7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

I heard an ex rabbi say that the only goal in justifying nonsensical portions of the text was to muddy it with as much abstraction as possible
Challenge me and let's see if your bullshit statement stands.
Would you like to start off with a multi-thousand page discussion of Genesis 1:1?
I dont spend time to discuss man made religion anymore......without any proof, first, that it isnt man made. I simply mock it and point to its inadequacy.

I remain agnostic as to the question of a creator, which is honesty.
I see inadequacy in transient entertainment.
It took 5 decades to get here but fiction is boring as can be.
I take much more pleasure in addressing reality.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I heard an ex rabbi say that the only goal in justifying nonsensical portions of the text was to muddy it with as much abstraction as possible
Challenge me and let's see if your bullshit statement stands.
Would you like to start off with a multi-thousand page discussion of Genesis 1:1?
I dont spend time to discuss man made religion anymore......without any proof, first, that it isnt man made. I simply mock it and point to its inadequacy.

I remain agnostic as to the question of a creator, which is honesty.
I see inadequacy in transient entertainment.
It took 5 decades to get here but fiction is boring as can be.
I take much more pleasure in addressing reality.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Some of this is just misconception. Read here --- oremus Bible Browser : Genesis 1

Earth was a FORMLESS VOID on day one. Hadn't yet been consolidated. And YET -- there are areas of darkness in the Universe from just clouds of unconsolidated matter. We know that today.

And plants did not GROW before the Light and the water being separated on a FORMED Earth.

Actually read it -- it's really NOT that far off on the order of things. Especially for a tome that's written thousands of years before science was a thing..
Challenge me and let's see if your bullshit statement stands.
Would you like to start off with a multi-thousand page discussion of Genesis 1:1?
I dont spend time to discuss man made religion anymore......without any proof, first, that it isnt man made. I simply mock it and point to its inadequacy.

I remain agnostic as to the question of a creator, which is honesty.
I see inadequacy in transient entertainment.
It took 5 decades to get here but fiction is boring as can be.
I take much more pleasure in addressing reality.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
I dont spend time to discuss man made religion anymore......without any proof, first, that it isnt man made. I simply mock it and point to its inadequacy.

I remain agnostic as to the question of a creator, which is honesty.
I see inadequacy in transient entertainment.
It took 5 decades to get here but fiction is boring as can be.
I take much more pleasure in addressing reality.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
i dont believe that your religion is not man made
I see inadequacy in transient entertainment.
It took 5 decades to get here but fiction is boring as can be.
I take much more pleasure in addressing reality.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
i dont believe that your religion is not man made
Prove it. There's plenty of verses you can argue and you don't even know the language.
It would be like you, or myself, discussing the Odyssey without reading the original.
I consider all man made religions works of fiction, and not only that - but also disturbingly evil.

Entertainment is fine by me. Art is intriguing. Even the evil sort, like Religion, has some intriguing attributes.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
i dont believe that your religion is not man made
Prove it. There's plenty of verses you can argue and you don't even know the language.
It would be like you, or myself, discussing the Odyssey without reading the original.
Its the lack of proving theyre divine - that actually proves it. The onus is on the text, not me, the non gullible observor.

Its fucking comical, in my opinion.
My religion isn't man made...no private revelations like Islam and Christianity.
If a Jew tries to change our religion by telling us about a private revelation, we send them off to the funny farm.
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
i dont believe that your religion is not man made
Prove it. There's plenty of verses you can argue and you don't even know the language.
It would be like you, or myself, discussing the Odyssey without reading the original.
Its the lack of proving theyre divine - that actually proves it. The onus is on the text, not me, the non gullible observor.

Its fucking comical, in my opinion.
If we were constantly exposed to what people define as divine we would be robots.
Do you want to be a robot?
I dont believe you.

To each their own, though. Id still kick it over a beer or what not, and be cordial all the same.
You don't believe what? The funny farm? You're right. We just ignore him.
i dont believe that your religion is not man made
Prove it. There's plenty of verses you can argue and you don't even know the language.
It would be like you, or myself, discussing the Odyssey without reading the original.
Its the lack of proving theyre divine - that actually proves it. The onus is on the text, not me, the non gullible observor.

Its fucking comical, in my opinion.
If we were constantly exposed to what people define as divine we would be robots.
Do you want to be a robot?
I hope you haVe a solid night, good sir
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

It did, the use of words like slang have to be understood in meaning from the era it originated.
The Sheva (7) Day(age) Creation is the progression of ages.
The Dead Sea Scrolls allowed us to see how words were utilized in their age (days) not ours. "Day" sometimes refered to periods of time as in an era or "age of".

source:The Ages of The World 4Q180-181

creation days-the world has gone through 6 ages in creating order from it's chaos not 6000 years with
The 7th(Sheva) Day(Age) rest.

I've heard that argument (and others like it) before, but I disagree.

After each Creation event, the Bible says, “And the evening and the morning was the first day or the second day or the third day, etc.” There is no way that an era or age can be defined as a single evening and a single morning. The Biblical account clearly refers to a traditional day of 24 hours, a period of one morning and one evening

The only day that would be more than a normal period of 24 hours is the very first day. The period of darkness (evening) that preceded the creation of light was of an unknown duration.
The Biblical account clearly refers to a traditional day of 24 hours, a period of one morning and one evening...
Enlighten me.

You wouldn't need enlightenment if you've ever studied the Bible. I will give you just one example, this one involving the very last Creation day..

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Genesis 1 24-31, KJV, verse numbers removed for easier reading, highlights my own.

After each creation event (the creation of light, dividing the waters from the waters and so forth) the Bible referred to the event as taking place during the span of a single evening and a single morning.

Although an evening and morning could only be a normal day of 24 hours, there are several problems with some of the”evenings and mornings” in the Genesis account. First, the length of the first day cannot be determined because the length of the period of darkness (evening) which preceded the creation of light is unknown (the Biblical day started and ended at sundown, so that the period of darkness came before the period of ligh)t. Second, The sun, which is essential to creating the division of night and day was not created until the fourth day.

These problems aside, there is no way the Biblical day in the Genesis creation account could be interpreted to mean an era or age (or a period of 1,000 years as some claim) It is clear that the author of Genesis intended to show that God created the World in 6 days and rested on the seventh.

You have the last word. I am done with this issue and I'm outta here.
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

It did, the use of words like slang have to be understood in meaning from the era it originated.
The Sheva (7) Day(age) Creation is the progression of ages.
The Dead Sea Scrolls allowed us to see how words were utilized in their age (days) not ours. "Day" sometimes refered to periods of time as in an era or "age of".

source:The Ages of The World 4Q180-181

creation days-the world has gone through 6 ages in creating order from it's chaos not 6000 years with
The 7th(Sheva) Day(Age) rest.

I've heard that argument (and others like it) before, but I disagree.

After each Creation event, the Bible says, “And the evening and the morning was the first day or the second day or the third day, etc.” There is no way that an era or age can be defined as a single evening and a single morning. The Biblical account clearly refers to a traditional day of 24 hours, a period of one morning and one evening

The only day that would be more than a normal period of 24 hours is the very first day. The period of darkness (evening) that preceded the creation of light was of an unknown duration.
The Biblical account clearly refers to a traditional day of 24 hours, a period of one morning and one evening...
Enlighten me.

You wouldn't need enlightenment if you've ever studied the Bible. I will give you just one example, this one involving the very last Creation day..

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Genesis 1 24-31, KJV, verse numbers removed for easier reading, highlights my own.

After each creation event (the creation of light, dividing the waters from the waters and so forth) the Bible referred to the event as taking place during the span of a single evening and a single morning.

Although an evening and morning could only be a normal day of 24 hours, there are several problems with some of the”evenings and mornings” in the Genesis account. First, the length of the first day cannot be determined because the length of the period of darkness (evening) which preceded the creation of light is unknown (the Biblical day started and ended at sundown, so that the period of darkness came before the period of ligh)t. Second, The sun, which is essential to creating the division of night and day was not created until the fourth day.

These problems aside, there is no way the Biblical day in the Genesis creation account could be interpreted to mean an era or age (or a period of 1,000 years as some claim) It is clear that the author of Genesis intended to show that God created the World in 6 days and rested on the seventh.

You have the last word. I am done with this issue and I'm outta here.
I've only spent about 40 years studying the Torah in the original language.
Other than that, I really don't know much.

And yes, I have read and listened to thousands of hours of lectures on this subject.
The Ramban, for instance, takes each day, including the first, as what we consider a 24 hour day.
However, he rejects the initial evening suggestion.
But then he's only using all of Scripture as references and examples to back up what he's saying.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat. The teaching of the serpent, to disregard the law, is the forbidden fruit.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching, light from God, can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Last edited:
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.

Thats what he meant by saying, "Unless you eat my flesh, you can have no life in you."
Last edited:
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.
Uh huh.
All you need to do is clean up all the messed up references the NT has to the Torah.
The mistakes are embarrassing.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.
Uh huh.
All you need to do is clean up all the messed up references the NT has to the Torah.
The mistakes are embarrassing.
They are not mistakes, they are clues. In the same way that the children of Adam and Eve going to a city to find mates was a clue, not an embarrassing mistake..

Many inconsistencies and contradictions in both the OT and the NT are deliberate like an X on a treasure map marking the place where something of great value is buried and hidden.
Last edited:
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.
Uh huh.
All you need to do is clean up all the messed up references the NT has to the Torah.
The mistakes are embarrassing.
They are not mistakes, they are clues. In the same way that the children of Adam and Eve going to a city to find mates was a clue, not an embarrassing mistake..

Many inconsistencies and contradictions in both the OT and the NT are deliberate like an X on a treasure map marking the place where something of great value is buried and hidden.
Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.
Uh huh.
All you need to do is clean up all the messed up references the NT has to the Torah.
The mistakes are embarrassing.
They are not mistakes, they are clues. In the same way that the children of Adam and Eve going to a city to find mates was a clue, not an embarrassing mistake..

Many inconsistencies and contradictions in both the OT and the NT are deliberate like an X on a treasure map marking the place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

How many years have you been studying? You should demand your money back.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Let there be light is a reference to the law, a light to the nations, being spoken into existence. Before, the earth was without form and void and darkness, (superstition), covered the face of the deep, (the unknown).

This law teaches people to separate clean from unclean, good from evil, true from false life from death thereby establishing the firmament, basis, of heaven, a world above, separated from the world below whose firmament, basis, is lawlessness..The two worlds as different and reconcilable as the realm of the living and the realm of the dead..

In scripture plants or trees often represent people, as paradise is described as being full of trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

People are also compared to animals, highly evolved or not so much, according to similar displayed attributes. Swine are considered unclean because they do not ruminate, think deeply. Their flesh, teaching, contaminates the mind.

The creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the solar system. Its about the establishment of law and the creation of a new world order during a time when most people lived like wild beasts.

Kosher law instructs people to distinguish between the flesh, teaching, of one creature or another.

This teaching can be found encapsulated in the command of Jesus to eat his flesh....
Some nice thoughts though I fail to see the Jesus connection.
Most of these thoughts would probably get you excommunicated.

The command of Jesus to eat my flesh, was a command to conform to kosher in the way that Moses originally taught that the law was to be understood and followed. A teaching that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

There is no other way to receive the eternal life promised for compliance with the law except by doing it correctly.
Uh huh.
All you need to do is clean up all the messed up references the NT has to the Torah.
The mistakes are embarrassing.
They are not mistakes, they are clues. In the same way that the children of Adam and Eve going to a city to find mates was a clue, not an embarrassing mistake..

Many inconsistencies and contradictions in both the OT and the NT are deliberate like an X on a treasure map marking the place where something of great value is buried and hidden.
There are a plethora of inconsistencies and contradictions in the NT's references to the Torah.
If there are inconsistencies in the Torah, let me know.

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