7 minutes of Truth

For the 6th time. Tell me what he said isn't truthful.
You deplorables crack me up.
He is a comedian, numb nuts.
Hes a lot more than that, Gertrude.
Funny you don't know that.
My offer still stands. Where is he wrong?
He throws daggers of truth and makes it funny.
You have no one on the right that can touch him.
I guess you get your foreign policy analysis from Trevor Noah and Andy Capp?
Well... They did a study when Jon Stewart was on the air and found out viewers of his show were more well informed than Fox News viewers.
Who is the "They" that conducted this imaginary study you are quoting?
It always amazes me how little you Trumpettes know.
They found that someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all. Those watching only "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" answered 1.42 questions correctly and people who only listened to NPR or only watched Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 questions correctly.

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
For the amount of time you've spent putting Bill down you could have listened already.
That's what weasels do. Congrats. You're a cowardly weasel.
I'm having more fun kicking your ass.
Delusional too I see.
You have quite a few afflictions.
It's hilarious how you deplorables are so afraid of truth tellers.
You are gushing over Mahr but can't cite a single thing that stood out for you.
The name is Maher. I'm more concerned what stood out for YOU.
But you're too much a pussy to watch.
But you can't give me a reason to do so. So .....
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Especially if it's poison.
Did you see the graph and study I posted?
The poison is how your media sources keep you uninformed.
You love being stupid. Trump loves and needs you to be stupid.
You would actually learn a few things you didn't know if you listened to Bill but that would be such a shock to your system you might need a doctor.
In other words he's a professional hate monger.
Another coward who can't point out the hate in what he said.
I've heard him before. The world existed before you came along.
You need to hear what he said last night. I brought it right to your door step but you are afraid of letting him in.
No room for the truth when you're so used to being lied to by your fuhrer.
" The sun came out when I took the oath of office."
No putz... it was still raining which is why people still had their umbrellas up. Lmao
You have zero credibility when you use terms like fuhrer so why would I let you lead me around? Post his best analysis, joke, epiphany, whatever.
Trump demonizes the press just like all dictators. Calling him your fuhrer is on the money.
Why should I post his analysis when it's right in front of your face?
Still laughing how scared you are of him.

Thanks for proving my point. You don't know what truth is.

You think people are scared of Maher because we don't care to waste our time?

If you think he has a good argument, make it. Otherwise, why should I waste my time searching for an argument you're too lazy to make.

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