75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)

Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

You're describing most politicians. They are driven by narcissistic greed and the desire to control others' lives. Yet you seem incapable of moving off your anti-Trump hysteria.
Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!
Last edited:
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Trump personally never took bankruptcy. His businesses did. Which let's General Motors, and some other companies file for bankruptcy. SO what?
And again Did Donald Trump personally screw over small companies? NOPE. Remember he had over 20,000 employees at one time and who knows what they did or say?
To me, Trump is very insecure
Constantly needs his ego stroked and needs to continually claim to be the best

He is also a pathological liar. He lies even when there is no need for it

No he is not like Obama. Ego yes and what President does not have a major one?

No president has been like Trump

Most presidents are capable of self effacing humor. Poking fun at themselves
They are also capable of accepting criticism without childish name calling
You're an idiot. Trump has been a guest on late night comedy shows and was even the guest of honor at a Comedy Central roast.

You're an idiot.
I gotta agree here, Rump shows many traits that most are not particularly found of. But for someone that has never sat down and spoke with him one on one or with others to call him a psychopath seems a bit wreckless.

The main trait you aren't fond of is the fact that he is a Republican.

Actually you fucking maroon your Orange god is a limousine liberal! I do not care for him because he is a bigger liar than you, and that's going a far piece!
You have no problem with liars so long as they are Democrats.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Nope don't care for them either, just dislike you more. And like I said Rump is a liberal!

Bullshit. Next you will tell me you didn't vote for Hillary.

That is correct I did not vote for Hillary!
Any dr who diagnosis anyone without contact is a dangerous quack as well as a political hack, which are what the idiots that spread this bullshit are.



I gotta agree here, Rump shows many traits that most are not particularly found of. But for someone that has never sat down and spoke with him one on one or with others to call him a psychopath seems a bit wreckless.

The main trait you aren't fond of is the fact that he is a Republican.

Actually you fucking maroon your Orange god is a limousine liberal! I do not care for him because he is a bigger liar than you, and that's going a far piece!

I have and will maintain Trump is a liberal.

Because he is and always has been.
Asked my grand daughter what today was Shes smart and said Presidents day I asked what's the meaning of presidents day??? She said when the president steps out of the WH and if he sees his shadow we have another year of bullshit
How many of these so called experts have had a sit down with Trump ?
Perceived stability riiiight ?

"I remember landing under sniper fire.there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

"We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

"God bless the America we are trying to create."

"I have said that I'm not running and I'm having a great time being pres -- being a first-term senator."

"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody's going to believe them."
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Trump personally never took bankruptcy. His businesses did. Which let's General Motors, and some other companies file for bankruptcy. SO what?
And again Did Donald Trump personally screw over small companies? NOPE. Remember he had over 20,000 employees at one time and who knows what they did or say?
Of course Trump didn't declare personal bankruptcy......that is why businesses are incorporated

But his guidance as a leader led them to bankruptcy

Trump is notorious for screwing small business
I am paying you half of what we contracted.......if you don't like it sue me
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole
Americans need to recognize this stuff. It's exactly what Mueller was talking about. Angry border line psychotic lefties embrace foreign propaganda to reinforce their own hatred and undermine the U.S. government.
Any dr who diagnosis anyone without contact is a dangerous quack as well as a political hack, which are what the idiots that spread this bullshit are.

FBI profilers do that all the time. How can they meet an UNSUB?

Maybe you should get current...
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole

He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself
Americans need to recognize this stuff. It's exactly what Mueller was talking about. Angry border line psychotic lefties embrace foreign propaganda to reinforce their own hatred and undermine the U.S. government.

Don't confuse legitimate concern about our mentally unstable leader and "hate".

Nobody "hates" you for voting for him. You invited the demon into our house, but we won't blame you. Let's all work together to Ouji is ass back to hell.

When you notice that your family is enabling a sick alcoholic or drug addict, do you "hate" the sick person?

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Trump personally never took bankruptcy. His businesses did. Which let's General Motors, and some other companies file for bankruptcy. SO what?
And again Did Donald Trump personally screw over small companies? NOPE. Remember he had over 20,000 employees at one time and who knows what they did or say?
Of course Trump didn't declare personal bankruptcy......that is why businesses are incorporated

But his guidance as a leader led them to bankruptcy

Trump is notorious for screwing small business
I am paying you half of what we contracted.......if you don't like it sue me

Did he do anything illegal?

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