68% of Americans favor Obama's talks with Iran

People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol

Hey, that poll doesn't count ok! Only opinion polls matter in this moment... because if you find an opinion poll that disagrees with a liberals position polls once again become meaningless bulllshit and .... and well most Americans are stupid anyways... unless 68% agree with Obama like in this opinion poll.

Reps win (historically big) in 2014 = It was predictable and most Americans hate the GOP congress......

Reps win in 2016 = Americans are still sexist.

Dems win 2016 = Hillary being female had nothing to do with why she won!
People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol
"historic" in that it was the lowest voter turnout since WW II. :thup: Disingenuous much?
Good for Netanyahu if this is indeed the case I wonder how the Obama administration is feeling tonight?
Why should we care? If Israel wants a war with Iran GO AHEAD! Having that war criminal was PM is just making things worse for normal every day Israelis he is so obsessed with Iran that he isn't taking care of the citizens. The US already spanked Israel once for getting to big for their britches when they threatened to shoot down their jet fighters...Its nice to see the US with a REAL PRESIDENT and not an lap dog for Israel.
A real President really? So a real president tries to undercut an ally in fact the only true ally we have in the middle east every chance he gets then when he catches heat for goes before the press and claims he fully supports Israel and it's people. If he wants to be a real President how about he come and state honestly and once and for all his true feelings about Israel.
Maybe you should support America as much as you support Israel. :) Obama can do whatever he wants and Israel is no ally. They are a parasite that sucks the blood out of every nation that they invade. Seems to me IRAN is the one helping the US in the ME. Fighting ISIS,they are helping Iraq deal with that shit,Helping Assad against ISIS...what's Israel doing other than whining about Nukes Iran doesn't have?
You think Iran is helping Iraq? Iran is helping it's self install another puppet government in Iraq like it now has in Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon.
You mean like the US has done for over 100 years...damn must suck when shoe is on other foot.
Nobody in thier right mind trusts this particular administration in handling negotiations - that's the problem.

No Israel Firster in their right mind trusts this particular administration in handling negotiations - that's the problem.

Fixed it for you.
13. Do you favor or oppose direct diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Iran in an attempt to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? March 13-15th, 2015

Favor: 68%
Oppose: 29%
No opinion: 4%


So 68% of people favor the president's administration doing SOMETHING with Iran in regards to diplomacy and Nuclear weapons.....and the GOP is all enthralled with dummy Cotton's letter telling Iran to piss off about any deal.
Talk about a stacked question.

I think the key phrase is this;

" to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? "

Which I'm not sure Obama is doing? I thought the argument was "we have them why shouldn't they". ask that question. Should Iran get nukes? Should Obama allow Iran to get nukes?
13. Do you favor or oppose direct diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Iran in an attempt to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? March 13-15th, 2015

Favor: 68%
Oppose: 29%
No opinion: 4%


So 68% of people favor the president's administration doing SOMETHING with Iran in regards to diplomacy and Nuclear weapons.....and the GOP is all enthralled with dummy Cotton's letter telling Iran to piss off about any deal.
Talk about a stacked question.

I think the key phrase is this;

" to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? "

Which I'm not sure Obama is doing? I thought the argument was "we have them why shouldn't they". ask that question. Should Iran get nukes? Should Obama allow Iran to get nukes?
How would you know what is being negotiated??? Including the specifics.....
13. Do you favor or oppose direct diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Iran in an attempt to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons?
March 13-15th, 2015

Favor: 68%
Oppose: 29%
No opinion: 4%


So 68% of people favor the president's administration doing SOMETHING with Iran in regards to diplomacy and Nuclear weapons.....and the GOP is all enthralled with dummy Cotton's letter telling Iran to piss off about any deal.
Let Me help out here...

68% of these people support something that is NOT being done at this time. The negotiations with Iran have no intention of keeping Iran from getting a nuke.....

You should stop and think critically about information before posting it.
We have an entire Board dedicated to the subject of Iran.

Why isn't this in there?

The Mods love moving threads this morning, why not this one too
Public opinion polls only matter when the polls agree with one's ideology.
I remember and it wasn't that long ago, that our conservative friends were waving the banner that most Americans thought that the Keystone Pipeline should be built and the were gleefully using public opinion polls.
Now on this issue, their response is that public opinion polls don't matter.
Well, which is it? Do polls matter or not?
13. Do you favor or oppose direct diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Iran in an attempt to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? March 13-15th, 2015

Favor: 68%
Oppose: 29%
No opinion: 4%


So 68% of people favor the president's administration doing SOMETHING with Iran in regards to diplomacy and Nuclear weapons.....and the GOP is all enthralled with dummy Cotton's letter telling Iran to piss off about any deal.

Yes, I'm certain the majority of CNN's 100 or so leftwing moonbat viewers support the President.
100% should favor talks, it doesn't hurt. But they should also realize the Iranians aren't trustworthy and we will need a backup plan. That's where obama can step back and let the grownups handle it.
Why would anyone cite a poll of Americans, when it is evident most Americans are utterly and completely uninformed?

They know more about Kim K's ass than about the latest tyranny imposed by their unlimited central government.

Americans: Serfs-r-Us.
People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol
"historic" in that it was the lowest voter turnout since WW II. :thup: Disingenuous much?

Voter turnout was about the same as in 2006 when Democrats claimed their victory was a mandate from the people against Bush policies OH SNAP!!
13. Do you favor or oppose direct diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Iran in an attempt to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? March 13-15th, 2015

Favor: 68%
Oppose: 29%
No opinion: 4%


So 68% of people favor the president's administration doing SOMETHING with Iran in regards to diplomacy and Nuclear weapons.....and the GOP is all enthralled with dummy Cotton's letter telling Iran to piss off about any deal.
So do you always lie when you post?The letter said no such thing,it simple stated that any deal will pass through the senate for approval,nothing more nothing less.

Stating that Repub don't want a deal is a bold face lie,they want a good deal,not kicking the can down the road.
Try and be honest,it not hard to do.
People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol
"historic" in that it was the lowest voter turnout since WW II. :thup: Disingenuous much?

Voter turnout was about the same as in 2006 when Democrats claimed their victory was a mandate from the people against Bush policies OH SNAP!!
"was about the same" :rolleyes-41: Weak come back. :eusa_hand:

The turn-out for the last election, that you are banging your rw drum about saying was a landslide, was the lowest turnout since WWII. Chew on that hackboi :thup:
The question should have been if they favor having a dicktator that does secret deals behind our backs. for crying out loud they had to do a poll on this.
this is what he's negotiating with. maybe he can ask them to wait until he leaves office

Global war will result in ‘banner of Islam’ over White House, top Iranian official vows

By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 17, 2015
A top special operations aide to Iran’s leader says his troops are in a global war that will one day bring “the banner of Islam over the White House.”

Ali Shirazi is the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, the overseas operations branch that trained Iraqi Shiites to kill American troops and is active throughout the Middle East.

The Middle East Media Research Institute said Mr. Shirazi on Feb. 26 spoke at a ceremony attended by the families of Iranian “martyrs” who died fighting overseas.

He listed the countries in which Iran’s Shiite Islamic revolution has spread, including Nigeria, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Yemen.

Then he said, “We shall not rest until we raise the flag of Islam over the White House,” according to MEMRI, whose analysts in Washington monitor Islamic extremists.

ALL of it here:

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar/17/iran-official-global-war-end-banner-islam-over-wh/#.VQmVU_ngomc.twitter#ixzz3UlZRfxuf
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol
"historic" in that it was the lowest voter turnout since WW II. :thup: Disingenuous much?

Voter turnout was about the same as in 2006 when Democrats claimed their victory was a mandate from the people against Bush policies OH SNAP!!
"was about the same" :rolleyes-41: Weak come back. :eusa_hand:

The turn-out for the last election, that you are banging your rw drum about saying was a landslide, was the lowest turnout since WWII. Chew on that hackboi :thup:

Ahahaha dude is your argument seriously that Obama could not rally your side to the polls? That liberals are a bunch of lazy retards who couldn't be bothered to vote? I mean what exactly is your excuse? lmao! Liberals got obliterated and not just at the national level but at the state and local level and even in some reliably liberal states. That's quite the bitch slapping voters have given you these past 6 years. And if Obama can't get your side to the polls you think Hillary can? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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