73% of murders are concentrated in just 5% US counties...

is it surprising that more people equals more murders? of course the densely populated cities will have more of any crime than a similar acreage in nebraska.

Only because the demofascists aid and abet the crime.
If you mean racial make up...I don't agree with that.

I've worked many logging operations in Mississippi and Alabama with rural Blacks and plenty of cross border operations with Hispanics that are no different than you or I.
Violence is the problem there though.
All them gangs. won't be long until the girl scouts start pulling out a gun to force you to buy their damned cookies.
That would make sense...but I've done more personal research on this subject.

You can take the remaining counties and combine the low population density counties until they equal the population of the high density counties, and the disparity remains.

Population density is the problem.
Part of the problem. Racial, political and cultural demographics are part of it too.
Commentary...Guns aren't the problem, video games aren't the problem...cities are the problem...

"Some 73% of all murders in the U.S. took place in just 5% of counties while 52% of all counties reported no murders at all, according to a Crime Prevention Research Center study published this week..."

Illinois’ Cook County, had the highest amount of recorded murders of any location in 2020 with a whopping 775, according to the report.

View attachment 896664
Unrelated: GO CHIEFS!!! :113:

Relative to your thread, thanks, Missourian, for pasting the info in your OP as I went to the source and received this below: Typical for Fox News.....they threw up something a person couldn't read unless you disable your ad blocker.

We've got news for you

If you like our coverage, please disable your ad blocker.
Actually, democrat party policies are the problems in these cities and counties.....attacking the police, and releasing violent criminals creates more crime.......more police, and locking up violent criminals for decades decreases crime...

Guns, as you state, are not the issue.
Guns are definitely not the issues but video games most certainly are part of the issue.

We have a cultural problem, caused by weak politicians seeking to protect their party rather than the Americans (both parties). So when you combine video games with fatherless homes or even homes where there's a father but there's a drug or alcohol problem in the home, or disrespect for the law, addiction to pornography, schools intentionally trying to destroy the minds of children by telling them they're in the wrong body and all the Christians want to kill them for being in the wrong body, then, as I said, throw in the video game that makes them think about shooting people for 20 hours a day, and yes, you get wackos shooting people with guns and though only one small part of the problem, they are part of the problem.
Commentary...Guns aren't the problem, video games aren't the problem...cities are the problem...

"Some 73% of all murders in the U.S. took place in just 5% of counties while 52% of all counties reported no murders at all, according to a Crime Prevention Research Center study published this week..."

Illinois’ Cook County, had the highest amount of recorded murders of any location in 2020 with a whopping 775, according to the report.

View attachment 896664
Just to confirm, a gun for self defence in 95% of counties is a fallacy.

Guns are not the issue, cars are not the issue, food poisoning is not the issue, knives are not the issue; people are the issue. So to increase safety, reduce incidents, to control the people with car laws and regulations, to control the people on the preparation of food with hygiene laws and regulations, to try to reduce knife crime by controlling the the people with laws and regulations.

You also have regulations on the item itself, eg. a car, by making sure they're fitted with air bags, seat belts etc..

The only area omitted from common sense in the USA is firearms. To reduce the stats, just like everything else, people need controlled with laws and regulations, and aspects of firearms need regulations.
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So you're saying people live where there are Democratic Policies? Kind of makes you guys look like fools.
No, weak, lazy people live where they get handouts.

You know, you people.
Commentary...Guns aren't the problem, video games aren't the problem...cities are the problem...

"Some 73% of all murders in the U.S. took place in just 5% of counties while 52% of all counties reported no murders at all, according to a Crime Prevention Research Center study published this week..."

Illinois’ Cook County, had the highest amount of recorded murders of any location in 2020 with a whopping 775, according to the report.

View attachment 896664

Hmm, what do all those places have in common?
people, economies, businesses, healthcare, companies, education, arts, corporate headquarters, restaurants, and entertainment.
San Fran-closed, San Mateo-closed, Oakland-closed

You were saying?
Just to confirm, a gun for self defence in 95% of counties is a fallacy.

Guns are not the issue, cars are not the issue, food poisoning is not the issue, knives are not the issue; people are the issue. So to increase safety, reduce incidents, to control the people with car laws and regulations, to control the people on the preparation of food with hygiene laws and regulations, to try to reduce knife crime by controlling the the people with laws and regulations.

You also have regulations on the item itself, eg. a car, by making sure they're fitted with air bags, seat belts etc..

The only area omitted from common sense in the USA is firearms. To reduce the stats, just like everything else, people need controlled with laws and regulations, and aspects of firearms need regulations.

You are an uneducated moron when it comes to Americans and firearms. Firearms are just as, if not more regulated than cars.......

We have thousands of laws on the books dealing with guns, and gun crimes....you ignorant clod...

The problem, which you refuse to believe, is that the democrat party in this country keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......they do not want to prosecute them, they want to keep putting them back on the street.

Law abiding gun owners are not committing the murders and crimes in this country.....violent criminals with long histories of crime and violence are using their illegal guns to commit these crimes...

They can't buy, own or carry guns.......and can be arrested for simple possession of these guns...

Yet.....they are continually released from custody by democrat party judges, and prosecutors, and democrat party politicians keep reducing the sentences for these violent gun crimes....

Just a sample...

The democrat party is the problem....not gun ownership....

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds


Washington state...

So why are Washington Democrats offering up a bill in the state legislature to lower the penalties for drive-by shootings? Well, there’s woke and then there’s just plain stupid. Washington state Democrats are vying to become the best stupid they can be, bless ’em.

Currently, Washington law holds that a drive-by shooter should get an aggravated enhancement if he is arrested and prosecuted—and that’s a big if. Such an enhancement could land a drive-by murderer a life prison sentence.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Washington State Democrats Want Decreased Penalties for Drive-By Shooters Because... Aw, You Guessed


Last Monday, hours after three people were shot and three others stabbed in separate incidents following the Chicago Pride Parade, city officials offered glowing reviews of their performance.

Everyone responsible for the shootings and stabbings was in custody, they said.


But, CWBChicago has learned, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office refused to file any charges against the three people who were in the pickup truck. As of this morning, no one is in custody for the triple shooting.


New York...

The Mayor of New York City held a press conference yesterday that was full of fire and brimstone. The cover of the New York Post really says it all. “Mayor’s plea: We took 2,600 guns… But the shooters are back on the streets.”


The Mayor is clearly frustrated and it’s reached the point where he feels compelled to point out the obvious. He said, “after the shooting, after the arrest, after being let go — You know what they do? They go do another shooting.” The NYPD is already aware of this because they keep arresting the same people over and over again.

He pointed out that criminals in New York City “no longer believe you can’t do a shooting.” He continued, saying that criminals don’t take criminal justice seriously anymore.

While the Mayor didn’t mention him by name, he was clearly making a reference to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The DA came into office promising to put fewer people behind bars and proceeded to make good on that threat.

NYC Mayor: Our prosecutors are "a laughingstock" of the country


Two days after the Uvalde shooting in Texas, the California State Senate passed a bill that would allow schools not to report threats or attacks against employees to law enforcement.


According to the Bill, it would repeal the provision of existing law where it requires that “whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.”

SB 1273 would then make such reports to law enforcement voluntary.

California Senate Passes Bill to Allow Schools Not to Report Threats to Police



This year, though, we’ve jumped the shark. We’re on pace for over 600 murders—the most ever. An Inquirer story last week laid out some even more disturbing findings. Since Krasner took office, the number of gun crime arrests has nearly tripled, but the conviction rate for gun crimes has plunged from 63 percent in 2017 to 49 percent in 2019. In January, I reported that, under Krasner, homicides have jumped a whopping 58 percent; just 21 percent of shootings since 2015 led to criminal charges, and less than one-tenth of those resulted in convictions.


The DA’s own data dashboard shows that, every year of his tenure, Krasner’s office has dismissed or withdrawn more violent cases and gun cases than the year before.

In fact, the average annual number of such cases that were dismissed or withdrawn has increased by 85 percent during Krasner’s tenure, compared with the four years before he took office. All of this despite the fact that the police are making more gun arrests than at any time since 2015.

Larry Krasner is losing the battle against homicide. Will voters even care?

New York...

New york, 4/25/22

We recently looked at the results of New York City Mayor Eric Adams bringing back the special gun crimes task force of the NYPD, though these days the various units deployed around the city have the much friendlier name of Neighborhood Safety Teams. The Mayor reported that in just the first few weeks of operation, the NSTs had taken dozens of guns off the streets and made more than two dozen arrests. The vast majority of them had one thing in common. The suspects generally had prior convictions or arrests for similar crimes. So that’s some great news, right? Getting more shooters and illegal guns off the street was the stated objective and if they keep up this good work the city should see some measurable improvements.

There’s just one problem, however. Of those 25 suspects arrested on gun charges, how many of them do you think are still behind bars? If you guessed “one,” give yourself a cookie. All the rest of them have been sprung. (NY Post)

Remember all of those gun charges the NYPD was finally bringing? Never mind

For some reason, your brain fails to engage when it comes to gun issues in the U.S.........but don't worry...you are going to learn about leftists and guns in Britain, as your muslim drug gangs continue to use illegal guns for their crime....
So you're saying people live where there are Democratic Policies?
Only if you're and idiot.

Oh... Sorry...I didn't realize who I was addressing. Apologies for the redundancy.

Anyway...to illuminate the weak minds that ascribe to the same flawed conclusion.

The population density requires more.

More everything.

The government must provide more. Which in turn means more government. Which leaders to more DEPENDENCE on government.

If the local government in my town collapsed...I may not realize it until there was no snow removal in December. We wouldn't even lose the police...they are funded separately.

Trash is private. The roads don't break down. Might be some mowing that doesn't get done.

A cities government collapses, you'd be impacted by midnight.
Just to confirm, a gun for self defence in 95% of counties is a fallacy.

Guns are not the issue, cars are not the issue, food poisoning is not the issue, knives are not the issue; people are the issue. So to increase safety, reduce incidents, to control the people with car laws and regulations, to control the people on the preparation of food with hygiene laws and regulations, to try to reduce knife crime by controlling the the people with laws and regulations.

You also have regulations on the item itself, eg. a car, by making sure they're fitted with air bags, seat belts etc..

The only area omitted from common sense in the USA is firearms. To reduce the stats, just like everything else, people need controlled with laws and regulations, and aspects of firearms need regulations.
I don't own a vehicle with airbags.

Where are these regulators regulating vehicles I've purchased used?
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