60 years ago, Edward Murrow took down Joe Mccarthy

After over a half century since demonization was recognized as a method and technique to scare and mislead citizens it is still used successfully by segments of our political structure. It is not a coincedence that the supporters of those that continue to use these methods and techniques are the same ones who attempt to defend the methods and techniques of the McCarthy era.

Hmmmm . . . . . moron, you do realize, of course, that no one has been demonized more than McCarthy himself. It's come to the point where liberals use stories about him to scare little children. If any group is guilty of the crime of "McCarthyism," it's the left-wingers who demonize McCarthy.

The hypocrisy couldn't be more profound.

McCarthy demonized himself. He publicly made claims and allegations against people and was exposed to be a liar and to have purposely and maliciously bore false witness against people. He was rejected by his own party and followers when they discovered how truely evil that man was. He helped put the country through a shameful era and was rightfully judged a horrible human being. Right wingers believed he was evil as much as left wingers. Everyone believed he was an evil POS by the time his circus master days were over. Republican leaders like President Eisenhower detested him.

People that detested McCarthy were obviously communists. Ike chose to destest McCarthy so....
Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

What's truly scary is you believe the constant parroting of right wing propaganda, and you're not alone. The more lies, half-truths and character assassinations posted on line by true believers like you, more demagogues and charlatans exploit the voters and some even get elected to high office (see the H. of Rep. for evidence).

Hillary was correct, there is a vast right wing conspiracy and you are a fellow traveler of that movement.

So your criticism of my post boils down to this: I'm a right-winger. Other than that, you haven't said a thing. You certainly haven't supported your claim that McCarthy was some kind of monster. You've called him many names, but you haven't supported any of the charges against him. For instance, can you name a single person whose life he supposedly ruined that wasn't a communist?

Feel free to post whatever evidence you have. This is your chance to put McCarthy's reputation in a coffin once and for all.

I don't have to name names, he was a drunk (see how he died) and there is an historical record of his excesses. He was a monster who harmed the lives of others for personal gain.

What's truly scary is you believe the constant parroting of right wing propaganda, and you're not alone. The more lies, half-truths and character assassinations posted on line by true believers like you, more demagogues and charlatans exploit the voters and some even get elected to high office (see the H. of Rep. for evidence).

Hillary was correct, there is a vast right wing conspiracy and you are a fellow traveler of that movement.

So your criticism of my post boils down to this: I'm a right-winger. Other than that, you haven't said a thing. You certainly haven't supported your claim that McCarthy was some kind of monster. You've called him many names, but you haven't supported any of the charges against him. For instance, can you name a single person whose life he supposedly ruined that wasn't a communist?

Feel free to post whatever evidence you have. This is your chance to put McCarthy's reputation in a coffin once and for all.

I don't have to name names, he was a drunk (see how he died) and there is an historical record of his excesses. He was a monster who harmed the lives of others for personal gain.


The so-called "historical record" is all fellow traveler and commie propaganda. Whether he was a "drunk" or not is beside the point. For the record, McCarthy didn't drink anymore than a typical Washington politician. he nursed a single drink all night.

You and the rest of your Komrades keep claiming he "harmed the lives of others for personal gain." If that's so, then why can't you name anyone he supposedly harmed who wasn't a communist? The answer is that you can't because there is no such person.

Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis."
Hmmmm . . . . . moron, you do realize, of course, that no one has been demonized more than McCarthy himself. It's come to the point where liberals use stories about him to scare little children. If any group is guilty of the crime of "McCarthyism," it's the left-wingers who demonize McCarthy.

The hypocrisy couldn't be more profound.

McCarthy demonized himself. He publicly made claims and allegations against people and was exposed to be a liar and to have purposely and maliciously bore false witness against people. He was rejected by his own party and followers when they discovered how truely evil that man was. He helped put the country through a shameful era and was rightfully judged a horrible human being. Right wingers believed he was evil as much as left wingers. Everyone believed he was an evil POS by the time his circus master days were over. Republican leaders like President Eisenhower detested him.

People that detested McCarthy were obviously communists. Ike chose to destest McCarthy so....

Ike was about as right-wing as FDR. It's hardly surprising he didn't like McCarthy.
After over a half century since demonization was recognized as a method and technique to scare and mislead citizens it is still used successfully by segments of our political structure. It is not a coincedence that the supporters of those that continue to use these methods and techniques are the same ones who attempt to defend the methods and techniques of the McCarthy era.

Hmmmm . . . . . moron, you do realize, of course, that no one has been demonized more than McCarthy himself. It's come to the point where liberals use stories about him to scare little children. If any group is guilty of the crime of "McCarthyism," it's the left-wingers who demonize McCarthy.

The hypocrisy couldn't be more profound.

McCarthy demonized himself. He publicly made claims and allegations against people and was exposed to be a liar and to have purposely and maliciously bore false witness against people..

Really? Can you quote one of these supposed lies? Can you name anyone he falsely maligned? We're all waiting for one of you fellow travelers to produce at least a single name.

He was rejected by his own party and followers when they discovered how truely evil that man was. .

That was pure political expediency that was a result of the fact that the propaganda campaign by communists and fellow travelers succeeded. it was utterly disgraceful.

He helped put the country through a shameful era and was rightfully judged a horrible human being. Right wingers believed he was evil as much as left wingers. Everyone believed he was an evil POS by the time his circus master days were over. Republican leaders like President Eisenhower detested him.

Eisenhower was no "right-winger." He was as liberal as FDR. Everything else you posted is pure bullshit. It's fellow traveler propaganda. McCarthy saved this country from communist infiltration and subversion. McCarthy threatened to expose all the filthy despicable communist traitors scurrying around in the dark. He was the single greatest threat to the left of the 20th century. That's why fellow travelers like you hate him so fiercely and fought so viciously and underhandedly to destroy him.
What's truly scary is you believe the constant parroting of right wing propaganda, and you're not alone. The more lies, half-truths and character assassinations posted on line by true believers like you, more demagogues and charlatans exploit the voters and some even get elected to high office (see the H. of Rep. for evidence).

Hillary was correct, there is a vast right wing conspiracy and you are a fellow traveler of that movement.

So your criticism of my post boils down to this: I'm a right-winger. Other than that, you haven't said a thing. You certainly haven't supported your claim that McCarthy was some kind of monster. You've called him many names, but you haven't supported any of the charges against him. For instance, can you name a single person whose life he supposedly ruined that wasn't a communist?

Feel free to post whatever evidence you have. This is your chance to put McCarthy's reputation in a coffin once and for all.

I don't have to name names, he was a drunk (see how he died) and there is an historical record of his excesses. He was a monster who harmed the lives of others for personal gain.


You don't to to name names, Freddo because there aren't any and you're too much of a partisan hack to admit it
Up until now, I considered most of the ultra Right wing posters on this board to be nothing but a handful of cranks and nuts living in their parents basements, spinning their deluded paranoia and fantasies into vast conspiracy plots while worshiping Rush and Coulter. I have not thought of these people as actually dangerous, or even serious.

But, with this worship cult of McCarthy developing, I see that I have been wrong. McCarthy thrived on an atmosphere of fear and distrust. He had absolutely no ethics or sense of right or wrong. Looking back on that period of my life, I actually remember how the USA became a country where nobody trusted anyone, and the worst thing that could happen to you was to be called a communist. In fact, my aunt got into a feud with my brother and she did what was considered normal in those days. She accused him of being a communist. The Hollywood blacklist destroyed careers of talented writers and actors. Musicians would find themselves blacklisted, simply for recording a folk song that the Right found objectionable. MLK was branded a commie on billboards throughout the South. Teachers and professors lost their jobs. Even the clergy joined in to this toxic atmosphere. Charlie Chaplin was exiled to Europe, for communist leanings, because he mentioned the sacrifice that our ally, the Soviet Union, made against our enemy, the Nazi's. J. Edgar Hoover was hunting for commies under everybody's bed, while denying that there was any such thing as organized crime. He wrote a best selling book about the commies everywhere. The John Birch Society was at it's height of paranoia. Truman was called a commie, having been blamed, somehow, as being responsible for the loss of china. Even he bowed to the pressure by instigating a loyalty oath that all government employees had to swear to. Joe accused George Marshall of being a "fellow traveler'. Even Ike became too timid to buck McCarthy, when he failed to back Marshall. The only other person who made in big in American politics who was as dangerous as McCarthy was Hughie Long.

No, you people are not just a handful of lunatics. You are, in fact, the latest wave of neo Nazis, who, if given the opportunity, would bring this country to it's knees and destroy freedom as we know it. I am not going to dignify your idolization with comment of McCarthy any further. Having lived through this tragic period of our history once, I do not want to have to deal with such thinking again. I'm out of here.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Vandalshandle again.

Yep. Murrow was a Communist fellow traveler.

only to the braindead

McCarthy era translation of "fellow traveler" was an easy way to brand someone a communist sympathizer when actual allegations and accusations couldn't be proven. McCarthy and his kind were and are the bright lighted example of governnment institutionalized "bearing of false withness" to demonize, silence and punish individual citizens that challange the status quo and established political ideology that holds power, complete or shared.

Who did McCarthy bear false witness against? Can you name one person he lied about? If anyone has been lied about, it's McCarthy.

It was never against the law to attend communist meeting in the USA. It was never against the law to be curious about what communism, the new ideology that had taken hold in Russia and was growing in parts of Europe. It wasn't even against the law to be a member of the communist party.

Who ever said it was? However, that doesn't make it good government policy to allow such people to have sensitive positions in the State Dept or in the Military. No one was sent to prison by the McCarthy hearings. The worst thing that happened is they lost their jobs, and they deserved to get fired.

The vast majority of those attacked by the McCarthy era conspiracy theorist were attacked not for joining the party, but for attending one of even a few meetings or for having associations with members. Guilt by association and guilt for participating in constitutionally quaranteed rights because the right of the individual had been demonized.

"Attacked by the McCarthy era?" That's certainly a nebulous category. When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are the ones who were hauled in into the hearing to testify. These people were not innocent. They had done a lot more than attend a few meetings. They were hardened communists, official members of the party. They worked for communist front groups like the National Lawyers Guild.

Your characterization of the McCarthy era is pure bullshit.

It's obvious that you're a fellow traveler, chump. There's no difference between what you believe and what Alger Hiss believed.
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"When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are" everyone tainted by suspicion and innuendo and slander.

If bripat had been hauled in to testify as the anarchist he is, he would be screaming to the high heavens.
"When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are" everyone tainted by suspicion and innuendo and slander.

Wrong. Not everyone suspected of being a Communist is relevant because there were thousands upon thousands of such weasels, and McCarthy's hearings only concerned the few who held sensitive posts in the State Dept. and the Military.

If bripat had been hauled in to testify as the anarchist he is, he would be screaming to the high heavens.

I would never have been hauled in to testify because I have never been a member of the Communist party. I never took orders directly from Joseph Stalin, an official enemy of the United States, as did all members if the Communist Party during the McCarthy era.
"When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are" everyone tainted by suspicion and innuendo and slander.

If bripat had been hauled in to testify as the anarchist he is, he would be screaming to the high heavens.

Jake, how many times can you be proven wrong, yet you still continue posting your nonsense?
"When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are" everyone tainted by suspicion and innuendo and slander.

Wrong. Not everyone suspected of being a Communist is relevant because there were thousands upon thousands of such weasels, and McCarthy's hearings only concerned the few who held sensitive posts in the State Dept. and the Military.

If bripat had been hauled in to testify as the anarchist he is, he would be screaming to the high heavens.

I would never have been hauled in to testify because I have never been a member of the Communist party. I never took orders directly from Joseph Stalin, an official enemy of the United States, as did all members if the Communist Party during the McCarthy era.

Neither did many of those whose careers and lives were ruined by his asssinine witchhunt.

And, being communist is legal.
"When discussing McCarthy himself, the only people who are relevant are" everyone tainted by suspicion and innuendo and slander.

Wrong. Not everyone suspected of being a Communist is relevant because there were thousands upon thousands of such weasels, and McCarthy's hearings only concerned the few who held sensitive posts in the State Dept. and the Military.

If bripat had been hauled in to testify as the anarchist he is, he would be screaming to the high heavens.

I would never have been hauled in to testify because I have never been a member of the Communist party. I never took orders directly from Joseph Stalin, an official enemy of the United States, as did all members if the Communist Party during the McCarthy era.

Neither did many of those whose careers and lives were ruined by his asssinine witchhunt.

McCarthy didn't call anyone in to testify who wasn't later proven to be a loyal member of the communist party. He didn't ruin any innocent person's life. I've asked this question many times in the past, and I've never got an answer. I'll ask it one more time for your benefit: Can you name a single innocent person whose life McCarthy ruined? Just one?

And, being communist is legal.

It may be "legal," but they don't belong in sensitive positions in the State Dept or the military. Being an alcoholic is legal, but we don't knowingly hire them to drive buses or fly airplanes.

Also, Communists are traitors to their country. They owed fealty to Joseph Staling, a declared enemy of the United States. What kind of scumbag pledges his allegiance to an enemy of his country? These people deserved to be scorned.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

The comparisons between McCarthy and Issa are incredible.
So your criticism of my post boils down to this: I'm a right-winger. Other than that, you haven't said a thing. You certainly haven't supported your claim that McCarthy was some kind of monster. You've called him many names, but you haven't supported any of the charges against him. For instance, can you name a single person whose life he supposedly ruined that wasn't a communist?

Feel free to post whatever evidence you have. This is your chance to put McCarthy's reputation in a coffin once and for all.

I don't have to name names, he was a drunk (see how he died) and there is an historical record of his excesses. He was a monster who harmed the lives of others for personal gain.


The so-called "historical record" is all fellow traveler and commie propaganda. Whether he was a "drunk" or not is beside the point. For the record, McCarthy didn't drink anymore than a typical Washington politician. he nursed a single drink all night.

You and the rest of your Komrades keep claiming he "harmed the lives of others for personal gain." If that's so, then why can't you name anyone he supposedly harmed who wasn't a communist? The answer is that you can't because there is no such person.

Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis."

You are either the most ignorant person posting on this message board or one of the biggest liars.
I don't have to name names, he was a drunk (see how he died) and there is an historical record of his excesses. He was a monster who harmed the lives of others for personal gain.


The so-called "historical record" is all fellow traveler and commie propaganda. Whether he was a "drunk" or not is beside the point. For the record, McCarthy didn't drink anymore than a typical Washington politician. he nursed a single drink all night.

You and the rest of your Komrades keep claiming he "harmed the lives of others for personal gain." If that's so, then why can't you name anyone he supposedly harmed who wasn't a communist? The answer is that you can't because there is no such person.

Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis."

You are either the most ignorant person posting on this message board or one of the biggest liars.

Translation: You can't produce a single name of an innocent person who McCarthy "ruined."

You're just another fellow traveler.
60 Years Ago, Edward R. Murrow Took Down Joseph McCarthy

Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954 - YouTube

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


"He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully."

1954 was four years before I was born. Has anybody here studied the McCarthy era?

The comparisons between McCarthy and Issa are incredible.

Yep, incredibly moronic.
Joe McCarthy was a disaffected New Dealer who became a Communist agent, probably because of his disillusion with the New Deal not being radical enough for him and being a homosexual, and was recruited by the Soviets; many of the Soviet agents in the West, both in the U.S. and Europe were homosexuals. Harry Hays, the 'Father' of the Gay Rights movement in California was a Communist, as were the Reds who infiltrated British intelligence during and after WW II. J. Edgar Hoover was a fellow homosexual who constantly fed McCarthy information, of dubious nature, against his 'enemies'; this isn't a coincidence that can be ignored.

Joseph McCarthy : Biography

The list of names was not a secret and had been in fact published by the Secretary of State in 1946. These people had been identified during a preliminary screening of 3,000 federal employees. Some had been communists but others had been fascists, alcoholics and sexual deviants. As it happens, if McCarthy had been screened, his own drink problems and sexual preferences would have resulted in him being put on the list.


For some time opponents of McCarthy had been accumulating evidence concerning his homosexual activities. Several members of his staff, including Roy Cohn and David Schine, were also suspected of having a sexual relationship. Although well-known by political journalists, the first article about it did not appear until Hank Greenspun published an article in the Las Vegas Sun in 25th October, 1952. Greenspun wrote that: "It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous in the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy has often engaged in homosexual activities."
McCarthy considered a libel suit against Greenspun but decided against it when he was told by his lawyers that if the case went ahead he would have to take the witness stand and answer questions about his sexuality. In an attempt to stop the rumours circulating, McCarthy married his secretary, Jeannie Kerr. Later the couple adopted a five-week old girl from the New York Foundling Home.
Pic of McCarthy with the notorious homosexual Roy Cohn, one of his 'boys':


The Soviets urged him to leave the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party and help take it over, as they needed it as a secure front from which to undermine the U.S.; what better front for a Communist disinformation and government sabotage than controlling an 'Anti-Communist' media campaign, especially one that managed to never find a single real Soviet agent in its years of 'investigating' Communists in the U.S. Government, after all?

McCarthy first came to national attention not for anti-communist speeches but pro-Nazi activities in support of white-washing the Malmedy massacres, urging the release of the Nazi responsible. This media campaign was in reality an anti-American propaganda campaign, operated by a 'neo-Nazi' lawyer who was in fact a Soviet agent provocateur; McCarthy was recruited to promote it here, at the behest of his Soviet controllers.

Joe Conason Reviews Ann Coulter's Treason

But somehow she neglects to mention McCarthy's first moment in the national spotlight. That was his infamous 1949 campaign on behalf of Nazi S.S. officers who were convicted of war crimes for the massacre of American troops in the town of Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge. On their orders, 83 American prisoners of war had been murdered by Waffen S.S. machine-gunners. The S.S. officers were sentenced to death, but McCarthy insisted that the entire case was a frame-up, with confessions obtained by horrific torture. He intervened in Senate hearings on the case and lied repeatedly during his defense of the Nazi murderers. His most spectacular claim was that the American investigators had crushed the testicles of German prisoners as an interrogation technique. McCarthy was later shown to have served as the pawn of neo-Nazi and communist provocateurs who were using the Malmedy case to whip up anti-American sentiment in postwar Germany. The main source for his false charges concerning Malmedy was a Germany lawyer named Rudolf Aschenauer, whose closest ties were to the postwar Nazi underground and to American right-wing isolationists, but who has also been identified as a communist agent. Aschenauer testified at U.S. Senate hearings in Germany that he had passed information about Malmedy to McCarthy. The S.S. officers were guilty, as the Senate report confirmed -- although most of them later got their death sentences commuted in a gesture to former Nazi officials who aided the West in the Cold War. But McCarthy had succeeded in his larger purpose, winning publicity for himself and casting a negative light on the war-crimes trials.

By Coulter's loose definition, his involvement in the Malmedy incident proves that McCarthy was a "traitor." He lied publicly to advance totalitarian forces in Europe against American interests. He sided with enemy forces against American soldiers. He falsely accused American officials of crimes. Moreover, he took up this tainted cause at least in part because of heavy financial support from an ultra-right-wing German-American businessman in Wisconsin. He managed to help both Nazis and communists at once, a feat rarely seen since the end of the Hitler-Stalin pact.
We can also note that the vast majority of those McCarthy claimed to be 'communist spies' were in fact China hands, with whom the Soviets had a falling out and had a real interest in sabotaging any detente between Washington and Peking, particularly after their rift over the Korean War, instigated and then abandoned by the Soviets, which China considered a betrayal, especially since the Soviets refused to either contribute arms to what became a Chinese show and demanding payments in gold for Soviet weapons sold to China. This rift lasted for decades afterward, and almost led to a war between the Soviet Union and China several times. Very convenient, isn't it?

So, to sum up, Joe McCarthy was a homosexual Communist and Soviet agent who worked to paralyze and divide and subvert the U.S. Government and its people from within, and deflect attention away from real Soviet spy rings operating in the U.S. And prevent any U.S. foreign policy that would lead to rapprochement with a Soviet rival state in Asia. And now, neo-Communist agents are trying to revive his 'legacy'; recycle, rinse, and repeat; we can see the results in the current GOP support for ex-KGB agent and Communist Vladimir Putin by the 'right wing' today, and its support for 'trade with Red China'.

All the above evidence of Joe McCarthy's working for the Soviets is according to the 'rules' of evidence used by McCarthyites themselves, and therefore valid by their own standards of proof, so pay no attention to communist operatives like Frank and his fellow travellers as they try to resurrect this old Soviet disinformation campaign as put forth by their fellow Commie Ann Coulter and false flag sites like Free Republic and Town Hall, as well as their advocacy of subversive and destructive economic policies that are guaranteed to destroy the U.S. from within. The so-called 'right wingers' are in fact the real Communist conspiracy working to destroy America.
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The so-called "historical record" is all fellow traveler and commie propaganda. Whether he was a "drunk" or not is beside the point. For the record, McCarthy didn't drink anymore than a typical Washington politician. he nursed a single drink all night.

You and the rest of your Komrades keep claiming he "harmed the lives of others for personal gain." If that's so, then why can't you name anyone he supposedly harmed who wasn't a communist? The answer is that you can't because there is no such person.

Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis."

You are either the most ignorant person posting on this message board or one of the biggest liars.

Translation: You can't produce a single name of an innocent person who McCarthy "ruined."

You're just another fellow traveler.

No one wants to take your bait. It is obvious that you will use your own convenient interpretation and definitions for words like "innocent" and "ruined". All the people accused by McCarthy were technically innocent because non of them was convicted of being communist spys or agents. Not a single one. But McCarthites defend him by pointing out various testimonies and documents that "prove" McCarthy was right. They conveniently ignore the ultra all American constitutional concept that people are innocent until proven quilty. And what is "ruined"? Who decides what level of damage must be done to ones reputation to determine if it is in any way "ruined". Why should any person have the mark of suspicion placed on them by a powerful Senator who may decide to abuse his power for political gain.

Gen. Ralph Zwicker was a highly decorated WWII war hero who happened to have been the commander of an officier that was an Army dentist by the name of Irving Peress. Maj. Peress became a primary target of McCarthy for his "communist activities". The Major was a stateside Dentist performing his duties of taking care of soldiers teeth in New Jersey. Unfortunately for the Major, he had refused to answer some questions about his past affiliations on some Army applications. McCarthy had learned about the officiers refusal. The Army was OK with it, happy to have a good Dentist and not the least bit concerned about who he had affiliated with in his youth or while in college. Nor did they seem concerned that the Major might be tempted to give dental secrets to Stalin.

Maj. Peress's commanding officier was required to testify at Sen. McCarthy's hearing and explain how he had allowed this communist infiltrator, in the form of a dentist to, infiltrate his command. So the battle hardened Gen, Zwicker, with two Silver Stars on his chest, was forced sit in front of McCarthy and politely take his abuse and listen to McCarthy's accusations and insults.
The General gave Maj. Peress an honorable discharge and the dispicable show put on by McCathy as he abused this hero of WWII on live TV turned out to be more than the country was willing to tolerate. It was the beginning of the McCarthy take down. It was the turning point when even his supporters and friends turned against him. His fall and finish as a lonely drunken dispised looser is now history. Some of the country had accepted his ill treatment of actors, writers, artist and even government beauracrats to some degree, but when he applied his tricks to veterans, active military and war heroes his crap came to an end.

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