7-year-old boy called"Little Hitler" for selling hot chocolate to raise money for the Wall

Since 2010 it’s increased less than 5%. A dying town of backwards yokels desperately clinging to 19th century tech.
It's "dying" yet it's still adding residents....thank you for your idiotic point of view. The morons appreciate your speaking on their behalf.

It looks like you are the backwards yokel and I wouldn't be surprised if you are a fan of your
racist governor.
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LOL. Just because that is what happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to him.
I am not part of Trump’s base. That is your kind’s story. Your coal job’s never coming back :itsok:
Actually the coal jobs in Wyoming are coming back... you silly little fucker
What, the bears starting to buy coal?


Nice Bill Clinton joke. I hope he’s comfortable living there inside your head, little Trump sheep :itsok:
There are 12 coal mines surrounding the town of Gillette Wyoming… Where most of this country’s coal comes from...

A totally irrelevant town in the middle of nothing, shedding caol jobs year after year. Never heard of it, never will again.
Wyoming is king of coal, On top of that it produces massive amounts of natural gas And oil. Fossil fuels are here to stay.
Weekly Coal Production by State

The five largest coal-producing states in the US

I would say that the parents wrote the signs but then again, they probably don’t know how to spell big words like “Proceeds”.
Wow! Belittling people you know nothing about is the hallmark of a bully and a real dick! Thanks for declaring yourself an ass!
Since 2010 it’s increased less than 5%. A dying town of backwards yokels desperately clinging to 19th century tech.
It's "dying" yet it's still adding residents....thank you for your idiotic point of view. The morons appreciate your speaking on their behalf.

It looks like you are the backwards yokel and I wouldn't be surprised if you are a fan of your
racist governor.
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving! :cuckoo:
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
The numbers are population growth. One of those numbers was brought up in the first place by you. 2000 to 2010 - 48%. 2010 to 2018 - 5%. Not looking good for that backwards shithole.


So stable!
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
The numbers are population growth. One of those numbers was brought up in the first place by you. 2000 to 2010 - 48%. 2010 to 2018 - 5%. Not looking good for that backwards shithole.


So stable!

Coal production increased 6.4,% in 2018

That isn't collapsing....it's called growth.

You've lost another one
What is this graph referring to? Population growth where of what? And in any case how is my citation of the IAE's view of the coal industry threatened by your absurd citation? Can you please put two brain cells together and come up with something half way intelligent?
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
The numbers are population growth. One of those numbers was brought up in the first place by you. 2000 to 2010 - 48%. 2010 to 2018 - 5%. Not looking good for that backwards shithole.


So stable!

Coal production increased 6.4,% in 2018

That isn't collapsing....it's called growth.

You've lost another one
Cling to your hopes, yokel! Maybe the 19th century will return after all! Meanwhile plants continue to close across the board. MAGA!
Since 2010 it’s increased less than 5%. A dying town of backwards yokels desperately clinging to 19th century tech.
It's "dying" yet it's still adding residents....thank you for your idiotic point of view. The morons appreciate your speaking on their behalf.

It looks like you are the backwards yokel and I wouldn't be surprised if you are a fan of your
racist governor.
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving! :cuckoo:

Do you like driving on roads? do you like living in a house?, walking into large buildings that are reinforced with rebar? flying in an airplane?, driving a car? .... none of that was produced by solar or wind energy, it takes heavy equipment and processes to make it all happen that needs fossil fuel... your entire infrastructure was built on cheap fossil fuels so think twice before you wish you could make it all disappear. If we are not producing our own then we need to buy it from the Saudis.... I would rather produce our own and sell it to other countries than being an importer.
Since 2010 it’s increased less than 5%. A dying town of backwards yokels desperately clinging to 19th century tech.
It's "dying" yet it's still adding residents....thank you for your idiotic point of view. The morons appreciate your speaking on their behalf.

It looks like you are the backwards yokel and I wouldn't be surprised if you are a fan of your
racist governor.
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving! :cuckoo:

Do you like driving on roads? do you like living in a house?, walking into large buildings that are reinforced with rebar? flying in an airplane?, driving a car? .... none of that was produced by solar or wind energy, it takes heavy equipment and processes to make it all happen that needs fossil fuel... your entire infrastructure was built on cheap fossil fuels so think twice before you wish you could make it all disappear. If we are not producing our own then we need to buy it from the Saudis.... I would rather produce our own and sell it to other countries than being an importer.
Cool beans, yokel. Don’t invest in coal anytime soon!
Cling to your hopes, yokel! Maybe the 19th century will return after all! Meanwhile plants continue to close across the board. MAGA!
Absolutely no one is saying coal is in some golden age and going great guns!
You are arguing against something no one is claiming! Coal is stable at present but on the way out in the big long term picture.

You've once again made a complete ass of yourself.
You've come a long circuitous disingenuous course just to bully and belittle some little boy selling hot chocolate!
You are, as usual, beneath contempt.
Liberals have no decency! No age is off limits for them to attack.


7-year-old boy called 'little Hitler' for raising money for wall, mom says

The parent should be ashamed for placing their child in the middle of such a divisive political situation.

In facts, the parents should face child endangerment charges.
Bullshit! This kid is learning the benefits of capitalism and entrepreneurship at an early age. The parents should be praised.

The kid does understand that the guy that wants to build the wall hires/d and made profit from illegal aliens? Right?

The kid does understand that the guy that wants to build the wall hires non-US citizens and makes profit from their efforts.
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
The numbers are population growth. One of those numbers was brought up in the first place by you. 2000 to 2010 - 48%. 2010 to 2018 - 5%. Not looking good for that backwards shithole.


So stable!

Coal production increased 6.4,% in 2018

That isn't collapsing....it's called growth.

You've lost another one
Cling to your hopes, yokel! Maybe the 19th century will return after all! Meanwhile plants continue to close across the board. MAGA!
When you guys are done with the green energy deal we will be back in the 19th century. With 90% of the population dead we will be riding horses again.
48% to 5% and it’s main industry collapsing across the nation. Thriving! Absolutely thriving!
Not even sure what those figures are supposed to mean. As for your claim: Is the coal industry "collapsing"?

Well, as everyone might have guessed you are speaking out of your ass again and totally off base. Coal Outlook 2019: Demand to Remain Stable | Investing News Network

The IEA says demand for coal will remain stable over the next five years, at a minimum. You're such a fucking loser!
The numbers are population growth. One of those numbers was brought up in the first place by you. 2000 to 2010 - 48%. 2010 to 2018 - 5%. Not looking good for that backwards shithole.


So stable!

Coal production increased 6.4,% in 2018

That isn't collapsing....it's called growth.

You've lost another one
Cling to your hopes, yokel! Maybe the 19th century will return after all! Meanwhile plants continue to close across the board. MAGA!
When you guys are done with the green energy deal we will be back in the 19th century. With 90% of the population dead we will be riding horses again.
Dope, bro. Pass the joint.
That kid is smart.
He knows that the Democratic Party is turning our country into a third world banana republic.
He is more intelligent than the Troglocrats.
He knows that marxism is a failed ideology that has killed millions of people.
Like all seven year olds, he absorbs and believes what his parents do. It's certainly not his fault OR his great intelligence.

Leave that little cutie pie alone.

His parents at least are aware and admit that right now, he derives his opinions from them. As he gets older, those opinions will adjust to reflect his own experience. What counts is that he's learning healthy, productive ways to express and act on whatever positions he holds.

I would support that kind of self-confident gumption in any kid.

Why get this kid involved in a sensitive divisive subject like this?

What is healthyness of that? I can tell you that his parents are purely irresponsible. Probably the parents are die hard Trump supporters.

So they don’t care if Trump is lying to their face or maybe they don’t even know he is lying.

So when this kid grow up with an idol like Trump...... bully, hypocrite, pathological liar, racist asshole. What that tells you of his future?

A pathological liar, bully, hypocrite, racist asshole???

So who raised the left loons bullying the kid? Eh?

You loons are too easy.

A novel thought, leave the kid alone and don't worry your little noodle how his parents are raising him. Nunya buisness

I raised my kids very very well and successful.

When they were little I never get them involved in politics.
For a parents to get a 7 yo with this kind of stupidity is irresponsible. Period.
Poor little kid’s going to grow up to be an uneducated, unvaccinated nobody from flyover country. He’ll be snorting meth and trying to bone his cousins in a few years.

LOL. Just because that is what happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to him.
I am not part of Trump’s base. That is your kind’s story. Your coal job’s never coming back :itsok:
Actually the coal jobs in Wyoming are coming back... you silly little fucker

You are not up to date Rustic. Coal industry will die sooner than you expected.
This one in Tennessee is closing after 49 years. Even if you use Trump’s natural manure. Coal is dying.

Coal loses another battle, despite Trump

Last week the Tennessee Valley Authority voted to close the 49-year-old Paradise Fossil Unit 3 coal-fired generating plant in western Kentucky, citing operating costs, the need for repairs and “flat to declining” load. The board’s 5-2 vote came despite appeals from Trump to keep the plant and others like it open.

“Coal is an important part of our electricity generation mix and @TVAnews should give serious consideration to all factors before voting to close viable power plants, like Paradise #3 in Kentucky!” wrote Trump on Twitter in the days leading up to the vote.
Wyoming is where the vast majority of the coal comes from...

Agree Rustic I’m very familiar of Wyoming coal mines but those will close soon. The younger generations are not expecting to follow their parents and looking for other opportunities.

I’ll give you an estimate between 5 to 8 years. Those plant will be close.

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