74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

Uh, no, not really.

Every year we have 32,000 gun deaths, and 96,000 deaths due to negligent health care providers (which would include nurses, PA's, pharmacists).

So maybe they are THREE times worse.

-- There are 700,000 physicians in the United States.
-- There are 120,000 accidental deaths in the United States caused by physicians every year, and the accidental death percentage per physician is 0.171.
-- There are 80 million gun owners in the United States.
-- There are 1,500 accidental deaths from guns every year, regardless of age group, and the accidental death percentage per gun owner is 0.0000188.

As I pointed out, doctors are 9,000 times more deadly than gun owners.

Coca-Cola & soda-pop they inspired kill even more than doctors, plus it has caused our healthcare crisis. Why haven't you banned soda-pop yet?

Oh, wow, did you get that off a crazy NRA website?

Man, you know, I know most of you guys are compensating for tiny penises, but the way you are all grabbing your crotches is hilarious.

If the math is correct, you are wrong. Then, you resort to killing the messenger.

How very... liberal of you.

How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.
It's none of your business who has guns...it's their private business.
If you don't like it, move to an area that's secluded to your liking.

Afterall, Joe, you're an outlier, I think you're starting to recognize this.

As far as publishing gun owners......no way......criminals would know who has them, AND WHO DOESN'T HAVE THEM.

Frankly, I'm more afraid of the gun nuts than I am of the "criminals". And for good reason.

Anyone who thinks he needs a gun to overthrow the government because their side didn't win an election is a lot scarier than a criminal.

Anyone who thinks that crazy people should be allowed to buy guns because 200 years ago, a bunch of slave rapists couldn't think of a way to phrase a militia clause properly is much scarier than any criminal.
You don't even realize what you're saying, do you? Our prisons are full of gang bangers and drug dealers, but we haven't kept drugs out of the hands of anyone that wants them. But, you're going to have more success when you ban guns?

You're amusing.

You mean other than the fact that every other industrialized country limits or bans who can own a gun, and they have very few murders?

Really? Russia?

Or suicides? Japan?


Russia isn't an advanced industrialized democracy. Argument fail.

Japan has sucides because suicide is acceptable in their culture. Argument fail.
I'm not sure what your problem is with publishing the names of gun owners. Don't you want the bad guys to be warned not to come to your house?

You missed my point on Nancy. She probably felt she was a great gun owner, just like you who shouldn't have her rights restricted because of some crazy people.

How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.
Pertinent points emboldened...Yeah Good for the goose and Gander, Right Joey? BE careful of what YOU wish for Mr. Stalin had his way with TOOLS as you when he finished USING you.

HAT TIP to Spoonman.

Actually, most Russians still admire Stalin today, and he wasn't even Russian.

But man, it's like I always say, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk, and they pretty much show just how crazy they are.
How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.
Pertinent points emboldened...Yeah Good for the goose and Gander, Right Joey? BE careful of what YOU wish for Mr. Stalin had his way with TOOLS as you when he finished USING you.

HAT TIP to Spoonman.

Actually, most Russians still admire Stalin today, and he wasn't even Russian.

But man, it's like I always say, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk, and they pretty much show just how crazy they are.

And you've shown yourself to be the outlier, Joe.
You've shown just how crazy you are with the subject of firearms.
You've been shown how responsible gun owners are in this very thread.
You want to convict every law abiding citizen that own a gun because of the criminals
that use them. That's very American of you, Joe, very American indeed. :cuckoo:
Last edited:

But the majority could give a rip Joe. You should put your energy behind something that actually has a chance of success.

Anti-gun loons have a time management issue


Actually, most Americans- heck most gun owners- support common sense gun control.

The NRA is good at terrorizing cowardly politicians, but it's only a matter of time before we have an incident horrible enough where people say , "Enough".

The left uses this term all the time. Fill us in here Joe, just what "common sense" laws do you want passed,


will they work, or just create more laws?

How about a thorough background check. Forget Adam for a moment, it was pretty obvious his mother was batshit crazy. Yet she was able to buy at least 12 weapons and took Adam to the shooting range.

What they are proposing in California right now is a great idea. If someone reports you, the cops have to secure your guns until they can determine if you are a threat or not.

Forget Adam!?!

Adam is the perpetrator!

What you want to forget is there is no gun control measure that could have stopped Sandy Hook.

No background check, no waiting period, no registration.

Then we see virgin boy in California go through every gun controllers wet dream of gun control measures...universal backround checks, waiting periods, gun registrations...AND HE JUMPS THROUGH ALL THE HOOPS, NOT ONCE, BUT THREE TIMES!!!

Face facts, standing on the backs of dead children, using them a props in a bid to push a gun control agenda has blown up in your faces...because nothing gun grabbers propose would have changed the outcome one iota.

OTOH, what WE propose, arming select, well trained teachers to protect our children WOULD have changed the outcome.

But that makes more guns the answer, and that's anathema to gun grabbers.

So cut the bullshit...protecting children is NOT the main concern...using dead children to push an agenda is.

Rebut, or STFU.
I have asked several times in several threads with several posters what laws could have stopped most if not all the school and mass shootings. Not one of them came back with an honest answer.....NOT ONE of them did because they knew there was nothing. They couldn't even be honest because their ideology wouldn't let them. This tells what their true agenda is and that is total gun ban.
Thank you Missourian.



And you've shown yourself to be the outlier, Joe.
You've shown just how crazy you are with the subject of firearms.
You've been shown how responsible gun owners are in this very thread.
You want to convict every law abiding citizen that own a gun because of the criminals
that use them. That's very American of you, Joe, very American indeed. :cuckoo:

Uh, guy, the "Responsible Gun Owners" in this thread are a bunch of freaks fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

There's no reason for a law-abiding citizen to own a gun. None whatsoever.
Contrast what the Russians are teaching their children with what we don't teach or worse what we do teach to our children.

It's funny how militarized the Russian kids are in contrast to ours but you don't ever hear of any shootings in Russia. Kind of makes you think?

Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.

Russia has some of the most restrictive gun laws on earth, and yet, its population that is about half of what the US population is, murders at twice the rate of America.

So, did taking guns from the Russians stop them from killing each other?

Contrast what the Russians are teaching their children with what we don't teach or worse what we do teach to our children.

It's funny how militarized the Russian kids are in contrast to ours but you don't ever hear of any shootings in Russia. Kind of makes you think?

Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.
Should have clarified, I meant school shootings, not homicides overall. Regular homicides and spree/school shootings are different.

But that is interesting, looks like gun control has been a failure in reducing homicide in Russia. Interesting that Switzerland, a country with very high gun ownership, or Norway, another example of a European country with high gun ownership, have lower homicide rates than Russia or for example the Netherlands, European countries with strict gun control.

The Unites States issue with spree shootings is the reflection of a sick, decadent, and dying culture, not a lack of gun control.

100% correct.

Well, no, Stain-light, it doesn't.

There are only 12 million privately owned guns in Russia, compared to 300 million in the US.


Russia's gun policy is considered restrictive.

Russia also has a pretty high homicide rate- about 13,000 a year compared to 16,000 for the US. But there are no figures as to what percentage of those happen with guns.

Russia also has a pretty high suicide rate- 51,000 compared to 38,000 in the US.
Should have clarified, I meant school shootings, not homicides overall. Regular homicides and spree/school shootings are different.

But that is interesting, looks like gun control has been a failure in reducing homicide in Russia. Interesting that Switzerland, a country with very high gun ownership, or Norway, another example of a European country with high gun ownership, have lower homicide rates than Russia or for example the Netherlands, European countries with strict gun control.

The Unites States issue with spree shootings is the reflection of a sick, decadent, and dying culture, not a lack of gun control.

100% correct.


Oh, great, you are agreeing with the racist anti-Semite.

Um, if we are a decadent culture, then why is it all the shooters are from affluent homes? It isn't poor people going on shooting sprees. If it were, someone would have done something about it by now.

Nice dodge, you really didn't answer the question of Most mass shootings and school shootings. You just cherry picked.

You mean I took the best examples? Um, yeah. I totally did that.

Also, there are laws on the books already where Loughner shouldn't have even been able to purchase a gun, but there seems to be no oversite. So make another law exactly as the first one where there would be no oversite?

Lougher bought his gun in Arizona, which has the most lax gun laws in the country.

Of course, the real problem is that the gun sellers have no liability if they sell a gun to the wrong person, then they are going to do a half-ass job. This is the point you all don't get.

Make that gun seller do some of Loughner's time, the next gun seller is going to make REALLY SURE he isn't selling to a crazy person.

Hey, good idea. I think we should also hold a grocer liable if some dude buys a six pack from him, drinks it, and runs over and kills a kid.


I notice that JoeTroll claimed Mrs. Lanza "stocked guns like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming". That's an odd claim. According to the reports I saw, she owned two handguns, two hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle. Doesn't seem like an out of control stockpile to me.

Search warrants from the second-worst school shooting in American history revealed that the home Lanza shared with his mother in Newtown, Conn., was a veritable arsenal: Authorities found at least nine knives, three Samurai swords, two rifles, 1,600 rounds of ammunition and a 7-foot, wood-handled pole with a blade on one side and a spear on the other.

Investigators: Adam Lanza surrounded by weapons at home; attack took less than 5 minutes - Investigations


Thats an "arsenal"? I have a pile of rocks outside my house. I suppose thats an armory.


I'm not sure what your problem is with publishing the names of gun owners. Don't you want the bad guys to be warned not to come to your house?

You missed my point on Nancy. She probably felt she was a great gun owner, just like you who shouldn't have her rights restricted because of some crazy people.

How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.

Do you also favor posting a list of people who don't own guns?


Nice dodge, you really didn't answer the question of Most mass shootings and school shootings. You just cherry picked.

You mean I took the best examples? Um, yeah. I totally did that.

Also, there are laws on the books already where Loughner shouldn't have even been able to purchase a gun, but there seems to be no oversite. So make another law exactly as the first one where there would be no oversite?

Lougher bought his gun in Arizona, which has the most lax gun laws in the country.

Of course, the real problem is that the gun sellers have no liability if they sell a gun to the wrong person, then they are going to do a half-ass job. This is the point you all don't get.

Make that gun seller do some of Loughner's time, the next gun seller is going to make REALLY SURE he isn't selling to a crazy person.

Hey, good idea. I think we should also hold a grocer liable if some dude buys a six pack from him, drinks it, and runs over and kills a kid.


There are already liability laws in place to stop serving drivers who are obviously intoxicated. they are called "Dram Shop Laws".

Dram Shop Liability State Statutes

You mean other than the fact that every other industrialized country limits or bans who can own a gun, and they have very few murders?

Really? Russia?

Or suicides? Japan?


Russia isn't an advanced industrialized democracy. Argument fail.

Japan has sucides because suicide is acceptable in their culture. Argument fail.

What about our culture Joe? Will it magically change if guns are outlawed?


What about our culture Joe? Will it magically change if guns are outlawed?


Magically, no.

But, hey, guy, think about smoking. Want to light up in the office like they used to do on Mad Men? Nope. Society expects you to take your nasty habit outside.

The culture is already changing on the gun issue. Back in the 1970s, over 50% of houses had guns in them. Now that's changed to about 30%. Less people hunt, more people have gotten the message that a gun in the house is more dangerous to the people who live there than any bad guy.

All that said, the gun lobby has doubled down on the crazy, unfortunately.

And you've shown yourself to be the outlier, Joe.
You've shown just how crazy you are with the subject of firearms.
You've been shown how responsible gun owners are in this very thread.
You want to convict every law abiding citizen that own a gun because of the criminals
that use them. That's very American of you, Joe, very American indeed. :cuckoo:

Uh, guy, the "Responsible Gun Owners" in this thread are a bunch of freaks fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

There's no reason for a law-abiding citizen to own a gun. None whatsoever.

I enjoy nuts who expose themselves for who they really are.
Thank you, Joeseph

And you've shown yourself to be the outlier, Joe.
You've shown just how crazy you are with the subject of firearms.
You've been shown how responsible gun owners are in this very thread.
You want to convict every law abiding citizen that own a gun because of the criminals
that use them. That's very American of you, Joe, very American indeed. :cuckoo:

Uh, guy, the "Responsible Gun Owners" in this thread are a bunch of freaks fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

There's no reason for a law-abiding citizen to own a gun. None whatsoever.

I enjoy nuts who expose themselves for who they really are.
Thank you, Joeseph

Do you read what your fellow posters actually post here?

When they aren't fantasizing about shooting muggers and burglars, they are talking about how they can't want to shoot ATF agents who come for their guns.

Best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk.
-- There are 700,000 physicians in the United States.
-- There are 120,000 accidental deaths in the United States caused by physicians every year, and the accidental death percentage per physician is 0.171.
-- There are 80 million gun owners in the United States.
-- There are 1,500 accidental deaths from guns every year, regardless of age group, and the accidental death percentage per gun owner is 0.0000188.

As I pointed out, doctors are 9,000 times more deadly than gun owners.

Coca-Cola & soda-pop they inspired kill even more than doctors, plus it has caused our healthcare crisis. Why haven't you banned soda-pop yet?

Oh, wow, did you get that off a crazy NRA website?

Man, you know, I know most of you guys are compensating for tiny penises, but the way you are all grabbing your crotches is hilarious.

If the math is correct, you are wrong. Then, you resort to killing the messenger.

How very... liberal of you.


Actually, as a woman, guns are my way of compensating for having no penis at all, and therefore being physically weaker than men and thus viewed as "prey" by a certain kind of man. And I resent the hell out of liberals' self-righteous attempts to reduce me to that level of helplessness again just to pander to their own fear of personal responsibility. I do not wish to be forced to be chattel to some man in order to gain his protection, and fuck leftist misogyny for trying to force that state of being on me.

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