68% of Americans favor Obama's talks with Iran

Is that why the people bitch slapped Democrats just last November in an historic ass whooping so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find this few Democrats in congress? Its just hilarious watching you libs disconnect from reality. :laugh: Go ahead explain the people rejecting liberals and their dumb as policies if you can. lol
"historic" in that it was the lowest voter turnout since WW II. :thup: Disingenuous much?

Voter turnout was about the same as in 2006 when Democrats claimed their victory was a mandate from the people against Bush policies OH SNAP!!

Voter turnout in 2006 was 41.3 percent of eligible voters.
Voter turnout in 2014 was 36.4 percent of eligible voters. The lowest turnout in 72 years.
Which indicates that 2014 was in no way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole, where republicans are only fooling themselves if they think 2014 'portends' 2016.

It most certainly does,Dems couldn't be bothered,who's fault is that? and Repubs did,it represents the county completely.
Whats next you going to claim it was done as a protest? that Dems would give up state houses,governorships the senate,and very likely the White house to prove a point?
Reality escapes everyone of you excuse makers.

These idiots just keep spouting the talking point the left invented to explain why they got their asses kicked. So Dem's stayed home and handed the GOP the Senate and a huge majority in the House because...they are dumb? I'm still waiting to hear their answer to that one. lol
People are tired of the Repubs one-sided, "shoot first and ask questions later" (pay for it later as well :eusa_shhh: ) approach to foreign policy :talktothehand:
You may be right, but, when the alternative being pursued amounts to little more than offering-up our backsides, well...

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