74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

Oh, come on, guy, it's like your secret fantasy.

That's why you all loved Zimmerman so much. He was living the dream.

IDK Joe, sounds like you have fantasies of NRA members blowing folks heads off for you via proxy :lol:


No, I have a fantasy about sensible gun laws instead of gun laws pandering to crazy people with murder fetishes compensating for tiny penises

You waffle between the "sensible gun law" mantra and the belief that non governmental actors should not be able to own ANY firearms? Which is it?

Sad that your sock got banned, and you have to expunge your nuttery on your main?
Once again proving that the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk about all the people they want to murder.

I don't want criminals to enter my home but when they do, I will shoot them


Oh, come on, guy, it's like your secret fantasy.

That's why you all loved Zimmerman so much. He was living the dream.

It's not fantasy. I lived in St. Louis before & after they passed CCW. When it was illegal to CCW I was held at gunpoint 6 times by 8 criminals with 8 guns & one crazy pulled the trigger. Since the CCW became legal I have never had a gun pulled on me again or even been threatened again. CCW has a direct impact for saving lives, especially my life. So your fantasy BS can Kiss My Ass.

Ask the people at Fort Hood how the gun ban has repeatedly been working for them.

Ask Mexicans how the gun ban has repeatedly been working for them in Mexico where guns are banned but the gun murder rate is triple what we have here in the USA where guns are legal.
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Wow. NOthing like Gun nuts fantasizing about gun performance.

Uh, he shot a bunch of preschoolers. Accuracy was not a big concern.

The fact he was able TO GET GUNS was the problem.

I knew you wouldn't be honest.

Accuracy was not a big concern. :cuckoo:

Tell that to the parents who's children would have lived if Adams bullets missed their children & went into the walls, ceiling, floor of missed vital areas.

Preschoolers in an enclosed space don't exactly present a challenge.

But here's a whacky idea. If Adam never had access to ANY guns, no preschoolers would have died.

You know, if we had sane laws where we find out who you are before we let you take more guns home.

Considering the lack of security at the place, he could have killed some with a baseball bat or a knife until the police showed up.
if you want to. There aren't enough people on USMB's whose opinion I respect enough to bother polling them.

Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

So you agree that Roe is bad Constitutional law?
HOw would you know until it is debated.

Especially the liability thing. Most voters probably don't even know that's a law that a gun shop can sell a gun to a completely insane person and not be held liable for it.
It has been debated and you know what was found out? A lot of liberals like their guns, go figure, huh?

You just need to accept that you are an outlier on the subject.

No, guy, it was something Congress voted in the middle of the night when no one was watching.

After the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, their victims sued the gun shop and the gun maker and got themselves a nice seven figure settlement. (The snipers were an ex-con and a minor and never should have been allowed to buy guns.)

And the NRA went to Congress and got them to pass a law that exempts gun shops and gunmakers from liability.

So when did we have the debate on when this was a good idea or not?

Ohhhh, politicians huh? I thought you were talking about the general populace, you know, "We The People". :eusa_whistle:

You don't like things voted on in the middle of the night.....unless you like things voted on in the middle of the night.....like Obamacare. I see....

Maybe Congress didn't vote on your wet dream with the liability because it would have opened up a can of worms for setting up other liability cases like alcohol, auto manufacturers, etc.

Joe you are the outlier, embrace it and move along.
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NO, but it SHOULD have triggered some questions.

If it came up on a job interview, it would have triggered some questions.

A gun should be harder to get than a job.

Poor joe.

It's hard for criminals who get busted lying at work to get jobs. I feel for you.

i wouldn't know. Unlike you I have a job.

But since my side business is heavily involved in helping people find jobs, I know that companies that hire for things other than the menial jobs you hold actually get their backgrounds looked into.

We should do the same for people who want to own guns.

We do. The last rifle I bought, I filled out a form which was sent electronically to the FBI. 20 minutes later, I had approval.
When I applied for my concealed carry permit, I once again filled out forms and provided a set of fingerprints. This information was sent to the FBI as well as Connecticut, Florida, New Mexico and Alabama State Police Departments. This time, all 5 agencies came back clean. I paid my money and am allowed to carry concealed or open just about anywhere.

Interestingly, I am the only person in the world, other than police officers on official duty, allowed to carry a weapon in my place of business.

I am considering the purchase of a full auto.

THIS is REALLY going to involve some in depth background checks which I am confident I will pass.

I drive by the store with the Ma Deuce just inside the front door, every day. One day, I'm going to walk in, plunk down the cash and do it.
It's not the guns fault but that of the parents

The lefties need to start teaching their kids right from wrong


Oh, I agree, it was the fault of a parent who stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming and took her mentally deranged child to the gun range and let him play shooter games all day rather than get him the help he needed.

Oh, Adam and his Mom were both NRA members in good standing.

Who gives a shit if they're NRA members... Irrelevant

Now, I can get in the conga-line to beat down dumb ass parents who raise these type children. Sure, in some cases a totally 'normal' kid goes off the reservation but most times you can tie the behavior of young people to that of their home training or lack thereof.


I notice that JoeTroll claimed Mrs. Lanza "stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming". That's an odd claim. According to the reports I saw, she owned two handguns, two hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle. Doesn't seem like an out of control stockpile to me.
Wow. NOthing like Gun nuts fantasizing about gun performance.

Uh, he shot a bunch of preschoolers. Accuracy was not a big concern.

The fact he was able TO GET GUNS was the problem.

It's not the guns fault but that of the parents

The lefties need to start teaching their kids right from wrong


Oh, I agree, it was the fault of a parent who stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming and took her mentally deranged child to the gun range and let him play shooter games all day rather than get him the help he needed.

Oh, Adam and his Mom were both NRA members in good standing.
You might want to vet your whack sites that you visit.

Back in March, separate police reports revealed that authorities discovered NRA certificates among the Lanzas' possessions. In a sharply worded statement then, the NRA said that neither were members.

Business Insider
"There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association. Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory," the statement said. According to the NRA's website, the association does not give out formal certificates for membership.
Mikeb302000: Nancy Lanza's NRA Membership Certificate - Denied by the NRA

By the way....even the earlier false reports never mentioned Adam as having a certificate. :eusa_whistle:

You are an outlier, Joe. :eusa_shhh:
Hell! I'm better armed than she was.

Interesting point. The owner of one single handgun is about 5 times as likely as the owner of multiple weapons, to use a gun to facilitate a crime. Perhaps we should require all citizens to own, let's say, 6 weapons or more.
Oh, I agree, it was the fault of a parent who stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming and took her mentally deranged child to the gun range and let him play shooter games all day rather than get him the help he needed.

Oh, Adam and his Mom were both NRA members in good standing.

Who gives a shit if they're NRA members... Irrelevant

Now, I can get in the conga-line to beat down dumb ass parents who raise these type children. Sure, in some cases a totally 'normal' kid goes off the reservation but most times you can tie the behavior of young people to that of their home training or lack thereof.


I notice that JoeTroll claimed Mrs. Lanza "stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming". That's an odd claim. According to the reports I saw, she owned two handguns, two hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle. Doesn't seem like an out of control stockpile to me.
With Joe.....anything over zero (0) guns would constitute the "Zombie Apocalypse".
Hell! I'm better armed than she was.

Interesting point. The owner of one single handgun is about 5 times as likely as the owner of multiple weapons, to use a gun to facilitate a crime. Perhaps we should require all citizens to own, let's say, 6 weapons or more.

I'm not sure I want all citizens to own weapons. JoeTroll, for example, strikes me as a person who should NEVER be allowed to touch a weapon.
Hell! I'm better armed than she was.

Interesting point. The owner of one single handgun is about 5 times as likely as the owner of multiple weapons, to use a gun to facilitate a crime. Perhaps we should require all citizens to own, let's say, 6 weapons or more.

If you're buying I'll take 6, otherwise there are a lot of people I don't ever want to see with a gun, much less be required to have 6 of them.
Hell! I'm better armed than she was.

Interesting point. The owner of one single handgun is about 5 times as likely as the owner of multiple weapons, to use a gun to facilitate a crime. Perhaps we should require all citizens to own, let's say, 6 weapons or more.

If you're buying I'll take 6, otherwise there are a lot of people I don't ever want to see with a gun, much less be required to have 6 of them.

Of course! But my point is that people who collect weapons for hunting, target shooting and personal defense are much more likely to conduct themselves as reasonable gun owners. It's the guy who owns one semi-auto .32 that he bought on the street we need to protect ourselves from, not the guy with 25 grand worth of hunting weapons locked up in a safe.
I didn't grow up with no male role model and decide the way to get by was to rob others of their possessions or deal drugs. I grew up hunting and fishing and shooting at targets. I got very good at it and shooting sports has become a life long passion. I have never needed to fire a weapon at another human, thank God, but I have come very close on 2 occasions. I would not have felt a lot of guilt had I needed to take that final step.
I would feel intense guilt had I not defended my wife from her would be rapist and I would feel shame had I allowed the crack head with the steak knife to rob me on the street. In both cases, letting the perp see that I was in the superior tactical position, was enough.
Either shooting would have been justified in the eyes of the law, yet both men are alive and intact today BECAUSE I had no desire to take a life.

It was illegal for Adam to have a gun. The problem was it was illegal for Sandy Hook Teachers to have a gun as well.

Why don't you move to Mexico where guns are banned but the gun murder rate is triple what we have here in the USA where guns are legal.

Gun Free Zones are Killing Zones. Keeping guns from good people increases murder rates.

Guns aren't banned in Mexico. In fact, Mexico has a right to bear arms in their constitution. What they don't have is a mutant like Scalia or a bunch of crazies like the NRA.

Mexico in fact ranks #7 in the world in firearms ownership.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

So you agree that Roe is bad Constitutional law?

Oh, yeah, it's horrible law.

First, it found a right to control one's body that clearly doesn't exist in other areas of law- Prostitution, drug abuse, selling your kidneys on Ebay...

Secondly, it really didn't define when life begins and it should have.

Now, I do think that abortion should be legal because women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. (Unlike guns and bullets, which have to be manufactured and therefore can be controlled.)

Roe was not the way to do it. The way to do it should have been through the state legislatures.
I knew you wouldn't be honest.

Accuracy was not a big concern. :cuckoo:

Tell that to the parents who's children would have lived if Adams bullets missed their children & went into the walls, ceiling, floor of missed vital areas.

Preschoolers in an enclosed space don't exactly present a challenge.

But here's a whacky idea. If Adam never had access to ANY guns, no preschoolers would have died.

You know, if we had sane laws where we find out who you are before we let you take more guns home.

Considering the lack of security at the place, he could have killed some with a baseball bat or a knife until the police showed up.

No, if he showed up with a baseball bat or a knife the other adults would have overpowered him pretty easily.

I notice that JoeTroll claimed Mrs. Lanza "stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming". That's an odd claim. According to the reports I saw, she owned two handguns, two hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle. Doesn't seem like an out of control stockpile to me.

Search warrants from the second-worst school shooting in American history revealed that the home Lanza shared with his mother in Newtown, Conn., was a veritable arsenal: Authorities found at least nine knives, three Samurai swords, two rifles, 1,600 rounds of ammunition and a 7-foot, wood-handled pole with a blade on one side and a spear on the other.

Investigators: Adam Lanza surrounded by weapons at home; attack took less than 5 minutes - Investigations

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