7 Unhinged Right-Wing Responses to Connecticut Massacre

Before the official count of the dead in the Sandy Hook massacre was released, right-wingers bitterly promoted their guns and religion as the solution.

Before the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place, two things were predictable:

that another mass killing was inevitable, given the increase in their frequency over the past year, and the fact that no measures had been taken to prevent them
that right-wingers would see in such a dreadful event an opportunity to promote their paranoid vision of a perfect America as one where every citizen is armed to the teeth, and trembling in awe of their vengeful God
The bodies of the 27 people -- most of them children between the ages of six and seven -- killed by Adam Lanza on Friday, December 14, had yet to be returned to their families when the right-wing noise machine went into gear, blaming public education and a purported dearth of firearms for the tragedy.

Yet, even as right-wing pundits continued to name gun control as a reason that the killer took so many lives, producers at NBC's Meet the Press were unable to get a single pro-gun senator to appear on the show the Sunday after the tragedy. All 31 gun-loving senators who will have seats in the new Congress were invited, according to executive producer Betsy Fischer Martin.

Here we offer seven examples of the stunning lack of compassion and twisted logic expressed by right-wing leaders in response to a slaughter of children by the son of a gun enthusiast.

1. Ann Coulter: Everybody should carry a concealed firearm. The killings took place in the morning, and by 11:07 a.m., Ann Coulter, the publicity seeker whose big, bad mouth gives the little black dress a bad name, was touting concealed-carry laws as the answer to America's massacre problem. Coulter's first tweet on the subject came so soon after the killings, that there was no definitive count yet of the number of people who had perished:

Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter
Only one policy has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws. - bit.ly/VGDNBo
14 Dec 12
Well, that seemed to do the trick for a woman who never found a tragedy she couldn't exploit, for by 11:30, she tweeted this:

Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter
I'm on Hannity radio today, talking about the 1 public policy that provably reduces the incidence of, and deaths from, mass shootings.
14 Dec 12
And that, boys and girls, is how to work the Twitter machine for self-promotion on the backs of slaughtered children.

It's not the first time that Coulter has expressed her love for guns in the wake of murder. At a Florida church in 2007, I heard Coulter describe the assassination of doctors who performed abortions as "a procedure with a rifle performed on them."

7 Unhinged Right-Wing Responses to Connecticut Massacre | Alternet

7. Louie Gohmert: If only Sandy Hook principal had an assault rifle, everyone would have been saved.

This is my favorite one!

Its true, everyone might have been saved, if the principal happened to be in the office at the time and was able to get the gun out on time .

Of course, the shooter might have killed the principal, taken his weapon, and killed even more people.

Seems like a professional security guard would have been a much better option.

There was PLENTY of time for the principal and everyone else in the admin office to get a weapon. They had cameras that saw Lanza approach, saw him smash the window and open the door. They knew he was coming down the hall. Knew he was armed. They just were defenseless and couldn't do anything about it.

Lanza should have been met with a HAIL of gunfire.
BTW I still havent seen anyone explained what is unhinged about suggesting that people might want to learn how to defend themselves and obtain the tools to do so rather than empower goverment to take away the ability of the people to do so.
Because in government the right to violence is restricted to public LEO agencies.

However, the 2d Amendment acknowledges our rights to own and bear arms.

Many folks are afraid of weapons, Avatar.
Because in government the right to violence is restricted to public LEO agencies.

However, the 2d Amendment acknowledges our rights to own and bear arms.

Many folks are afraid of weapons, Avatar.

And if they are afraid of those inanimate object tools, they are not forced to own one
Because in government the right to violence is restricted to public LEO agencies.

However, the 2d Amendment acknowledges our rights to own and bear arms.

Many folks are afraid of weapons, Avatar.

So we should empower a police state because of fear?

How about we challenge that fear. Insteast of giving into it we overcome it through knowledge and actions.
Why is it unhinged to suggest that this massacre should encourage people to learn how to defend themselves and obtain the tools they need to do so?

schools shouldnt be war zones where teachers shouldnt be armed.
funny, guns are banned in schools, yet here they are, killing people.

Speaks volumes about a policy of banning weapons.

BTW....why do you distrust your teachers so much?

As for the OP and others who show knee-jerk emotional reactions, why is it that your first thoughts are to limit the rights of others?

i don't distrust teachers. I just don't feel they need to be carrying while around those kids.
I am more of the thought of a armed guard, Maybe Ex police or something ( which i heard plenty of retired cops would do this job honestly. )

shatter proof glass on the first floors, secure doors and locks. Armed guard. this would reduce these massively.
Why is it unhinged to suggest that this massacre should encourage people to learn how to defend themselves and obtain the tools they need to do so?

schools shouldnt be war zones where teachers shouldnt be armed.

Then since criminals don't obey the law, there WILL be more school shootings.

Why doesn't the left want children protected?

what a stupid statement. naturally you would post it.
schools shouldnt be war zones where teachers shouldnt be armed.

Then since criminals don't obey the law, there WILL be more school shootings.

Why doesn't the left want children protected?

what a stupid statement. naturally you would post it.

Simply declaring a statement stupid doesn't prove that it is.

I don't know why that's difficult to understand. Is it really that hard to provide reasoning why you don't agree?
Then since criminals don't obey the law, there WILL be more school shootings.

Why doesn't the left want children protected?

what a stupid statement. naturally you would post it.

Simply declaring a statement stupid doesn't prove that it is.

I don't know why that's difficult to understand. Is it really that hard to provide reasoning why you don't agree?

1) redundant statement, of course criminals don't obey, hence why they are criminals.

Real mind blowing stuff there.

2) Is a lie and just posted to stir shit.

It would be like I saying the right doesn't want to protect kids. Which is a false statement, just like what dave posted, thus making it fucking stupid.

Its not difficult, But i don't need to constantly explain why i disagree to the same shit over and over again.
You don't have the slightest idea of what is a police state. Not even in Utah do you have any idea. How about offering some solid suggestions instead of vague aspirations? Crap, reading you makes me thinking I am over at the Tabernacle listening to bromides at the crossroads.

Offer something of worth.

Because in government the right to violence is restricted to public LEO agencies.

However, the 2d Amendment acknowledges our rights to own and bear arms.

Many folks are afraid of weapons, Avatar.

So we should empower a police state because of fear?

How about we challenge that fear. Insteast of giving into it we overcome it through knowledge and actions.
This from you, the master of "what if". Why does not the far right when a safe world for everyone? See anybody can fashion a statement as stupid as daveman.

Then since criminals don't obey the law, there WILL be more school shootings.

Why doesn't the left want children protected?

what a stupid statement. naturally you would post it.

Simply declaring a statement stupid doesn't prove that it is.

I don't know why that's difficult to understand. Is it really that hard to provide reasoning why you don't agree?
If we can't talk about this now, when can we talk about this?

Lanza was able to get military grade weapons. Weapons that really were not needed for home defense or hunting, but ones designed to inflict massive bodily damage, and he killed 27 people with them.

Military-grade weapons are not semi-automatic, you stupid bastard. They're fully automatic or three-round-burst.

Did I mention you're a stupid bastard? True story!

No dude. You are the stupid mother fuker. The only reason the gun manuf. are not offering full automatic weapons is........wait for it.......... it is illegal.
That's not what I said, you moron. I said military-grade weapons -- i.e., weapons used by the military -- are not semi-automatic. They're fully-automatic or burst fire.

Perhaps you should stop being an idiot. I'm not going to hold my breath.
But there is not a single person that has ever handld an M16 that wouldn't recognize the Bushmaster as a civilian version of a military weapon.

I thought you fuking gun nuts were all about guns. And can't recognize an assault weapon when the see one. Fuks wrong with you people.
We've already established that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Playing Call of Duty doesn't make you an expert in military weapons, kid.
There is a sickness in this country that effects a minority of gun owners.

The symptoms are:

**feelings of self-worth/self-esteem attached to gun ownership and shooting

**heightened sensations (rush) attached the experience of firing a gun -- they get an abnormal power rush. While the sportsman enjoys the challenge, the abnormal gun enthusiasts finds a perverse pleasure in fantasizing about shooting people or things.

**depression between gun experiences

**anxiety when purchasing new weapons or ammo, fear that they will be denied or delayed

**delusions of persecution

**delusions of paranoia
There is a sickness in this country that effects a majority of internet leftist retards:

**They think they can diagnose mental conditions of other people.

It's obvious you've had a lot of experience with the mental health industry. But being a patient really doesn't give you any expertise in diagnosing other people.
schools shouldnt be war zones where teachers shouldnt be armed.

Then since criminals don't obey the law, there WILL be more school shootings.

Why doesn't the left want children protected?

Forward this to the FBI, they can take it from here.

Yes. Make sure that you tell them you don't want children protected when the next loon comes to school.

But if you think I'm a threat, you're not thinking at all. That's because you're a stupid fucking son of a bitch.

And don't bother saying you're not -- because you are.

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