74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

Not only is violent crime down over 20 years , gun murders are going down as well, thanks for the stats!

Thanks for spinning the info.
So you're good with 74 school shootings in the past 77 weeks?
You are what is wrong with this country. You're the poster boy.

Based on some Google #'s there are around 124K schools in the US. So if there is a shooting a week your chance of being in a school where that happens is 0.0008%. Now there are 254 million cars in the US, and there are around 104,000 accidents a week. Your chance of being in a car accident is 0.04% (actually its greater, but I don't have the number for vehicles on the road at a given time).
Our second ammendment rights are more important than our children

You didn't see our Founding Fathers include anything about children in our Bill of Rights did you?

Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.
Our second ammendment rights are more important than our children

You didn't see our Founding Fathers include anything about children in our Bill of Rights did you?

They're not my children.

I did the smart thing and chose not to have kids.
Our second ammendment rights are more important than our children

You didn't see our Founding Fathers include anything about children in our Bill of Rights did you?

Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.

I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster
While the low information left is focusing on the 2nd Amendment, American kids are being doped and subjected to unrelenting violence and carnage by the pop culture media. Doesn't it occur to the left that the son of a Hollywood producer who had every advantage in the greatest Country in the world decided to kill people? It surely ain't about guns. The Columbine kids were doped up on psychotropic mood enhancer drugs and their parents were upper middle class left leaning victims of the pop culture generation. What does that tell you about the video addicted violence orientated generation? Today's American kids see more realistic violent carnage than most WW2 Veterans saw in their four years of warfare. American kids are probably as qualified for a PTSD pension as Afghanistan war Veterans.

So do Japanese kids, and most kids around the world. How many school shootings were there in Japan the last 12 months? Or in any other country for that matter. It IS about guns. The availability of guns.
Why? Explain?

He couldn't have shot his way into the school WITHOUT THE GUN!

He couldn't have taken out both of the teachers who first approached him WITHOUT THE GUN!

Face it, you gun nutters are nothing but spineless shits without your guns.

Hunters, responsible gun owners = real men.

These guys:


Fat man and little boy.

Spot on. I come from a family of hunters. We had several freezers in the cellar where we had elk, venison and sometimes moose. (Lots of salmon, too)

I don't remember my dad or brothers waving their rifles around in local restaurants. They were kept locked in the truck when they were in town, not even displayed in the rear view mirror.

One of my brothers is certified in sharp shooting and holds several records in WA state, but even he is repelled by this attitude nurtured and hand-fed to the fucking Ammo-sexuals by the NRA.

When all other avenues of argument fail, get the appeal to emotion out and parade it around. .....

You mean like this?

"In the world that surrounds us," he proclaimed, "there are terrorists, and there are home-invaders, drug cartels, car-jackers, knockout-gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all."

"Do you trust this government to protect you?" LaPierre asked the crowd, which responded with a resounding "no!"

"We are on our own. That is a certainty"
[So buy your gun now... (My comments)]

Wayne LaPierre, NRA - CPAC 2014
- See more at: Behold Wayne LaPierre's Nightmarishly Paranoid Vision Of America | Right Wing Watch
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Our second ammendment rights are more important than our children

You didn't see our Founding Fathers include anything about children in our Bill of Rights did you?

Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.

I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster

What arsenal? Right now if i want to get a single handgun in NYC i have to pay over $400 in fees, get licensed, and pass the review of the NYPD above and beyond just needing a clean record and no mental health issues. it takes MONTHS. and that is just to own a handgun in the house. To get a CCW I have to plead my case or be connected to someone powerful somehow. They can deny it for any reason, including "we don't want you to have one"

Repeal crap like that, and maybe I would trust gun controllers with things like bigger background checks. Until then its just the first step in denying me my rights.
Liberals led by the socialist agenda of the democrats. Get the guns, is one of those aspects where they use tragedies like this to exploit.

They will get their utterly useful idiots better known as political pawns like hazelnut or the other left wing losers to obfuscate the real causes of these actions. They will chant for simplistic solutions and they will never engage in any kind of discussion about the logistical realities of their simplistic solutions.

Meanwhile, we are still batting .1000 when it comes to individuals carrying out mass violence being on some prescription medication.

Notice all they do is attack whites and right wingers and use lame hyperboles in doing so. I have not seen one of them show a real solid plan to get all of the 300 million guns in circulation. They say they want background checks. There are background checks already. So, now what?

They cannot answer these things. They are committed pawns to their democrats in office who are committed socialists and hate the constitution and everything that the constitution stands for. Why? Cause the constitution limits their power over the people. What do those democrats do? They make it seem they truly care for the American people that have power over them, by giving never ending lines of fairly tale bullshit on virtually every issue. Meanwhile the squishpots think they are such academic intellectuals while they carry on like the pawns they are, and the democrats exploit all of these tragedies by bringing up irrelevant fallacies in order strip more power from the people.
While the low information left is focusing on the 2nd Amendment, American kids are being doped and subjected to unrelenting violence and carnage by the pop culture media. Doesn't it occur to the left that the son of a Hollywood producer who had every advantage in the greatest Country in the world decided to kill people? It surely ain't about guns. The Columbine kids were doped up on psychotropic mood enhancer drugs and their parents were upper middle class left leaning victims of the pop culture generation. What does that tell you about the video addicted violence orientated generation? Today's American kids see more realistic violent carnage than most WW2 Veterans saw in their four years of warfare. American kids are probably as qualified for a PTSD pension as Afghanistan war Veterans.

So do Japanese kids, and most kids around the world. How many school shootings were there in Japan the last 12 months? Or in any other country for that matter. It IS about guns. The availability of guns.

ok, so what do you want done about it?
Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.

I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster

What arsenal? Right now if i want to get a single handgun in NYC i have to pay over $400 in fees, get licensed, and pass the review of the NYPD above and beyond just needing a clean record and no mental health issues. it takes MONTHS. and that is just to own a handgun in the house. To get a CCW I have to plead my case or be connected to someone powerful somehow. They can deny it for any reason, including "we don't want you to have one"

Repeal crap like that, and maybe I would trust gun controllers with things like bigger background checks. Until then its just the first step in denying me my rights.

Don't you wonder why liberals deny they want to ban all guns? Hell they already deny they are socialists. Why do they deny those things?
Of course they want to ban guns

but abortions that kills more daily they think nothing about it

I guess it's because the woman is killing her own child so that make it ok
Liberals led by the socialist agenda of the democrats. Get the guns, is one of those aspects where they use tragedies like this to exploit.

They will get their utterly useful idiots better known as political pawns like hazelnut or the other left wing losers to obfuscate the real causes of these actions. They will chant for simplistic solutions and they will never engage in any kind of discussion about the logistical realities of their simplistic solutions.

Meanwhile, we are still batting .1000 when it comes to individuals carrying out mass violence being on some prescription medication.

Notice all they do is attack whites and right wingers and use lame hyperboles in doing so. I have not seen one of them show a real solid plan to get all of the 300 million guns in circulation. They say they want background checks. There are background checks already. So, now what?

They cannot answer these things. They are committed pawns to their democrats in office who are committed socialists and hate the constitution and everything that the constitution stands for. Why? Cause the constitution limits their power over the people. What do those democrats do? They make it seem they truly care for the American people that have power over them, by giving never ending lines of fairly tale bullshit on virtually every issue. Meanwhile the squishpots think they are such academic intellectuals while they carry on like the pawns they are, and the democrats exploit all of these tragedies by bringing up irrelevant fallacies in order strip more power from the people.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by emptying the asylums and turning the mentally ill onto the streets because they didn't approve of conditions in all mental hospitals.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by eliminating standards of social behavior because it "stifled" individual expression.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by weakening the nuclear family because they believed the "village" can raise a child better than a father and mother.

Now, we have this wave of violence and they wring their hands and complain about firearms so they don't have to accept the responsibility for their choices and actions.
Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.

I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster

What arsenal? Right now if i want to get a single handgun in NYC i have to pay over $400 in fees, get licensed, and pass the review of the NYPD above and beyond just needing a clean record and no mental health issues. it takes MONTHS. and that is just to own a handgun in the house. To get a CCW I have to plead my case or be connected to someone powerful somehow. They can deny it for any reason, including "we don't want you to have one"

Repeal crap like that, and maybe I would trust gun controllers with things like bigger background checks. Until then its just the first step in denying me my rights.

And NYC is seeing its murder rate at historically low levels
Liberals led by the socialist agenda of the democrats. Get the guns, is one of those aspects where they use tragedies like this to exploit.

They will get their utterly useful idiots better known as political pawns like hazelnut or the other left wing losers to obfuscate the real causes of these actions. They will chant for simplistic solutions and they will never engage in any kind of discussion about the logistical realities of their simplistic solutions.

Meanwhile, we are still batting .1000 when it comes to individuals carrying out mass violence being on some prescription medication.

Notice all they do is attack whites and right wingers and use lame hyperboles in doing so. I have not seen one of them show a real solid plan to get all of the 300 million guns in circulation. They say they want background checks. There are background checks already. So, now what?

They cannot answer these things. They are committed pawns to their democrats in office who are committed socialists and hate the constitution and everything that the constitution stands for. Why? Cause the constitution limits their power over the people. What do those democrats do? They make it seem they truly care for the American people that have power over them, by giving never ending lines of fairly tale bullshit on virtually every issue. Meanwhile the squishpots think they are such academic intellectuals while they carry on like the pawns they are, and the democrats exploit all of these tragedies by bringing up irrelevant fallacies in order strip more power from the people.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by emptying the asylums and turning the mentally ill onto the streets because they didn't approve of conditions in all mental hospitals.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by eliminating standards of social behavior because it "stifled" individual expression.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by weakening the nuclear family because they believed the "village" can raise a child better than a father and mother.

Now, we have this wave of violence and they wring their hands and complain about firearms so they don't have to accept the responsibility for their choices and actions.

I don't want all of our crazies locked up.....I just don't want them anywhere near a gun
Our second ammendment rights are more important than our children

You didn't see our Founding Fathers include anything about children in our Bill of Rights did you?

Find a solution that doesn't restrict my right to a firearm, then come back. Right now all you preach is restricting the rights of lawful gun owners, and lawful potential gun owners.

I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster

So can I take away your drivers license because someone else drives drunk?
Liberals led by the socialist agenda of the democrats. Get the guns, is one of those aspects where they use tragedies like this to exploit.

They will get their utterly useful idiots better known as political pawns like hazelnut or the other left wing losers to obfuscate the real causes of these actions. They will chant for simplistic solutions and they will never engage in any kind of discussion about the logistical realities of their simplistic solutions.

Meanwhile, we are still batting .1000 when it comes to individuals carrying out mass violence being on some prescription medication.

Notice all they do is attack whites and right wingers and use lame hyperboles in doing so. I have not seen one of them show a real solid plan to get all of the 300 million guns in circulation. They say they want background checks. There are background checks already. So, now what?

They cannot answer these things. They are committed pawns to their democrats in office who are committed socialists and hate the constitution and everything that the constitution stands for. Why? Cause the constitution limits their power over the people. What do those democrats do? They make it seem they truly care for the American people that have power over them, by giving never ending lines of fairly tale bullshit on virtually every issue. Meanwhile the squishpots think they are such academic intellectuals while they carry on like the pawns they are, and the democrats exploit all of these tragedies by bringing up irrelevant fallacies in order strip more power from the people.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by emptying the asylums and turning the mentally ill onto the streets because they didn't approve of conditions in all mental hospitals.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by eliminating standards of social behavior because it "stifled" individual expression.

Liberals wanted to "improve" our society by weakening the nuclear family because they believed the "village" can raise a child better than a father and mother.

Now, we have this wave of violence and they wring their hands and complain about firearms so they don't have to accept the responsibility for their choices and actions.

They have all of their cliches of talking points. They know nothing else. They do not care about anything else.

Hell, they do not care one bit about the victims of these shootings. Not one bit. They care about finding a way to stick a thumb in the eye of a white right winger. That is it and really that is all.

They claim to be on the side of the poor, down trodden and tortured, yet they cry over the liberation of the citizens of Iraq from a tyrant who....were down trodden, poor and tortured.

In your examples, they do not care at all. Not one bit. They turn to the news sources to tell them what side they are suppose to be on, or simply go with the popular disposition.

Therefore they shift their stances, and that means they stand for nothing. They virtually impossible to debate. Look at them with the stock market. They protest wall street then praise Obama for paying off his cronies by creating ZIRP (zer interest rate policy) and the market is artificially inflated. All to the loud cheers of these OWS protesters. All of a sudden they are on the side of wall street?

That is just one little example. All of them are pathetic.
I can't

Because you are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in your desire to build an arsenal. Our children pay the price....but at least nobody restricts your access to a Bushmaster

What arsenal? Right now if i want to get a single handgun in NYC i have to pay over $400 in fees, get licensed, and pass the review of the NYPD above and beyond just needing a clean record and no mental health issues. it takes MONTHS. and that is just to own a handgun in the house. To get a CCW I have to plead my case or be connected to someone powerful somehow. They can deny it for any reason, including "we don't want you to have one"

Repeal crap like that, and maybe I would trust gun controllers with things like bigger background checks. Until then its just the first step in denying me my rights.

Don't you wonder why liberals deny they want to ban all guns? Hell they already deny they are socialists. Why do they deny those things?

Because you are fucking batshit crazy?

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