7 point plan for 10% economic growth

1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

Do you have any links or anything to back up the data you listed?
If you don't, you are clearly throwing shit at the wall to see if it'll stick, which is typically your trademark anyways.
This is like me posting, tax the uber wealthy at 90%. 20 millions jobs
Now of course what I posted regarding raising taxes on the wealthy creates 20 million jobs is absurd but no more absurd than any of your claims. I just made it up. pretty much like you did Ed.
If you are going to make crazy claims, you had better be able to back yourself up, sonny.

dear you lack the IQ to be here. If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth. Pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here.??

So, in other words, you have nothing to back up your claim. As usual, you're just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks. You are claiming this is a Republican plan, then there must be something out there you can quote. If it is a true GOP plan, let's see the link!

If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??
but the lion share of money they would save they would just keep..

100% stupid and illiterate and liberal. If they save more a competitor can save less and drive them into bankruptcy with lower prices. A child can figure that out but not an adult liberal.
Lol not if the competitor is saving money as well. Of course corporations are good at putting small businesses into bankruptcy.
Lol not if the competitor is saving money as well..

100% stupid liberal they all want to save and they all want to put the competition out of business. Thats why prices stay rock bottom and 100,000 go bankrupt each month.
Econ 101 dear.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

Novel idea but how about instead of always wanting more growth more money more stuff for us (when we're already just 5% of the population yet consuming 25% of the planet's resources and energy, some calling that a bit gluttonous,) we focus on a 10% reduction in consumption and pollution?
Lol not if the competitor is saving money as well..

100% stupid liberal they all want to save and they all want to put the competition out of business. Thats why prices stay rock bottom and 100,000 go bankrupt each month.
Econ 101 dear.
Perhaps you need some historic perspective. Supply economics has proven to be a lie. Bush's tax cuts skyrocketed our deficit and debt. Overall net job growth under Bush was pathetic. The 2008 jobs free fall (8 million jobs lost) happened anyway. It was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Years later, Kansas' "experiment" put them in a deficit black hole.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

How about backing your numbers up with data.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

Do you have any links or anything to back up the data you listed?
If you don't, you are clearly throwing shit at the wall to see if it'll stick, which is typically your trademark anyways.
This is like me posting, tax the uber wealthy at 90%. 20 millions jobs
Now of course what I posted regarding raising taxes on the wealthy creates 20 million jobs is absurd but no more absurd than any of your claims. I just made it up. pretty much like you did Ed.
If you are going to make crazy claims, you had better be able to back yourself up, sonny.

dear you lack the IQ to be here. If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth. Pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here.??

So, in other words, you have nothing to back up your claim. As usual, you're just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks. You are claiming this is a Republican plan, then there must be something out there you can quote. If it is a true GOP plan, let's see the link!

If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??

Don't try to deflect my question Ed.
You claim this is a Republican plan, well if that's the case there should absolutely be a link. If you can't provide one, well then clearly, you made the entire thing up. This is a case of you being intellectually dishonest.
Cough up a link to this great plan, Ed. Or, you could admit you made up everything and that you are a hoax. The choice is yours. And no more dodging request for evidence of your OP.
1) eliminate corporate income tax- + 15 million jobs
2) eliminate unions , + 15 million jobs
3) ship 20 million illegals home + 10 million jobs
4) eliminate deficits +5 million jobs
5) end war on family and schools +10 million jobs
6) switch to capitalist health care +5 million jobs
7) honor Jobs and Gates rather +5 million jobs
than villify them

Do you have any links or anything to back up the data you listed?
If you don't, you are clearly throwing shit at the wall to see if it'll stick, which is typically your trademark anyways.
This is like me posting, tax the uber wealthy at 90%. 20 millions jobs
Now of course what I posted regarding raising taxes on the wealthy creates 20 million jobs is absurd but no more absurd than any of your claims. I just made it up. pretty much like you did Ed.
If you are going to make crazy claims, you had better be able to back yourself up, sonny.

dear you lack the IQ to be here. If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth. Pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here.??

So, in other words, you have nothing to back up your claim. As usual, you're just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks. You are claiming this is a Republican plan, then there must be something out there you can quote. If it is a true GOP plan, let's see the link!

If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??

Don't try to deflect my question Ed.
You claim this is a Republican plan, well if that's the case there should absolutely be a link. If you can't provide one, well then clearly, you made the entire thing up. This is a case of you being intellectually dishonest.
Cough up a link to this great plan, Ed. Or, you could admit you made up everything and that you are a hoax. The choice is yours. And no more dodging request for evidence of your OP.
If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??
Supply economics has proven to be a lie.

100% stupid and illiterate. how can it be a lie? If you tax a business
it can do less, if you give it a tax credit it can do more. Case closed dear
Well there's certainly such a thing as too much taxation but these corporations are not over taxed. Because of loopholes, these corporations are really only paying a 12% rate.
Do you have any links or anything to back up the data you listed?
If you don't, you are clearly throwing shit at the wall to see if it'll stick, which is typically your trademark anyways.
This is like me posting, tax the uber wealthy at 90%. 20 millions jobs
Now of course what I posted regarding raising taxes on the wealthy creates 20 million jobs is absurd but no more absurd than any of your claims. I just made it up. pretty much like you did Ed.
If you are going to make crazy claims, you had better be able to back yourself up, sonny.

dear you lack the IQ to be here. If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth. Pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here.??

So, in other words, you have nothing to back up your claim. As usual, you're just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks. You are claiming this is a Republican plan, then there must be something out there you can quote. If it is a true GOP plan, let's see the link!

If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??

Don't try to deflect my question Ed.
You claim this is a Republican plan, well if that's the case there should absolutely be a link. If you can't provide one, well then clearly, you made the entire thing up. This is a case of you being intellectually dishonest.
Cough up a link to this great plan, Ed. Or, you could admit you made up everything and that you are a hoax. The choice is yours. And no more dodging request for evidence of your OP.
If you doubt any one of the 7 Republican points to achieve 10% growth pick just one and tell us why it would not work or admit that you lack the IQ to be here by trying to change the subject.??
I asked earlier, but maybe you haven't gotten to it yet.

Since I'm in the finance industry, I wonder if you could provide the empirical data you leveraged to compute the increases in employment based on your strategies.

Also, I'd appreciate a walk-through on how you calculated the 10% growth, how long you anticipate that growth to continue, and I wonder if you see any downside to such over-the-top GDP increases.

I realize I may not have the IQ to keep up with you, but keep it simple and I'll bet I'll be fine. Thanks in advance.

No one is advocating a Zero Debt Amendment. .

Actually Republicans have offered 30 BBA's since Jefferson's first. Last was Newt's it passed house and fell one short in Senate thanks to scummy liberals. Today debt would be $0 not 20 trillion. why not make liberalism as the Constitution intended?

The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

Balanced Budget Amendments address deficits, not debt. The problem with most of them is that budgets are based on anticipated revenues and expenditures. Accordingly, the only way to prevent deficits is to budget huge surpluses every year, which would stifle economic growth.

A better way would be to freeze per capita spending on all federal programs in any year that expenditures exceed revenues. This would provide for an automatic correction device through inflation and/or economic growth and would provide an incentive to eliminate wasteful federal spending
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A better way would be to freeze per capita spending

the best way is the simplest way, simply make debt illegal as Republicans have always wanted and then let politicians earn their pay eliminate the deficit or go to jail.
I see that Ed has failed to find any links that support his crazed theory. He has been asked to supply something to back up his failure of an OP by several different posters and so far, nothing.
Ed is a troll, that's very clear. He consistently comes on here, spews some crazy fantasy as fact and then doesn't back himself up. He just rambles on, making up more stuff. He always gets ridiculed for his pointless posts/threads, but just keeps on doing the same thing over and over and over again. That equals a troll.
I see that Ed has failed to find any links that support his crazed theory. He has been asked to supply something to back up his failure of an OP by several different posters and so far, nothing.
Ed is a troll, that's very clear. He consistently comes on here, spews some crazy fantasy as fact and then doesn't back himself up. He just rambles on, making up more stuff. He always gets ridiculed for his pointless posts/threads, but just keeps on doing the same thing over and over and over again. That equals a troll.

dear, if you disagree with even one of the points please say which one and why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
How? We'll wait while you tell us about the extra money that magically appears to pay off the debt. Fuckin' morons here.

dear, treasury bills etc are paid off and retired on a regular schedule. Stop adding to the debt with deficits and the debt goes away as the Treasuries etc are retired.

See why we say liberalism is always based in pure ignorance.? Is any other conclusion possible.

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