74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

By the way.....hiding behind the law of the land isn't hiding behind anything, FYI.

Uh, no, defending the right of the insane to get a gun because it might make your acquisition of a gun a little harder is just plain nuts.

But that's where you go when you say gun ownership is a "right".

A right is something the lowest of the low should have. Every criminal should have a right to a trial.

Every criminal does not have a right to a gun. For obvious reasons.
if you want to. There aren't enough people on USMB's whose opinion I respect enough to bother polling them.

Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

What most people want isn't what you want, that's why you're an outlier.

"Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers."

This is not what most want, sonny, and does not come close to common sense laws. ;)
Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

How would have common sense gun control laws have stopped the school shootings and most of the mass shootings? :eusa_whistle:

I'll be waiting for the answer....oh, and "while we're young".

Well, if we had a REAL background check, let's say like Employers use, Holmes would have failed. He was being thrown out of his university.

Loughner would have failed. He had restraining orders and was thrown out of a community college.

These two Nazi freaks who shot the cops would have failed. They had arrest records.

Nice dodge, you really didn't answer the question of Most mass shootings and school shootings. You just cherry picked.

Also, there are laws on the books already where Loughner shouldn't have even been able to purchase a gun, but there seems to be no oversite. So make another law exactly as the first one where there would be no oversite?
By the way.....hiding behind the law of the land isn't hiding behind anything, FYI.

Uh, no, defending the right of the insane to get a gun because it might make your acquisition of a gun a little harder is just plain nuts.

But that's where you go when you say gun ownership is a "right".

A right is something the lowest of the low should have. Every criminal should have a right to a trial.

Every criminal does not have a right to a gun. For obvious reasons.

Like healthcare coverage and voting????? You refer them to the lowest of the low????
I have no idea how you're connecting the dots. :eusa_hand:
Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

What most people want isn't what you want, that's why you're an outlier.

"Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers."

This is not what most want, sonny, and does not come close to common sense laws. ;)

HOw would you know until it is debated.

Especially the liability thing. Most voters probably don't even know that's a law that a gun shop can sell a gun to a completely insane person and not be held liable for it.
Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

What most people want isn't what you want, that's why you're an outlier.

"Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers."

This is not what most want, sonny, and does not come close to common sense laws. ;)

HOw would you know until it is debated.

Especially the liability thing. Most voters probably don't even know that's a law that a gun shop can sell a gun to a completely insane person and not be held liable for it.
It has been debated and you know what was found out? A lot of liberals like their guns, go figure, huh?

You just need to accept that you are an outlier on the subject.
yea the russ
Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.
Should have clarified, I meant school shootings, not homicides overall. Regular homicides and spree/school shootings are different.

But that is interesting, looks like gun control has been a failure in reducing homicide in Russia. Interesting that Switzerland, a country with very high gun ownership, or Norway, another example of a European country with high gun ownership, have lower homicide rates than Russia or for example the Netherlands, European countries with strict gun control.

The Unites States issue with spree shootings is the reflection of a sick, decadent, and dying culture, not a lack of gun control.

Uh, no, not really.

You see, back in the 1980's, Russia had a serial killer, but the government didn't want to admit they did because serial killers are a sign of decadent western society.

And obviously, while we do know that the murder rates and suicide rates in Russia are higher than the US with about half our population, we don't have this broken down by how many are committed with guns.

But in looking for fine examples of what to do - UK, Australia, Japan- Russia isn't a good example.
Yea Russia doesn't look good for gun control advocates like yourself. Nor does it look good for you guys when you compare homicide rates and gun ownership within European countries. Also. Switzerland has lower homicide rates than UK or Australia and lower suicide rates than Japan. Though gun control has no bearing on suicide but since you brought it up thought you should know.
In CA- The 10-day wait, cool off period after purchase of a gun.


That's a pretty sensible law.

In the words of Homer Simpson... "Waiting period? But I'm angry now!"

Wait- We can discuss if the law makes sense for your FIRST firearm purchase. But what about folks who already have multiple guns at home? What good does it do making them wait 10 days to 'cool off' when they can just go home, take a gun from their safe, and carry out what the 10 day wait is intended to avoid.

Like I said, laws that are not 'sensible'


Or how about the woman whose abusive ex is threatening her? Hey, let's make THAT bitch "cool off" before she buys a gun! Pfft, thinking she should be able to defend her life. What a crazy notion.
Maybe he can't carry out a rampage with just one gun, but the ten days might give him time to cool down or maybe his family or room mates to figure out what he's up to.

Nice try- You lose Joe, it's not a sensible law.


Y'know, these dipwad lefties are constantly caterwauling that we need to prove that voter fraud is an epidemic problem before we can ask for voter ID laws. I'd love to see THEM provide proof of even one occasion where someone had an argument with his wife over dinner, ran out to a gun store in a frenzy, bought a handgun, and went back and shot her thirty minutes later, let alone a trend requiring laws to impose a "cooling off" period.

Well, sensible would be banning private citizens from having guns to start with.

No other industrialized country treats gun ownership as a "right". It's insane.

A lot of them don't treat freedom of speech as a right either, nor do they require jury trials or warrants for searches. They also don't have the concept of double jeopardy (i.e. the Italian court system) all protections we get from the amendments.

You can't pick and choose which ones you like without using the amendment process, its just that simple.

I thought doing things differently than other nations was the POINT of the United States. Maybe the point of us-versus-them isn't that we need to STOP treating gun ownership as a right; maybe it's that THEY need to START.

Catch up with the trendsetters, ya lazy European bastards!
And no other country could be as awesome place to live as the US. Except, we're compromising away our liberties to become more like them, that way they will want to be less like us. Solves the immigration issue as well. :lol:


folks i know that have immigrated here

wonder why in the hell we are trying to do that
Two words: Liberal GUILT.

Yeah, well, they need to get to a therapist, spank their inner moppet, whatever it takes and stop bothering the rest of us with their angst.
HOw would you know until it is debated.

Especially the liability thing. Most voters probably don't even know that's a law that a gun shop can sell a gun to a completely insane person and not be held liable for it.
It has been debated and you know what was found out? A lot of liberals like their guns, go figure, huh?

You just need to accept that you are an outlier on the subject.

No, guy, it was something Congress voted in the middle of the night when no one was watching.

After the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, their victims sued the gun shop and the gun maker and got themselves a nice seven figure settlement. (The snipers were an ex-con and a minor and never should have been allowed to buy guns.)

And the NRA went to Congress and got them to pass a law that exempts gun shops and gunmakers from liability.

So when did we have the debate on when this was a good idea or not?
Getting thrown out of a university isn't a crime.

Try again.

NO, but it SHOULD have triggered some questions.

If it came up on a job interview, it would have triggered some questions.

A gun should be harder to get than a job.

Poor joe.

It's hard for criminals who get busted lying at work to get jobs. I feel for you.

i wouldn't know. Unlike you I have a job.

But since my side business is heavily involved in helping people find jobs, I know that companies that hire for things other than the menial jobs you hold actually get their backgrounds looked into.

We should do the same for people who want to own guns.
If gun control nuts were really honest they would admit their ban on fully automatic weapons increased Adam Lanza's kill rate at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Full auto weapons are far less accurate than semi auto weapons. If Adam Lanza's AR-15 was fully automatic he would have sprayed out all his ammo trying to hit the first few kids.

Nice dodge, you really didn't answer the question of Most mass shootings and school shootings. You just cherry picked.

You mean I took the best examples? Um, yeah. I totally did that.

Also, there are laws on the books already where Loughner shouldn't have even been able to purchase a gun, but there seems to be no oversite. So make another law exactly as the first one where there would be no oversite?

Lougher bought his gun in Arizona, which has the most lax gun laws in the country.

Of course, the real problem is that the gun sellers have no liability if they sell a gun to the wrong person, then they are going to do a half-ass job. This is the point you all don't get.

Make that gun seller do some of Loughner's time, the next gun seller is going to make REALLY SURE he isn't selling to a crazy person.
If gun control nuts were really honest they would admit their ban on fully automatic weapons increased Adam Lanza's kill rate at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Full auto weapons are far less accurate than semi auto weapons. If Adam Lanza's AR-15 was fully automatic he would have sprayed out all his ammo trying to hit the first few kids.

Wow. NOthing like Gun nuts fantasizing about gun performance.

Uh, he shot a bunch of preschoolers. Accuracy was not a big concern.

The fact he was able TO GET GUNS was the problem.

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