7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

Everyone has an opinion.

I have many about the same things. It's how I lose irrelevant data and gain useful information.

I don't find my own major errors.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Are you looking for personal confirmation or pity? :dunno:
Im just looking for answers.
Does the account in Genesis make sense to you?
I'm not worried about it given that according to the Bible God is not limited by what is natural law according to men. :dunno:
but plants are :dunno:
They are? Really? looks to me like you're actually trying to limit God to human created natural laws so your question looks less like a question and more like an attempt at pigeonholing. :dunno:
God made physics and laws of nature on the 8th day? lol
I will refrain from your bullshit because some dont mind actually discussing it. Good day :)
My problem is, if he is all powerful he should have been able to do it instantly. Maybe he did and it was written to make sense to the people of that time
Are you looking for personal confirmation or pity? :dunno:
Im just looking for answers.
Does the account in Genesis make sense to you?
I'm not worried about it given that according to the Bible God is not limited by what is natural law according to men. :dunno:
but plants are :dunno:
They are? Really? looks to me like you're actually trying to limit God to human created natural laws so your question looks less like a question and more like an attempt at pigeonholing. :dunno:
God made physics and laws of nature on the 8th day? lol
I will refrain from your bullshit because some dont mind actually discussing it.
Good day :)
Oh the irony!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

This is one reason as to why the very name of G-d is ineffable... to the Jew. Remember that this book is 2000 years older than Jews in historical terms.

Elohim - Creator ... created first in mind and then created the physical in sound/deed.

In the beginning doesn't mean at an exact moment. It was not creation in and of itself.

It was the entire creation. G-d, being one, contains everything so he divided an area, quite like a programmer would design a sandbox today.

And in there, the deeds were done. I'm trying to modernize it a bit ...
Fair enough.
I actually think the hebrew word is "yom" which just means beginning and end? Maybe "day" and it being in order is just translation?
This is why i paged you lol
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
That actually brings up a reasonable question :
If things shouldnt be taken literally in the bible, why were they always taken literally?
Seems like that reason doesnt pop up until something gets proven wrong. Of course, thats just MY experience.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Some of this is just misconception. Read here --- oremus Bible Browser : Genesis 1

Earth was a FORMLESS VOID on day one. Hadn't yet been consolidated. And YET -- there are areas of darkness in the Universe from just clouds of unconsolidated matter. We know that today.

And plants did not GROW before the Light and the water being separated on a FORMED Earth.

Actually read it -- it's really NOT that far off on the order of things. Especially for a tome that's written thousands of years before science was a thing..
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Are you looking for personal confirmation or pity? :dunno:
Im just looking for answers.
Does the account in Genesis make sense to you?

As a literal explanation, probably not. But, as an analogy created for Iron Age people's, it's an interesting explanation for something they had no way of knowing.
Genesis 1:1 שָׁמַיִם shamáyim 'Heaven' as the abode of God, Spirit of life. אֶרֶץ ˈeʁet͡s 'Earth' being the common portion, land(s), wilderness, garden, fields, soil, countries, territorial area, area of the common human opposed to the Heavenly portion MAN of Genesis 1:26 made in the image of God.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Some of this is just misconception. Read here --- oremus Bible Browser : Genesis 1

Earth was a FORMLESS VOID on day one. Hadn't yet been consolidated. And YET -- there are areas of darkness in the Universe from just clouds of unconsolidated matter. We know that today.

And plants did not GROW before the Light and the water being separated on a FORMED Earth.

Actually read it -- it's really NOT that far off on the order of things. Especially for a tome that's written thousands of years before science was a thing..
It states plants yielded seeds and trees were bearing fruit..
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.

Not necessarily. The residual heat from the accretion that created the earth in the first place would have kept the surface quite hot.

Also, unless I'm very much mistaken, the ocean depths remain quite dark until today.
Notice in the account of His various creations, God sort of stands back, looks at it and declares it good or whatever. In the case of light, He found it good. He separated light from darkness. He is the light out of the darkness. Paul picks up on this theme and says, "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

It's a description of the creator creating. The Bible is not a science journal. It's actually not real mysterious when you look at it as a way to learn to know God rather than something to make fun of it.
Are you looking for personal confirmation or pity? :dunno:
Im just looking for answers.
Does the account in Genesis make sense to you?
I'm not worried about it given that according to the Bible God is not limited by what is natural law according to men. :dunno:
but plants are :dunno:
They are? Really? looks to me like you're actually trying to limit God to human created natural laws so your question looks less like a question and more like an attempt at pigeonholing. :dunno:
God made physics and laws of nature on the 8th day? lol
I will refrain from your bullshit because some dont mind actually discussing it. Good day :)

I discuss it because I learned it. It's not about right/wrong even. It's about data being released and compiled by others. :dunno:

There are two accounts in Genesis, side by side and it is set with an epilogue as a prologue format ... two forms of G-d one of the mind and one of the act. All made in mind before the actual deed both by different forms of the one ineffable G-d.

Keep in mind that the dead sea scrolls came in ancient Hebrew (and not Aramaic as some say) both without vowels and without any punctuation, chapters,etc. These were added by the Romans so that they could discuss points of reference.

We have the dead sea scrolls to show that the book is virtually the same since the dark ages as well. Still, even then, the dead sea scrolls could easily have been a plant by someone who knew what was going to happen and cached the "New Testament" along with the Genesis account. Sneaky is as Sneaky does. :dunno:

I believe that before the dark ages, it was about the content of character and after the dark ages it became about religion, color and right vs liberal politics.

That's why choice is so important and it's a pretty good battle right now. If anyone thinks these are normal times, then that's their opinion. If they don't, then they have other opinions as to why things are happening ... including the climate
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Some of this is just misconception. Read here --- oremus Bible Browser : Genesis 1

Earth was a FORMLESS VOID on day one. Hadn't yet been consolidated. And YET -- there are areas of darkness in the Universe from just clouds of unconsolidated matter. We know that today.

And plants did not GROW before the Light and the water being separated on a FORMED Earth.

Actually read it -- it's really NOT that far off on the order of things. Especially for a tome that's written thousands of years before science was a thing..
It states plants yielded seeds and trees were bearing fruit..

The day 4 creation of the dome to separate day and night, doesn't say there was not light. There was a lot of chaotic activity while what know as the solar system was formed. For instance, our moon was a much later addition and the dynamics of that "settling into place" took a VERY LONG time. Without the moon, the earth did not have a very stable orbit. So this period of chaotic "harmonious motion" took EONS to acheive. The timeline may be vague and screwed, but the ORDER is remarkably good.

And plants also occurred once the land/water was separated. Simple one-celled plants WERE the protos of life on this planet. The "bird" thing is obviously allegory. But look at Day Five -- with the SEAS being the CRADLE of life. on the Earth. Completely true.
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.

Not necessarily. The residual heat from the accretion that created the earth in the first place would have kept the surface quite hot.

Also, unless I'm very much mistaken, the ocean depths remain quite dark until today.
I read somewhere that the heart from accretion was still there. Wouldnt that have boiled the water? Also, the earth wasnt even formed yet.
Damn you tnharley, you pulled me out of the flame zone.


It's ok, it's just a damn, not a curse, of course.
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.

No form on Day one. No oceans. probably a screwed translation. Since the SEAS came much later. Globs of material, like the hot plasma that formed the Earth could be "an ocean".. Just not an ocean of water. But an ocean of material that is the precursor to planet formation..

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