61-Year-Old Jan. 6 Defendant and Veteran Who Begged Police For Help During Capitol Riot Dies Awaiting Trial on Trumped-Up Charges

Lefties whined for years about the unfair hearings and prosecutions against commies and here they are doing it to conservatives. A criminal regime can get away with anything as long as the media justifies it.
Don't want to get into trouble it's best to stay at home and play it safe..
Of course this Conservative did break the Laws. However, as I have mentioned before
Progressives are criminals who do not want to be held accountable for their crimes. A big majority of about 455,000 drug offenders in American prisons and jails are Liberal.

In 2019 US Penal System housed

198,000 drug offenders in state prisons,
150,000 drug offenders in jails,
97,000 drug offenders in federal prisons.

A significant majority of these 445,000 drug offenders are Liberal. Liberals use marijuana six times as much as Conservatives. Here.

White Progressive drug users benefit the most from Racism in Justice System.

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