of the man.

At this time, people understand that McCarthy probably underestimated the level and degree to which the Democrat White House was subservient to Stalin and Communism
McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

The new medium aired his worst traits for all of America to see. He was argumentative, rude, annoying, and usually drunk. The Army’s counsel caught Roy Cohn citing doctored photos as evidence. At one point the senator blurted out that the Army’s chief lawyer, Joseph Welch, had a young colleague with supposed Communist connections.

The dignified, bow-tied Welch coolly replied, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. . . . Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I’m a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.” The standing-room-only crowd erupted in applause.

When McCarthy tried to persist in his assault, Welch said, “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” The effect was devastating.

And so the hearings broke McCarthy’s hold on the Senate. His public image plummeted. Soon only a third of Americans viewed him favorably. Ralph Flanders, a moderate Republican senator from Vermont, introduced the resolution for censure. At first the idea seemed absurd—the Senate had censured only five men in its history—but then Lyndon Johnson, a rising Democratic star, gave the resolution his support.

You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC
60 years ago communists defeated a concerned American patriot.

There, fixed the title

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

The new medium aired his worst traits for all of America to see. He was argumentative, rude, annoying, and usually drunk. The Army’s counsel caught Roy Cohn citing doctored photos as evidence. At one point the senator blurted out that the Army’s chief lawyer, Joseph Welch, had a young colleague with supposed Communist connections.

The dignified, bow-tied Welch coolly replied, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. . . . Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I’m a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.” The standing-room-only crowd erupted in applause.

When McCarthy tried to persist in his assault, Welch said, “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” The effect was devastating.

And so the hearings broke McCarthy’s hold on the Senate. His public image plummeted. Soon only a third of Americans viewed him favorably. Ralph Flanders, a moderate Republican senator from Vermont, introduced the resolution for censure. At first the idea seemed absurd—the Senate had censured only five men in its history—but then Lyndon Johnson, a rising Democratic star, gave the resolution his support.

You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.
McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

First things. Are you a Moron? If charged were filed against you, would you claim Diminished Capacity as a defense?
McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

don't sweat it CF is just a liar
McCarthy and HUAC both were detestable, not to mention none of them turned up any commie in important positions anywhere.

I'm sure most people don't know that those wonderful Brothers Kennedy were 110% behind ole Joe, and just couldn't suck themselves enough Joe Mc ass. The Johnson/Kennedy hate fest was in no small part because of Johnson's loathing of McCarthy.

And, it was the Army lawyer Joseph Welch who humiliated McCarthy on national television, not Murrow, and Lyndon Johnson who was responsible for the Senate's censure of McCarthy following that appearance.

The Humiliation of Joseph McCarthy

You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

Partial List of Communists "Rooted out" by McCarthy

Lauchlin Currie, Gustavo Duran, Theodore Geiger, Mary Jane Keeney, Edward Posniak, Haldore Hanson, John Carter Vincent, Owen Lattimore, Edward Rothschild, Irving Peress, and Annie Lee Moss.

So Liar or Moron, which is it?
You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

don't sweat it CF is just a liar

So back to playing with your Legos, the grown ups are talking
The dirty little secret is that 60 years ago well up to about 20 years ago the only information available to Americans was filtered through a liberal established media and slanted toward the democrat party. There was no Fox or talk radio and Morrow and Cronkite editorialized any way they wanted. It's reasonable to refer to senator McCarthy as bellicose and perhaps a bit bombastic but it is ignorant to blame McCarthy for the anti-communist hearings and legislative agenda when the democrat party was in charge at the time the phrase McCarthyism was coined by a socialist pundit who hated republicans.
Democrats hate McCarthy for pointing out Genuine Communist spies who worked at the White House and subverted US policy for their benefit and they hate Ronald Reagan for collapsing the USSR and freeing Eastern Europe

Do you see a pattern here?
The dirty little secret is that 60 years ago well up to about 20 years ago the only information available to Americans was filtered through a liberal established media and slanted toward the democrat party. There was no Fox or talk radio and Morrow and Cronkite editorialized any way they wanted. It's reasonable to refer to senator McCarthy as bellicose and perhaps a bit bombastic but it is ignorant to blame McCarthy for the anti-communist hearings and legislative agenda when the democrat party was in charge at the time the phrase McCarthyism was coined by a socialist pundit who hated republicans.

^ Winnah Winnah!
So Picaro, will you admit you were ignorant of the genuine Communist spies outed by McCarthy?
You're either a liar or a moron because McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the HUAC

I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

don't sweat it CF is just a liar

Yes, apparently so; after seeing his alleged 'list of communists' we can add 'Crank' to his reportorial failings, along with poor reading skills.
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I didn't claim McCarthy and HUAC were the same, speaking of morons and liars. As for your revisionism, it's a load of rubbish; McCarthy never rooted out or found a single Red in any important capacity, so whether they existed or not is moot with regard to McCarthy; he was merely a drunken bully and posturing hack, which is why his own Party sent him out the back door.

don't sweat it CF is just a liar

Yes, apparently so; after seeing his alleged 'list of communists' we can add 'Crank' to his reportorial failings, along with poor reading skills.

I get it, you're ignorant. That's OK. It's not your fault, you were trained not to think and you've learned that lesson well.
The dirty little secret is that 60 years ago well up to about 20 years ago the only information available to Americans was filtered through a liberal established media and slanted toward the democrat party. There was no Fox or talk radio and Morrow and Cronkite editorialized any way they wanted. It's reasonable to refer to senator McCarthy as bellicose and perhaps a bit bombastic but it is ignorant to blame McCarthy for the anti-communist hearings and legislative agenda when the democrat party was in charge at the time the phrase McCarthyism was coined by a socialist pundit who hated republicans.

Progressive are pathological liars and have been telling us for generations that "McCarthy's HUAC Blacklisted Innocent people like Zero Mostel and started a Red Scare!!"

It's like LBJ's -- Civil Rights Hero or FDR -- Economic Savior, it's the exact OPPOSITE of the Truth
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Progressive union educated people are victims of pop-culture history. The truth is out there but it's easier to hate republicans than look for it.
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.

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