69 more firms move jobs, facilities out of California

California's a beautiful place to live but alas a lost cause...

Union blood suckers/ Democrats are just squeezing out the last of it's golden days..

I lived here my whole life. This is because California raised the corporate tax. CEO of Intel said he wouldn't build one square foot in California. Lesson here for those who want to tax the rich.
Don't play that shitty bait and switch type of game.

You said educators didn't cause California's "mess". I said they contributed to it.

Anybody who benefited from the Public Employee Shakedown of the state has contributed to "the mess:.

I agree with you. However, I drastically disagree with you that this is the cause of our current budge shortfalls.

You speak about honesty, but you are incapable of it.
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Wow lets see

Out of control state deficit
Education system in shambles
Out of control Tax’s
Infrastructure in dire need of repair
Out of control Environmentalist
Democrats in control everything
Doesn’t sound anything I’ve ever heard of no idea why a company would want to move…….oh wait


That describes most of the country. You seem to believe that profits have nothing to do with a business relocating. No, it's partly becaus eo the public eduction system. Hahahahaha

Will cons ever admit that corps only objective is to make more profits? Or are we pretending that corps only care about nice pols and fucked up infrastructure?


Corporations do exist to make money. What else do you want them to do?
California's a beautiful place to live but alas a lost cause...

Union blood suckers/ Democrats are just squeezing out the last of it's golden days..

I lived here my whole life. This is because California raised the corporate tax. CEO of Intel said he wouldn't build one square foot in California. Lesson here for those who want to tax the rich.

I keep waiting to see if Wells Fargo eventually moves to Charlotte. They bought Wachovia after the financial crash which was headquartered here and the Wachovia building now serves as their eastern headquarters. They promised San Francisco that they'd never up and leave them, but the Bay Area is arguably the worst place to be in the whole state as far the cost of living and the business climate. At the end of the day, money talks.
Don't play that shitty bait and switch type of game.

You said educators didn't cause California's "mess". I said they contributed to it.

Anybody who benefited from the Public Employee Shakedown of the state has contributed to "the mess:.

I agree with you. However, I drastically disagree with you that this is the cause of our current budge shortfalls.

You speak about honesty, but you are incapable of it.

Then you either haven't been paying attention, are incapable of analytic thinking, or both.

And your reading comprehension is sorely deficient.
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Wow lets see

Out of control state deficit
Education system in shambles
Out of control Tax’s
Infrastructure in dire need of repair
Out of control Environmentalist
Democrats in control everything
Doesn’t sound anything I’ve ever heard of no idea why a company would want to move…….oh wait


That describes most of the country. You seem to believe that profits have nothing to do with a business relocating. No, it's partly becaus eo the public eduction system. Hahahahaha

Will cons ever admit that corps only objective is to make more profits? Or are we pretending that corps only care about nice pols and fucked up infrastructure?


Corporations do exist to make money. What else do you want them to do?

There are thousands of non or not for profit corporations.
The Socialist/Progressive Wingers have created an awful Third World mess in California. Their Takers now outnumber their Producers. They truly are a Failed State at this point. Third World Banana Republic for sure. It's very sad watching them fall this way.
CA has been a land of dreams for decades. Not very well rooted in reality. The California bubble had to burst soooner or later.

That's b'loney.

CA has vast natural resources, and once was a place of a great deal of opportunity.

The problem is that the parasites have bled out the state. That is the fault of the parasites.
I just love listening to these liberal fucks who haven't a clue as to what the liberal machine has done to this great state.

Any examples of why liberal policies, and abject liberal lunacy destroy economies, need look no further than what they've done to Cali.

Those crazy, maniacal bastards took what was the 7th largest economy in the world, and turned it into a third world economy in record time.
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That describes most of the country. You seem to believe that profits have nothing to do with a business relocating. No, it's partly becaus eo the public eduction system. Hahahahaha

Will cons ever admit that corps only objective is to make more profits? Or are we pretending that corps only care about nice pols and fucked up infrastructure?


Corporations do exist to make money. What else do you want them to do?

There are thousands of non or not for profit corporations.

I never said there were no non profit corporations. I was responding to the highlighted portion of the above post. When government make it difficult to make a profit, corporations should move. There are in business to make a profit. When they fail, they stop existing.

That describes most of the country. You seem to believe that profits have nothing to do with a business relocating. No, it's partly becaus eo the public eduction system. Hahahahaha

Will cons ever admit that corps only objective is to make more profits? Or are we pretending that corps only care about nice pols and fucked up infrastructure?


Corporations do exist to make money. What else do you want them to do?

There are thousands of non or not for profit corporations.

And they do not attract the capital necessary to make innovative technology and other products which improve our quality of life.
California simply has too many Takers. They just can't afford it. Their Socialist Wingers have demonized Business on a daily basis for so many years. Now Businesses have had enough and are leaving. Who's gonna pay for all their Takers now? Where are they gonna get all that revenue to give to their Takers? It really is sad. California was once a great & mighty State. Now they've been reduced to a humiliated Third World Banana Republic. WTG Socialists! Nice job.
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Was watching the news last night and apparantly they are starting to leave ILL as well.

If you make it to expensive to operate in your State the businesses will leave.

Business 101

69 more firms move jobs, facilities out of California

It’s getting too late for me to read links so I will not comment on the article but what do you want to bet that California will expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for the lost tax revenue?

Yeah, like it's our fault.

it is your fault.....now where is my fucking check?.....
Unfortunately for California,the Takers will always be there demanding their hand-outs. Their not the ones leaving the State. It's only the Producers ("Evil Rich People") who are leaving. So how do the Socialists/Progressives out there plan on pleasing their Takers in the future? The Money will be all gone eventually? Man,what a Third World mess. How sad.
we can whine like the conservatives and republicans and libertarians do till the cows too move off shore or to cheap labor areas. Or we can designate America a third world nation and pay accordingly. Actually Ikea already knows this: Ikea Using U.S. for Cheap Labor, Behaving Ruthlessly American - Business - GOOD

oh gee i guess Democrats and Liberals dont whine.....what the fuck do you do in 90% of your posts?.....like this one.....and right now there are LOTS of Democrats and Liberals Whining about life in California you stupid ass.....
This happens all the time and California is a mess given its massive highway system and poor public transportation systems. There is always a curious irony when a business tool such as Vranich tells you the obvious with biased analysis and lots of finger pointing. It's always nice to scapegoat, keeps thought away from blame. Textiles left Philly many years ago, it went south for wages, then it went overseas because of cheaper. Was Philly bad for business? Of course not, business doesn't care about Philly they care about money. Same with companies leaving California. One can simplify this complexity but until we support companies in America, buy American, and companies regain some sense of responsibility to the nation that provides their knowledge and market, we can whine like the conservatives and republicans and libertarians do till the cows too move off shore or to cheap labor areas. Or we can designate America a third world nation and pay accordingly. Actually Ikea already knows this: Ikea Using U.S. for Cheap Labor, Behaving Ruthlessly American - Business - GOOD

Number 5 below should be number one.

The Business Relocation Coach: Why do Companies Leave California? Here Are Ten Reasons (Updated)

"Many organizations and companies provide reasons why companies leave California. Below are some of the findings, updated in light of recent studies and reports.

#10 Reason (New!) – Unprecedented Energy Costs:
#9 – Severe Tax Treatment:
#8 – Worst Regulatory Burden:
#7 – Dreadful Legal Treatment:
#6 – Most Expensive Business Locations:
#5 – Provable Savings Elsewhere:
#4 – Downright Unfriendly:
#3 – Uncontrollable Spending:
#2 – Excessively Adversarial:
#1 – The ‘Outpouring’ of Poor Rankings Continues: "

no. 5 is driven by the other 9. hello.

he is too busy whining to see that.....

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