74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.


Yes, it happened in England, but your example of Daly plaza refers to here. And you have already said you wouldn't mind that happening to people who have views you disagree with.

He was NOT inciting a riot. I really don't think you know what that term means.

You are a Fascist, nothing more, nothing less.

Uh, guy, if you dressed up in a Nazi Uniform and started quoting from Mein Kampf in Daley Plaza, yes, the CPD will have a word with you.

You will also "accidentally" bump your head getting into the squad car. And maybe accidentally fall down the stairs a couple times. Just sayin'

Free Speech is nice and everything, but there are common sense limits, mostly to protect assholes from themselves.

But the majority could give a rip Joe. You should put your energy behind something that actually has a chance of success.

Anti-gun loons have a time management issue


Actually, most Americans- heck most gun owners- support common sense gun control.

The NRA is good at terrorizing cowardly politicians, but it's only a matter of time before we have an incident horrible enough where people say , "Enough".

Meh- Me don't think so


But the majority could give a rip Joe. You should put your energy behind something that actually has a chance of success.

Anti-gun loons have a time management issue


Actually, most Americans- heck most gun owners- support common sense gun control.

The NRA is good at terrorizing cowardly politicians, but it's only a matter of time before we have an incident horrible enough where people say , "Enough".

After Sandy Hook it became obvious there will never be an incident horrible enough for people to say enough

We value our guns more than we value our children

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Do the cops have to provide 24/7 protection while you are disarmed as well? is there a strict time limit on how long your guns can be held? Are you compensated for your time if it turns out that the whole thing was bullshit?

If not, then the law is unconstitutional.

Yes, it happened in England, but your example of Daly plaza refers to here. And you have already said you wouldn't mind that happening to people who have views you disagree with.

He was NOT inciting a riot. I really don't think you know what that term means.

You are a Fascist, nothing more, nothing less.

Uh, guy, if you dressed up in a Nazi Uniform and started quoting from Mein Kampf in Daley Plaza, yes, the CPD will have a word with you.

You will also "accidentally" bump your head getting into the squad car. And maybe accidentally fall down the stairs a couple times. Just sayin'

Free Speech is nice and everything, but there are common sense limits, mostly to protect assholes from themselves.

And you support police brutality over speech as well.

Even more Fascist.
When the polls use terms like "common sense gun control" most people reflexively give a positive answer, its a common polling trick. When given the details however, that number drops rapidly as the proposals get more and more idiotic and gun grabby.

Okay, let's look at some of the actual proposals.

"Do you favor or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers?"

85% favor.

"In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"

54% favor. But most Americans probably don't realize how loose the gun laws are.

"In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"

52 % favor more strict. Only 8% want less strict laws.

"Do you support or oppose laws to prevent people with mental illness from purchasing guns?"

88% support. 9% oppose.


Those are still generalities, they don't go into details. They also are all positive response questions, and those typically involve a bias because people like to agree with people asking them questions.

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Some idiot will get the list of gun owners & report every one of them. If it's a batshit California law we know it's a bad idea. Just like when the cigarette companies got California to pass a law mandating cancer causing flame retardants in furniture & clothes. Now the flame retardants kill more people than cigarettes.

How can anyone know to report someone like Adam for shooting his moms guns unless there is a publicized list of people who can't have weapons? If citizens had the data, they would be far more effective than police at keeping guns from crazy people. Just like how citizens stop 250% more criminals than police while they shoot 550% fewer innocent people than police.

Batshit crazy gun grabber nuts such as yourself publicly posted list of gun owners violating their civil rights. Yet you, Obama, Congress, SCOTUS & the ACLU refuse to publicize a list of mental defective people who should not have guns.

When a grand parents estate is split up among grand children, how would the executor know crazy Adam was not to have Grandpa's gun unless there is an online database?
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After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

So you're guilty until you prove yourself innocent? Nice, very nice

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Forget Adam!?!

Adam is the perpetrator!

What you want to forget is there is no gun control measure that could have stopped Sandy Hook.

No background check, no waiting period, no registration.

Then we see virgin boy in California go through every gun controllers wet dream of gun control measures...universal backround checks, waiting periods, gun registrations...AND HE JUMPS THROUGH ALL THE HOOPS, NOT ONCE, BUT THREE TIMES!!!

Face facts, standing on the backs of dead children, using them a props in a bid to push a gun control agenda has blown up in your faces...because nothing gun grabbers propose would have changed the outcome one iota.

OTOH, what WE propose, arming select, well trained teachers to protect our children WOULD have changed the outcome.

But that makes more guns the answer, and that's anathema to gun grabbers.

So cut the bullshit...protecting children is NOT the main concern...using dead children to push an agenda is.

Rebut, or STFU.

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Forget Adam!?!

Adam is the perpetrator!

What you want to forget is there is no gun control measure that could have stopped Sandy Hook.

No background check, no waiting period, no registration.

Then we see virgin boy in California go through every gun controllers wet dream of gun control measures...universal backround checks, waiting periods, gun registrations...AND HE JUMPS THROUGH ALL THE HOOPS, NOT ONCE, BUT THREE TIMES!!!

Face facts, standing on the backs of dead children, using them a props in a bid to push a gun control agenda has blown up in your faces...because nothing gun grabbers propose would have changed the outcome one iota.

OTOH, what WE propose, arming select, well trained teachers to protect our children WOULD have changed the outcome.

But that makes more guns the answer, and that's anathema to gun grabbers.

So cut the bullshit...protecting children is NOT the main concern...using dead children to push an agenda is.

Rebut, or STFU.
I have asked several times in several threads with several posters what laws could have stopped most if not all the school and mass shootings. Not one of them came back with an honest answer.....NOT ONE of them did because they knew there was nothing. They couldn't even be honest because their ideology wouldn't let them. This tells what their true agenda is and that is total gun ban.
Thank you Missourian.
How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Forget Adam!?!

Adam is the perpetrator!

What you want to forget is there is no gun control measure that could have stopped Sandy Hook.

No background check, no waiting period, no registration.

Then we see virgin boy in California go through every gun controllers wet dream of gun control measures...universal backround checks, waiting periods, gun registrations...AND HE JUMPS THROUGH ALL THE HOOPS, NOT ONCE, BUT THREE TIMES!!!

Face facts, standing on the backs of dead children, using them a props in a bid to push a gun control agenda has blown up in your faces...because nothing gun grabbers propose would have changed the outcome one iota.

OTOH, what WE propose, arming select, well trained teachers to protect our children WOULD have changed the outcome.

But that makes more guns the answer, and that's anathema to gun grabbers.

So cut the bullshit...protecting children is NOT the main concern...using dead children to push an agenda is.

Rebut, or STFU.
I have asked several times in several threads with several posters what laws could have stopped most if not all the school and mass shootings. Not one of them came back with an honest answer.....NOT ONE of them did because they knew there was nothing. They couldn't even be honest because their ideology wouldn't let them. This tells what their true agenda is and that is total gun ban.
Thank you Missourian.

Well you never asked me: ABOLISH ALL GUN FREE ZONES

Do the cops have to provide 24/7 protection while you are disarmed as well?

The courts & SCOTUS have consistently ruled that police are under no legal duty to provide protection to citizens. You are your only defense against attack, murder, theft or destruction of property.

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Guilty until proven innocent huh? Stupid ass liberal!
Actually, most Americans- heck most gun owners- support common sense gun control.

The NRA is good at terrorizing cowardly politicians, but it's only a matter of time before we have an incident horrible enough where people say , "Enough".

After Sandy Hook it became obvious there will never be an incident horrible enough for people to say enough

We value our guns more than we value our children

After Sandy Hook it became obvious that gun control will never be the answer.

Since Lanza took the gun, no background check, strict law buying laws, waiting periods, our the myriad of other restrictions gun grabbers have been pushing for the last thirty years made the least bit of difference.

Was it tragic and terrible...absolutely.

But when I ask the magic question...what constructional gun control law could have stopped Sandy Hook? The answer is silence.
"Reasonable" gun resrictions failed to stop any number of mass shootings.
Anti-gun loons fail to recognize this, much less admit to it.
Yes, plenty for prisons and military, but not for the crumbling infrastructure.

We collect 100 billion dollars annually in state and federal gas taxes.

We have plenty of money for infrastructure.

I'm so tired of hearing this meme about "crumbling infrastructure! Crumbling infrastructure!" WHAT "crumbling infrastructure" is that, exactly? Arizona seems to do just fine at building plenty of prisons AND maintaining highways and overpasses and such. God knows, everywhere I go, they're doing road improvement, and we do so well with prisons, we get paid to warehouse other states' inmates. So what's Junk's major malfunction?
We collect 100 billion dollars annually in state and federal gas taxes.

We have plenty of money for infrastructure.

We don't seem to be using it

And who's fault is that?

Certainly not the public's and we don't need to be fleeced anymore than we already are to pay for the malfeasance of our corrupt government.

Well, I know California taxes everything up to the air that you breathe. It's just appalling every time I have to go there. And they sure as shit aren't spending that money on their roads. I've seen goat tracks with better surfacing than I-5. So maybe the problem isn't lack of funding; maybe it's lack of money management and decent government.

Say, which party controls California's state government, again?
Yes, plenty for prisons and military, but not for the crumbling infrastructure.

We collect 100 billion dollars annually in state and federal gas taxes.

We have plenty of money for infrastructure.

Total bullshit. Your parroting of big oil talking points makes you as stupid as dipshit JoeB131 parroting loony gun grabber talking points. Far more debt is created by taking from general revenue & sales tax to cover the road maintenance deficit created by low gas tax. The federal government just covered a $41 billion gas tax shortfall & Missouri just passed the largest sales tax increase in history to cover their gas tax shortfall. The government is Big Oil's largest customer. They purchase the most oil based asphalt road surface & fuel for maintenance equipment. Then there is the $1 per gallon tax payers pay to protect oil in the Persian Gulf. This subsidizing of big oil to prevent consumers from choosing alternative transportation is what happens when big oil owns government law makers. Big oil steals from tax payers weather they use the roads, gas or not. We have no choice & are forced to pay these cronies. High sales taxes to subsidize oil make one long for Chicago's sales taxes.
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No, people with guns are the problem.

Countries where they don't let people have guns. No problem.

Like Cuba? When are you leaving?

No, like Japan, England, France, Italy, Australia.

Where people are just as free as they are here, and they don't let every lowlife have a gun.

By all means, please leave! As a matter of fact, I'd bet people who love our Constitution would be willing to pony up enough cash to buy you a ticket.
No, people with guns are the problem.

Countries where they don't let people have guns. No problem.

Joe come to the Peg. The knives are the problem. Every day. Oh and on the weekends the First Nations love to stab each other to death all the time. Guns just make better headlines. You should witness the stabbings on the day to day up here. It's unreal.

Number of murders in the US- 15,953 , 11,101 with guns

Number of murders in Canada - 529 , 173 with guns.

Even factoring in Canada has a tenth of the US population, their murder rate is a lot lower than ours, which is what happens when you limit who can have a gun.


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