74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.


After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.
What, other than the fact that she owned guns, indicates that she was "bat shit crazy"? Was she ever diagnosed and judged to be mentally unbalanced?

Have you? Gotta wonder.
Actually, most Americans- heck most gun owners- support common sense gun control.

The NRA is good at terrorizing cowardly politicians, but it's only a matter of time before we have an incident horrible enough where people say , "Enough".

After Sandy Hook it became obvious there will never be an incident horrible enough for people to say enough

We value our guns more than we value our children

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

That's because you never asked me.


Joe come to the Peg. The knives are the problem. Every day. Oh and on the weekends the First Nations love to stab each other to death all the time. Guns just make better headlines. You should witness the stabbings on the day to day up here. It's unreal.

Number of murders in the US- 15,953 , 11,101 with guns

Number of murders in Canada - 529 , 173 with guns.

Even factoring in Canada has a tenth of the US population, their murder rate is a lot lower than ours, which is what happens when you limit who can have a gun.


Joe doesn't even realize that according to his own figures, 60% of the murders in Canada were committed without firearms. He just doesn't get it that if all guns disappeared, there'd still be people killing people. Until he gets the idea we have to control people and not what they used to kill, we'll never truly be safer.
Yes, plenty for prisons and military, but not for the crumbling infrastructure.

We collect 100 billion dollars annually in state and federal gas taxes.

We have plenty of money for infrastructure.

Total bullshit. Your parroting of big oil talking points makes you as stupid as dipshit JoeB131 parroting loony gun grabber talking points. Far more debt is created by taking from general revenue & sales tax to cover the road maintenance deficit created by low gas tax. The federal government just covered a $41 billion gas tax shortfall & Missouri just passed the largest sales tax increase in history to cover their gas tax shortfall. The government is Big Oil's largest customer. They purchase the most oil based asphalt road surface & fuel for maintenance equipment. Then there is the $1 per gallon tax payers pay to protect oil in the Persian Gulf. This subsidizing of big oil to prevent consumers from choosing alternative transportation is what happens when big oil owns government law makers. Big oil steals from tax payers weather they use the roads, gas or not. We have no choice & are forced to pay these cronies. High sales taxes to subsidize oil make one long for Chicago's sales taxes.

Do the math.

Oh yeah liberals never do the math.

How much gasoline does the United States consume? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

In 2013, about 134.51 billion gallons

The federal gas tax in 18.4 cents

That's 24.7 billion on gasoline alone that the feds make.

According to Motor Fuel Taxes

The average state gasoline tax is 31.46 cents per gallon. That's 42.31 billion in revenue for the states

For a total of 67 billion dollars on gasoline alone.

Now add to that the taxes collected on diesel fuel state and federal, not to mention the excise tax on tires, state excise taxes on cars and trucks, mileage taxes charged on commercial trucks etc etc

Now tell me we don't collect 100 billion in taxes every year that are supposed to be earmarked for roads.
Do the cops have to provide 24/7 protection while you are disarmed as well? is there a strict time limit on how long your guns can be held? Are you compensated for your time if it turns out that the whole thing was bullshit?

If not, then the law is unconstitutional.

Scalia takes a dirt nap.

Anything we say is constitutional after that.

Back to the point. If your neighbors don't think you should have a gun, you probably shouldn't have a gun.
Joe come to the Peg. The knives are the problem. Every day. Oh and on the weekends the First Nations love to stab each other to death all the time. Guns just make better headlines. You should witness the stabbings on the day to day up here. It's unreal.

Number of murders in the US- 15,953 , 11,101 with guns

Number of murders in Canada - 529 , 173 with guns.

Even factoring in Canada has a tenth of the US population, their murder rate is a lot lower than ours, which is what happens when you limit who can have a gun.


Not even trying to hide the racism anymore, eh, Ernie?
What, other than the fact that she owned guns, indicates that she was "bat shit crazy"? Was she ever diagnosed and judged to be mentally unbalanced?

Have you? Gotta wonder.

Nope. In fact, I took a very thorough psychological exam back in the mid-oughts. I was fine.

Hmmm. What made Nancy Crazy? The fact she was a "prepper" who thought the Zombie apocolypse was coming, that's a good start.

I mean, she might have seemed like your dream girl, but the rest of the world thought she was nuts. they don't even count her as a 'victim' anymore.

By all means, please leave! As a matter of fact, I'd bet people who love our Constitution would be willing to pony up enough cash to buy you a ticket.

Uh, no, guy.

My side is winning elections.

Maybe you all ought to find yourselves a nice Libertarian paradise where they h ave lots of guns and no laws.

Somalia might be just right for you, if it weren't for all the negroes.
What, other than the fact that she owned guns, indicates that she was "bat shit crazy"? Was she ever diagnosed and judged to be mentally unbalanced?

Have you? Gotta wonder.

Nope. In fact, I took a very thorough psychological exam back in the mid-oughts. I was fine.

Hmmm. What made Nancy Crazy? The fact she was a "prepper" who thought the Zombie apocolypse was coming, that's a good start.

I mean, she might have seemed like your dream girl, but the rest of the world thought she was nuts. they don't even count her as a 'victim' anymore.

You are Bat Shit Crazy. Your statements are the ramblings of a lunatic: "Scalia takes a dirt nap. Anything we say is constitutional after that."

Nancy was not a "prepper" just because she & her sister once talked about prepping & if they were prepared for economic collapse back when the economy tanked, Wall-street fell off the cliff & government had to do a multi-trillion-dollar bailout, nationalize all the largest banks & a hundred fortune 500 companies. Hell Congressman Brad Sherman of California's 27th congressional district said several fellow Congressional representatives claimed they were threatened with the prospect of 'Martial Law' should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout or the $850 billion stimulus. General Tommy Franks threatened US with martial law after he let Bin Laden escape.

Where is your proof that Nancy was crazy & feared a Zombie apocolypse was coming?

Why do you approve of violating gun owners rights for reasons that will never prevent a Sandy Hook?

Why are you not for exposing crazy people by publishing a list of those who are not allowed to have a gun so citizens can keep an eye on them?

How would anyone at a shooting range know if Adam was not to a hold or shoot a gun if there was no list for them to check?
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Nancy was not a "prepper" just because she & her sister once talked about prepping & if they were prepared for economic collapse back when the economy tanked, Wall-street fell off the cliff & government had to do a multi-trillion-dollar bailout, nationalize all the largest banks & a hundred fortune 500 companies. Hell Congressman Brad Sherman of California's 27th congressional district said several fellow Congressional representatives claimed they were threatened with the prospect of 'Martial Law' should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout or the $850 billion stimulus. General Tommy Franks threatened US with martial law after he let Bin Laden escape.

Okay, you aren't going to prove that Nancy wasn't nuts by proving you are.

Where is your proof that Nancy was crazy & feared a Zombie apocolypse was coming?

Why do you approve of violating gun owners rights for reasons that will never prevent a Sandy Hook?

I don't believe there is a right to gun ownership. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

BUt even if I did, no right is absolute. You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. You can't sacrifice Babies to Dread C'Thulhu. Cops aren't required to read you your rights when you are shooting at them.

I mean, I wish the Founders had put in a "common sense' Amendment.

Why are you not for exposing crazy people by publishing a list of those who are not allowed to have a gun so citizens can keep an eye on them?

Because that puts the onus on the state to prove they ARE crazy instead of on them to prove they are not. That's just fucking insane. Besides the fact it would make people less likely to seek psychiatric help (about half of USMB could use it), a person seeking a gun should have to prove he's not crazy, not the other way around.

This is how every other country in the world does it, and oddly, it works.

How would anyone at a shooting range know if Adam was not to a hold or shoot a gun if there was no list for them to check?

Again, it never should have worked that way. The thing was, Nancy knew her kid was nuts. What we need are household background checks, not just individual ones.
Do the cops have to provide 24/7 protection while you are disarmed as well? is there a strict time limit on how long your guns can be held? Are you compensated for your time if it turns out that the whole thing was bullshit?

If not, then the law is unconstitutional.

Scalia takes a dirt nap.

Anything we say is constitutional after that.

Back to the point. If your neighbors don't think you should have a gun, you probably shouldn't have a gun.

I get your drift.

I am a brown-skinned Puertorican with kinky hair.

My neighbors are Neo-nazis,

They don't appreciate a second or third class citizen bearing arms.

So I am either going to hammer my guns into plows or sell them to a known felon at a gun show.

I want my neighbors to be happy.


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If your neighbors don't think you should have a gun, you probably shouldn't have a gun.

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, then they need to start campaigning to modify or repeal the 2nd amendment. Until they succeed at that, I can have a gun whether they like it or not. (And so can they, which I don't mind a bit.)

BTW, they'll have no luck with the 2nd, because most American people think it's OK for me to have a gun, and they don't want it modified or repealed.

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, it takes more than a 51% vote to make it that way. Something the gun-haters find intensely frustrating.

Gee, that's too bad. :lol:

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, then they need to start campaigning to modify or repeal the 2nd amendment. Until they succeed at that, I can have a gun whether they like it or not. (And so can they, which I don't mind a bit.)

BTW, they'll have no luck with the 2nd, because most American people think it's OK for me to have a gun, and they don't want it modified or repealed.

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, it takes more than a 51% vote to make it that way. Something the gun-haters find intensely frustrating.

Gee, that's too bad. :lol:

Actually, a whole lot of ways to make the lives of gun nuts miserable without repealling the second amendment.

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, then they need to start campaigning to modify or repeal the 2nd amendment. Until they succeed at that, I can have a gun whether they like it or not. (And so can they, which I don't mind a bit.)

BTW, they'll have no luck with the 2nd, because most American people think it's OK for me to have a gun, and they don't want it modified or repealed.

If my neighbors don't think I should have a gun, it takes more than a 51% vote to make it that way. Something the gun-haters find intensely frustrating.

Gee, that's too bad. :lol:

Actually, a whole lot of ways to make the lives of gun nuts miserable without repealling the second amendment.

I know that very well. So many UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULES and regulations which tantamount to repeal

1- overzealous prosecutors;

2- unconstitutional regulations

3- the incineration of a religious group because they were "stockpiling firearms" - of course, so the penalty does not appear too harsh the powers-that-be will add "the raping of a 10 year old" to the charge

And so it fucking goes.

I know that very well. So many UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULES and regulations which tantamount to repeal

1- overzealous prosecutors;

2- unconstitutional regulations

3- the incineration of a religious group because they were "stockpiling firearms" - of course, so the penalty does not appear too harsh the powers-that-be will add "the raping of a 10 year old" to the charge

And so it fucking goes.

OH, I agree. But sometimes you need to think smaller.

Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers.

I know that very well. So many UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULES and regulations which tantamount to repeal

1- overzealous prosecutors;

2- unconstitutional regulations

3- the incineration of a religious group because they were "stockpiling firearms" - of course, so the penalty does not appear too harsh the powers-that-be will add "the raping of a 10 year old" to the charge

And so it fucking goes.

OH, I agree. But sometimes you need to think smaller.

Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers.

We will always find way to neutralize, offset, defuse your nazistic advances .

Austin company unveils first metal gun from 3D printer


Nancy was not a "prepper" just because she & her sister once talked about prepping & if they were prepared for economic collapse back when the economy tanked, Wall-street fell off the cliff & government had to do a multi-trillion-dollar bailout, nationalize all the largest banks & a hundred fortune 500 companies. Hell Congressman Brad Sherman of California's 27th congressional district said several fellow Congressional representatives claimed they were threatened with the prospect of 'Martial Law' should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout or the $850 billion stimulus. General Tommy Franks threatened US with martial law after he let Bin Laden escape.

Okay, you aren't going to prove that Nancy wasn't nuts by proving you are.

Where is your proof that Nancy was crazy & feared a Zombie apocolypse was coming?

Why do you approve of violating gun owners rights for reasons that will never prevent a Sandy Hook?

I don't believe there is a right to gun ownership. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

I don't believe you are remotely close to sane, Joe. What's more, no one gives a shit what you believe. The SCOTUS in D.C. v Heller as much as said the 2nd Amendment is NOT about militias.

Now, if you honestly think the 2nd should be stricken from the US Constitution, there is a procedure in place for making that happen.

Go for it! Yo'll need to reach a lot of people. As a venue for your campaign kick-off, I'd like to suggest Bryant–Denny Stadium, located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It seats 101,821.

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