69 more firms move jobs, facilities out of California

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all the jobs are gone
to china they say
they said take a walk
for that withered pay

I'd be in good form
workin' in L.A
California Dreamin'
oh, that withered pay

stopped into the polls
I passed along the way
well, I got down on my knees
and I pretend to pray

yeah our congress' bought & sold
no votes are gonna sway
California Dreamin'
for that CEO pay
Looks like most are moving to Texas. Wonder what they have going for them. Cheap illegal immigration?
This happens all the time and California is a mess given its massive highway system and poor public transportation systems. There is always a curious irony when a business tool such as Vranich tells you the obvious with biased analysis and lots of finger pointing. It's always nice to scapegoat, keeps thought away from blame. Textiles left Philly many years ago, it went south for wages, then it went overseas because of cheaper. Was Philly bad for business? Of course not, business doesn't care about Philly they care about money. Same with companies leaving California. One can simplify this complexity but until we support companies in America, buy American, and companies regain some sense of responsibility to the nation that provides their knowledge and market, we can whine like the conservatives and republicans and libertarians do till the cows too move off shore or to cheap labor areas. Or we can designate America a third world nation and pay accordingly. Actually Ikea already knows this: Ikea Using U.S. for Cheap Labor, Behaving Ruthlessly American - Business - GOOD

Number 5 below should be number one.

The Business Relocation Coach: Why do Companies Leave California? Here Are Ten Reasons (Updated)

"Many organizations and companies provide reasons why companies leave California. Below are some of the findings, updated in light of recent studies and reports.

#10 Reason (New!) – Unprecedented Energy Costs:
#9 – Severe Tax Treatment:
#8 – Worst Regulatory Burden:
#7 – Dreadful Legal Treatment:
#6 – Most Expensive Business Locations:
#5 – Provable Savings Elsewhere:
#4 – Downright Unfriendly:
#3 – Uncontrollable Spending:
#2 – Excessively Adversarial:
#1 – The ‘Outpouring’ of Poor Rankings Continues: "
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"Many organizations and companies provide reasons why companies leave California. Below are some of the findings, updated in light of recent studies and reports.

#10 Reason (New!) – Unprecedented Energy Costs:
#9 – Severe Tax Treatment:
#8 – Worst Regulatory Burden:
#7 – Dreadful Legal Treatment:
#6 – Most Expensive Business Locations:
#5 – Provable Savings Elsewhere:
#4 – Downright Unfriendly:
#3 – Uncontrollable Spending:
#2 – Excessively Adversarial:
#1 – The ‘Outpouring’ of Poor Rankings Continues: "

So why is it so damned impossible for some of those among us to get a grasp on the concept that if these "no-nos" are mandated coast-to-coast that America will go down the drain as well?
I saw this coming for CA back in the 80's.

California is like a bowl of Granola, what is not fruits is nuts and flakes.
This happens all the time and California is a mess given its massive highway system and poor public transportation systems. There is always a curious irony when a business tool such as Vranich tells you the obvious with biased analysis and lots of finger pointing. It's always nice to scapegoat, keeps thought away from blame. Textiles left Philly many years ago, it went south for wages, then it went overseas because of cheaper. Was Philly bad for business? Of course not, business doesn't care about Philly they care about money. Same with companies leaving California. One can simplify this complexity but until we support companies in America, buy American, and companies regain some sense of responsibility to the nation that provides their knowledge and market, we can whine like the conservatives and republicans and libertarians do till the cows too move off shore or to cheap labor areas. Or we can designate America a third world nation and pay accordingly. Actually Ikea already knows this: Ikea Using U.S. for Cheap Labor, Behaving Ruthlessly American - Business - GOOD

Number 5 below should be number one.

The Business Relocation Coach: Why do Companies Leave California? Here Are Ten Reasons (Updated)

"Many organizations and companies provide reasons why companies leave California. Below are some of the findings, updated in light of recent studies and reports.

#10 Reason (New!) – Unprecedented Energy Costs:
#9 – Severe Tax Treatment:
#8 – Worst Regulatory Burden:
#7 – Dreadful Legal Treatment:
#6 – Most Expensive Business Locations:
#5 – Provable Savings Elsewhere:
#4 – Downright Unfriendly:
#3 – Uncontrollable Spending:
#2 – Excessively Adversarial:
#1 – The ‘Outpouring’ of Poor Rankings Continues: "

no. 5 is driven by the other 9. hello.
Makes sense. Why would a Business want to operate in California? The Socialist/Progressive nutters destroyed Business opportunities a long time ago out there. The Takers are beginning to outnumber the Producers in California. They're rapidly becoming a real Third World mess. It's sad.
Makes sense. Why would a Business want to operate in California? The Socialist/Progressive nutters destroyed Business opportunities a long time ago out there. The Takers are beginning to outnumber the Producers in California. They're rapidly becoming a real Third World mess. It's sad.
It makes implementation of the North American Union easier though.
cali. was a wide open till oh, the mid 80's, then they started to ratchet things up. The co. I used to work for had an early footprint in silicon valley. Corp. HQ's, manufacturing sites etc. Slowly but surely the state started grinding the reg's, taxes etc.to say nothing of the epa.

One quick story-

One of my jobs was permitting our water and air purification processes for bay air air quality management board. It became almost Orwellian.

we had a manuf. site, 2 acres, we made equip. using some lead and other constituents that can be toxic or are toxic and dangerous IF left unabated. We were very careful, for years we had our permits redone every 4 years, during that time we took samples all according to their regs. The samples came back negative for levels breaching our agreement.

A day came where-in we created a new process and we were going to build a new site closer to another site for collaboration purposes etc. so we put the site up for sale.

When you dismantle processes for site like this you have inspections by everyone, local auth. epa, fire dept. etc etc. to so as to clear the title and ensure you are handing off a site minus any danger etc.

Well turns out after taking the building down, they took ground samples and told us we had a dangerous level of seepage ala a constituent we never used. wtf right?

Turns out the previous owners decades before had used this stuff but thy were long gone and it now became our problem. Forget that for now.

heres thing, cali auth. told us what they wanted us to do, the epa told us another, apparently they could not agree and we had 2 sets of regs we had to follow that were in fact contradictory, cali wanted us to treat the stuff on site and render it inert, the epa said truck it away to a treatment fac. and landfill. we were talking over 300.000 cubic feet of dirt....Cali. says no, don't move it and take a chance on psreading any risk or danger ( which as a envior. guy I totally agree with).

If we didn't satisfy these folks we could not sell,also, we could not wind back the clock, treat it as cali asked render the stuff inert and build anything for ourselves to just move forward,we were stuck. 4 years, lawyers, hearings with the epa in DC, the state auth. in Sacramento.

So, 4 years and over 20 millions dollars later, it just sits there tarped over.

the co. still pays property tax zoned for manufacturing, we still pay for a permit because they would not clear the other permit because we cannot treat as the state asks because the epa says not truck it all away which would cost another 5-8 millions dollars just to get the dirt our of there and treated, then find the dirt to fill it in and all that requires.

The co. built the new plant they were going to here in the valley, intead, in Oregon, they closed the collaboration facility, moved it to Oregon as well. The Co. ( who were pioneers in silicon valley) have NO manufacturing foot print left in cali. period, 5,000 jobs in 5 years, gone. good jobs too, 80-90k a year.

and there ya go, you'd have to be nuts to do anything here.
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I see the usual whining from the right - 'it's always their fault.'

Check this guy out, interesting and see cspan for video if you want to learn and not whine.

[Make It in America] - C-SPAN Video Library

Andrew Liveris "Make It in America: The Case for Re-Inventing the Economy" - C-SPAN Video Library

“Manufacturing still accounts for nearly one in 10 U.S. nonfarm jobs as measured by the government, and those jobs tend to pay much better than burger-flipping or barista gigs. . . Between 1997 and 2009, we lost six million U.S. manufacturing jobs, or around a third of the total. How much should we care? Plenty, says Andrew Liveris, chairman and chief executive of Dow Chemical. In Make It in America, he calls for a national strategy to revive manufacturing. We need manufacturing jobs, he says, if we are to keep a growing population busy and start paying off our debts to the rest of the world. Some Americans imagine that we can thrive by continuing to dream up gadgets like iPhones and Kindles while letting the Chinese do all the tedious work of making the products themselves. Mr. Liveris disagrees. . . Mr. Liveris doesn't shy away from proposing ideas that have defeated countless other reformers. For instance, he wants to overhaul our K-12 education system so that it will concentrate more on science, math and engineering. That promises to be a long struggle, he admits. ‘I pushed science at the dinner table with my kids,’ writes Mr. Liveris, who loved chemistry as a boy, ‘but none of them ended up going into engineering.’”(The Wall Street Journal)

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Make-America-Case-Re-Inventing-Economy/dp/0470930225/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: Make It In America: The Case for Re-Inventing the Economy (9780470930229): Andrew Liveris: Books[/ame]

“Perhaps because Liveris is Australian by birth, his economic patriotism comes across as genuine and heartfelt. The fact that he is chief executive of Dow Chemical gives the book added authority. What is most noteworthy about the book, however, is his unsparing critique of the business community for its blind faith in markets and globalization, and its stubborn refusal to accept a government role in managing the economy.” (The Washington Post)

69 more firms move jobs, facilities out of California

It’s getting too late for me to read links so I will not comment on the article but what do you want to bet that California will expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for the lost tax revenue?

Yeah, like it's our fault.

I wonder if Gov.Brown will keep true to his promise that all illegal aliens will be given a college education?:lol:
cali. was a wide open till oh, the mid 80's, then they started to ratchet things up. The co. I used to work for had an early footprint in silicon valley. Corp. HQ's, manufacturing sites etc. Slowly but surely the state started grinding the reg's, taxes etc.to say nothing of the epa.

One quick story-

One of my jobs was permitting our water and air purification processes for bay air air quality management board. It became almost Orwellian.

we had a manuf. site, 2 acres, we made equip. using some lead and other constituents that can be toxic or are toxic and dangerous IF left unabated. We were very careful, for years we had our permits redone every 4 years, during that time we took samples all according to their regs. The samples came back negative for levels breaching our agreement.

A day came where-in we created a new process and we were going to build a new site closer to another site for collaboration purposes etc. so we put the site up for sale.

When you dismantle processes for site like this you have inspections by everyone, local auth. epa, fire dept. etc etc. to so as to clear the title and ensure you are handing off a site minus any danger etc.

Well turns out after taking the building down, they took ground samples and told us we had a dangerous level of seepage ala a constituent we never used. wtf right?

Turns out the previous owners decades before had used this stuff but thy were long gone and it now became our problem. Forget that for now.

heres thing, cali auth. told us what they wanted us to do, the epa told us another, apparently they could not agree and we had 2 sets of regs we had to follow that were in fact contradictory, cali wanted us to treat the stuff on site and render it inert, the epa said truck it away to a treatment fac. and landfill. we were talking over 300.000 cubic feet of dirt....Cali. says no, don't move it and take a chance on psreading any risk or danger ( which as a envior. guy I totally agree with).

If we didn't satisfy these folks we could not sell,also, we could not wind back the clock, treat it as cali asked render the stuff inert and build anything for ourselves to just move forward,we were stuck. 4 years, lawyers, hearings with the epa in DC, the state auth. in Sacramento.

So, 4 years and over 20 millions dollars later, it just sits there tarped over.

the co. still pays property tax zoned for manufacturing, we still pay for a permit because they would not clear the other permit because we cannot treat as the state asks because the epa says not truck it all away which would cost another 5-8 millions dollars just to get the dirt our of there and treated, then find the dirt to fill it in and all that requires.

The co. built the new plant they were going to here in the valley, intead, in Oregon, they closed the collaboration facility, moved it to Oregon as well. The Co. ( who were pioneers in silicon valley) have NO manufacturing foot print left in cali. period, 5,000 jobs in 5 years, gone. good jobs too, 80-90k a year.

and there ya go, you'd have to be nuts to do anything here.

Do you think the governing officials in California have a working understanding of the lessons from Atlas Shrugged?
Corps leave because they can more profits elsewhere. They don't care about mean pols unless their shareholders have stock in niceness
Do you think the governing officials in California have a working understanding of the lessons from Atlas Shrugged?

Do you think Republicans have a working understanding or the lessons from Lord of the Rings? :rolleyes:

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