7 Unhinged Right-Wing Responses to Connecticut Massacre


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Before the official count of the dead in the Sandy Hook massacre was released, right-wingers bitterly promoted their guns and religion as the solution.

Before the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place, two things were predictable:

that another mass killing was inevitable, given the increase in their frequency over the past year, and the fact that no measures had been taken to prevent them
that right-wingers would see in such a dreadful event an opportunity to promote their paranoid vision of a perfect America as one where every citizen is armed to the teeth, and trembling in awe of their vengeful God
The bodies of the 27 people -- most of them children between the ages of six and seven -- killed by Adam Lanza on Friday, December 14, had yet to be returned to their families when the right-wing noise machine went into gear, blaming public education and a purported dearth of firearms for the tragedy.

Yet, even as right-wing pundits continued to name gun control as a reason that the killer took so many lives, producers at NBC's Meet the Press were unable to get a single pro-gun senator to appear on the show the Sunday after the tragedy. All 31 gun-loving senators who will have seats in the new Congress were invited, according to executive producer Betsy Fischer Martin.

Here we offer seven examples of the stunning lack of compassion and twisted logic expressed by right-wing leaders in response to a slaughter of children by the son of a gun enthusiast.

1. Ann Coulter: Everybody should carry a concealed firearm. The killings took place in the morning, and by 11:07 a.m., Ann Coulter, the publicity seeker whose big, bad mouth gives the little black dress a bad name, was touting concealed-carry laws as the answer to America's massacre problem. Coulter's first tweet on the subject came so soon after the killings, that there was no definitive count yet of the number of people who had perished:

Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter
Only one policy has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws. - bit.ly/VGDNBo
14 Dec 12
Well, that seemed to do the trick for a woman who never found a tragedy she couldn't exploit, for by 11:30, she tweeted this:

Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter
I'm on Hannity radio today, talking about the 1 public policy that provably reduces the incidence of, and deaths from, mass shootings.
14 Dec 12
And that, boys and girls, is how to work the Twitter machine for self-promotion on the backs of slaughtered children.

It's not the first time that Coulter has expressed her love for guns in the wake of murder. At a Florida church in 2007, I heard Coulter describe the assassination of doctors who performed abortions as "a procedure with a rifle performed on them."

7 Unhinged Right-Wing Responses to Connecticut Massacre | Alternet
And the UNHINGED lefties-liberals-Democrats-commies have been nothing but predictable..using these children for your AGENDA

so I don't think any of you have any room to TALK

SNIP: links in article at site...sounds like some of you here
Professor calls for assassination of NRA CEO

By Oliver Darcy, on Dec 17, 2012

A professor of history turned to Twitter over the weekend to call for the death of National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre, branding the gun rights group he heads as a terrorist organization.

A professor used twitter over the weekend to call for the death of the NRA's CEO.

“ want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick,” Erik Loomis, a professor at the University of Rhode Island (URI), tweeted.

It “looks like the National Rifle Association has murdered some more children,” he added.”

Can [we] define NRA membership as dues contributing to a terrorist organization?" he asked in a separate tweet.

Loomis’ comments come on the heels of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 young children and six faculty members dead.

The professor contended Democratic lawmakers should exploit the tragedy to force more restrictive gun control measures into law.

all of it here
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And the UNHINGED lefties-liberals-Democrats-commies have been nothing but predictable..using these children for your AGENDA

so I don't think any of you have any room to TALK

So if you find any off remarks, comments being made by the left as pointed out in this article made by righties, please feel free to post it, if you find any.

Either than that, quit crying and chastise those righties on your side of the aisle for their over the top remarks. Spare me the false equivalency remarks
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And the UNHINGED lefties-liberals-Democrats-commies have been nothing but predictable..using these children for your AGENDA

so I don't think any of you have any room to TALK

So if you find any off remarks, comments being made by the left as pointed out in this article made by righties, please feel free to post it, if you find any.

Either than that, quit crying and chastise those righties on your side of the aisle for their over the top remarks.

I did, I edited my post..and this is just the tip of the iceberg..
some very hateful stuff out there by the (so called) tolerant left
And the UNHINGED lefties-liberals-Democrats-commies have been nothing but predictable..using these children for your AGENDA

so I don't think any of you have any room to TALK

So if you find any off remarks, comments being made by the left as pointed out in this article made by righties, please feel free to post it, if you find any.

Either than that, quit crying and chastise those righties on your side of the aisle for their over the top remarks.

I did, I edited my post..and this is just the tip of the iceberg..
some very hateful stuff out there by the (so called) tolerant left

I'm fairly intolerant of children being slaughtered by 11 rounds in less than 20 seconds by a nut case who can get his hands easily on a semi-automatic weapon.

And even more intolerant of assholes who try to defend these kind of weapons being available to the public in general.
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'No Man is an Island'

No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne, 1572-1631
Sorry fail. The right are only responding to the left. If the toons weren't going all gun grab no one would be talking about it.
Why is it unhinged to suggest that this massacre should encourage people to learn how to defend themselves and obtain the tools they need to do so?
And the UNHINGED lefties-liberals-Democrats-commies have been nothing but predictable..using these children for your AGENDA

so I don't think any of you have any room to TALK

Must be hard for you to talk with all that food in your mouth.

Dumb cow.
It's alterworldnet...

the Unhinged has been you ON THE LEFT

so point your bony finger at yourself
We have unhinged on right and left.

the 2nd Amendment is constitutional, end of story.

it is not absolute, end of story.

regulations of gun technology and making sure the unhinged are protected against themselves are coming, end of story.
We have unhinged on right and left.

the 2nd Amendment is constitutional, end of story.

it is not absolute, end of story.

regulations of gun technology and making sure the unhinged are protected against themselves are coming, end of story.

crystal ball again?
Yup, like the dems would keep the Senate and Romney was making an uphill battle with himself as his own worst enemy.s

You were one of the loons saying it was going to a landslide for our guy Mitt.
Yup, like the dems would keep the Senate and Romney was making an uphill battle with himself as his own worst enemy.s

You were one of the loons saying it was going to a landslide for our guy Mitt.

I never said any such thing..so it must be you who is the LOON
Partisan talking points from a liberal website not impressed not interested have a nice day.
You were ranting and chanting about BHO's coming defeat. Wack.

Yup, like the dems would keep the Senate and Romney was making an uphill battle with himself as his own worst enemy.s

You were one of the loons saying it was going to a landslide for our guy Mitt.

I never said any such thing..so it must be you who is the LOON

oh and Obama won by a landslide eh?
Romney was close in the polls and got 47% to Obama 50%..
so quit with the name calling
Why is it unhinged to suggest that this massacre should encourage people to learn how to defend themselves and obtain the tools they need to do so?

Because, honetly, anyone who thinks this would help matters much is a little deranged.


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