7 dead, 51 people shot

And once again a conservative tries to create a racist straw man other than address the question asked. I know you people have the attention span of a a mosquito, so here I will ask again-- Where is the GOP love for Chicago. Please explain, specifically

Obviously, the people of Chicago and other notable cities support the conditions under which they live. Constant violence. If that's what they vote for, it seems only fair that they get what they want.


Most of those cities are in states that have Republican Governors, why aren't they stepping up and doing something about it.

Typical of a Progressives, woefully and willfully ignorant about how our government works. Although it does explain most of our problems.
What? No headlines? No 24-hour coverage by the media with Leftists screaming for more gun control?

What’s going on here?

Oh, yeah. It was just another bloody weekend in Chicago.

And the weekend before that was 8 dead and 40 shot.

But what about the killers of 15 people in Chicago over the past two weekends? Who were the people who killed and injured dozens of people? Where did they get their guns? What were their political affiliations? Did they believe in God? Who are their parents? What kind of an upbringing did they have? Who were their victims? Will memorials be held for the victims? What about the toddler who was shot because he was too close to the intended targets? What about the 5-year-old boy who shot while riding in a vehicle with two people who had just been stabbed? Who is this 5-year-old boy and will he be okay?

Don’t see any answers to this in the media, do you?

Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris (CA) called out gun violence in America on Twitter. In her tweet, she mentions, Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. Does anyone find it strange is that she compeletely ignores the horrific gun violence in Chicago?

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden spent most of the weekend blaming white nationalism for gun violence and demanding that government enacts gun-control. He tweeted about the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, but ignored the horrific gun violence that took place in mostly black areas of Chicago:

And not one of the other Dim candidates mentioned Chicago. Or Baltimore. Or another other Dim-controlled big city.

The article details a few of the shootings. No mention of race but it’s not hard to guess.

Story @ ANOTHER BLOODY CHICAGO WEEKEND: Two Mass Shootings...51 People SHOT…7 DEAD…Silence From Democrat Leaders
Other than bashing blacks and single mothers, what do you suggest? Since you brought it up.
No political points to be scored. That’s an actual problem that might be difficult to solve.

Will be ignored.

I can score a political point---why do republicans only care about the weekend death toll in Chicago when one of their weapons of war slaughters innocent people in large numbers elsewhere?

It's not as if the El Paso shooter held up a rubber Trump mask smeared with ketchup, the way Kathy Griffin did. Now that was hate! It gave righties PTSD.
No political points to be scored. That’s an actual problem that might be difficult to solve.

Will be ignored.

I can score a political point---why do republicans only care about the weekend death toll in Chicago when one of their weapons of war slaughters innocent people in large numbers elsewhere?

It's not as if the El Paso shooter held up a rubber Trump mask smeared with ketchup, the way Kathy Griffin did. Now that was hate! It gave righties PTSD.

I will take your word for it.
And once again a conservative tries to create a racist straw man other than address the question asked. I know you people have the attention span of a a mosquito, so here I will ask again-- Where is the GOP love for Chicago. Please explain, specifically

Obviously, the people of Chicago and other notable cities support the conditions under which they live. Constant violence. If that's what they vote for, it seems only fair that they get what they want.


Most of those cities are in states that have Republican Governors, why aren't they stepping up and doing something about it.

Typical of a Progressives, woefully and willfully ignorant about how our government works. Although it does explain most of our problems.

Yea because the governor has no power in the state.
What? No headlines? No 24-hour coverage by the media with Leftists screaming for more gun control?

What’s going on here?

Oh, yeah. It was just another bloody weekend in Chicago.

And the weekend before that was 8 dead and 40 shot.

But what about the killers of 15 people in Chicago over the past two weekends? Who were the people who killed and injured dozens of people? Where did they get their guns? What were their political affiliations? Did they believe in God? Who are their parents? What kind of an upbringing did they have? Who were their victims? Will memorials be held for the victims? What about the toddler who was shot because he was too close to the intended targets? What about the 5-year-old boy who shot while riding in a vehicle with two people who had just been stabbed? Who is this 5-year-old boy and will he be okay?

Don’t see any answers to this in the media, do you?

Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris (CA) called out gun violence in America on Twitter. In her tweet, she mentions, Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. Does anyone find it strange is that she compeletely ignores the horrific gun violence in Chicago?

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden spent most of the weekend blaming white nationalism for gun violence and demanding that government enacts gun-control. He tweeted about the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, but ignored the horrific gun violence that took place in mostly black areas of Chicago:

And not one of the other Dim candidates mentioned Chicago. Or Baltimore. Or another other Dim-controlled big city.

The article details a few of the shootings. No mention of race but it’s not hard to guess.

Story @ ANOTHER BLOODY CHICAGO WEEKEND: Two Mass Shootings...51 People SHOT…7 DEAD…Silence From Democrat Leaders

Other than bashing blacks and single mothers, what do you suggest? Since you brought it up.

Piece of cake, elect Republicans.
No political points to be scored. That’s an actual problem that might be difficult to solve.

Will be ignored.

I can score a political point---why do republicans only care about the weekend death toll in Chicago when one of their weapons of war slaughters innocent people in large numbers elsewhere?

Only? Who said only?

Please explain, specifically.

I did.

Republicans don't care when these people need food. They are currently cutting welfare benefits. Republicans don't care when they need housing. Can you show me a GOP piece of legislation being blocked by democrats to build new public housing? The GOP doesn't care if the infrastructure is crumbling---the top 1% can fly right over them potholes in their jets.

Where is the GOP love for Chicago. Please explain, specifically.
The difference between you and me is I admit I don't give a flying fuck about THOSE PEOPLE.

All a loser like you does is pat yourselves on the backs for patronizing minorities.

Now, go get your little pats on your delicate little back.

Fucking hypocrite
What? No headlines? No 24-hour coverage by the media with Leftists screaming for more gun control?

What’s going on here?

Oh, yeah. It was just another bloody weekend in Chicago.

And the weekend before that was 8 dead and 40 shot.

But what about the killers of 15 people in Chicago over the past two weekends? Who were the people who killed and injured dozens of people? Where did they get their guns? What were their political affiliations? Did they believe in God? Who are their parents? What kind of an upbringing did they have? Who were their victims? Will memorials be held for the victims? What about the toddler who was shot because he was too close to the intended targets? What about the 5-year-old boy who shot while riding in a vehicle with two people who had just been stabbed? Who is this 5-year-old boy and will he be okay?

Don’t see any answers to this in the media, do you?

Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris (CA) called out gun violence in America on Twitter. In her tweet, she mentions, Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. Does anyone find it strange is that she compeletely ignores the horrific gun violence in Chicago?

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden spent most of the weekend blaming white nationalism for gun violence and demanding that government enacts gun-control. He tweeted about the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, but ignored the horrific gun violence that took place in mostly black areas of Chicago:

And not one of the other Dim candidates mentioned Chicago. Or Baltimore. Or another other Dim-controlled big city.

The article details a few of the shootings. No mention of race but it’s not hard to guess.

Story @ ANOTHER BLOODY CHICAGO WEEKEND: Two Mass Shootings...51 People SHOT…7 DEAD…Silence From Democrat Leaders
Most people don`t travel to inner city gangbanger country but they do go to Walmart, churches, schools, synagogues, movie theaters, etc. That`s why inner city shoot ups are local news and the others are national news. Punk crimes get less coverage than terrorism. Are you some sort of moron that you can`t understand this? You bet.
No political points to be scored. That’s an actual problem that might be difficult to solve.

Will be ignored.

I can score a political point---why do republicans only care about the weekend death toll in Chicago when one of their weapons of war slaughters innocent people in large numbers elsewhere?

On the contrary. It's Republicans and the "Deplorable Right" that's pointing out that there's other violence that has to be considered, beside the political fear that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their co-conspirator MSM. Point of fact, is the mass knifing of nearly a dozen victims in California. There's been hardly a peep from the Left and the biased Lame Stream Media..... It's not the guns, they are inanimate objects. It's the breakdown of society, propaganda of the PMS/DSA Left the drugs and mental psychosis of individuals that perpetrate these acts of violence.
The Left knows that more gun control added to the already 22,000 gun laws on the books won't keep criminals and nut cases from getting guns, and using them in crime. They know it won't reduce crime, violence, nor murder. It is about Disarming the Law Abiding citizen, PERIOD. This is about control, and dependency.
What? No headlines? No 24-hour coverage by the media with Leftists screaming for more gun control?

What’s going on here?

Oh, yeah. It was just another bloody weekend in Chicago.

And the weekend before that was 8 dead and 40 shot.

But what about the killers of 15 people in Chicago over the past two weekends? Who were the people who killed and injured dozens of people? Where did they get their guns? What were their political affiliations? Did they believe in God? Who are their parents? What kind of an upbringing did they have? Who were their victims? Will memorials be held for the victims? What about the toddler who was shot because he was too close to the intended targets? What about the 5-year-old boy who shot while riding in a vehicle with two people who had just been stabbed? Who is this 5-year-old boy and will he be okay?

Don’t see any answers to this in the media, do you?

Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris (CA) called out gun violence in America on Twitter. In her tweet, she mentions, Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. Does anyone find it strange is that she compeletely ignores the horrific gun violence in Chicago?

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden spent most of the weekend blaming white nationalism for gun violence and demanding that government enacts gun-control. He tweeted about the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, but ignored the horrific gun violence that took place in mostly black areas of Chicago:

And not one of the other Dim candidates mentioned Chicago. Or Baltimore. Or another other Dim-controlled big city.

The article details a few of the shootings. No mention of race but it’s not hard to guess.

Story @ ANOTHER BLOODY CHICAGO WEEKEND: Two Mass Shootings...51 People SHOT…7 DEAD…Silence From Democrat Leaders

Other than bashing blacks and single mothers, what do you suggest? Since you brought it up.

Piece of cake, elect Republicans.
I believe we did?
Democrats look at these mass shootings as a way to score political points, but they don’t do shit to solve the day in and day out murders of young men of color in the municipalities......wait for it......run by DEMOCRATS.

…….Republicans are concerned though and working day and night to solve these murders, right.

I refer you to the statistics posted by Markle Post #48....
View attachment 273307

Trump is on the job for the other mass shootings. He's investigating as domestic terrorism. Chicago is Dem terrorism which will take longer to undo. It seems to be a natural occurrence in Dem controlled cities.

Actually, Trump specifically said before he was elected that he would "do something" to put an end of Chicago violence, if the city does not put an end to it when he was elected. Sounds to me like you guys should ask him why he lied about that.
View attachment 273307

Trump is on the job for the other mass shootings. He's investigating as domestic terrorism. Chicago is Dem terrorism which will take longer to undo. It seems to be a natural occurrence in Dem controlled cities.

Actually, Trump specifically said before he was elected that he would "do something" to put an end of Chicago violence, if the city does not put an end to it when he was elected. Sounds to me like you guys should ask him why he lied about that.

We should ask him. When is the next election and who should we vote for?
Actually, Trump specifically said before he was elected that he would "do something" to put an end of Chicago violence, if the city does not put an end to it when he was elected. Sounds to me like you guys should ask him why he lied about that.

Show us. A quote like that should be easy for you to find.
Actually, Trump specifically said before he was elected that he would "do something" to put an end of Chicago violence, if the city does not put an end to it when he was elected. Sounds to me like you guys should ask him why he lied about that.

Show us. A quote like that should be easy for you to find.

This is the last time I am going to do your homework for you, Markle:

Trump: Chicago Violence is 'Totally Out of Control'
Actually, Trump specifically said before he was elected that he would "do something" to put an end of Chicago violence, if the city does not put an end to it when he was elected. Sounds to me like you guys should ask him why he lied about that.

Show us. A quote like that should be easy for you to find.

This is the last time I am going to do your homework for you, Markle:

Trump: Chicago Violence is 'Totally Out of Control'

Good thing! You're lousy at doing homework. When was the Inaugration and where does he say HE would do something?

Trump: Chicago Violence is 'Totally Out of Control'
“We’re gonna have to do something about Chicago because what’s happening in Chicago should not be happening in this country,” Trump said.
By Tom Schuba
Published Feb 1, 2017 at 2:49 PM | Updated at 2:50 PM CST on Feb 1, 2017

The above quote and headline are from YOUR source and link.
Trump: Chicago Violence is 'Totally Out of Control'

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