74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.


Actually, as a woman, guns are my way of compensating for having no penis at all, and therefore being physically weaker than men and thus viewed as "prey" by a certain kind of man. And I resent the hell out of liberals' self-righteous attempts to reduce me to that level of helplessness again just to pander to their own fear of personal responsibility. I do not wish to be forced to be chattel to some man in order to gain his protection, and fuck leftist misogyny for trying to force that state of being on me.

I knew a lady who thought that way. She was going to own a gun to protect herself against the bad guys.

And then one evening she came home and found her teenage son had splattered his brains all over the basement with it.

A gun in the home is more of a danger to the people living in that home than it is to "a certain kind of man" you think is out there.
Uh, guy, the "Responsible Gun Owners" in this thread are a bunch of freaks fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

There's no reason for a law-abiding citizen to own a gun. None whatsoever.

I enjoy nuts who expose themselves for who they really are.
Thank you, Joeseph

Do you read what your fellow posters actually post here?

When they aren't fantasizing about shooting muggers and burglars, they are talking about how they can't want to shoot ATF agents who come for their guns.

Best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk.

I am against the abridgment of the Second Amendment, Joe, and I don't even own a gun because I'm too sensitive to noise. Even so, that Second Amendment was put there to prevent any kind of bad government from getting worse. Although sometimes I don't see how government could get any worse than it is at this moment with letting bad guys go free and killing off American vets through inferior health care for which the top cats running the VA all got big fat bonus checks last Christmas. :evil:

Even so, those messing with Amendment 2 should just let it be.
How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.

What you'd like and what you are entitled to are two very different things. Best you keep your nose out of other peoples business. The paper who posted the names of gun owners in or area got a wake up call. They lost 63% of their subscriptions. We got the editor fires. We got the state Supreme Court to rule it was illegal for them to continue the practice of printing names and address of gun owners. And this is in an anti gun blue state.

Hear, hear!
I'm not sure what your problem is with publishing the names of gun owners. Don't you want the bad guys to be warned not to come to your house?

You missed my point on Nancy. She probably felt she was a great gun owner, just like you who shouldn't have her rights restricted because of some crazy people.

How about we put the names of dumb fucks in the paper. you're name will be on top. I really hope you are nothing more than a troll, because if you are serious you need to be institutionalized.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.

In that case don't you think a list saying you have a suicidal nut job banned from guns living next door would have been far more effective than one saying every other house has a gun & there ain't a dam thing you can do about it?

That way when you see the banned from guns nut job playing with a gun you could call 9-1-1 before someone gets shot.

We already have list for sex offenders. Why not add nut-jobs to the list?
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Actually, as a woman, guns are my way of compensating for having no penis at all, and therefore being physically weaker than men and thus viewed as "prey" by a certain kind of man. And I resent the hell out of liberals' self-righteous attempts to reduce me to that level of helplessness again just to pander to their own fear of personal responsibility. I do not wish to be forced to be chattel to some man in order to gain his protection, and fuck leftist misogyny for trying to force that state of being on me.

I knew a lady who thought that way. She was going to own a gun to protect herself against the bad guys.

And then one evening she came home and found her teenage son had splattered his brains all over the basement with it.

A gun in the home is more of a danger to the people living in that home than it is to "a certain kind of man" you think is out there.

Look, Joe! No one in their right mind is arguing that you should own a firearm. Lord knows, you don't have the stomach or the brain to safely use one, but most of us, despite what you see as fantasies to the contrary, hope we never have to take a life, but are prepared to protect ourselves and our families from Liberal scum who think they have a right to our property and, perhaps our very lives.

Actually, as a woman, guns are my way of compensating for having no penis at all, and therefore being physically weaker than men and thus viewed as "prey" by a certain kind of man. And I resent the hell out of liberals' self-righteous attempts to reduce me to that level of helplessness again just to pander to their own fear of personal responsibility. I do not wish to be forced to be chattel to some man in order to gain his protection, and fuck leftist misogyny for trying to force that state of being on me.

I knew a lady who thought that way. She was going to own a gun to protect herself against the bad guys.

And then one evening she came home and found her teenage son had splattered his brains all over the basement with it.

A gun in the home is more of a danger to the people living in that home than it is to "a certain kind of man" you think is out there.

Look, Joe! No one in their right mind is arguing that you should own a firearm. Lord knows, you don't have the stomach or the brain to safely use one, but most of us, despite what you see as fantasies to the contrary, hope we never have to take a life, but are prepared to protect ourselves and our families from Liberal scum who think they have a right to our property and, perhaps our very lives.

It's always good to be reminded that leftists think people can't be trusted to protect themselves OR to raise children properly. In their eyes, everyone in the world is a helpless, incompetent, potentially-psychotic boob who needs to be kept in a nation-sized preschool and only allowed safety scissors.

By the way, just pointing out that someone is an acquaintance of yours automatically makes everything about them suspect in regards to being representative of real human beings, Joe. Just FYI.

I am against the abridgment of the Second Amendment, Joe, and I don't even own a gun because I'm too sensitive to noise. Even so, that Second Amendment was put there to prevent any kind of bad government from getting worse. Although sometimes I don't see how government could get any worse than it is at this moment with letting bad guys go free and killing off American vets through inferior health care for which the top cats running the VA all got big fat bonus checks last Christmas. :evil:

Even so, those messing with Amendment 2 should just let it be.

So let me get this straight, because Wingnut logic is kind of hard to follow.

The VA is overwealmed, and maybe 47 vets die because they couldn't get in to see a doctor. OH MY GOD THIS IS THE WORST CRISIS EVER!!!!!

32,000 Americans die EVERY YEAR because someone sold a gun to someone who had no business having one. Ah, this isn't a problem at all.

While I think the person who wants to shoot a bad guy is a little sily, the Wingnut who wants guns because they lost an election is even sillier.

The government is not an amorphous mob of zombies. The government is a cop who stopped by for a slice of pizza and leaves behind six kids when the crazy person shoots him.

Funny, you never hear Left Wingers talking about needing guns when Bush STEALS an election, gets us into a war based on lies, tortures prisoners, and spies on Americans without a warrant. Nope. They actually talk about how to fix that at the next election and using the process.

But wingnuts. You all lose an election, and you start waving your guns around talking smack about tyranny.

Okay, memo. IF the government ever got "so bad", the problem is, they have tanks, they have bombers. they have drones.

You've got your squirrel gun.

The Founding Slave Rapists didn't think a mob was going to overthrow the government. They called for MILITIAS that would act under the color of law.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.

In that case don't you think a list saying you have a suicidal nut job banned from guns living next door would have been far more effective than one saying every other house has a gun & there ain't a dam thing you can do about it?

That way when you see the banned from guns nut job playing with a gun you could call 9-1-1 before someone gets shot.

We already have list for sex offenders. Why not add nut-jobs to the list?

Why not add gun nuts to that list? That works for me. Anyone who ever said on the internet "I needs my gun to fight the government". We need a list of those people

Getting back to my deceased neighbor, he shot out his patio window into the parking lot. And when his neighbors called 9-1-1 on him, he lied to the cops claiming someone shot in on him. When that proved to be a lie, they STILL didn't take his gun from him. Wouldn't want to interfere with his "Second Amendment" rights.
I knew a lady who thought that way. She was going to own a gun to protect herself against the bad guys.

And then one evening she came home and found her teenage son had splattered his brains all over the basement with it.

A gun in the home is more of a danger to the people living in that home than it is to "a certain kind of man" you think is out there.

Look, Joe! No one in their right mind is arguing that you should own a firearm. Lord knows, you don't have the stomach or the brain to safely use one, but most of us, despite what you see as fantasies to the contrary, hope we never have to take a life, but are prepared to protect ourselves and our families from Liberal scum who think they have a right to our property and, perhaps our very lives.

Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years and have handled guns you probably only fantasize about.

But what does your diatribe have to do with my point. THat nice lady bought into the NRA bullshit and thought that gun would make her safer.

Instead, it pretty much destroyed her life.

But when you really think you need a gun because you aren't getting your way in politics, that's pretty telling.

It's always good to be reminded that leftists think people can't be trusted to protect themselves OR to raise children properly. In their eyes, everyone in the world is a helpless, incompetent, potentially-psychotic boob who needs to be kept in a nation-sized preschool and only allowed safety scissors.

By the way, just pointing out that someone is an acquaintance of yours automatically makes everything about them suspect in regards to being representative of real human beings, Joe. Just FYI.

800 children killed themselves or their playmates with guns that adults carelessly left around the house last year. A child in America is 17 times more likely to be killed by a firearm than a child in any other industrialized nation.

Gun deaths in children: Statistics show firearms endanger kids despite NRA safety programs.

when they can't engage in the debate, the name-calling starts.

Frankly, having had a neighbor shoot himself right next door to me, after he recklessly shot out into the parking lot, I'd want to know which of my neighbors had guns.

In that case don't you think a list saying you have a suicidal nut job banned from guns living next door would have been far more effective than one saying every other house has a gun & there ain't a dam thing you can do about it?

That way when you see the banned from guns nut job playing with a gun you could call 9-1-1 before someone gets shot.

We already have list for sex offenders. Why not add nut-jobs to the list?

Why not add gun nuts to that list? That works for me. Anyone who ever said on the internet "I needs my gun to fight the government". We need a list of those people

Getting back to my deceased neighbor, he shot out his patio window into the parking lot. And when his neighbors called 9-1-1 on him, he lied to the cops claiming someone shot in on him. When that proved to be a lie, they STILL didn't take his gun from him. Wouldn't want to interfere with his "Second Amendment" rights.

Like I said earlier in this thread, relying on the police to protect you is stupid. The courts & SCOTUS have consistently ruled that police are under no legal duty to provide protection to citizens. You are your only defense against attack, murder, theft or destruction of property. Warren vs District of Columbia should scare the crap out of anyone who leaves self-defense up to police.

Everyone has a right to self defense for the sake of defending one's own life & property & that of others. You are not safe leaving your safety up to others (ie: police) Armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. Police kill 550% more innocent people than Armed Citizens.
The thing is, you gun nuts are more of a danger to us than the criminals are.

Stand around with a wad of cash in your hand at an NRA meeting, then do the same thing in the hood. See how long you last at each location.
The thing is, you gun nuts are more of a danger to us than the criminals are.


Nuts are dangerous, that's why I want good people to be allowed to be armed.

I have been held at gunpoint 6 times by 8 criminals & nuts, back when guns were restricted & it was illegal to CCW. A nut pulled the trigger on me. Since CCW passed I have never been held at gunpoint again. Now if a nut does pull a gun there is a much better chance I or someone else will end that nut.
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The thing is, you gun nuts are more of a danger to us than the criminals are.

Stand around with a wad of cash in your hand at an NRA meeting, then do the same thing in the hood. See how long you last at each location.

So if the NRA isn't actually doing the crimes, why do they make it so easy for others to commit the crimes?

It all boils down to money for the NRA and gun sales.
The thing is, you gun nuts are more of a danger to us than the criminals are.

You're an outlier, Joe.

The more you post the more ridiculous you sound.

When a criminal breaks into your house and has his way with your family, get back to me just how bad guns are, OK?

Again, far more likely that someone in the house will be injured by that gun than a bad guy.

The "Cure" is worse than the disease.

But here's the thing. Those Commie Socialist Europeans. They don't let average citizens have guns and theyhave LESS crime than we do.

And they aren't locking up millions of people like we do. Their prison populations are usually less than 100,000.


So if guns and prisons make us safer, why are we less safe?
Theres also a really good chance, given how paranoid you come off, that you will totally misjudge a situation and pull a "Zimmerman"

Wrong again Nut-Job. Armed Police Misjudge Situations. Armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. Police kill 550% more innocent people than Armed Citizens.

Facts are not paranoia. I may or may-not be held at gunpoint again, but facts & my experience prove I am safer with legalized CCW.

BTW: Zimmerman was a Police Wannabe.
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