72% of Americans support government run healthcare

72% of Americans support government run healthcare

Well 100% of the insurance companies don't!!! So there...stick that in your pipe and smoke it. And fox news doesn't support it...so there! And at least 15 democratic senators are being paid off by the stinking insurance lobby so they know where thier bread is buttered....so there! Maria Cantwell you stinking douschebag...We are watching you. If you do not vote with the people you will not keep you senate seat! So there!

... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!
72% of Americans support government run healthcare

Well 100% of the insurance companies don't!!! So there...stick that in your pipe and smoke it. And fox news doesn't support it...so there! And at least 15 democratic senators are being paid off by the stinking insurance lobby so they know where thier bread is buttered....so there! Maria Cantwell you stinking douschebag...We are watching you. If you do not vote with the people you will not keep you senate seat! So there!

... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Intelligence is not your strong suit. You do know that the rich in our state are the ones who fund the shelters and clinics around here that let everyone have a chance, right? They do so for tax cuts, basically it's them choosing exactly where their taxes go. If you take that choice away do you really think these programs will survive? They get almost nothing from tax dollars in reality, and all the state run programs last no more than a few months then they fall apart and out of funding. Hell, Seattle is broke, flat broke, we can't even fund anything right now. Because of this the social service programs are all on hiring freezes, without the money from Gates and Jobs they'd be gone completely.
Good lord, some on this board are sooo rich envy it makes me sick. The rich already pay the great majority of the taxes in this country, most worked hard for their money and by the way.


HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN A JOB OR FOR THAT MATTER A PAYCHECK FROM A POOR PERSON?????? Please answer the question all you commies, have you ever been hired by a poor person. Is it in your heads that we should all be poor, and then we are all equal???
Do you like to have a roof over your head, do you like to eat, do you like to have clothes on your backs, do you like to have a car to get around in. If the answer to all of these questions is yes, THEN YOU NEED TO BE THANKING THAT RICH PERSON WHO HIRED YOU, because I can guarantee you it was not a poor person who gave you the opportunity to put that roof over your head, clothes on your back, food on your plate or a car to drive.:cuckoo:
Good lord, some on this board are sooo rich envy it makes me sick. The rich already pay the great majority of the taxes in this country, most worked hard for their money and by the way.


HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN A JOB OR FOR THAT MATTER A PAYCHECK FROM A POOR PERSON?????? Please answer the question all you commies, have you ever been hired by a poor person. Is it in your heads that we should all be poor, and then we are all equal???
Do you like to have a roof over your head, do you like to eat, do you like to have clothes on your backs, do you like to have a car to get around in. If the answer to all of these questions is yes, THEN YOU NEED TO BE THANKING THAT RICH PERSON WHO HIRED YOU, because I can guarantee you it was not a poor person who gave you the opportunity to put that roof over your head, clothes on your back, food on your plate or a car to drive.:cuckoo:

What's your problem, lady?
The really ironic thing is that those who are so strongly for taxing the rich more have never truly been poor.
72% of Americans support government run healthcare

Well 100% of the insurance companies don't!!! So there...stick that in your pipe and smoke it. And fox news doesn't support it...so there! And at least 15 democratic senators are being paid off by the stinking insurance lobby so they know where thier bread is buttered....so there! Maria Cantwell you stinking douschebag...We are watching you. If you do not vote with the people you will not keep you senate seat! So there!

... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Of course your brilliant....here is how you want to receive your health care. Do you think there is any possibility that you will receive anything other than long waits and rationed care?

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/JEC Health Chart.pdf
... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Intelligence is not your strong suit. You do know that the rich in our state are the ones who fund the shelters and clinics around here that let everyone have a chance, right? They do so for tax cuts, basically it's them choosing exactly where their taxes go. If you take that choice away do you really think these programs will survive? They get almost nothing from tax dollars in reality, and all the state run programs last no more than a few months then they fall apart and out of funding. Hell, Seattle is broke, flat broke, we can't even fund anything right now. Because of this the social service programs are all on hiring freezes, without the money from Gates and Jobs they'd be gone completely.

Kitty..Kitty..Kitty...Do you really want to compare IQs?

They get almost nothing from tax dollars in reality

I guess you don't have much experience in the real world seeing as you are rich and all. You probably don't even have the time to answer you fan mail from those adoring neo cons.

The rich take more advantage of tax dollars than the poor. It takes more infrastructure to sustain an organization than an individual. The rich...companies. and corporations use the structure of society to further thier goals. To suggest otherwise is ignorant.

Kitty????...are you being a bad and ignorant kitty?
You people who are believing this poll need a serious IQ check.

You do realize that just under 80% of the respondants to this poll were found to be registered democrats....that kinda skews the results.

Imagin if 80% of the poll takers were far right conservatives....i bet we would have a results stating 72% of americans are against govt run health care.

But...once again....i'm going to put my challenge out there for all who support govt run health care:

Explain to me how it is a smart Idea to put the same govt that can not make our social security program solvent in charge of health care.

Social Security is a simple savings plan and the reps/dems can't even handle that without making it bankrupt and insolvent. So how can you expect the majority of americans to trust them to run health care for us?

I mean just look at the system they set up http://docs.house.gov/gopleader/Hous...ealth-Plan.pdf

They can't handle a savings account but think they can handle that? here is a small pic of the govt's propsal.

... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Of course your brilliant....here is how you want to receive your health care. Do you think there is any possibility that you will receive anything other than long waits and rationed care?

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/JEC Health Chart.pdf

Those are bogus scare tactics. I don't let the insurance company sponsored media form my opinions.

But to answer your question..no.

Here is a truth you might consider...who or what stands to gain the most from a for profit health care system? Those who seek profit?...or the patient? It is really that simple. If I am sick or injured or if YOU are sick or injured..I don't want any part of the criteria for yours or my treatment to be wether or not someone can make a profit.
... and you support robbing the rich and ruining our economy ... so fucking there.

Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Of course your brilliant....here is how you want to receive your health care. Do you think there is any possibility that you will receive anything other than long waits and rationed care?

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/JEC Health Chart.pdf


What exactly does you posting a chart have to do with anything?
You people who are believing this poll need a serious IQ check.

You do realize that just under 80% of the respondants to this poll were found to be registered democrats....that kinda skews the results.

Imagin if 80% of the poll takers were far right conservatives....i bet we would have a results stating 72% of americans are against govt run health care.

But...once again....i'm going to put my challenge out there for all who support govt run health care:

Explain to me how it is a smart Idea to put the same govt that can not make our social security program solvent in charge of health care.

Social Security is a simple savings plan and the reps/dems can't even handle that without making it bankrupt and insolvent. So how can you expect the majority of americans to trust them to run health care for us?

I mean just look at the system they set up http://docs.house.gov/gopleader/Hous...ealth-Plan.pdf

They can't handle a savings account but think they can handle that? here is a small pic of the govt's propsal.


Yes, anything more than a savings account, the government can't do. So somehow its easier to send a man to the moon than have a savings account?

Pure stupidity.
You are on the losing side of history.

Everyone in the world gets it except for the right wing in America.

That is why America is going broke.

High energy costs, high healthcare costs, all because of the right wing nuts.

Yeah you're right Chris, if you consider a bit over a 50-50 split being 'almost everyone', to paraphrase Mark Twain, at least try to get your facts right before you try to distort them.

It's really funny listening to a lib talk about how we are going broke. Please explain to all of us how taking more money from people in the form of taxes and the government spending more and getting into deeper debt will make us less broke.

It is funny to hear a rightie talking about debt.

It was the derivative bubble brought on by Phil Gramm's deregulation of the financial industry that destroyed the American economy.

A single payer healthcare system is more efficient than paying overhead and profit for 150 different insurance companies. Everyone knows this except you and your friends. That is why the rest of the world's businesses are kicking our ass, because they don't have to pay for healthcare and their healthcare cost HALF as much per capita.

Could you maybe once in your life not be a chicken shit and answer the question:

How does increasing taxes, government spending more thus creating more debt make the country less broke?
Yeah you're right Chris, if you consider a bit over a 50-50 split being 'almost everyone', to paraphrase Mark Twain, at least try to get your facts right before you try to distort them.

It's really funny listening to a lib talk about how we are going broke. Please explain to all of us how taking more money from people in the form of taxes and the government spending more and getting into deeper debt will make us less broke.

It is funny to hear a rightie talking about debt.

It was the derivative bubble brought on by Phil Gramm's deregulation of the financial industry that destroyed the American economy.

A single payer healthcare system is more efficient than paying overhead and profit for 150 different insurance companies. Everyone knows this except you and your friends. That is why the rest of the world's businesses are kicking our ass, because they don't have to pay for healthcare and their healthcare cost HALF as much per capita.

Could you maybe once in your life not be a chicken shit and answer the question:

How does increasing taxes, government spending more thus creating more debt make the country less broke?

"Broke" is a result of accumulating and not paying back debt and the policies in trade which decrease our worth and leaverage in the international markets.

The only way out as in your own finances is to pay off the debt and change the rules of trade to genetrate more income.

There will allways be excuses to not pay taxes. They have no more basis than "the dog ate my homework". They are just excuses.
You people who are believing this poll need a serious IQ check.

You do realize that just under 80% of the respondants to this poll were found to be registered democrats....that kinda skews the results.

Imagin if 80% of the poll takers were far right conservatives....i bet we would have a results stating 72% of americans are against govt run health care.

But...once again....i'm going to put my challenge out there for all who support govt run health care:

Explain to me how it is a smart Idea to put the same govt that can not make our social security program solvent in charge of health care.

Social Security is a simple savings plan and the reps/dems can't even handle that without making it bankrupt and insolvent. So how can you expect the majority of americans to trust them to run health care for us?

I mean just look at the system they set up http://docs.house.gov/gopleader/Hous...ealth-Plan.pdf

They can't handle a savings account but think they can handle that? here is a small pic of the govt's propsal.


Yes, anything more than a savings account, the government can't do. So somehow its easier to send a man to the moon than have a savings account?

Pure stupidity.

The govt of the 60's that sent a man to the moon was a lot more capable then the nitwits us morons have all voted in since then.
It is funny to hear a rightie talking about debt.

It was the derivative bubble brought on by Phil Gramm's deregulation of the financial industry that destroyed the American economy.

A single payer healthcare system is more efficient than paying overhead and profit for 150 different insurance companies. Everyone knows this except you and your friends. That is why the rest of the world's businesses are kicking our ass, because they don't have to pay for healthcare and their healthcare cost HALF as much per capita.

Could you maybe once in your life not be a chicken shit and answer the question:

How does increasing taxes, government spending more thus creating more debt make the country less broke?

"Broke" is a result of accumulating and not paying back debt and the policies in trade which decrease our worth and leaverage in the international markets.

The only way out as in your own finances is to pay off the debt and change the rules of trade to genetrate more income.

There will allways be excuses to not pay taxes. They have no more basis than "the dog ate my homework". They are just excuses.

........3rd times a charm?.....maybe?

How does increasing taxes, government spending more thus creating more debt make the country less broke?
You people who are believing this poll need a serious IQ check.

You do realize that just under 80% of the respondants to this poll were found to be registered democrats....that kinda skews the results.

Imagin if 80% of the poll takers were far right conservatives....i bet we would have a results stating 72% of americans are against govt run health care.

But...once again....i'm going to put my challenge out there for all who support govt run health care:

Explain to me how it is a smart Idea to put the same govt that can not make our social security program solvent in charge of health care.

Social Security is a simple savings plan and the reps/dems can't even handle that without making it bankrupt and insolvent. So how can you expect the majority of americans to trust them to run health care for us?

I mean just look at the system they set up http://docs.house.gov/gopleader/Hous...ealth-Plan.pdf

They can't handle a savings account but think they can handle that? here is a small pic of the govt's propsal.


Yes, anything more than a savings account, the government can't do. So somehow its easier to send a man to the moon than have a savings account?

Pure stupidity.

The govt of the 60's that sent a man to the moon was a lot more capable then the nitwits us morons have all voted in since then.

I know, which is why they just shut down the space program and its all defunct now, right?....

Oh wait....
Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Of course your brilliant....here is how you want to receive your health care. Do you think there is any possibility that you will receive anything other than long waits and rationed care?

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/JEC Health Chart.pdf

Those are bogus scare tactics. I don't let the insurance company sponsored media form my opinions.

But to answer your question..no.

Here is a truth you might consider...who or what stands to gain the most from a for profit health care system? Those who seek profit?...or the patient? It is really that simple. If I am sick or injured or if YOU are sick or injured..I don't want any part of the criteria for yours or my treatment to be wether or not someone can make a profit.

Actually how free market health care works, is an insurance company provides coverage and the consumer pays a premium. So both are winners....
Jeeez Kitty...you didn't say...you were rich! That changes EVERYTHING!!!!! Now maybe some of the idiot neo cons can worship YOU!!!!

Of course your brilliant....here is how you want to receive your health care. Do you think there is any possibility that you will receive anything other than long waits and rationed care?

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/JEC Health Chart.pdf


What exactly does you posting a chart have to do with anything?
That chart is how your health care would be delivered under the democratic proposal for health care reform. If you enjoy beaucratic red tape and having big brother decide how lives and dies then you should support it.......

I would rather make my own health care decisions.
Yes, anything more than a savings account, the government can't do. So somehow its easier to send a man to the moon than have a savings account?

Pure stupidity.

The govt of the 60's that sent a man to the moon was a lot more capable then the nitwits us morons have all voted in since then.

I know, which is why they just shut down the space program and its all defunct now, right?....

Oh wait....

Getting treatment shouldn't require the help of a rocket scientist though....:eusa_whistle:

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