7 point plan for 10% economic growth

1) put the income tax on the workers
2) make the workers put in 60 hours a week for $5 an hour and no benefits
3) make Americans work two and three jobs to survive
4) eliminating deficits does not lead to job creation
5) ending government assistance would be war on worker and the family
6) capitalist health care will lead to declining longevity
7) Gates would vilify Baiamonte, Jobs is dead

In other words, you have no clue?

who has no clue about what????????????
eddy if we used your formula America would increase world poverty by 10% in the first six months. You meat head, the companies would have us working 60 hours a week for $5 an hour. I have read your other material online and elsewhere, and you are a walking, talking Mises loon.
1) put the income tax on the workers
2) make the workers put in 60 hours a week for $5 an hour and no benefits
3) make Americans work two and three jobs to survive
4) eliminating deficits does not lead to job creation
5) ending government assistance would be war on worker and the family
6) capitalist health care will lead to declining longevity
7) Gates would vilify Baiamonte, Jobs is dead

Yes we know that is what the far left believes, but it is good thing the far left is loosing spots in Washington..
We should punish anyone that outsources very severely.

total 100% idiot, then all of our corporations would go bankrupt in competition with China India and Vietnam because they have lower wages by far.

Liberalism is based in pure ignorance
Speaking of ignorance, the OP is a bunch of pipedream numbers pulled from where?
His ass of course. Those numbers are to reality what toddlers are to a romantic candlelit dinner.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

lol, idiocy.

Eliminating the deficit will create 5 million jobs? How would that work? Deficit spending is paying FOR jobs.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them
Do you have any empirical evidence to back those figures?

1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

lol, idiocy.

Eliminating the deficit will create 5 million jobs? How would that work? Deficit spending is paying FOR jobs.
With about $10 trillion added to the deficit since 2000, one would think we would have full employment, if you were correct. Yet we have the lowest worker participation rate in decades. I guess we didn't deficit spend enough.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

lol, idiocy.

Eliminating the deficit will create 5 million jobs? How would that work? Deficit spending is paying FOR jobs.
With about $10 trillion added to the deficit since 2000, one would think we would have full employment, if you were correct. Yet we have the lowest worker participation rate in decades. I guess we didn't deficit spend enough.

Local and state governments, and the federal government, combined, have cut over half a million jobs since the recession.

The Street Light Government Job Destruction
He publishes the same stuff online.

His use of statistical evidence supports conclusions other than his own.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

lol, idiocy.

Eliminating the deficit will create 5 million jobs? How would that work? Deficit spending is paying FOR jobs.
With about $10 trillion added to the deficit since 2000, one would think we would have full employment, if you were correct. Yet we have the lowest worker participation rate in decades. I guess we didn't deficit spend enough.

Local and state governments, and the federal government, combined, have cut over half a million jobs since the recession.

The Street Light Government Job Destruction
So deficit spending resulted in fewer government jobs....is that what you are now asserting?
We should punish anyone that outsources very severely.

total 100% idiot, then all of our corporations would go bankrupt in competition with China India and Vietnam because they have lower wages by far.

Liberalism is based in pure ignorance
Speaking of ignorance, the OP is a bunch of pipedream numbers pulled from where?
His ass of course. Those numbers are to reality what toddlers are to a romantic candlelit dinner.
65 million jobs added and only 10% growth. We must be going to the Chinese wage model.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

There needs to be a tax restructuring no question. Both personal and corporate. Though as a conservative generally speaking I have issues with unions, I do not oppose their existence. Immigration needs to be overhauled. Open borders don't work. As for deficits only1 administration has had balanced budget with the debt totally paid off, Andrew Jackson.
Families and health care, neither one is working, particularly health care. But much of that goes to poor monetary policy.
As for deficits only1 administration has had balanced budget with the debt totally paid off, Andrew Jackson.

Let's lay off the false alternatives. No one is advocating a Zero Debt Amendment. But we need to stop adding to the nearly $20 trillion we already have. When interest rates return to normal, we will be spending $1 trillion a year on interest alone.
No one is advocating a Zero Debt Amendment. .

Actually Republicans have offered 30 BBA's since Jefferson's first. Last was Newt's it passed house and fell one short in Senate thanks to scummy liberals. Today debt would be $0 not 20 trillion. why not make liberalism as the Constitution intended?

The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, May 28, 1816
Eliminating the deficit will create 5 million jobs? How would that work? Deficit spending is paying FOR jobs.

dear, deficit spending may pay for govt make work jobs but not real jobs. Make work jobs go away the second spending is cut, and ,one make work libturd job is one real private sector that is destroyed.

Also, if we eliminate the deficit China has to buy our goods and services to create real jobs here rather than buy the Waldorf and other assets. Econ 101 but I'm sure miles of your head!

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