74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.


I know that very well. So many UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULES and regulations which tantamount to repeal

1- overzealous prosecutors;

2- unconstitutional regulations

3- the incineration of a religious group because they were "stockpiling firearms" - of course, so the penalty does not appear too harsh the powers-that-be will add "the raping of a 10 year old" to the charge

And so it fucking goes.

OH, I agree. But sometimes you need to think smaller.

Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers.

Joe your stupidity has no bounds...
Joe is exactly the sort of person the 2nd Amendment (and the ignore button and a 3rd grade education) was designed to protect us from.
OH, I agree. But sometimes you need to think smaller.

Like Taxes on bullets and owners of firing ranges for the environmental damage all that lead causes.

A tax on gun sales to cover the costs of 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries.

Lifting the liability statue on gun sellers and makers when their products are used to mow down a room full of pre-schoolers.

Joe your stupidity has no bounds...
Joe is exactly the sort of person the 2nd Amendment (and the ignore button and a 3rd grade education) was designed to protect us from.

I have to wonder if he gets paid to post such pabulum, as no one could possibly be that stupid naturally.

I don't believe you are remotely close to sane, Joe. What's more, no one gives a shit what you believe. The SCOTUS in D.C. v Heller as much as said the 2nd Amendment is NOT about militias.

Guy, you're the one with the OCD.

But anyway, Heller is a horseshit ruling, and it won't stand. seriously, if the 2nd was so obviously about gun ownership, then why did it take 230 years for a Court to rule it did?

Kind of like why did it take 100 years for someone to realize there was a right to abortion hiding in the 14th Amendment. This is about legislating from the bench, which is something you wingnuts are usually against.

Now, if you honestly think the 2nd should be stricken from the US Constitution, there is a procedure in place for making that happen.

Or we can simply wait for Scalia to retire and get someone who isn't batshit crazy on SCOTUS who might actually rule on the world we live in, and not what some Slave Rapist was thinking 230 years ago.

You know what, a right to own a gun might have made sense 230 years ago when you still had brigands, native tribes, wild animals as an everyday thing. today, not so much. (Waiting for Ernie to spew a whole bunch of totally not racist comments about "gangbangers".)

Go for it! Yo'll need to reach a lot of people. As a venue for your campaign kick-off, I'd like to suggest Bryant–Denny Stadium, located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It seats 101,821.

Again, doesn't even have to go that far. Here's the real problem for you gun nuts. You are a shrinking minority.
Waiting for you to acknowledge that "gangbangers" commit half the gun homicides.
Statistics are not racist Joe, except to those who's cause is unsupported by the data.
Actually, a whole lot of ways to make the lives of gun nuts miserable without repealling the second amendment.
I have run across a few people I would consider gun nuts. Many of them hold a pistol like this:

Please! By all means, make them miserable, but the average, law abiding gun owner... I'd suggest thinking twice before fucking with them.

Wooo, what are you going to do.

Your neighbors have just passed a law that makes bullets cost $1000.00 a box. What are you going to do about it?
My neighbors think the same way I do, you idiot. YOU are the one on the losing team. You just fail to see that.

Perhaps a poll? ASK USMB members if bullets should cost $1,000/ box.
Contrast what the Russians are teaching their children with what we don't teach or worse what we do teach to our children.

It's funny how militarized the Russian kids are in contrast to ours but you don't ever hear of any shootings in Russia. Kind of makes you think?

Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.
Should have clarified, I meant school shootings, not homicides overall. Regular homicides and spree/school shootings are different.

But that is interesting, looks like gun control has been a failure in reducing homicide in Russia. Interesting that Switzerland, a country with very high gun ownership, or Norway, another example of a European country with high gun ownership, have lower homicide rates than Russia or for example the Netherlands, European countries with strict gun control.

The Unites States issue with spree shootings is the reflection of a sick, decadent, and dying culture, not a lack of gun control.
You are Bat Shit Crazy. Your statements are the ramblings of a lunatic: "Scalia takes a dirt nap. Anything we say is constitutional after that."

Nancy was not a "prepper" just because she & her sister once talked about prepping & if they were prepared for economic collapse back when the economy tanked, Wall-street fell off the cliff & government had to do a multi-trillion-dollar bailout, nationalize all the largest banks & a hundred fortune 500 companies. Hell Congressman Brad Sherman of California's 27th congressional district said several fellow Congressional representatives claimed they were threatened with the prospect of 'Martial Law' should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout or the $850 billion stimulus. General Tommy Franks threatened US with martial law after he let Bin Laden escape.

Okay, you aren't going to prove that Nancy wasn't nuts by proving you are.

Where is your proof that Nancy was crazy & feared a Zombie apocolypse was coming?

Why do you approve of violating gun owners rights for reasons that will never prevent a Sandy Hook?

I don't believe there is a right to gun ownership. The Second Amendment is about Militias.

BUt even if I did, no right is absolute. You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. You can't sacrifice Babies to Dread C'Thulhu. Cops aren't required to read you your rights when you are shooting at them.

I mean, I wish the Founders had put in a "common sense' Amendment.

Why are you not for exposing crazy people by publishing a list of those who are not allowed to have a gun so citizens can keep an eye on them?

Because that puts the onus on the state to prove they ARE crazy instead of on them to prove they are not. That's just fucking insane. Besides the fact it would make people less likely to seek psychiatric help (about half of USMB could use it), a person seeking a gun should have to prove he's not crazy, not the other way around.

This is how every other country in the world does it, and oddly, it works.

How would anyone at a shooting range know if Adam was not to a hold or shoot a gun if there was no list for them to check?

Again, it never should have worked that way. The thing was, Nancy knew her kid was nuts. What we need are household background checks, not just individual ones.

You are a dingbat without a party. The Democrat partys' gun control plank states: "We will protect Americans' Second Amendment right to own firearms, and we will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists by fighting gun crime, reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and closing the gun show loophole, as President Bush proposed and failed to do."

You are Bat Shit Crazy. Your statements are the ramblings of a lunatic: "Scalia takes a dirt nap. Anything we say is constitutional after that."
Waiting for you to acknowledge that "gangbangers" commit half the gun homicides.
Statistics are not racist Joe, except to those who's cause is unsupported by the data.

Actually, you haven't presented "statistics", just repeated a lot of NRA Propaganda.

The Data is that most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence. The gang-banger part is a small sliver of the pie.
Contrast what the Russians are teaching their children with what we don't teach or worse what we do teach to our children.

It's funny how militarized the Russian kids are in contrast to ours but you don't ever hear of any shootings in Russia. Kind of makes you think?

Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.
Should have clarified, I meant school shootings, not homicides overall. Regular homicides and spree/school shootings are different.

But that is interesting, looks like gun control has been a failure in reducing homicide in Russia. Interesting that Switzerland, a country with very high gun ownership, or Norway, another example of a European country with high gun ownership, have lower homicide rates than Russia or for example the Netherlands, European countries with strict gun control.

The Unites States issue with spree shootings is the reflection of a sick, decadent, and dying culture, not a lack of gun control.

Uh, no, not really.

You see, back in the 1980's, Russia had a serial killer, but the government didn't want to admit they did because serial killers are a sign of decadent western society.

And obviously, while we do know that the murder rates and suicide rates in Russia are higher than the US with about half our population, we don't have this broken down by how many are committed with guns.

But in looking for fine examples of what to do - UK, Australia, Japan- Russia isn't a good example.
My neighbors think the same way I do, you idiot. YOU are the one on the losing team. You just fail to see that.

Perhaps a poll? ASK USMB members if bullets should cost $1,000/ box.

if you want to. There aren't enough people on USMB's whose opinion I respect enough to bother polling them.

Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd
Outlier | Define Outlier at Dictionary.com
My neighbors think the same way I do, you idiot. YOU are the one on the losing team. You just fail to see that.

Perhaps a poll? ASK USMB members if bullets should cost $1,000/ box.

if you want to. There aren't enough people on USMB's whose opinion I respect enough to bother polling them.

Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.
if you want to. There aren't enough people on USMB's whose opinion I respect enough to bother polling them.

Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

How would have common sense gun control laws have stopped the school shootings and most of the mass shootings? :eusa_whistle:

I'll be waiting for the answer....oh, and "while we're young".
Joe you are an outlier on this issue.....you ARE the 1%. Good for you, sonny.


something that lies outside the main body or group that it is a part of, as a cow far from the rest of the herd

Most Americans want common sense gun control.

Sorry, most of the sensible restrictions poll very well and would win a vote if it were put to a vote.

That's why you guys need to hide behind Heller.

Heller is to the gun nuts what Roe is to the Abortion nuts. It's where you hide when someone tries to point out how you are otherwise being unreasonable.

How would have common sense gun control laws have stopped the school shootings and most of the mass shootings? :eusa_whistle:

I'll be waiting for the answer....oh, and "while we're young".

Well, if we had a REAL background check, let's say like Employers use, Holmes would have failed. He was being thrown out of his university.

Loughner would have failed. He had restraining orders and was thrown out of a community college.

These two Nazi freaks who shot the cops would have failed. They had arrest records.

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