75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)

I don't think Trump is crazy, I think he is a hyperactive A.D.D riddled piece of shit.
14 tweets in 24 hours never blaming Russia ?? I really believe he doesn't have both oars in the water

How many oars in the water does one have when they spend 24/7 whining about Trump?
Soggy Wrong again While I admit my dislike for trump knows no bounds when I'm taking care of my portfolios ,dining out ,speaking to my kids reading good books I don't have a shit to give about trump He's a vile human being and if thats where your taste lies ,,so be it
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole

He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say


In 1941, the people in Hiroshima celebrated Pearl Harbor.
I don't think Trump is crazy, I think he is a hyperactive A.D.D riddled piece of shit.
14 tweets in 24 hours never blaming Russia ?? I really believe he doesn't have both oars in the water

How many oars in the water does one have when they spend 24/7 whining about Trump?
Soggy Wrong again While I admit my dislike for trump knows no bounds when I'm taking care of my portfolios ,dining out ,speaking to my kids reading good books I don't have a shit to give about trump He's a vile human being and if thats where your taste lies ,,so be it
OH wow...How pious you are! What an absolutely PERFECT human and YUP Trump why he is atrocious. Terrible human being.
I wouldn't be surprised if he were capable of making comments like these:

LBJ quote exactly : Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
“when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

" He had also worked with President Johnson in developing responses to the civil rights rebellions in the 1960s and was considered
a talented and respected jurist. When the name was mentioned, Johnson responded in his usual colloquial style saying, “The only two people who ever heard of Judge Higginbotham are you and his momma. When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”
page 184 of the "The SIGNIFICANCE of Brown"...
Maintenance page

Or maybe we all would be better off with this personality as President...
“One of my last details was for Hillary when she was Secretary of State,” Bonner continued. “I helped with sweeps of her DV quarters and staff vehicles. Her words to me?”
According to Bonner, Clinton told him, “Get that f***ing dog away from me.”
‐“Stay the f*** back, stay the f*** away from me!” the then-–First Lady screamed at her Secret Service agents. “Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f***ing do as I say, okay!!?” Clinton demanded, according to former FBI agent Gary Aldrich’s Unlimited Access, page 139.
Hillary Clinton’s Security Detail Curses & Foul Mouth | National Review

Very attractive personality wouldn't you say? But wait... no you are a perfect human. Without flaws! Unlike our very human New York Queens raised President.
Yea... tell you what. I'd rather have Trump that a pious DUMP like you!
Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker
This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

And? If you lose money on workers, what good are they?
Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole
He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Where does even your propaganda piece say thousands dancing in the streets

The mayor questioned why Gallagher, the retired captain, did not file a report.

"In the days after 9/11, with heightened awareness and heightened scrutiny, the fact that he didn't document it leads to one of two conclusions: Either he wasn't doing his job, or it never happened," Fulop said.

LOL! I presented the story. You can dismiss it, but is dancing in the streets a crime? If not, why file a report?

Seems odd it was not mentioned until well after the fact

Local media would not be interested in reporting on such outrageous behavior?
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole

He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say


In 1941, the people in Hiroshima celebrated Pearl Harbor.

Probably so.
This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Every employer does.
Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole
He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Where does even your propaganda piece say thousands dancing in the streets

The mayor questioned why Gallagher, the retired captain, did not file a report.

"In the days after 9/11, with heightened awareness and heightened scrutiny, the fact that he didn't document it leads to one of two conclusions: Either he wasn't doing his job, or it never happened," Fulop said.

LOL! I presented the story. You can dismiss it, but is dancing in the streets a crime? If not, why file a report?

Seems odd it was not mentioned until well after the fact

Local media would not be interested in reporting on such outrageous behavior?

Who knows? They may have decided it wasn't newsworthy.
Heres the low life POS
NY Daily News rips Trump for golfing amid funerals for Florida shooting victims
Of course Trump didn't declare personal bankruptcy......that is why businesses are incorporated

But his guidance as a leader led them to bankruptcy

Trump is notorious for screwing small business
I am paying you half of what we contracted.......if you don't like it sue me

Did he do anything illegal?

I'll defer to Mr Mueller on that one
Of course Trump didn't declare personal bankruptcy......that is why businesses are incorporated

But his guidance as a leader led them to bankruptcy

Trump is notorious for screwing small business
I am paying you half of what we contracted.......if you don't like it sue me

Did he do anything illegal?

I'll defer to Mr Mueller on that one

After a year, the answer is still no, then.

RM hasn't even been on that job that long, try again!

There was no investigation before RM? Stop wasting time. I posted that the Russia investigation was a waste of time back in the Spring and said that the Democrats should instead focus on programs and proposals that the Progressives were putting forth to improve the lives of the citizens of the United States. Instead, the Corporate whore's followers who run the DNC have proposed nothing and focused their attention only on the Mueller investigation. I don't see Progressives turning out in great droves to support the Democrats this year. There are a few months to refocus, but if you folks ignore this, real Progressives will probably stay home.

Don't be afraid let it play out, since you're so sure nothing is there your orange god will be vindicated and your world will be rainbows and puppy dogs!
This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.
Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund
Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund
Prove it! I really doubt it. What dumb ass comment!
The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund
Prove it! I really doubt it. What dumb ass comment!

You doubt me?

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.
Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund

The question is, just so we're clear, are you really trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to park his money in a fund? And your reply is he would have made more money.

I disagree with that eminently selfish view. I say that it is better for Trump to have employed those thousands upon thousands of workers all these years. Maybe that's just me.
And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund
Prove it! I really doubt it. What dumb ass comment!

You doubt me?

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

He should have gambled in the stock market? Let's see if we can imagine your reaction had he done that and lost most of it. Hind sight is always 20/20. Has the AP released the name of the fund that will increase in value 1336% over the next 30 years? If not, why not? I mean, it was so easy to pick it in 1988, right?

You can always say, "should have picked that one" after the race.
Last edited:
The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

And thousands more than that did not. Are you seriously trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to just put his money in a fund because of your irrational hate?

Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund

The question is, just so we're clear, are you really trying to make the point that it would have been better for all those workers for Trump to park his money in a fund? And your reply is he would have made more money.

I disagree with that eminently selfish view. I say that it is better for Trump to have employed those thousands upon thousands of workers all these years. Maybe that's just me.
Yes I do

Trump was not a good employer....just ask the casino workers who endured him
Trump does not hire workers out of generosity

He makes a profit off of every worker

Good for him. That's why every single worker is hired. You didn't address the question.

I did

Trumps "business sense" earned less than if he had just put his money in an index fund
Prove it! I really doubt it. What dumb ass comment!

You doubt me?

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

He should have gambled in the stock market? Let's see if we can imagine your reaction had he done that and lost most of it. Hind sight is always 20/20. Has the AP released the name of the fund that will increase in value 1336% over the next 30 years? If not, why not? I mean, it was so easy to pick it in 1988, right?

You can always say, "should have picked that one" after the race.

It is an index fund

Indexed to the S&P 500...that is where I have most of my investments
I thought it would be safer than opening a casino

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