$7000/month minimum wages

50% crash in stock markets will release $10,000,000,000,000 for Americans.

How many factories, hospitals, highways, high speed railway trains, infrastructure can be started with $10,000,000,000,000 ?

Pay $7000/month minimum wages. Shut down stock markets. There is no need for investments, insurance, healthcare etc when Americans have more money.

Always read: http://dangerousmother.com (100% safe)

You are sort of ignorant here. Stock market values are the market value of the future prospects of the companies listed. A market cap of a company isn't the amount of cash they have on hand, or even the value of their property. They are an estimate of their future earnings
And you are a puppet for retarded Americans.

Learn to read and stop watching movies.

Look, here’s the deal, and I am going to give this to you straight. You haven’t been here long, and have made less than 100 post. In a very short time you have created an image of a very special person. Special in a riding the short bus with a helmet on kind of way. Now it is possible that you’re not as stupid as your post make you appear, but not likely. I highly suggest you remove your account, spend a month reading other’s post here, then come back and try a new start. Mkay?
50% crash in stock markets will release $10,000,000,000,000 for Americans.

How many factories, hospitals, highways, high speed railway trains, infrastructure can be started with $10,000,000,000,000 ?

Pay $7000/month minimum wages. Shut down stock markets. There is no need for investments, insurance, healthcare etc when Americans have more money.

Always read: http://dangerousmother.com (100% safe)

I think we found the Andrew Yang supporter.
50% crash in stock markets will release $10,000,000,000,000 for Americans.

How many factories, hospitals, highways, high speed railway trains, infrastructure can be started with $10,000,000,000,000 ?

Pay $7000/month minimum wages. Shut down stock markets. There is no need for investments, insurance, healthcare etc when Americans have more money.

Always read: http://dangerousmother.com (100% safe)
Sticks are mostly imaginary money. If the markets dropped 50% that money would just cease to exist and would not be available for any investments.
50% crash in stock markets will release $10,000,000,000,000 for Americans.

How many factories, hospitals, highways, high speed railway trains, infrastructure can be started with $10,000,000,000,000 ?

Pay $7000/month minimum wages. Shut down stock markets. There is no need for investments, insurance, healthcare etc when Americans have more money.

Is there anything more amusing than a liberal trying to grasp how economics works? It's like watching a blind man run through a mine field!
Sometimes the Middle Class say the most darling things ... a certain joy and innocence ... that wide eyed wonder when you hand a Middle Class person a $100 bill for a bookmark ... watch them soil their pants by showing them your deposit receipts ... I have fond memories as a young child being that naive ...

What you Middle Class folk missed is that stock prices are the asset value of the share ... and in many case, this value is based on future profits of the company ... ha ha ha ... companies don't keep big piles of money laying waiting for people to cash in their stocks, they SPEND it ... ha ha ha ... just about every dime ... here's the part that confuses the Middle Class, companies spend this money wisely, yeah, they don't buy food for their kids, health care insurance or certainly not spend the money on taxes ... those are foolish things to spend money on ... no no no, they do this thing called investing the money ... that's the part that confuses the Middle Class ... the ability to put money where it makes more money ... ha ha ha ... strange but true ...

I'll give about as simple an example as I can, the Middle Class may have to read it three dozen times and even then they probably will still be lost ... let's print up 2,000 sheets of paper and call them "shares of stock" and then sell them for $100 each ... we take this $200,000 and buy a POS house ... now figure it will cost us $1,000 a month to keep this house rented, so typical profit margin of 200% which means we rent it out for $3,000 a month ... after a year we've collected $36,000 (revenue), paid the $12,000 in costs (expenses) which leaves us with $24,000 (profit) ... what do we do with this money?, we divide it equally among the shares of stock, or $12 per share ... per year, every year, for as long as some Middle Class slob pays $3,000 a month for this dump ... the neat part is there's always someone out there willing to pay the $100 for the share of stock you have in your hand, especially if that $100 is returning $12 per year ... at that rate of return, you could probably find someone to pay you $110 for your share ...

See ... using money to make more money ... you can get your $100 back anytime you want it, and until then you earn 12% ... the main reason why the Wealthy Class is getting wealthier and the Middle Class suffer forevermore ... ha ha ha ...

That's stocks, and stocks are just one of about a dozen different ways to have money make more money ... when the stock market goes down, this money isn't lost, it's just the Wealthy Class moving their money out of stocks and into some of these other investment products; like real estate, bonds, precious metals ... wherever the Wealthy Class can better take the hard earned money from the Middle Class ... taking money out of your pocket and putting it in mine ... I see no problem with this system at all ...

The Great Recession ten years back is the main reason I had a cute 20-something maid in an obscenely short dress bring me my crepe suzettes for breakfast in bed and you had to eat corn flakes in your cold-ass kitchen ...

Alas ... if God thought you could understand ... He wouldn't have made you Middle Class ... now would He? ...
it seems you dont know all that value is not in money form, and if you close the companies and sell off the assets that make up the value they are worthless,,,and what do you do next week when nothing is left??

I have written how many factories can be started with $2,000,000,000,000.

If there is a need for factories someone will start them.
You cant just open factories willy nilly without demand dimwit.
50% crash in stock markets will release $10,000,000,000,000 for Americans.

How many factories, hospitals, highways, high speed railway trains, infrastructure can be started with $10,000,000,000,000 ?

Pay $7000/month minimum wages. Shut down stock markets. There is no need for investments, insurance, healthcare etc when Americans have more money.

Lay off the drugs
it seems you dont know all that value is not in money form, and if you close the companies and sell off the assets that make up the value they are worthless,,,and what do you do next week when nothing is left??

I have written how many factories can be started with $2,000,000,000,000.

I'm curious, ChinSwee...do you grasp why factories ARE built?
Factories are built because someone with capital sees the opportunity to create profits. That's what drives free markets. Simply creating a big pile of cash isn't going to spur investment. Investment is made because profits are to be had. I know that word is EVIL to you on the left but it's what makes everything work in a free market economy!
I'm curious, ChinSwee...do you grasp why factories ARE built?

There is no need for stock markets. I have shares of big steel company and the share price have gone up 1000% in 15 years.

Banks worldwide pay 7% interest p.a on fixed deposits.
I have it.You apparently don't.

Once I was watching TV and there those poor Christian men caught many good sized fishes from the sea/ocean. One of them said "today we will eat like rich people"
I have it.You apparently don't.

Once I was watching TV and there those poor Christian men caught many good sized fishes from the sea/ocean. One of them said "today we will eat like rich people"

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