70% Of The Vaccinated Catch Delta Variant

What do you think when a person who advocates for sactuary cities ends up being murdered by an illegal immigrant?
The results of what they want shows that they are not to bright wanting what they want. A Sanctuary city, Biblically was a refuge had a person accidently kill someone. The person flees from people who want harm the person. Muslims in our day take advantage of the sanctuary cities, collecting money that goes to the sanctuary cities.
The results of what they want shows that they are not to bright wanting what they want. A Sanctuary city, Biblically was a refuge had a person accidently kill someone. The person flees from people who want harm the person. Muslims in our day take advantage of the sanctuary cities, collecting money that goes to the sanctuary cities.
My question is, do you laugh a little inside when someone who advocated for sactuary cities gets murdered by an illegal alien? Sort of how I feel when an anti vaxer dies of covid. Kind of hard to feel too bad for the dummies.
Still can't get beyond using family pictures of yourself for an answer? Keep trying puppy puppet.
I never claimed less than 6000 would die if we intentionally infected people.
I was showing how far off Fauci's calculations were.
Since over 30k had already died before we could even get started on some sort of herd immunity program, obviously the final total would be higher than that.
The point is you have to include the age differential into any calculations.
For example, only 462 under the age of 18 have died so far.
Which means the young have a huge advantage in resistance.
So if you concentrate deliberate infection to those under 40, you cause deliberate variolation to have an very minor death total.
Far lower than letting the epidemic continue on forever.
Great, your claims are so delirious, now even you are denying you said that.

I said you claimed only 6000 would die if we intentionally infected people with covid. I said nothing about others who had already died. And here's what you said...

So if you only deliberately use variolation on those under 40, you reduce the death toll by a factor of 400.
So then Fauci's 2.3 million turns into only about 6,000.
The unvaxxed do NOT spread it more. When it comes to the spread, there is no benefit to the vaccines. Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread the virus. That's why cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated countries in the world.
Of course there's a benefit from the vaxxed -- they don't carry the virus as long which reduces the chances of spreading it.
Of course there's a benefit from the vaxxed -- they don't carry the virus as long which reduces the chances of spreading it.
The real benefit is to the government as they push for more control of the peasants.
I just want the left to admit the truth that over 8000 people in the US alone have died from the vaccines and tens of thousands of people have had severe adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Why is it that the left want to talk about 711,222 in the US have died from the virus but only 0.0021% have died from the vaccines?

Why don't they report that 8,164 people have died from the vaccines but only .22% of Americans have died from the virus?

Answer: It doesn't fit their agenda.
8k people died after taking the vaccine.
Unless you have data that shows the deaths are directly rated to the vaccine then you're just blowing smoke out your ass.
Your claim would include those dying:
in car accidents
from gunshot
Heart failure
and any number of non-vaccine related causes.

But it does not change the absolute fact that
The death rate, even if 100% of you claim were true is still far less than both your COVID number and the average US death rate.
Clearly indicates that taking the shot reduces the death rate from all sources.
Over 8000 people have died shortly after getting vaccines. That's what the CDC reports. This is a public health issue. Why aren't they on top of this trying to figure out why these people died? The CDC is responsible for the public's health. If vaccines are dangerous they have an obligation to let us know. So, why are they sitting with their thumbs up their asses merely counting numbers and not investigating what actually killed these people? The public has a right to know what these people died from and no one is investigating because, if they were, then they would be able to tell us and they aren't.
The death rates from ALL CAUSES following the vaccination is is 1/100th of that from COVID.
The death rate from ALL CAUSES following the vaccine is 1/10000 of the US death rate.

By any measure taking the vaccine helps you live longer.


Please don't. The fewer of you, the better.
Of course to you evidence is whatever you decide, despite the facts to the contrary. Egotism at it most blatant and mindlessness on full public display. Not to mention projection of your own problems onto others to make you feel less alone with your lack of brainpower.
Oh lookee, Him's panties are in a wad again.

Sonny, I'm not the one lying to encourage people to die. THAT would be you.

Now tell us my Tiny Minded Querdeken, why do you want people who think and act like you to die?
Is it some kind of self-hate thing?
Perhaps, you're too stupid to understand the risk?
Like the GOP politicians you love, it doesn't matter how many people die as long as you get to own the libs.

Now go wipe the bitchslap off and try again.
I ignore yur opinions and attempted insults because you have to consider the source with an insult. In your case, it seems all you care about is trying to insult those that you fear and acknowledge your superiors.

The biggest insult you have is your mere existence, little moron.

Then why respond.
Seems you can't ignore me.
Know why?
Because, my Tiny Minded Querdeken, I own you.
And what's really funny?

YOU are too stupid to realize it.


Why don't you tell me again how you don't want me in your life.

Back to your juvenile attempts at insulting your superiors in an vain attempt to feed your ego?

Speaking of having to get much better at something, try a mirror.

BTW, calling me "bitch" proves you are confused. It is the other half of your brain who is a self admitted bitch. That of course is your alter ego Faun. But you are to stupid to realize that you are owned by me without my even having to try. You ignore the topic of this thread in your hate and attempts to seem relevant, which you prove with every post you are not.
Again, proving how you are owned.
This is always the response from the Querdeken when their getting bitch slapped.
"Ohhh, you must be using more than one ID, no way one person ...bla bla bla"

You're a bitch because you are owned by me apparently, in your mind, with some ID called faun.
Isn't it hilarious, bitch, that when you speak to me you can't get him out of your mind and when you speak to him you're thinking of me.
What next, accuse me or Faun of being government plants?

Personally, I'd ignore you but slapping your bitch face is just too much fun.

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