6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:05 p.m. EST Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday bucked a recent trend of pro-gay marriage decisions by upholding state bans or restrictions in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue.
The 2-1 ruling, by the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, is the first ruling by a federal appeals court that upholds bans on same-sex marriage. Gay marriage advocates said they would immediately seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Appeals court upholds gay marriage bans reversing trend - News - 1450 WHTC Holland s News Leader

That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.
A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."
"This court is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court that are directly on point," District Court Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez ruled. "Only the Supreme Court may exercise the prerogative of overruling its own decisions." Puerto Rico judge upholds gay marriage ban

The supreme court ruled on this already, or the lack there of. They said it's up to the states.
So far they've 'said" it's up to courts actually.
And your point? This court upheld the same sex ban.
Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:05 p.m. EST Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday bucked a recent trend of pro-gay marriage decisions by upholding state bans or restrictions in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue.
The 2-1 ruling, by the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, is the first ruling by a federal appeals court that upholds bans on same-sex marriage. Gay marriage advocates said they would immediately seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Appeals court upholds gay marriage bans reversing trend - News - 1450 WHTC Holland s News Leader

That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.
A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."
"This court is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court that are directly on point," District Court Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez ruled. "Only the Supreme Court may exercise the prerogative of overruling its own decisions." Puerto Rico judge upholds gay marriage ban

The supreme court ruled on this already, or the lack there of. They said it's up to the states.
So far they've 'said" it's up to courts actually.
And your point? This court upheld the same sex ban.
Not the only court that matters.
Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:05 p.m. EST Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday bucked a recent trend of pro-gay marriage decisions by upholding state bans or restrictions in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue.
The 2-1 ruling, by the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, is the first ruling by a federal appeals court that upholds bans on same-sex marriage. Gay marriage advocates said they would immediately seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Appeals court upholds gay marriage bans reversing trend - News - 1450 WHTC Holland s News Leader

That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.
A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."
"This court is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court that are directly on point," District Court Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez ruled. "Only the Supreme Court may exercise the prerogative of overruling its own decisions." Puerto Rico judge upholds gay marriage ban

The supreme court ruled on this already, or the lack there of. They said it's up to the states.
So far they've 'said" it's up to courts actually.
And your point? This court upheld the same sex ban.
Not the only court that matters.
According to the supreme court that court is the only court that matters, you're done now?
That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

The supreme court ruled on this already, or the lack there of. They said it's up to the states.
So far they've 'said" it's up to courts actually.
And your point? This court upheld the same sex ban.
Not the only court that matters.
According to the supreme court that court is the only court that matters, you're done now?
No, they haven't said anything of the kind. They had no reason to take the other cases so they didn't. Now, they do. They might punt again but I very much doubt it. It's an easy issue to decide. All they've been doing is trying not to get ahead of American opinion, which is now for equality in this case, as it should be. Now that there is a conflict, they have little choice but to rule.
In answer to the poll, of course not.

Marriage is not the business of government, local or national.

If its between consenting adults and harms no one, MYOB.
So why do those same consenting adults suddenly need a piece of paper from government to be legitimate?

Because that is how a married couple becomes legally legitimately married- that is how my wife and my marriage became legitimate.

Without that piece of paper you are, in the words of that famous harlot- just shacking up.
It makes no sense to complain that gov't should stay out of marriage while clamoring for gov't recognition of marriage.
My marriage was legitimate when I completed the Jewish marriage ceremony. The state license was a formality.
Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I mistook the headline. It said that the 6th upheld the bans on so-called "gay marriage" in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee
When the SC rules against you Sil, and they will, what then?
To late they already spoke on this issue Remember last month?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I mistook the headline. It said that the 6th upheld the bans on so-called "gay marriage" in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee
When the SC rules against you Sil, and they will, what then?
To late they already spoke on this issue Remember last month?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
The SC disagrees apparently, which is why they let the lower court rulings stand.

And I see Rickyboy was in court today? Fun times in Texas.
The supreme court ruled on this already, or the lack there of. They said it's up to the states.
So far they've 'said" it's up to courts actually.
And your point? This court upheld the same sex ban.
Not the only court that matters.
According to the supreme court that court is the only court that matters, you're done now?
No, they haven't said anything of the kind. They had no reason to take the other cases so they didn't. Now, they do. They might punt again but I very much doubt it. It's an easy issue to decide. All they've been doing is trying not to get ahead of American opinion, which is now for equality in this case, as it should be. Now that there is a conflict, they have little choice but to rule.
Dude you are wrong dead fucking wrong
In answer to the poll, of course not.

Marriage is not the business of government, local or national.

If its between consenting adults and harms no one, MYOB.
It is the Gov'ts business when it effects the monetary implications of the definition..................

Tax brackets are classified as single or married............yes or no............

SS and Medicare rates the same..........If one person in a marriage has hardly worked while the other is the bread winner then the rates of benefits will be larger off the worker versus the homemaker.......................

Again, the classification helps determine the actual amounts paid.......................

The Gays have been making the same arguments for some time......................

So YES it is the business of Gov't.
Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I mistook the headline. It said that the 6th upheld the bans on so-called "gay marriage" in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee
When the SC rules against you Sil, and they will, what then?
To late they already spoke on this issue Remember last month?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
The SC disagrees apparently, which is why they let the lower court rulings stand.

And I see Rickyboy was in court today? Fun times in Texas.
Apparently you dont understand how the Supreme Court works.

Perry denouncing gov't abuse and over-reach makes him look better and better.
When the SC rules against you Sil, and they will, what then?
To late they already spoke on this issue Remember last month?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
The SC disagrees apparently, which is why they let the lower court rulings stand.

And I see Rickyboy was in court today? Fun times in Texas.
Apparently you dont understand how the Supreme Court works.

Perry denouncing gov't abuse and over-reach makes him look better and better.
I understand how the court works perfectly, I have for decades. When they refuse to hear a case they either don't want to enter the mess or they agree with the lower court's ruling. In this case it's both.

As for Felon Rick, if you plan to vote for him I'd make another plan. He's committed, and soon will be.
The real question is should a society decide what is morally acceptable in it's rules and belief system................If we decide that we should give equal rights to Gays in terms of marriage which is against the views of most in our society...............While this country gives the minorities rights, due we fold on our basic belief systems as a WHOLE in this country................

Do we condone what most think is Immoral...............and grant it acceptance by the law..............when overall it is not acceptable to most of the population. Morality and Culture ARE PARTS of a NATION whether you like it our not............and a country is ruled by the will of the people.............we don't have to accept that we must RECOGNIZE same sex marriage to the standards of traditional marriage..................

Should we allow Sharia Law here...................Most would say HELL NO and I'm one of them...............While others say we must give these Freedoms to the Islamic Americans because it's their basic belief and we must uphold their rights...............Yet THE PEOPLE HERE OPENLY REJECT SHARIA.............Should we allow them to have their way or SAY HELL NO..............because it goes against the CULTURE OF THIS NATION.............

Will we then allow multiple marriages because these types believe they should be able to marry as many as they want............

Will we accept a Delta type who wants to marry sheep...........

and on and on.

The people of this country DON'T HAVE TO RECOGNIZE same sex marriage.................That is against the traditional culture of this country, and most WILL NEVER ACCEPT GAYS AS NORMAL.
The simplest way to deal with this issue once and for all................

Propose a simple Amendment to the Constitution.................That defines marriage..................as between a man and a woman..................

If it passes then it would have been passed by the Masses and end this discussion once and for all..........Then it would be clear as a bell where the people stand on this issue...............

I believe it would pass easily.
The real question is should a society decide what is morally acceptable in it's rules and belief system.
That's not really a question but the answer is yes. And one of our founding principles, although we're still getting there, is equality before the law.
The simplest way to deal with this issue once and for all................

Propose a simple Amendment to the Constitution.................That defines marriage..................as between a man and a woman..................

If it passes then it would have been passed by the Masses and end this discussion once and for all..........Then it would be clear as a bell where the people stand on this issue...............

I believe it would pass easily.
Stay out of Vegas, and learn to read polls.

And this isn't up for a vote, and never should have been.
To late they already spoke on this issue Remember last month?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
The SC disagrees apparently, which is why they let the lower court rulings stand.

And I see Rickyboy was in court today? Fun times in Texas.
Apparently you dont understand how the Supreme Court works.

Perry denouncing gov't abuse and over-reach makes him look better and better.
I understand how the court works perfectly, I have for decades. When they refuse to hear a case they either don't want to enter the mess or they agree with the lower court's ruling. In this case it's both.

As for Felon Rick, if you plan to vote for him I'd make another plan. He's committed, and soon will be.
You called them individually, no doubt.
No, the reason they ddint want to take the case is a) they didnt have to, and b) the conservatives felt the time wasnt right.
The simplest way to deal with this issue once and for all................

Propose a simple Amendment to the Constitution.................That defines marriage..................as between a man and a woman..................

If it passes then it would have been passed by the Masses and end this discussion once and for all..........Then it would be clear as a bell where the people stand on this issue...............

I believe it would pass easily.
Stay out of Vegas, and learn to read polls.

And this isn't up for a vote, and never should have been.
Because government power is derived from the barrel of a gun, not the will of the people of, Chairman Mao?
Last month they "said" the lower courts got it right. Now they have an issue, a lower court got it wrong.
Actually most of the lower courts got it wrong. They should have listened to the Supreme COurt in Windsor, which ruled states have the power to decide these things.
The SC disagrees apparently, which is why they let the lower court rulings stand.

And I see Rickyboy was in court today? Fun times in Texas.
Apparently you dont understand how the Supreme Court works.

Perry denouncing gov't abuse and over-reach makes him look better and better.
I understand how the court works perfectly, I have for decades. When they refuse to hear a case they either don't want to enter the mess or they agree with the lower court's ruling. In this case it's both.

As for Felon Rick, if you plan to vote for him I'd make another plan. He's committed, and soon will be.
You called them individually, no doubt.
No, the reason they ddint want to take the case is a) they didnt have to, and b) the conservatives felt the time wasnt right.
They told you that huh? When is the timing right, considering it's now legal in most of the country? Are the conservatives just planning a big surprise for those homos, eh?
The simplest way to deal with this issue once and for all................

Propose a simple Amendment to the Constitution.................That defines marriage..................as between a man and a woman..................

If it passes then it would have been passed by the Masses and end this discussion once and for all..........Then it would be clear as a bell where the people stand on this issue...............

I believe it would pass easily.
Stay out of Vegas, and learn to read polls.

And this isn't up for a vote, and never should have been.
Because government power is derived from the barrel of a gun, not the will of the people of, Chairman Mao?
When people get to vote on the rights of others pretty soon nobody has any. Why do you think the Founders hated Democracy, was it just for fun?

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