$7.7 million Just For Air Force One Flight To And From Honolulu


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Screw you America. That's what Obama is saying every Christmas:

By Malia Zimmerman | Watchdog.org

HONOLULU – President Barack Obama and his family just spent their Christmas and New Year’s holidays in Kailua. Now it’s time for taxpayers to pick up the tab.

While the Obamas and friends who accompany them pay for their own private vacation home rentals on or near Kailua Beach, taxpayers foot a multimillion dollar tab for everything from a stand-by ambulance to the fuel for Air Force One.

Local taxpayers pick up the bill for Honolulu Police Department escorts who guard Obama, first lady Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha around the clock. Figures just released by HPD spokeswoman Michelle Yu show HPD spent $277,000 on overtime costs this year during the president’s 16-day vacation. That’s $16,000 less than in 2013, but $60,000 more than in 2012.

The Emergency Management Services department also dispatches an ambulance to be on call for the president, which annually costs the city about $15,890.

Photo courtesy of Hawaii Reporter

LUXURY: Kailua villa is where the first family spends Christmas.

The U.S. Secret Service doesn’t disclose information about the expense for its agents to travel to and stay in Hawaii or guard the first family.

Dozens of Secret Service agents were spotted at Ala Moana Hotel checking in the day before Obama arrived. A spokeswoman for the hotel said she couldn’t release details on the number of agents who stayed there, but hotel staff told Watchdog the government rate would be about $200 a night, including taxes.

Secret Service agents, Navy SEALs and Coast Guard officials also rent private homes along the canal near the president in Kailua at a cost of $250 per room per night, according to several residents renting their homes.

The most pricey charge to taxpayers is the flight to Oahu from Washington, D.C.

Records obtained by Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch said “the flights to and from Honolulu for the December 2013-January 2014 Christmas vacation totaled 36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour, which comes to a flight expense alone of $7,781,361.30.”

That was an increase of $3.7 million in flight expenses Judicial Watch reported the Obamas incurred for their 2012 Honolulu Christmas vacation.

No estimates for 2014’s travel have been released by the administration.

Time to pay tab for First Family s holiday vacation
Screw you America. That's what Obama is saying every Christmas:

By Malia Zimmerman | Watchdog.org

HONOLULU – President Barack Obama and his family just spent their Christmas and New Year’s holidays in Kailua. Now it’s time for taxpayers to pick up the tab.

While the Obamas and friends who accompany them pay for their own private vacation home rentals on or near Kailua Beach, taxpayers foot a multimillion dollar tab for everything from a stand-by ambulance to the fuel for Air Force One.

Local taxpayers pick up the bill for Honolulu Police Department escorts who guard Obama, first lady Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha around the clock. Figures just released by HPD spokeswoman Michelle Yu show HPD spent $277,000 on overtime costs this year during the president’s 16-day vacation. That’s $16,000 less than in 2013, but $60,000 more than in 2012.

The Emergency Management Services department also dispatches an ambulance to be on call for the president, which annually costs the city about $15,890.

Photo courtesy of Hawaii Reporter

LUXURY: Kailua villa is where the first family spends Christmas.

The U.S. Secret Service doesn’t disclose information about the expense for its agents to travel to and stay in Hawaii or guard the first family.

Dozens of Secret Service agents were spotted at Ala Moana Hotel checking in the day before Obama arrived. A spokeswoman for the hotel said she couldn’t release details on the number of agents who stayed there, but hotel staff told Watchdog the government rate would be about $200 a night, including taxes.

Secret Service agents, Navy SEALs and Coast Guard officials also rent private homes along the canal near the president in Kailua at a cost of $250 per room per night, according to several residents renting their homes.

The most pricey charge to taxpayers is the flight to Oahu from Washington, D.C.

Records obtained by Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch said “the flights to and from Honolulu for the December 2013-January 2014 Christmas vacation totaled 36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour, which comes to a flight expense alone of $7,781,361.30.”

That was an increase of $3.7 million in flight expenses Judicial Watch reported the Obamas incurred for their 2012 Honolulu Christmas vacation.

No estimates for 2014’s travel have been released by the administration.

Time to pay tab for First Family s holiday vacation

Like it or not, he is from Hawaii and chooses to go home for the holidays.
So you want to start tabulating the cost of POTUS holiday vacations now? Fuck you, idiot.
You are one of the most short-sighted, stupidest people on this board.

Bush Takes Monthlong Texas Vacation
Bush Takes Monthlong Texas Vacation - ABC News
With his administration 6 months old, Bush is set to shed the confines of the White House and head to his sprawling ranch in Crawford, Texas, to begin a monthlong, outside-the-Beltway retreat. "I'm headed home to the heartland to listen to the American people and to talk about the values that unite and sustain our country," Bush said in a Rose Garden speech this afternoon.
'A Little Fishing, … A Little Policy'"""

"""Calls to several Presidential libraries reveal that President Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, was on vacation more — 1,020 days — than any U.S. President since Herbert Hoover and possibly more than any other President in history."""
Obama s Vacations Of Any President Bush Racked Up the Most Politic365
It is not different than any other President. Thanks for playing though. When you can lose the hypocrisy, we might be able to have an honest discussion.
Screw you America. That's what Obama is saying every Christmas:

By Malia Zimmerman | Watchdog.org

HONOLULU – President Barack Obama and his family just spent their Christmas and New Year’s holidays in Kailua. Now it’s time for taxpayers to pick up the tab.

While the Obamas and friends who accompany them pay for their own private vacation home rentals on or near Kailua Beach, taxpayers foot a multimillion dollar tab for everything from a stand-by ambulance to the fuel for Air Force One.

Local taxpayers pick up the bill for Honolulu Police Department escorts who guard Obama, first lady Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha around the clock. Figures just released by HPD spokeswoman Michelle Yu show HPD spent $277,000 on overtime costs this year during the president’s 16-day vacation. That’s $16,000 less than in 2013, but $60,000 more than in 2012.

The Emergency Management Services department also dispatches an ambulance to be on call for the president, which annually costs the city about $15,890.

Photo courtesy of Hawaii Reporter

LUXURY: Kailua villa is where the first family spends Christmas.

The U.S. Secret Service doesn’t disclose information about the expense for its agents to travel to and stay in Hawaii or guard the first family.

Dozens of Secret Service agents were spotted at Ala Moana Hotel checking in the day before Obama arrived. A spokeswoman for the hotel said she couldn’t release details on the number of agents who stayed there, but hotel staff told Watchdog the government rate would be about $200 a night, including taxes.

Secret Service agents, Navy SEALs and Coast Guard officials also rent private homes along the canal near the president in Kailua at a cost of $250 per room per night, according to several residents renting their homes.

The most pricey charge to taxpayers is the flight to Oahu from Washington, D.C.

Records obtained by Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch said “the flights to and from Honolulu for the December 2013-January 2014 Christmas vacation totaled 36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour, which comes to a flight expense alone of $7,781,361.30.”

That was an increase of $3.7 million in flight expenses Judicial Watch reported the Obamas incurred for their 2012 Honolulu Christmas vacation.

No estimates for 2014’s travel have been released by the administration.

Time to pay tab for First Family s holiday vacation

That is a lot of money.
Come on. Kings and Queens are special people. We should just bow and not bitch about being hosed down
If an R POTUS did this, the lefties and their media would scream...but since he is a D, it is just fine.

Oh the hypocrisy!
Come on. Kings and Queens are special people. We should just bow and not bitch about being hosed down

It is NO different for a president from either party. This thread is such typical right wing pea brainism.
I think we'll be shocked when it's all added up at the amount of money this couple abused us taxpayers on traveling expenses. on things such as an outing for golf, Obama's fundraising for HIS PARTY on our dime, or going to give one his ugly speech's every week in the eight years he will have been King. And his wife wasn't any better. AND all of it in the economy where the rest of us were struggling.
Come on. Kings and Queens are special people. We should just bow and not bitch about being hosed down

It is NO different for a president from either party. This thread is such typical right wing pea brainism.
Remember when the left media bitched about Nancy Reagan replacing the WH china, with money from a supporter?

Too bad you don't get it.
Obama and family had other choices...

"$7.7 million Just For Air Force One Flight To And From Honolulu"

Obviously you and others on the right are unaware of just how ridiculous you are.

And Obviously you don't CARE how ridiculous you are in your Obsession with everything the, right the right the right the right. We are American citizens and have THE RIGHT to discuss these things. so your snide remarks will not shut down our right to talk about this
Come on. Kings and Queens are special people. We should just bow and not bitch about being hosed down

It is NO different for a president from either party. This thread is such typical right wing pea brainism.
Remember when the left media bitched about Nancy Reagan replacing the WH china, with money from a supporter?

Too bad you don't get it.

Remember when you turds bitched about the Obama's paying for White House renovations out of their own pocket? OH, you didn't...

Home Decorating With the Obamas
Published Mar 29, 2009

At a time when people are having trouble holding on to their houses, Barack and Michelle Obama have sensibly decided not to use taxpayers’ money to renovate theirs. New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office, and the Obamas hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith (known, per his site, for mixing “Old World classicism with very contemporary settings”). But the First Couple isn’t spending that money. They “are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters,” says Camille Johnston, director of communications for the First Lady. Nor is the couple, who reported $4.2 million in household income in 2007 tax returns, using money from the White House Historical Association, a privately funded foundation that paid for a $74,000 set of china shortly before Laura Bush left town.
Come on. Kings and Queens are special people. We should just bow and not bitch about being hosed down

It is NO different for a president from either party. This thread is such typical right wing pea brainism.
Remember when the left media bitched about Nancy Reagan replacing the WH china, with money from a supporter?

Too bad you don't get it.

Remember when you turds bitched about the Obama's paying for White House renovations out of their own pocket? OH, you didn't...

Home Decorating With the Obamas
Published Mar 29, 2009

At a time when people are having trouble holding on to their houses, Barack and Michelle Obama have sensibly decided not to use taxpayers’ money to renovate theirs. New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office, and the Obamas hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith (known, per his site, for mixing “Old World classicism with very contemporary settings”). But the First Couple isn’t spending that money. They “are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters,” says Camille Johnston, director of communications for the First Lady. Nor is the couple, who reported $4.2 million in household income in 2007 tax returns, using money from the White House Historical Association, a privately funded foundation that paid for a $74,000 set of china shortly before Laura Bush left town.

lol, you believe everything you read as long as it comes to a Democrat. Speaking of a turd. show us the receipts where she paid out of pocket? I believe that just like I believe in Santa Claus
The need for constant security is more of an imposition on the presidential family than on the American people
The need for constant security is more of an imposition on the presidential family than on the American people

yeah, especially when they go around causing that need with stirring up crap CONSTANTLY like this thug in Chief does. Now he's going after a gawddam football team for their NAME. Or if he had a son he could be, blaa blaa bla
The need for constant security is more of an imposition on the presidential family than on the American people

yeah, especially when they go around causing that need with stirring up crap CONSTANTLY like this thug in Chief does. Now he's going after a gawddam football team for their NAME. Or if he had a son he could be, blaa blaa bla
Do you understand now why other kids used to laugh and call you stupid?

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