6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths

One day it's a hoax, the next day it's not a hoax.

Trumpsters. Always good for a giggle.

This is why leftists are so fucking hated. They are disingenuous liars.

People were not arguing that the virus itself does not exist and is a hoax. We claimed the need for a lockdown or we are all going to die is a hoax. Fauci said masks do not work a year ago. That was a hoax....right?

You are a dishonest lying sack of trash...but you know that.
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One day it's a hoax, the next day it's not a hoax.

Trumpsters. Always good for a giggle.

This is why leftists are so fucking hated. They are disingenuous liars.

People were not arguing that the virus itself does not escist and is a hoax. We claimed the need for a lockdown or we are all going to die is a hoax. Fauci said masks do not work a year ago. That was a hoax....right?

You are a dishonest lying sack of trash...but you know that.
6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020

That's a big increase!

6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020

MedicalKidnap.com???? Sounds like a real creditable source to you, does it?

You are showing your prejudice again, they used the CDC link and the government vaccine website as their sources, but you wouldn't know that because you are intellectually lazy.
One day it's a hoax, the next day it's not a hoax.

Trumpsters. Always good for a giggle.

This is why leftists are so fucking hated. They are disingenuous liars.

People were not arguing that the virus itself does not exist and is a hoax. We claimed the need for a lockdown or we are all going to die is a hoax. Fauci said masks do not work a year ago. That was a hoax....right?

You are a dishonest lying sack of trash...but you know that.
I have found that Mac is about as useful as tits on a bull when it comes to an actual discussion, and he is best suited for the "IGNORE" function.

(see his response for further proof)
6,000,000 got holohoaxed,60,000 died from the common cold. 6000 got hit by Buick station wagons after being vaccinated,600 got drunk and fell asleep in the bathtub and drowned last night. 60 flipped their cars yesterday. 6 hotties will be in my dream Jacuzzi later today. I have 6 dogs.
I need another 6 pack
One day it's a hoax, the next day it's not a hoax.

Trumpsters. Always good for a giggle.

This is why leftists are so fucking hated. They are disingenuous liars.

People were not arguing that the virus itself does not exist and is a hoax. We claimed the need for a lockdown or we are all going to die is a hoax. Fauci said masks do not work a year ago. That was a hoax....right?

You are a dishonest lying sack of trash...but you know that.

I am an extreme leftist, but agree with you that "flattening the curve" resulted in more deaths.
Because what normally ends any epidemic is a lack of new easily available hosts after it spikes.
By preventing the spike, we conserved hosts, and ensured the epidemic could never end.
Which then kills far more people in the long run.
For any vaccine to work, it has to make the body think it is being attacked.
In the case of covid, all the deaths come not from the virus, but the body over reacting to thinking it is being attacked.
So any covid vaccine, if it is going to work at all, has to risk harm from an immune system over reaction.
One day it's a hoax, the next day it's not a hoax.

Trumpsters. Always good for a giggle.

This is why leftists are so fucking hated. They are disingenuous liars.

People were not arguing that the virus itself does not exist and is a hoax. We claimed the need for a lockdown or we are all going to die is a hoax. Fauci said masks do not work a year ago. That was a hoax....right?

You are a dishonest lying sack of trash...but you know that.

I am an extreme leftist, but agree with you that "flattening the curve" resulted in more deaths.
Because what normally ends any epidemic is a lack of new easily available hosts after it spikes.
By preventing the spike, we conserved hosts, and ensured the epidemic could never end.
Which then kills far more people in the long run.

It also kills.the economy and becomes a great campaign bashing strategy during an election where Rich Old White Dementia Riddled *Joe didnt have a snowball's chance in hell.
The reality is you NEVER want to "flatten the curve", because that increases the length of time you have the epidemic, and that allows it to spread deeper and wider.
There are only 2 techniques.
One is full quarantine, with contract tracing. Because that is fastest and quickly prevent any spread at all.
The other is accelerating herd immunity to use up all the local hosts and make the epidemic quickly end.
Which you choose depends on lethality and infection rate.
For example, with a high lethality rate like Ebola, you quarantine instead of variolation of volunteers.

Just flattening the curve does neither and only makes things worse by preventing either of the 2 methods that could have saved lives.
6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020

"Reported" is meaningless. Just because someone reported that incident was vaccine related, does not mean it actually was.

VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients.

People don't report incidents after standard flu vaccinations, but of couse if anything happens after a new vaccine like the Covid one people suspect that it was the cause.

from the link:


36 reports? Out of thousands that we know from basic statistics have died shortly after getting a flu shot? Obviously there is a bias in play on what gets reported and not.

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