7 in 10 Republicans Believe Trump Can Win The White House

We have slightly less illegals here today than when Bush left office.

The millions occurred before this administration.
Romney was a far better, credentialed candidate than The Donald, and he got beaten strongly.

Trump will not get 45% of the votes if he is our candidate.

romney had decent credentials but disavowed all of them to appeal to the wingers. then he couldn't get back to the middle and got beat.

he is now taking credit for the ACA.... Funny how they come back to the truth sometimes when they concern themselves with their legacy and not with appealing to the insane right.
AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable


(AP) In this Oct. 23, 2015, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald...
Full Image

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican voters view Donald Trump as their strongest general election candidate, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that highlights the sharp contrast between the party's voters and its top professionals regarding the billionaire businessman's ultimate political strength.

Seven in 10 Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters say Trump could win in November 2016 if he is nominated, and that's the most who say so of any candidate. By comparison, 6 in 10 say the same for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who, like Trump, has tapped into the powerful wave of antiestablishment anger defining the early phases of the 2016 contest.

"It's the lifelong establishment politicians on both sides that rub me the wrong way," said registered Republican Joe Selig, a 60-year-old carpenter from Vallejo, California. "I think Trump is more electable. He's strong. We need strength these days."

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable

Good, please nominate him. I'm in. I may even help since I'm sure Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. I think I'll register Republican for the primary so I can vote for Trump.
That would much appreciated. Nothing like a little help courtesy of demtard stupidity.
I love it when a post makes the libtards mad... :lol:

PRESIDENT TRUMP... going to be hard for the pajama boys and girls to deal with... :lol:

no one is "mad", troll. but you, as always, are a lying loony rightwingnut troll

ah... delusional rightwingnut projecting again. :thup:
We'll see, won't we, shrillian... when Trump wins the general, I'm going to rub in your face especially, with PLEASURE... :lol:

Romney was a far better, credentialed candidate than The Donald, and he got beaten strongly.

Trump will not get 45% of the votes if he is our candidate.

romney had decent credentials but disavowed all of them to appeal to the wingers. then he couldn't get back to the middle and got beat.

he is now taking credit for the ACA.... Funny how they come back to the truth sometimes when they concern themselves with their legacy and not with appealing to the insane right.
Funnier even yet is how the left has morphed so far to the loony whack job progressive commie totalitarian immoral void of patriotism or love of the constitution America hating bat shit crazy and lazy left, that they now consider NORMAL Americans, "the insane right."
7 in 10 think Trump can win?

More reason why Republicans can't win the White House
7 in 10 think Trump can win?

More reason why Republicans can't win the White House

Stop pretending that you are winning any Contest of Ideas. If you had not imported tens of millions of Third World voters, Obama wouldn't be President and Hillary would not be a contender.

Not as they are representing themselves now anyways.
We have slightly less illegals here today than when Bush left office.

The millions occurred before this administration.

Which addresses nothing I have said.
There are not millions of illegals, as your post certainly does suggest, that have crossed the border in the last seven years. If you mean we have millions of illegals here because the GOP and Dem admins screwed up, I am with you 100%.
Just one insult after another from the leftards. Evidently they hate it when confronted with the truth and have no legitimate reply, they simply resort to name calling, insults and trash talk, and it appears that the board moderation let's them get away with it, because it's the same assholes doing it, time after time after time.

Take note board conservatives, that should tell you something about moderation and admin on this board.
Take note every Board member, 007 correctly notes that the far left lie on the board, while ignoring the far right is every bit as bad. So it appears the board mod are complicit with both sides doing it.
We have slightly less illegals here today than when Bush left office.

The millions occurred before this administration.

Which addresses nothing I have said.
There are not millions of illegals, as your post certainly does suggest, that have crossed the border in the last seven years. If you mean we have millions of illegals here because the GOP and Dem admins screwed up, I am with you 100%.

Yes, that is exactly what I mean.
Thank you for agreeing that millions of illegals have not been pouring across the border during the Obama administration.

Yes, we have a problem to solve, and we are not going to do it by mass deportations.
Thank you for agreeing that millions of illegals have not been pouring across the border during the Obama administration.

Yes, we have a problem to solve, and we are not going to do it by mass deportations.

Mass deportations certainly sound like part of a solution.
Thank you for agreeing that millions of illegals have not been pouring across the border during the Obama administration. Yes, we have a problem to solve, and we are not going to do it by mass deportations.
Mass deportations certainly sound like part of a solution.
The American people will never permit it. Those days of Eisenhower will never happen again. So, we will have to (1) deploy troops on the Border, which means changing the law, (2) business hiring and employment reform with "death penalty" punishments on businesses who employees deliberately and knowingly violate the law, and (3) immigrant reform.
AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable


(AP) In this Oct. 23, 2015, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald...
Full Image

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican voters view Donald Trump as their strongest general election candidate, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that highlights the sharp contrast between the party's voters and its top professionals regarding the billionaire businessman's ultimate political strength.

Seven in 10 Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters say Trump could win in November 2016 if he is nominated, and that's the most who say so of any candidate. By comparison, 6 in 10 say the same for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who, like Trump, has tapped into the powerful wave of antiestablishment anger defining the early phases of the 2016 contest.

"It's the lifelong establishment politicians on both sides that rub me the wrong way," said registered Republican Joe Selig, a 60-year-old carpenter from Vallejo, California. "I think Trump is more electable. He's strong. We need strength these days."

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable

Good, please nominate him. I'm in. I may even help since I'm sure Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. I think I'll register Republican for the primary so I can vote for Trump.
That would much appreciated. Nothing like a little help courtesy of demtard stupidity.
Of course Sargent cargo handler
"7 in 10 Republicans Believe Trump Can Win The White House"

Which is good for democrats, who'd love nothing more than Trump being the GOP nominee.

Of course, that won't be the case.

I don't know. If enough Dems cross over to vote for Trump in the primary, he could end up winning the nomination.
There aren't enough states that allow 'cross overs' for that to happen.
Thank you for agreeing that millions of illegals have not been pouring across the border during the Obama administration. Yes, we have a problem to solve, and we are not going to do it by mass deportations.
Mass deportations certainly sound like part of a solution.
The American people will never permit it. Those days of Eisenhower will never happen again. So, we will have to (1) deploy troops on the Border, which means changing the law, (2) business hiring and employment reform with "death penalty" punishments on businesses who employees deliberately and knowingly violate the law, and (3) immigrant reform.

Says who, you? You are wrong as rain. Most Americans are for deporting at least some of them. I don't know where you get your information, but if what you said came from a poll, I would change polls quickly to get the correct information.
Says who, you? You are wrong as rain. Most Americans are for deporting at least some of them. I don't know where you get your information, but if what you said came from a poll, I would change polls quickly to get the correct information.
Mischaracterize my "mass deportations" into "some" deportations much. Dishonest and inaccurate as well. Americans will not permit mass deportations. The immigrants are home, ese.
Says who, you? You are wrong as rain. Most Americans are for deporting at least some of them. I don't know where you get your information, but if what you said came from a poll, I would change polls quickly to get the correct information.
Mischaracterize my "mass deportations" into "some" deportations much. Dishonest and inaccurate as well. Americans will not permit mass deportations. The immigrants are home, ese.

Then you better hope Hilly or Jeb gets elected, because everyone else has at least some of them going home. Ese-)
I have no trouble with some going home, but there will not be mass deportations, ese.

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