74% Of Top Pentagon Jobs Still Vacant As Congress Ends Their Summer Vacation


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
One of the most important functions of our Federal government is national defense and readiness. Anyone disagreeing with that premise, speak up and make your case, but STAY ON TOPIC.

Instead of taking care of business and getting people into critical positions in our defense structure for the sake of readiness, the Orange One "reset" our national priorities to accomplish his alleged "campaign promises" while filling the government with necessary personnel was pushed aside. That has really made the defense contractors happy while plans for new systems and renewal of contracts sit gathering dust wanting for bosses to be hired to check off the boxes. Great Job, Donny Johnny!

FY 2017 ends Sept 31st, and the Congress has the new FY 2018 budget to prepare, finished and set in place, to say nothing of the debt limit to deal with and all the other end of session issues to deal with. The Country is burning, but the Idiot-in-Chief is still fiddling in between rounds of golf, while playing Russian Roulette with countries hostile to the US, trying to look presidential!

"WASHINGTON — A handful of Pentagon nominees will be waiting for Senate confirmation when the upper chamber returns in September from its summer recess, but the administration still has dozens of Defense Department positions to fill.

After clearing partisan deadlock on health care reform, the Senate confirmed 65 nominees by unanimous consent. Those included investment banker Richard Spencer to be Navy secretary and former Textron CEO Ellen Lord to be undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, roughly doubling the total to 15 confirmed out of 57 positions.

That’s about 74 percent of Defense Department positions that need Senate confirmation yet to be filled. Nominees for the high-level jobs of Army secretary, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, and undersecretary of defense for policy have yet to be confirmed." -- More --
~~ Top Pentagon posts 74 percent vacant as Congress returns ~~
You might tell the Dems to quit obstructing-

Putting numbers behind his claim that Senate Democrats have stonewalled his agenda and creation of a Republican government, President Trump today charged that he's only been able to get approval of 23 percent of his top picks compared to former President Obama, who had 69 percent confirmed at this stage of his first term.

In a long and detailed accounting of the effort to block his administration, the White House today said, "Less than a month away from the August recess, the Senate has confirmed only 23 percent of President Trump's 216 nominations. By the first August recess during President Obama's first term, the Senate had confirmed 69 percent of his 454 nominations."

DAMAGING THE GOVERNMENT: The blatant obstruction of President Trump's nominations threatens key aspects of the Government, including national security, by leaving positions vacant.

Key positions in the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are vacant because of obstructionism by Senate Democrats, damaging national security.

— The Department of Defense has seen only 6 of President Trump's 22 nominations confirmed. Positions waiting confirmation votes include:

— Deputy Secretary of Defense

— Principal Deputy under the Secretary of Defense

— Assistant Secretary of Defense

— Senate Democrats are attempting to hamstring President Trump's law-and-order agenda by confirming less than 20 percent of his nominations to the Department of Justice and less than half of his nominations to the Department of Homeland Security.

— The Department of Justice has only 3 of President Trump's 19 nominations confirmed. Positions waiting confirmation include:

Senate stonewall: 23% Trump picks OK'd vs. 69% of Obama's
You might tell the Dems to quit obstructing-

Putting numbers behind his claim that Senate Democrats have stonewalled his agenda and creation of a Republican government, President Trump today charged that he's only been able to get approval of 23 percent of his top picks compared to former President Obama, who had 69 percent confirmed at this stage of his first term.

In a long and detailed accounting of the effort to block his administration, the White House today said, "Less than a month away from the August recess, the Senate has confirmed only 23 percent of President Trump's 216 nominations. By the first August recess during President Obama's first term, the Senate had confirmed 69 percent of his 454 nominations."

DAMAGING THE GOVERNMENT: The blatant obstruction of President Trump's nominations threatens key aspects of the Government, including national security, by leaving positions vacant.

Key positions in the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are vacant because of obstructionism by Senate Democrats, damaging national security.

— The Department of Defense has seen only 6 of President Trump's 22 nominations confirmed. Positions waiting confirmation votes include:

— Deputy Secretary of Defense

— Principal Deputy under the Secretary of Defense

— Assistant Secretary of Defense

— Senate Democrats are attempting to hamstring President Trump's law-and-order agenda by confirming less than 20 percent of his nominations to the Department of Justice and less than half of his nominations to the Department of Homeland Security.

— The Department of Justice has only 3 of President Trump's 19 nominations confirmed. Positions waiting confirmation include:

Senate stonewall: 23% Trump picks OK'd vs. 69% of Obama's
Your bullshit "source" from the Mooney right wing rag is irrelevant and notwithstanding! To confirm nominees for office, that fat assed Orange One would need to have NOMINATED THEM FIRST.

The Republicans own all the Chairs on all the Senate committees and hold the majority in the Senate to boot. The Orange Clown has to make the damn nominations first FOOL! Of the 42 remaining 57 total Pentagon positions needing Senate confirmation, the ONLY one who has had a hold put on him is Ryan Newman and that hold was put on him by Ted Fucking Cruz, a Republican.

Your off topic claim doesn't hold water, asshole. Now piss off because I'm not going to respond to any more of your drivel.
They are trying to keep from having to raise the debt ceiling before the new fiscal year begins in OCT. So I doubt they will be filled until then..
How many vacancies are being left that way on purpose? Figured ti be nonessential?
How many vacancies are being left that way on purpose? Figured ti be nonessential?
If you had a friend that could, read the bloody article in the OP you'd see that one could conclude that ALL of those vacancies will be filled as the last 6 finally finished their vetting process last month so the remaining 42, the 74% group, are all waiting on the Senate, finally, on the confirmation process. But Ryan Newman won't be one of them because a Senator put a hold on him for cause...one of those obstructing Republicans, Ted Fucking Cruz!

Therefore your faulty conclusion/guess re; nonessential drops is just another RWNJ FAIL!

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