75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)

America Is Under Attack and the President Doesn't Care


Russian spy ship lurks off Connecticut coast

Your first story is an oped piece, with little facts and lots of assuming.

Your second story mentions that the Russian ship has done similar maneuvers in 2014 and 2015 when Obama was President and Obama did nothing either because there is little they can do to a ship in international waters.

It seems you want to cast the President in a bad light and don’t care about America.
The libs are doing everything possible to destroy the president. Paying Kremlin agents for info is just the tip of the iceberg.
He is doing a pretty good job doing that himself


I gotta agree here, Rump shows many traits that most are not particularly found of. But for someone that has never sat down and spoke with him one on one or with others to call him a psychopath seems a bit wreckless.

The main trait you aren't fond of is the fact that he is a Republican.

Actually you fucking maroon your Orange god is a limousine liberal! I do not care for him because he is a bigger liar than you, and that's going a far piece!
You have no problem with liars so long as they are Democrats.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Nope don't care for them either, just dislike you more. And like I said Rump is a liberal!

Bullshit. Next you will tell me you didn't vote for Hillary.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Look at how many posts it took me to drag you into reality....


"However, no one claimed to be certain it wasn't in Cuba."

Well that's not true. Check out this imbecile who said it was the Black Sea....
It isn't fucking Connecticut, moron. All this hyperventilating about whether it's in the Black Sea or Cuba is utterly trivial and meaningless. However, that's what you specialize in: harping on the trivial and meaningless.
“Fucking moron,” (your description of yourself) I was the one who said that photo wasn’t taken off the coast of Connecticut.

You were the one who said it was from the Black Sea.

And when I pointed out it was actually off the coast of Cuba, you idiotically said, ”you have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast,” before you said the photo is showing the Cuban coast.

Yes I did, but it's still utterly trivial. That's your specialty, harping on trivialities and the behaving as if you've won some great victory. What have you proved? Only that some stock footage doesn't show the actual incident being referred to in the story.
Well for one, I proved you are thee most geographically challenged fucking moron on the forum.


You proved nothing of the sort. You looked at a video when others only looked at the photo.
Of course I did. Your hollow denials can’t change that. I have shown where you think Madison Wisconsin is in NYC and where Cuba is by the Black Sea.

So yeah, you’re the most geographically challenged on the forum. As far as the fucking moron part, you said that of yourself, so who am I to disagree with you on that?

You have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast.
Well, what do you know, that picture is actually in Cuba.
Any dr who diagnosis anyone without contact is a dangerous quack as well as a political hack, which are what the idiots that spread this bullshit are.



I gotta agree here, Rump shows many traits that most are not particularly found of. But for someone that has never sat down and spoke with him one on one or with others to call him a psychopath seems a bit wreckless.

The main trait you aren't fond of is the fact that he is a Republican.

Actually you fucking maroon your Orange god is a limousine liberal! I do not care for him because he is a bigger liar than you, and that's going a far piece!

I have and will maintain Trump is a liberal.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either
No but that doesn’t always guarantee success just like not being born to them means failure.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either
No but that doesn’t always guarantee success just like not being born to them means failure.
Sure helps

Wouldn't you agree?
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.

I call envy and the public persona. People think they know someone because of the public face they present. You might as well think Tom Hanks is retarded because you watched Forrest Gump.

Trump is no moron. To believe he is is to accept as well that the vaunted Hillary was defeated by a moron. They conveniently forget that.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either
No but that doesn’t always guarantee success just like not being born to them means failure.
Sure helps

Wouldn't you agree?
Never claimed it didn’t but his friendly rival Mark Cuban didn’t and he’s been a huge success. Having rich parents can help but if you don’t have the drive or ambition to take advantage of it it doesn’t help much.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.
Ever wonder how the so called experts would judge the mental state of the people here based just on what is posted without having ever meet or spoken to anyone here? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?
Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either
No but that doesn’t always guarantee success just like not being born to them means failure.
Sure helps

Wouldn't you agree?
Never claimed it didn’t but his friendly rival Mark Cuban didn’t and he’s been a huge success. Having rich parents can help but if you don’t have the drive or ambition to take advantage of it it doesn’t help much.
Kissing the Plutes' Boots

In order to preserve their heirs' dominance, the plutocracy determines who can be successful at clawing or crawling into their class and what moves they have to make to get there.
I did a Google Image search and did not come up with the results you claimed to have. So I am asking you to provide some evidence that a Google Image search comes up with such results.

Otherwise you are just full of shit, once again

You obviously failed at Google Image search, moron. sit down with your crap dude, you run around spewing BS. I got over nine pages of hits of the same photo I'm not linking all that to pacify your dumbass

Prove it bitch! You are just making shit up otherwise

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Awww you're angry...chill little man and always remember, there isn't a left loon alive I take direction from...and yes you're a left loon

Thank you for verifying you are full of shit.

You needed verification for that?

It is always good when people verify openly.
Most people posting on this board demonstrate better language skills than our President
And yet no one on this board has accomplished anything close to what he has go figure.
We weren't born to multi millionaire parents either

Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?
Greed Is Suicide of the Soul

Logically, only 1% of those in the 1% would have been born in the 1%. Instead, it's 20% HeirHeads, which is a disproportion so absurd that it discredits the legitimacy of the other 80%.

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