7 Million dollars tax break to Carrier for 800 jobs

bear513, post: 15958419
Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, April 27, 2015
Taxpayers are on the hook for more than $2.2 billion in expected costs from the federal government’s energy loan guarantee programs, according to a new audit Monday that suggests the controversial projects may not pay for themselves, as officials had promised.

Fake News Subsciber. Try a dose of reality Trumpsuckers.
Reducing our dependence on foreign oil is what put $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&
In you pockets. Low gas prices. It was not idiotic like "drill baby drill."

"Funny how the Republicans have failed to point this out. But hey, they're only interested in cherry-picking failures. And the so-called "liberal" press, which lavished sumptuous coverage on the Solyndra debacle, is only interested in news when it's bad.

My curiousity about the Department of Energy's loan program - did it still exist, or did Solyndra kill it? - was prompted by something that President Obama said Tuesday night, during his State of the Union address. Just a passing remark: "We believed we could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our planet....Every three weeks, we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008."

So I surmised that if we're indeed bringing more solar online, then surely that loan program must still exist, right?

Turns out, it does. Big time.

Turns out, Solyndra's failure was basically a speed bump. Turns out, Obama's energy department has thus far loaned $34 billion to a slew of clean-green startups, and defaulted on only $780 million - a loss rate of just 2.3 percent. And Solyndra's default still accounts for most of that $780 million. All told, 20 clean-green projects, launched with Obama loans, are now operating and generating revenue. And the loan program, thanks to its ongoing collection of interest payments, is already $30 million in the black.

One would think that Republicans would applaud a win for taxpayers, a program that partners with private enterprise to create clean-energy jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. But no, of course not. They paid attention only when "Solyndra" was useful as an attack word (by 2012, "Solyndra" was replaced by "Benghazi").

But it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what the private-sector entrepreneurs think. You know, the business people who think about investments, not ideology.

Two months ago, a spokesman for NRG Energy Inc. (which owns three solar power plants) toldReuters, "The loan program has been successful in bringing to market good projects with good credit support that absolutely would not have been built" if not for those loans.

That same month, Nancy Pfund, a managing partner of a venture capital firm that has holdings in several energy companies backed by the Obama program, told the Associated Press: "It's very hard to get commercial-scale financing, especially for these types of projects. (The loans) have been a very positive force in that respect."

Post-Solyndra, a plant in Colorado produces photovoltaic energy (a form of solar power) - reputedly the largest of its kind in the world. A plant in Kansas produces cellulosic ethanol from non-edible waste. There are solar thermal plants and wind farms in California and Arizona. Some projects have reportedly inked deals to sell clean power to utility companies. One project in California has already paid back its $450 million nearly 10 years ahead of schedule.

As for Solyndra, yeah, that was a washout back in the day. But as scandals go, it was woefully overblown even then. The Solyndra loan was actually approved by the Bush administration, via an Energy Department program that preceded Obama's. The busted loan - $535 million - equaled the taxpayer tab for two days of our military occupation in Iraq. (Two days. Not a misprint.) Government-aided business ventures fail all the time anyway, it's the nature of business. And the Obama loan program isn't exactly a new concept; the feds have long been a financial nurturer of cutting-edge private enterprise, in everything from synthetic rubber to the Internet.

Now we have the post-Solyndra success stories. And if you really want perspective, this delicious little factoid should be the clincher:

Since the new ethanol biorefinery opened in Hugoton, Kansas last October (I mentioned that project earlier), the small town's economy has boomed. New stores and motels are being built, new jobs are being created. All because Obama's loan program - created by the '09 economic stimulus law - funnelled money to this red-state backwater. Care to guess who came to the opening and praised the program?

Governor and ex-congressman Sam Brownback and Senator Pat Roberts. Two conservative Republicans who railed against the stimulus law and voted against it in '09. But gee, now they think the stimulus' loan program is just great. The governor says he "strongly supports" it.@

The Obama solar success story that nobody talks about — NewsWorks
Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.
Tipsycatlover, post: 15958295.
Trump never had the chance to save them. obama baked that cake a year ago. Trump isn't even sworn in. The jobs he saved, he saved as civilian president elect.

The 1300 who had obama ship their jobs out of the country, may hold it against democrats for the rest of their lives.

Pence was governor there the past four years - what, he could not cut a deal until a white bigot sexual predator became President-elect.

What held Pence back all this time. Obama was not the governor of Indiana. He could not give away Indiana taxpayer money to a corporation.

Why didn't Pence and art of the deal charlatan force United Technologies to keep every single job in Indiana.

Do you have an explanation for that or is it gonna be blame Obama for the next two years?

Bush baked the super cake where the economy was losing nearly 1,000,000 jobs the very same month Obama was inaugurated and the auto industry was on in its death throes.

Oh yeah Bush is white. That's ok - just forget about it.

Trump saved 800 jobs in America by handing out tax breaks to a company that in the same deal is firing 1300 Americans so they can pay $3 an hour to manufacturing workers in Mexico.

Why didn't Trump mention the 1,300 lost jobs in his big deal victory tour in Indiana

Gotta love your ability to take facts, and twist them to fit your particular purpose.

1) Trump can't FORCE anybody to do anything.

2) He negotiated an equitable deal for both sides.

3) Obama could have done the same thing - but he didn't care enough.

4) I absolutely love your math .... There were 1,300 jobs at risk ---- 800 + will stay in Indiana, 400 + will go somewhere else.

5) In truth, when you consider the service and support jobs saved/created as a result of the revenue generated by the 800 workers, the jobs saved/created probably is closer to 2,000. (Somebody has to stock those grocery shelves).

5) The taxes earned by Indiana on the recovered salaries will repay the tax benefit in less than 3 years. All tax dollars earned, from the company or from the workers, will be as a direct result of Trump's willingness to get involved.

6) Pence couldn't work a deal where he could promise that onerous federal regulations would be lifted. Obama could have - but he didn't. Trump will.

7) I particularly enjoyed how you tried - unsuccessfully, I might add - to deflect from the issue by blaming Bush.

8) But, most of all - I like the amateurish attempt to deflect by throwing down the race card.

Bush and the race card --- it's sad when that's all you have left. Kinda like going into a pit of tigers with a switch, ain't it?

In fact, your post is so incredibly inaccurate, so amazingly wrong, that I'm shocked that you actually found somebody else to agreed with you.

That shit must be contagious.
bear513, post: 15958419
Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, April 27, 2015
Taxpayers are on the hook for more than $2.2 billion in expected costs from the federal government’s energy loan guarantee programs, according to a new audit Monday that suggests the controversial projects may not pay for themselves, as officials had promised.

Fake News Subsciber. Try a dose of reality Trumpsuckers.
Reducing our dependence on foreign oil is what put $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&
In you pockets. Low gas prices. It was not idiotic like "drill baby drill."

"Funny how the Republicans have failed to point this out. But hey, they're only interested in cherry-picking failures. And the so-called "liberal" press, which lavished sumptuous coverage on the Solyndra debacle, is only interested in news when it's bad.

My curiousity about the Department of Energy's loan program - did it still exist, or did Solyndra kill it? - was prompted by something that President Obama said Tuesday night, during his State of the Union address. Just a passing remark: "We believed we could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our planet....Every three weeks, we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008."

So I surmised that if we're indeed bringing more solar online, then surely that loan program must still exist, right?

Turns out, it does. Big time.

Turns out, Solyndra's failure was basically a speed bump. Turns out, Obama's energy department has thus far loaned $34 billion to a slew of clean-green startups, and defaulted on only $780 million - a loss rate of just 2.3 percent. And Solyndra's default still accounts for most of that $780 million. All told, 20 clean-green projects, launched with Obama loans, are now operating and generating revenue. And the loan program, thanks to its ongoing collection of interest payments, is already $30 million in the black.

One would think that Republicans would applaud a win for taxpayers, a program that partners with private enterprise to create clean-energy jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. But no, of course not. They paid attention only when "Solyndra" was useful as an attack word (by 2012, "Solyndra" was replaced by "Benghazi").

But it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what the private-sector entrepreneurs think. You know, the business people who think about investments, not ideology.

Two months ago, a spokesman for NRG Energy Inc. (which owns three solar power plants) toldReuters, "The loan program has been successful in bringing to market good projects with good credit support that absolutely would not have been built" if not for those loans.

That same month, Nancy Pfund, a managing partner of a venture capital firm that has holdings in several energy companies backed by the Obama program, told the Associated Press: "It's very hard to get commercial-scale financing, especially for these types of projects. (The loans) have been a very positive force in that respect."

Post-Solyndra, a plant in Colorado produces photovoltaic energy (a form of solar power) - reputedly the largest of its kind in the world. A plant in Kansas produces cellulosic ethanol from non-edible waste. There are solar thermal plants and wind farms in California and Arizona. Some projects have reportedly inked deals to sell clean power to utility companies. One project in California has already paid back its $450 million nearly 10 years ahead of schedule.

As for Solyndra, yeah, that was a washout back in the day. But as scandals go, it was woefully overblown even then. The Solyndra loan was actually approved by the Bush administration, via an Energy Department program that preceded Obama's. The busted loan - $535 million - equaled the taxpayer tab for two days of our military occupation in Iraq. (Two days. Not a misprint.) Government-aided business ventures fail all the time anyway, it's the nature of business. And the Obama loan program isn't exactly a new concept; the feds have long been a financial nurturer of cutting-edge private enterprise, in everything from synthetic rubber to the Internet.

Now we have the post-Solyndra success stories. And if you really want perspective, this delicious little factoid should be the clincher:

Since the new ethanol biorefinery opened in Hugoton, Kansas last October (I mentioned that project earlier), the small town's economy has boomed. New stores and motels are being built, new jobs are being created. All because Obama's loan program - created by the '09 economic stimulus law - funnelled money to this red-state backwater. Care to guess who came to the opening and praised the program?

Governor and ex-congressman Sam Brownback and Senator Pat Roberts. Two conservative Republicans who railed against the stimulus law and voted against it in '09. But gee, now they think the stimulus' loan program is just great. The governor says he "strongly supports" it.@

The Obama solar success story that nobody talks about — NewsWorks

Sorry --- wrong again.

GAO determines Green Energy Program will Lose $2.2 Billion.

The Energy Department’s green energy loan program is expected to lose money, despite media reports that such loans would net the government a profit.

The Government Accountability Office says the DOE’s oft-touted $28 billion loan program will cost taxpayers $2.21 billion over the lifetime of the loans. Not only that, the costs to taxpayers for green loans has risen about $500 million as “the result of loan guarantee defaults” from companies like Solyndra and Abound Solar.

The “credit subsidy cost of the loans and loan guarantees in its portfolio” is expected “to be $2.21 billion, including $807 million for loans that have defaulted,” GAO reports. “The fees DOE has collected have not been sufficient to cover all of its administrative expenses for the program” because the “fees on the current loan guarantees were too low to cover ongoing monitoring costs.”

This stands in sharp contrast to media reports from last year suggesting the DOE”s green loan program would net taxpayers $5 billion. Last year, the Washington Post’s Wonkblog ran with the headline, “Remember Solyndra? Those loans are making money.” The liberal news watchdog Media Matters exclaimed that “Solyndra Scandal-Mongering Hasn’t Stopped The Energy Dept’s Loan Program From Turning A Profit.”

Read more: GAO: DOE’s Green Energy Loans Won’t Make A Profit
Tipsycatlover, post: 15958295.
Trump never had the chance to save them. obama baked that cake a year ago. Trump isn't even sworn in. The jobs he saved, he saved as civilian president elect.

The 1300 who had obama ship their jobs out of the country, may hold it against democrats for the rest of their lives.

Pence was governor there the past four years - what, he could not cut a deal until a white bigot sexual predator became President-elect.

What held Pence back all this time. Obama was not the governor of Indiana. He could not give away Indiana taxpayer money to a corporation.

Why didn't Pence and art of the deal charlatan force United Technologies to keep every single job in Indiana.

Do you have an explanation for that or is it gonna be blame Obama for the next two years?

Bush baked the super cake where the economy was losing nearly 1,000,000 jobs the very same month Obama was inaugurated and the auto industry was on in its death throes.

Oh yeah Bush is white. That's ok - just forget about it.

Trump saved 800 jobs in America by handing out tax breaks to a company that in the same deal is firing 1300 Americans so they can pay $3 an hour to manufacturing workers in Mexico.

Why didn't Trump mention the 1,300 lost jobs in his big deal victory tour in Indiana

Gotta love your ability to take facts, and twist them to fit your particular purpose.

1) Trump can't FORCE anybody to do anything.

2) He negotiated an equitable deal for both sides.

3) Obama could have done the same thing - but he didn't care enough.

4) I absolutely love your math .... There were 1,300 jobs at risk ---- 800 + will stay in Indiana, 400 + will go somewhere else.

5) In truth, when you consider the service and support jobs saved/created as a result of the revenue generated by the 800 workers, the jobs saved/created probably is closer to 2,000. (Somebody has to stock those grocery shelves).

5) The taxes earned by Indiana on the recovered salaries will repay the tax benefit in less than 3 years. All tax dollars earned, from the company or from the workers, will be as a direct result of Trump's willingness to get involved.

6) Pence couldn't work a deal where he could promise that onerous federal regulations would be lifted. Obama could have - but he didn't. Trump will.

7) I particularly enjoyed how you tried - unsuccessfully, I might add - to deflect from the issue by blaming Bush.

8) But, most of all - I like the amateurish attempt to deflect by throwing down the race card.

Bush and the race card --- it's sad when that's all you have left. Kinda like going into a pit of tigers with a switch, ain't it?

In fact, your post is so incredibly inaccurate, so amazingly wrong, that I'm shocked that you actually found somebody else to agreed with you.

That shit must be contagious.

Actually the number is now 1,400 jobs lost, not 1,300.

Glen, a Trump supporter, is among about 1,400 employees who learned in February that their jobs would be eliminated over three years as the heating and air-conditioning company Carrier gradually shuttered the plant and relocated its operations to Monterrey, Mexico.

Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.
Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)
Tipsycatlover, post: 15958295.
Trump never had the chance to save them. obama baked that cake a year ago. Trump isn't even sworn in. The jobs he saved, he saved as civilian president elect.

The 1300 who had obama ship their jobs out of the country, may hold it against democrats for the rest of their lives.

Pence was governor there the past four years - what, he could not cut a deal until a white bigot sexual predator became President-elect.

What held Pence back all this time. Obama was not the governor of Indiana. He could not give away Indiana taxpayer money to a corporation.

Why didn't Pence and art of the deal charlatan force United Technologies to keep every single job in Indiana.

Do you have an explanation for that or is it gonna be blame Obama for the next two years?

Bush baked the super cake where the economy was losing nearly 1,000,000 jobs the very same month Obama was inaugurated and the auto industry was on in its death throes.

Oh yeah Bush is white. That's ok - just forget about it.

Trump saved 800 jobs in America by handing out tax breaks to a company that in the same deal is firing 1300 Americans so they can pay $3 an hour to manufacturing workers in Mexico.

Why didn't Trump mention the 1,300 lost jobs in his big deal victory tour in Indiana

Gotta love your ability to take facts, and twist them to fit your particular purpose.

1) Trump can't FORCE anybody to do anything.

2) He negotiated an equitable deal for both sides.

3) Obama could have done the same thing - but he didn't care enough.

4) I absolutely love your math .... There were 1,300 jobs at risk ---- 800 + will stay in Indiana, 400 + will go somewhere else.

5) In truth, when you consider the service and support jobs saved/created as a result of the revenue generated by the 800 workers, the jobs saved/created probably is closer to 2,000. (Somebody has to stock those grocery shelves).

5) The taxes earned by Indiana on the recovered salaries will repay the tax benefit in less than 3 years. All tax dollars earned, from the company or from the workers, will be as a direct result of Trump's willingness to get involved.

6) Pence couldn't work a deal where he could promise that onerous federal regulations would be lifted. Obama could have - but he didn't. Trump will.

7) I particularly enjoyed how you tried - unsuccessfully, I might add - to deflect from the issue by blaming Bush.

8) But, most of all - I like the amateurish attempt to deflect by throwing down the race card.

Bush and the race card --- it's sad when that's all you have left. Kinda like going into a pit of tigers with a switch, ain't it?

In fact, your post is so incredibly inaccurate, so amazingly wrong, that I'm shocked that you actually found somebody else to agreed with you.

That shit must be contagious.

Actually the number is now 1,400 jobs lost, not 1,300.

Glen, a Trump supporter, is among about 1,400 employees who learned in February that their jobs would be eliminated over three years as the heating and air-conditioning company Carrier gradually shuttered the plant and relocated its operations to Monterrey, Mexico.


... and your point is?

Actually, it happens to 1364 jobs at risk, of which 821 were recovered.
Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.
Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs
Lastamender, post: 15958345
Considering over taxing business has forced them to leave this country, 7 million is chump change.

United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.
bear513, post: 15958419
Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, April 27, 2015
Taxpayers are on the hook for more than $2.2 billion in expected costs from the federal government’s energy loan guarantee programs, according to a new audit Monday that suggests the controversial projects may not pay for themselves, as officials had promised.

Fake News Subsciber. Try a dose of reality Trumpsuckers.
Reducing our dependence on foreign oil is what put $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&
In you pockets. Low gas prices. It was not idiotic like "drill baby drill."

"Funny how the Republicans have failed to point this out. But hey, they're only interested in cherry-picking failures. And the so-called "liberal" press, which lavished sumptuous coverage on the Solyndra debacle, is only interested in news when it's bad.

My curiousity about the Department of Energy's loan program - did it still exist, or did Solyndra kill it? - was prompted by something that President Obama said Tuesday night, during his State of the Union address. Just a passing remark: "We believed we could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our planet....Every three weeks, we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008."

So I surmised that if we're indeed bringing more solar online, then surely that loan program must still exist, right?

Turns out, it does. Big time.

Turns out, Solyndra's failure was basically a speed bump. Turns out, Obama's energy department has thus far loaned $34 billion to a slew of clean-green startups, and defaulted on only $780 million - a loss rate of just 2.3 percent. And Solyndra's default still accounts for most of that $780 million. All told, 20 clean-green projects, launched with Obama loans, are now operating and generating revenue. And the loan program, thanks to its ongoing collection of interest payments, is already $30 million in the black.

One would think that Republicans would applaud a win for taxpayers, a program that partners with private enterprise to create clean-energy jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. But no, of course not. They paid attention only when "Solyndra" was useful as an attack word (by 2012, "Solyndra" was replaced by "Benghazi").

But it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what the private-sector entrepreneurs think. You know, the business people who think about investments, not ideology.

Two months ago, a spokesman for NRG Energy Inc. (which owns three solar power plants) toldReuters, "The loan program has been successful in bringing to market good projects with good credit support that absolutely would not have been built" if not for those loans.

That same month, Nancy Pfund, a managing partner of a venture capital firm that has holdings in several energy companies backed by the Obama program, told the Associated Press: "It's very hard to get commercial-scale financing, especially for these types of projects. (The loans) have been a very positive force in that respect."

Post-Solyndra, a plant in Colorado produces photovoltaic energy (a form of solar power) - reputedly the largest of its kind in the world. A plant in Kansas produces cellulosic ethanol from non-edible waste. There are solar thermal plants and wind farms in California and Arizona. Some projects have reportedly inked deals to sell clean power to utility companies. One project in California has already paid back its $450 million nearly 10 years ahead of schedule.

As for Solyndra, yeah, that was a washout back in the day. But as scandals go, it was woefully overblown even then. The Solyndra loan was actually approved by the Bush administration, via an Energy Department program that preceded Obama's. The busted loan - $535 million - equaled the taxpayer tab for two days of our military occupation in Iraq. (Two days. Not a misprint.) Government-aided business ventures fail all the time anyway, it's the nature of business. And the Obama loan program isn't exactly a new concept; the feds have long been a financial nurturer of cutting-edge private enterprise, in everything from synthetic rubber to the Internet.

Now we have the post-Solyndra success stories. And if you really want perspective, this delicious little factoid should be the clincher:

Since the new ethanol biorefinery opened in Hugoton, Kansas last October (I mentioned that project earlier), the small town's economy has boomed. New stores and motels are being built, new jobs are being created. All because Obama's loan program - created by the '09 economic stimulus law - funnelled money to this red-state backwater. Care to guess who came to the opening and praised the program?

Governor and ex-congressman Sam Brownback and Senator Pat Roberts. Two conservative Republicans who railed against the stimulus law and voted against it in '09. But gee, now they think the stimulus' loan program is just great. The governor says he "strongly supports" it.@

The Obama solar success story that nobody talks about — NewsWorks


Try again still at work..19 fucking hours and counting..get back to you later i am on break.

Oh wait

List Of Failed Green Energy Jobs & Companies – By Obama

Update: 7/19/12: The Amonix Solar:FAIL!manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, subsidized by more than $20 million in federal tax credits and grants given by Obama Administration, has closed its 214,000 square foot facility a year after it opened.

  • Solar Trust of America: FAIL! – Filed Bankruptcy in Oakland, CA, April 3, 2012

  • Bright Source: FAIL! – Bright Source warned Obama’s Energy Department officials in March 2011 that delays in approving a $1.6 billion U.S. loan guarantee would embarrass the White House and force the solar-energy company to close. Bright Source lost billions of dollars but is getting more money to keep trying. Can you say, “This isn’t working Mr. President?”

  • Solyndra: FAIL! – Obama gave $500,000,000 (that’s a HALF BILLION!) in taxpayer money to Solyndra who shut its doors and laid off 1100 workers in August 2011 after billions in losses due to failure to make a solar product that works! Barack Obama was not vetted before being elected President and neither was Solyndra before Mr. Obama threw that taxpayer money down the drain of unproven technology.

  • LSP Energy: FAIL! – LSPEnergy LP filed bankruptcy protection and a sale of its assets in Feb 2012

  • Energy Conversion Devices: FAIL!On February 14, 2012 Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. and its subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy

  • Abound Solar: FAIL! – Abound Solar received a $400 million loan guarantee from Barack Obama then announced in June, 2012 that it would file for bankruptcy. Many of these failed corporations, such as Abound, donated MILLIONS and continue to donate to Barack Obama’s campaign. Can you say, “Democrat Slush Fund”? Yes this is illegal. But Democrats are being protected from being prosecuted, for now.

  • SunPower: FAIL! – SunPower stopped producing solar cells in 2011 at near bankruptcy then restructured with the help of, get this, oil giant TOTAL, Inc. who owns 60% stake in SunPower. Irony? The company is still struggling.

  • Beacon Power: FAIL! – Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy protection in October, 2011 just a year after Obama approved a $43 million Government loan guarantee. They remain barely in business, still struggling to make energy that makes sense or that works at all.
  • Ecotality: FAIL! – ECOtality, a San Francisco green-tech company that never earned any money and remains on the verge of bankruptcy after receiving roughly $115 million in two loan guarantees from President Obama, who wants to do some more of this kind of Democrat Slush Fund Guarantees after he is elected to a 2nd term.

  • A123 Solar: FAIL! A123 Solar received $279 million from taxpayers thanks to President Obama’s Department of Energy loan guarantees even after the Solyndra bankruptcy and is getting another $500M from Obama after a loss of $400M.

  • UniSolar: FAIL! – Uni-Solar filed for Ch 11 bankruptcy in June 20, 2012 after laying off hundreds of workers. UniSolar received even more Obama money after showing now progress, no profits and is still failing… yet they still remain in business with Obama’s help.

  • Azure Dynamics: FAIL! – Azure Dynamics filed for bankruptcy in June , 2012 wasting millions in Obama “Stimulus” money and received abatement on taxes owed and and several tax credits. Azure Dynamics LLC filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada and the US. Azure laid off 120 of its 160 employees in Oak Park; Boston; Vancouver, British Columbia; and the UK.

  • Evergreen Solar: FAIL! – Evergreen Solar received $527 Million in Taxpayer money from Obama and filed bankruptcy in late 2011. Evergreen, which closed its taxpayer-supported Devens factory in March, 2011 cut more than 1800 jobs. Evergreen’s $450 million factory, turned out to be a colossal “waste” of taxpayer money.

  • Ener1: FAIL! Ener1 Inc. received a $118 million U.S. Energy Department grant from President Obama to make electric-car batteries but filed for bankruptcy protection January 2012 after defaulting on bond debt.
Lastamender, post: 15958345 United Technologies pays an effective rate of 9%. Pretty low don't you think? Where is the bottom. They are at 9% but still taking 1300 jobs across the Rio Grande that Trump and Pence did not care about saving in the Huuuuggge deal.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.

No. You're numbers are still wrong. Go back and read again. United Technologies owns Carrier...you understand that right?
One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

If you're going to tell lies, at least make them believable.

Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.

No. You're numbers are still wrong. Go back and read again. United Technologies owns Carrier...you understand that right?

Careful - you are letting your lack of business acumen show.

I do believe I acknowledged that United was the parent company (that means they own Carrier). But, even the most innocent business neophyte understands that the two companies do not work together - they are separate management entities. You DID understand that, right? United does not negotiate for Carrier, and Carrier does not negotiate for United.
Let's see your source. :)

Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.

No. You're numbers are still wrong. Go back and read again. United Technologies owns Carrier...you understand that right?

Careful - you are letting your lack of business acumen show.

I do believe I acknowledged that United was the parent company (that means they own Carrier). But, even the most innocent business neophyte understands that the two companies do not work together - they are separate management entities. You DID understand that, right? United does not negotiate for Carrier, and Carrier does not negotiate for United.

Haha go ahead and try to reason this out however you can... if it helps you sleep at night. 1,300+ people are going to bed tonight knowing they will soon be losing their job and Trump sacrificed them in order to save 1,000 other people. Make sure you say a prayer about them and their families before sleeping under your goose down comforter tonight.
Help yourself ---- you don't get off the hook that easy. If you want to disprove what I said, find your own damn reference.

But, of course, a whole bunch of jobs are still going to Mexico: 1,300, Fortune reported. The outsourcing trend remains intact.

A pattern is emerging with Trump's deals to save US manufacturing jobs

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.

No. You're numbers are still wrong. Go back and read again. United Technologies owns Carrier...you understand that right?

Careful - you are letting your lack of business acumen show.

I do believe I acknowledged that United was the parent company (that means they own Carrier). But, even the most innocent business neophyte understands that the two companies do not work together - they are separate management entities. You DID understand that, right? United does not negotiate for Carrier, and Carrier does not negotiate for United.

Haha go ahead and try to reason this out however you can... if it helps you sleep at night. 1,300+ people are going to bed tonight knowing they will soon be losing their job and Trump sacrificed them in order to save 1,000 other people. Make sure you say a prayer about them and their families before sleeping under your goose down comforter tonight.

That's absolutely false - and indicative of what you apparently are incapable of understanding.

1) 800 people are going to bed tonight secure in the fact that their job has been rescued by Donald Trump.

2) 500 people are going to bed tonight knowing they have lost their jobs.

3) An additional 700 (or so) are going to bed tonight knowing that they MIGHT lose their jobs, but heartened by the fact that Donald Trump is fighting to same those.

That is the facts.

LOL --- so now your complaint is that he didn't save all the jobs, just 70% of them? That's a complaint ??

You've got to be kidding.

You can have 800 --- or you can have zero. Sounds like a win to me.

BTW - now I see where you leftists are getting all discombobulated about the number of jobs. Carrier was moving 1300 jobs to Mexico. United Technologies, the parent company, was moving an additional 800 jobs.

Trump has finished negotiations with Carrier about the 800 jobs.

United Technologies was not included in that settlement. Their situation is still in discussion.

No. You're numbers are still wrong. Go back and read again. United Technologies owns Carrier...you understand that right?

Careful - you are letting your lack of business acumen show.

I do believe I acknowledged that United was the parent company (that means they own Carrier). But, even the most innocent business neophyte understands that the two companies do not work together - they are separate management entities. You DID understand that, right? United does not negotiate for Carrier, and Carrier does not negotiate for United.

Haha go ahead and try to reason this out however you can... if it helps you sleep at night. 1,300+ people are going to bed tonight knowing they will soon be losing their job and Trump sacrificed them in order to save 1,000 other people. Make sure you say a prayer about them and their families before sleeping under your goose down comforter tonight.

That's absolutely false - and indicative of what you apparently are incapable of understanding.

1) 800 people are going to bed tonight secure in the fact that their job has been rescued by Donald Trump.

2) 500 people are going to bed tonight knowing they have lost their jobs.

3) An additional 700 (or so) are going to bed tonight knowing that they MIGHT lose their jobs, but heartened by the fact that Donald Trump is fighting to same those.

That is the facts.

And multiple sources from multiple outlets say you're full of shit.. and tough guy you hasn't provided a single source to back up your claims.

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