70 Republicans voted for FBI with a new $300M headquarters


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Hey, at least they all might live in MD now.....I'm glad they stuck it in MD.....Guarantee it's at least $700+ when it's done given they have to use union labor.

Blah, if there was any justice they ought to get a broom closet in an unused nerve agent test facility somewhere in the middle of nowhere and anyone who doesn't fit gets fired with zero chance of rehire into any government position.

Hey, at least they all might live in MD now.....I'm glad they stuck it in MD.....Guarantee it's at least $700+ when it's done given they have to use union labor.

Blah, if there was any justice they ought to get a broom closet in an unused nerve agent test facility somewhere in the middle of nowhere and anyone who doesn't fit gets fired with zero chance of rehire into any government position.

I've been warning my fellow Americans about the Republi part of the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) for many many moons now. 38 RINO's for my last count & it looks to be almost double now. Looks like Americans voted themselves into indentured servitude, but honestly it was predictable.
God damn those traitors. The FBII should be defunded, not rewarded.
I know, right. We don't need no stinkin FBI, no damn IRS, no damn Department of Education, no damn Department of Energy. Hell, we don't even need the damn Postal Service no more. We got the second amendment to take care of the FBI's duties, we all know, only peons pay taxes. Education is a local affair and we all know, poor people deserve a poor education, why waste federal dollars on them. And the free market can handle the energy industry. I mean if some energy company pollutes the air, deposits toxic sludge in the rivers and their boilers blow up killing dozens of workers, why consumers won't buy their power anymore. And the Postal Service, well hell, we got UPS and Fedex, and we got the Internet. We can turn that over to Facebook and Instagram, they do such a bang-up job.
I know, right. We don't need no stinkin FBI, no damn IRS, no damn Department of Education, no damn Department of Energy. Hell, we don't even need the damn Postal Service no more. We got the second amendment to take care of the FBI's duties, we all know, only peons pay taxes. Education is a local affair and we all know, poor people deserve a poor education, why waste federal dollars on them. And the free market can handle the energy industry. I mean if some energy company pollutes the air, deposits toxic sludge in the rivers and their boilers blow up killing dozens of workers, why consumers won't buy their power anymore. And the Postal Service, well hell, we got UPS and Fedex, and we got the Internet. We can turn that over to Facebook and Instagram, they do such a bang-up job.

As far as our government is concerned, the farther to the right you are, the closer to Trump you are, the closer to the stolen election lie you are, and the closer to having contempt for the law/hating the FBI you are.
Blah, you are not even worth a gif.....At least the other troll put forth some effort. 😐
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Why, the current building still looks to be in good shape.

Wonder what a 300 million dollar campus is going to look like?
You are such a dumbass. Bless your heart. I mean hell, let's just go to wiki. FBI priorities, listed in order.

  • Protect the United States from terrorist attacks
  • Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations, espionage, and cyber operations
  • Combat significant cyber criminal activity
  • Combat public corruption at all levels
  • Protect civil rights
  • Combat transnational criminal enterprises
  • Combat major white-collar crime
  • Combat significant violent crime

I reckon you got a problem with number 4, mostly because the FBI investigated the ultimate piss poor confidence man, Donald Trump. But damn, look at the top three. What, you don't want an organization fighting against terrorist attacks. Oh well, so much for all the border caterwalling. Cyber criminals, look, I got to be honest. I have some hacking skills, mostly because it was part of my education. I have never developed them extensively, mostly because I see them as unethical, but billions, and yes, billions of dollars with a B are siphoned from our economy by cybercriminals every year. If I decide to go rogue that is the direction I take. I was in Bitcoin when they were less than a buck.

I got to be frank, the Republican party is playing you all for fools. And yeah, I don't have much more respect for the Democrats, but let's be honest, it is like choosing your poison. This whole IRS funding bullshit, it is about wealthy people cheating on their taxes, period. There is no "offset" to taking the funding for Israel from the IRS, it decreases revenues, it is a double whammy. The whole FBI defunding argument, it ain't about terrorist, or cyber criminals, it is about public corruption. I mean damn it, you make it to Congress you damn sure ought to be able to make a fortune trading stocks on insider information, why the hell else did you get elected. Representing the people, LMAO.

And the Department of Education. That is the one the gets to me the most. I mean I don't see why we don't just adopt a caste system, like India. Because that is what this whole eliminating the Department of Education is all about. First of all, our school system is more segregated now that it was following the Brown decision. But second, and this one is huge, an individual from the upper quintile in income, but the lower quintile in test scores, has a better chance of attaining a college degree than an individual from the lower quintile in income and the upper quintile in test score does. That is FUBARED. Want to know why India and China kicks our damn ass, well there you go. That doesn't happen there.

I mean come on, want to see it in action. Take Trump's kids. I mean first of all, Trump is dumber than a box of damn rocks. His vocabulary is insultingly stupid. It actually hurts me to hear him talk. My damn cats are more intelligent than he is, and their vocabulary is more extensive. But Don Jr. and Eric, OMG, they are damn near mentally retarded. And Ivanka, the smartest of the pack, desperately trying to distance herself from the trainwreck that is the Trump family, I am telling you, a date with her would be a disaster, I don't tolerate stupid very well.

Hey, at least they all might live in MD now.....I'm glad they stuck it in MD.....Guarantee it's at least $700+ when it's done given they have to use union labor.

Blah, if there was any justice they ought to get a broom closet in an unused nerve agent test facility somewhere in the middle of nowhere and anyone who doesn't fit gets fired with zero chance of rehire into any government position.

Republicans the OTHER major criminal party? :eek:
You are such a dumbass. Bless your heart. I mean hell, let's just go to wiki. FBI priorities, listed in order.

  • Protect the United States from terrorist attacks
  • Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations, espionage, and cyber operations
  • Combat significant cyber criminal activity
  • Combat public corruption at all levels
  • Protect civil rights
  • Combat transnational criminal enterprises
  • Combat major white-collar crime
  • Combat significant violent crime

I reckon you got a problem with number 4, mostly because the FBI investigated the ultimate piss poor confidence man, Donald Trump. But damn, look at the top three. What, you don't want an organization fighting against terrorist attacks. Oh well, so much for all the border caterwalling. Cyber criminals, look, I got to be honest. I have some hacking skills, mostly because it was part of my education. I have never developed them extensively, mostly because I see them as unethical, but billions, and yes, billions of dollars with a B are siphoned from our economy by cybercriminals every year. If I decide to go rogue that is the direction I take. I was in Bitcoin when they were less than a buck.

I got to be frank, the Republican party is playing you all for fools. And yeah, I don't have much more respect for the Democrats, but let's be honest, it is like choosing your poison. This whole IRS funding bullshit, it is about wealthy people cheating on their taxes, period. There is no "offset" to taking the funding for Israel from the IRS, it decreases revenues, it is a double whammy. The whole FBI defunding argument, it ain't about terrorist, or cyber criminals, it is about public corruption. I mean damn it, you make it to Congress you damn sure ought to be able to make a fortune trading stocks on insider information, why the hell else did you get elected. Representing the people, LMAO.

And the Department of Education. That is the one the gets to me the most. I mean I don't see why we don't just adopt a caste system, like India. Because that is what this whole eliminating the Department of Education is all about. First of all, our school system is more segregated now that it was following the Brown decision. But second, and this one is huge, an individual from the upper quintile in income, but the lower quintile in test scores, has a better chance of attaining a college degree than an individual from the lower quintile in income and the upper quintile in test score does. That is FUBARED. Want to know why India and China kicks our damn ass, well there you go. That doesn't happen there.

I mean come on, want to see it in action. Take Trump's kids. I mean first of all, Trump is dumber than a box of damn rocks. His vocabulary is insultingly stupid. It actually hurts me to hear him talk. My damn cats are more intelligent than he is, and their vocabulary is more extensive. But Don Jr. and Eric, OMG, they are damn near mentally retarded. And Ivanka, the smartest of the pack, desperately trying to distance herself from the trainwreck that is the Trump family, I am telling you, a date with her would be a disaster, I don't tolerate stupid very well.
The FBI needs to be defunded and rebuilt to be apolitical, here is what the really do:

investigate Catholics
investigate concerned parents
protect the Biden Crime Family, like hiding Hunter's laptop
interfere in presidential elections, by censoring Biden crimes on Twitter
then there was falsifying evidence to illegally spy on Trump (Kevin Clinesmith)
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, setup general Flynn and worked to make Trump lose
You are such a dumbass. Bless your heart. I mean hell, let's just go to wiki. FBI priorities, listed in order.

  • Protect the United States from terrorist attacks
  • Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations, espionage, and cyber operations
  • Combat significant cyber criminal activity
  • Combat public corruption at all levels
  • Protect civil rights
  • Combat transnational criminal enterprises
  • Combat major white-collar crime
  • Combat significant violent crime

I reckon you got a problem with number 4, mostly because the FBI investigated the ultimate piss poor confidence man, Donald Trump. But damn, look at the top three. What, you don't want an organization fighting against terrorist attacks. Oh well, so much for all the border caterwalling. Cyber criminals, look, I got to be honest. I have some hacking skills, mostly because it was part of my education. I have never developed them extensively, mostly because I see them as unethical, but billions, and yes, billions of dollars with a B are siphoned from our economy by cybercriminals every year. If I decide to go rogue that is the direction I take. I was in Bitcoin when they were less than a buck.

I got to be frank, the Republican party is playing you all for fools. And yeah, I don't have much more respect for the Democrats, but let's be honest, it is like choosing your poison. This whole IRS funding bullshit, it is about wealthy people cheating on their taxes, period. There is no "offset" to taking the funding for Israel from the IRS, it decreases revenues, it is a double whammy. The whole FBI defunding argument, it ain't about terrorist, or cyber criminals, it is about public corruption. I mean damn it, you make it to Congress you damn sure ought to be able to make a fortune trading stocks on insider information, why the hell else did you get elected. Representing the people, LMAO.

And the Department of Education. That is the one the gets to me the most. I mean I don't see why we don't just adopt a caste system, like India. Because that is what this whole eliminating the Department of Education is all about. First of all, our school system is more segregated now that it was following the Brown decision. But second, and this one is huge, an individual from the upper quintile in income, but the lower quintile in test scores, has a better chance of attaining a college degree than an individual from the lower quintile in income and the upper quintile in test score does. That is FUBARED. Want to know why India and China kicks our damn ass, well there you go. That doesn't happen there.

I mean come on, want to see it in action. Take Trump's kids. I mean first of all, Trump is dumber than a box of damn rocks. His vocabulary is insultingly stupid. It actually hurts me to hear him talk. My damn cats are more intelligent than he is, and their vocabulary is more extensive. But Don Jr. and Eric, OMG, they are damn near mentally retarded. And Ivanka, the smartest of the pack, desperately trying to distance herself from the trainwreck that is the Trump family, I am telling you, a date with her would be a disaster, I don't tolerate stupid very well.

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