75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)

Sorry to dissillusion you, moron, but the Castillo de los Tres Santos Reyes Magnos del Morro pictured in the photo below is not in the picture of the Russian ship. Neither is the Cuban flag:


So how many claims does that make that you have made that are totally and utterly wrong? Yet, you are still harassing me about something I posted 2 fucking years ago. How desperate is that?
You’re truly fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Had you clicked on the link which contained the video with that image, you would have seen more of the coast behind the ship, which includes the Havana fort and Cuban flag.


Well, what do you know, that picture is actually in Cuba. However, no one claimed to be certain it wasn't in Cuba. We claimed that the photo wasn't of Connecticut.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Look at how many posts it took me to drag you into reality....


"However, no one claimed to be certain it wasn't in Cuba."

Well that's not true. Check out this imbecile who said it was the Black Sea....
The photo was taken in the black sea, not near Cuba. You have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast.
It isn't fucking Connecticut, moron. All this hyperventilating about whether it's in the Black Sea or Cuba is utterly trivial and meaningless. However, that's what you specialize in: harping on the trivial and meaningless.
“Fucking moron,” (your description of yourself) I was the one who said that photo wasn’t taken off the coast of Connecticut.

You were the one who said it was from the Black Sea.

And when I pointed out it was actually off the coast of Cuba, you idiotically said, ”you have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast,” before you said the photo is showing the Cuban coast.

Yes I did, but it's still utterly trivial. That's your specialty, harping on trivialities and the behaving as if you've won some great victory. What have you proved? Only that some stock footage doesn't show the actual incident being referred to in the story.
I do not have my facts wrong. McCarthy gave a speech stating he had the names of 205 card carrying communist within the State Dept. But he could never give the name of more than 81.

I am not surprised that a fascist like you would approve of a fellow fascist that tried to turn our Govt in the SS.

Of course you have your facts wrong:

Liberals' Secret Weapon: Republicans Who Don't Read

As Democrats always do when they are caught red-handed harming the country, they obsessed on some small, technical error of a Republican.

They claimed that McCarthy had said in his Wheeling speech that he had the names of 205 card-carrying members of the Communist Party -- not 57. (Having only 57 communists in the State Department was apparently considered a great success for a Democratic administration.)

In fact, McCarthy had mentioned the 205 number only in citing Byrne's letter to Congress a few years earlier saying that was the number of known security risks still employed at the State Department.

As Soviet spies were honeycombed throughout the government, influencing U.S. policy to the benefit of the Soviet Union, the Democratic-controlled Senate convened panels to determine exactly what Joe McCarthy had said to a meeting of Republican women in West Virginia. To wit: Had he said he had the names of 57 specific security risks at the State Department, or 205?

After dedicating months of investigation to this crucial question -- with Senate investigators actually flying to West Virginia to interview everyone who attended the speech -- it turned out McCarthy was right.

The Senate committee that was determined to censure McCarthy ended up having to drop the matter of McCarthy's Wheeling speech entirely. A fact-filled memo detailing the committee's findings concluded that McCarthy had said he had the names of 57 security risks, not 205.

The truth about McCarthy's Wheeling speech, including the committee's memo finding that McCarthy was telling the truth, and a newspaper article reprinting the speech before it became a object of obsession by Democrats, is given in M. Stanton Evans' monumental book, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies.

Moreover, contrary to the nonsense about McCarthy not being able to name the 57 specific individuals, the very day he got back to Washington, he gave a six-hour speech on the Senate floor, providing details about the problematic State Department employees, chapter and verse. He did not "name names" because that was not his point.

As McCarthy said, some State Department employees with communist associations might be innocent. His point was: The Democrats were still refusing to take Soviet espionage seriously by investigating these preposterous risks on the government payroll.

Far from recklessly smearing people, McCarthy described each employee as a "case" and cited such evidence as their being identified as Soviet spies in FBI reports, by fellow spies and by the State Department itself. He reported their connections to known agents, attendance at "Youth International" meetings in Russia and repeated contacts with known Soviet espionage groups.

These were not baseless charges. And as we now know, they were absolutely true.

Sensible people knew it at the time, but the disgorging of Soviet archives as well as Soviet cables decrypted by the top-secret Venona project proved beyond a doubt that McCarthy was right about the individuals he named. None of them should have been allowed anywhere near a government office.

The claims of Will and Krauthammer are as true as liberal slanders about Karl Rove outing a CIA agent, tea partiers calling a black congressman the N-word and Duke lacrosse players raping a stripper. Even at the time, liberals had to back down from their lies about McCarthy saying he had a list of "205" communists. But liberals write the history and conservatives don't read.

From a copy of the speech sent to the press my McCarthy himself...

I have here in my hand a list of 205 . . . a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. . . .

What speech? Please post a link.

From the Congressional Record, the record of his speech in Wheeling WV in 1950:

I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party, but who nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy....
Here's another example that contains the "57" figure:

https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/coretexts/_files/resources/texts/1950 McCarthy Enemies.pdf

Yes, that is the copy that he sent to the CR 10 days after the speech.

So how do we know exactly what he said in the actual speech? Is there a recording of it?

Yes, this was reported, and here is the explanation: In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals — the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the

Byrnes letter.

In the Wheeling speech, McCarthy referred to a letter that Secretary of State James Byrnes sent to Congressman Adolph Sabath in 1946. In that letter, Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had declared 284 persons unfit to hold jobs in the department because of Communist connections and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205 still on the State Department's payroll. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party. On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81 individuals — the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about whom the evidence was less conclusive.

The enemies of McCarthy have juggled these numbers around to make the Senator appear to be erratic and to distract attention from the paramount question: Were there still Alger Hisses in the State Department betraying this nation? McCarthy was not being inconsistent in his use of the numbers; the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter.
Last edited:
I found the same results as SassyIrishLass. That photo has been used in dozens of stories about Russian spy ships. It's a stock photo. It's probably not even the same ship as the one the article discusses.

Gatorbreath is just a partisan hack who needs lies to push his agenda of hate.

And you are not a hyper-partisan hack? What a fucking hypocrite.
I never claimed to be nonpartisan like Gatorbreath does, shitforbrains.

I know you're a little slow, but you are still being a hypocrite. You're like your ultimate hero. You, like Trump, can't handle the truth. Believe me.
Says the leftard who thinks doctors can make diagnoses based upon NY Times articles.

You really are that stupid! :happy-1:
Thanks for making that uneducated comment.
Here, let me help you out, Gomer.
What is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)?

The most common definition of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is from Dr. David Sackett. EBP is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.” (Sackett D, 1996)EBP is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care. Clinical expertise refers to the clinician’s cumulated experience, education and clinical skills. The patient brings to the encounter his or her own personal preferences and unique concerns, expectations, and values. The best research evidence is usually found in clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology. (Sackett D, 2002)
Gatorbreath is just a partisan hack who needs lies to push his agenda of hate.

And you are not a hyper-partisan hack? What a fucking hypocrite.
I never claimed to be nonpartisan like Gatorbreath does, shitforbrains.

I know you're a little slow, but you are still being a hypocrite. You're like your ultimate hero. You, like Trump, can't handle the truth. Believe me.
Says the leftard who thinks doctors can make diagnoses based upon NY Times articles.

You really are that stupid! :happy-1:
Thanks for making that uneducated comment.
Here, let me help you out, Gomer.
What is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)?

The most common definition of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is from Dr. David Sackett. EBP is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.” (Sackett D, 1996)EBP is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care. Clinical expertise refers to the clinician’s cumulated experience, education and clinical skills. The patient brings to the encounter his or her own personal preferences and unique concerns, expectations, and values. The best research evidence is usually found in clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology. (Sackett D, 2002)
Good little brown shirter.
Hilarious people running around in vagina costumes calling Trump crazy.

The American Psychiatric Association issues a warning: No psychoanalyzing Donald Trump
Of course you have your facts wrong:

Liberals' Secret Weapon: Republicans Who Don't Read

As Democrats always do when they are caught red-handed harming the country, they obsessed on some small, technical error of a Republican.

They claimed that McCarthy had said in his Wheeling speech that he had the names of 205 card-carrying members of the Communist Party -- not 57. (Having only 57 communists in the State Department was apparently considered a great success for a Democratic administration.)

In fact, McCarthy had mentioned the 205 number only in citing Byrne's letter to Congress a few years earlier saying that was the number of known security risks still employed at the State Department.

As Soviet spies were honeycombed throughout the government, influencing U.S. policy to the benefit of the Soviet Union, the Democratic-controlled Senate convened panels to determine exactly what Joe McCarthy had said to a meeting of Republican women in West Virginia. To wit: Had he said he had the names of 57 specific security risks at the State Department, or 205?

After dedicating months of investigation to this crucial question -- with Senate investigators actually flying to West Virginia to interview everyone who attended the speech -- it turned out McCarthy was right.

The Senate committee that was determined to censure McCarthy ended up having to drop the matter of McCarthy's Wheeling speech entirely. A fact-filled memo detailing the committee's findings concluded that McCarthy had said he had the names of 57 security risks, not 205.

The truth about McCarthy's Wheeling speech, including the committee's memo finding that McCarthy was telling the truth, and a newspaper article reprinting the speech before it became a object of obsession by Democrats, is given in M. Stanton Evans' monumental book, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies.

Moreover, contrary to the nonsense about McCarthy not being able to name the 57 specific individuals, the very day he got back to Washington, he gave a six-hour speech on the Senate floor, providing details about the problematic State Department employees, chapter and verse. He did not "name names" because that was not his point.

As McCarthy said, some State Department employees with communist associations might be innocent. His point was: The Democrats were still refusing to take Soviet espionage seriously by investigating these preposterous risks on the government payroll.

Far from recklessly smearing people, McCarthy described each employee as a "case" and cited such evidence as their being identified as Soviet spies in FBI reports, by fellow spies and by the State Department itself. He reported their connections to known agents, attendance at "Youth International" meetings in Russia and repeated contacts with known Soviet espionage groups.

These were not baseless charges. And as we now know, they were absolutely true.

Sensible people knew it at the time, but the disgorging of Soviet archives as well as Soviet cables decrypted by the top-secret Venona project proved beyond a doubt that McCarthy was right about the individuals he named. None of them should have been allowed anywhere near a government office.

The claims of Will and Krauthammer are as true as liberal slanders about Karl Rove outing a CIA agent, tea partiers calling a black congressman the N-word and Duke lacrosse players raping a stripper. Even at the time, liberals had to back down from their lies about McCarthy saying he had a list of "205" communists. But liberals write the history and conservatives don't read.

From a copy of the speech sent to the press my McCarthy himself...

I have here in my hand a list of 205 . . . a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. . . .

What speech? Please post a link.

From the Congressional Record, the record of his speech in Wheeling WV in 1950:

I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party, but who nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy....
Here's another example that contains the "57" figure:

https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/coretexts/_files/resources/texts/1950 McCarthy Enemies.pdf

Yes, that is the copy that he sent to the CR 10 days after the speech.

So how do we know exactly what he said in the actual speech? Is there a recording of it?

Well we know at one point he was claiming 205. Then he changed his story

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
From a copy of the speech sent to the press my McCarthy himself...

I have here in my hand a list of 205 . . . a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. . . .

What speech? Please post a link.

From the Congressional Record, the record of his speech in Wheeling WV in 1950:

I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party, but who nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy....
Here's another example that contains the "57" figure:

https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/coretexts/_files/resources/texts/1950 McCarthy Enemies.pdf

Yes, that is the copy that he sent to the CR 10 days after the speech.

So how do we know exactly what he said in the actual speech? Is there a recording of it?

Well we know at one point he was claiming 205. Then he changed his story

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
No, we don't know that. You certainly haven't proved it.
Trump is ignorant of politics, the political process, the law, and public policy.

He is a reckless and irresponsible neophyte devoid of political acumen; no modern president has been so ill-prepared, and he is in fact unfit to be president.
On top of our Presidents psychological struggles, there are his intellectual limitations

He seems incapable of reading more than a few lines, has a notoriously short attention span and writes and speaks at a third grade level
Lol, you obviously never heard Obama off a teleprompter.

At 27 seconds the teleprompter fails....LOL

Even there...he sounds more intelligent than Fat Donnie

Oky doke.....
Trump is ignorant of politics, the political process, the law, and public policy.

He is a reckless and irresponsible neophyte devoid of political acumen; no modern president has been so ill-prepared, and he is in fact unfit to be president.
It is not just his ignorance

It is his indifference. He doesn't want to learn, does not care what others have to say
Trump is ignorant of politics, the political process, the law, and public policy.

He is a reckless and irresponsible neophyte devoid of political acumen; no modern president has been so ill-prepared, and he is in fact unfit to be president.

Some would argue that is the reason they voted for him.
They are tired of the constant partisan drivel politicians better versed in politics keep reducing the discussion to.

He probably wasn't elected because he was like the other 17 people on the stage ... :dunno:

on January, 2018, a study was conducted in order to examine whether Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump are psychopath. Results here:


link Perceived personality and campaign style of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - ScienceDirect

You DO realize that people who actually do this kind of thing, are NOT allowed to do it unless they interview the person they are commenting on!

In essence, you are FAKE NEWS! No legal shrink can comment on what they think, only phony baloneys can!

So, I am now a Dr of Physciatry-) I say that TED FRAZIER has TDS, and is a phony-e-baloney! Prove me wrong, lolololol, you clown! I am just as credible as your link is, you Russian colluder-)
You’re truly fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Had you clicked on the link which contained the video with that image, you would have seen more of the coast behind the ship, which includes the Havana fort and Cuban flag.


Well, what do you know, that picture is actually in Cuba. However, no one claimed to be certain it wasn't in Cuba. We claimed that the photo wasn't of Connecticut.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Look at how many posts it took me to drag you into reality....


"However, no one claimed to be certain it wasn't in Cuba."

Well that's not true. Check out this imbecile who said it was the Black Sea....
The photo was taken in the black sea, not near Cuba. You have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast.
It isn't fucking Connecticut, moron. All this hyperventilating about whether it's in the Black Sea or Cuba is utterly trivial and meaningless. However, that's what you specialize in: harping on the trivial and meaningless.
“Fucking moron,” (your description of yourself) I was the one who said that photo wasn’t taken off the coast of Connecticut.

You were the one who said it was from the Black Sea.

And when I pointed out it was actually off the coast of Cuba, you idiotically said, ”you have to be a fucking moron to believe the photo is showing the Cuban coast,” before you said the photo is showing the Cuban coast.

Yes I did, but it's still utterly trivial. That's your specialty, harping on trivialities and the behaving as if you've won some great victory. What have you proved? Only that some stock footage doesn't show the actual incident being referred to in the story.
Well for one, I proved you are thee most geographically challenged fucking moron on the forum.

Any dr who diagnosis anyone without contact is a dangerous quack as well as a political hack, which are what the idiots that spread this bullshit are.

Orange is a gigantic megalomaniac pussy. Truth. Sorry if reality is too much for you to digest.

Wow, you made my point by missing my point. How about I diagnose you based on this post as slightly below average intelligence. I am a certified peer counseler, qualified as anyone to make a diagnosis based on your posts or tweets ect.
Go tell all your friends to insult everyone you disagree with, it must be a winning strategy. (Sarcasm)
In reality this cold civil war is heating up and I can see how it might result in something tragic. Beware, the bullshit you spew will come back to you. I do not say this lightly, the wilderness I live in is crowded (to me its crowded) with a certain group training for just that.
I fear for our nation.

It's amazing how you can armchair 'diagnose' someone from one sentence. You're obviously a 'certified' genius, lol. I believe your president is a completely unqualified dunce. It's an opinion. If said opinion insults you so much, perhaps you should to re-evaluate your priorities in life. As a person located in a rural area myself, I can say those that contemplate another civil war in this country will be the first to regret it.
You don't know how to do a Google Image search? Really LMAO You don't link it, dope you perform it

I did a Google Image search and did not come up with the results you claimed to have. So I am asking you to provide some evidence that a Google Image search comes up with such results.

Otherwise you are just full of shit, once again

You obviously failed at Google Image search, moron. sit down with your crap dude, you run around spewing BS. I got over nine pages of hits of the same photo I'm not linking all that to pacify your dumbass

Prove it bitch! You are just making shit up otherwise

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Awww you're angry...chill little man and always remember, there isn't a left loon alive I take direction from...and yes you're a left loon

Thank you for verifying you are full of shit.

You needed verification for that?
Any dr who diagnosis anyone without contact is a dangerous quack as well as a political hack, which are what the idiots that spread this bullshit are.

Orange is a gigantic megalomaniac pussy. Truth. Sorry if reality is too much for you to digest.

Wow, you made my point by missing my point. How about I diagnose you based on this post as slightly below average intelligence. I am a certified peer counseler, qualified as anyone to make a diagnosis based on your posts or tweets ect.
Go tell all your friends to insult everyone you disagree with, it must be a winning strategy. (Sarcasm)
In reality this cold civil war is heating up and I can see how it might result in something tragic. Beware, the bullshit you spew will come back to you. I do not say this lightly, the wilderness I live in is crowded (to me its crowded) with a certain group training for just that.
I fear for our nation.

It's amazing how you can armchair 'diagnose' someone from one sentence. You're obviously a 'certified' genius, lol. I believe your president is a completely unqualified dunce. It's an opinion. If said opinion insults you so much, perhaps you should to re-evaluate your priorities in life. As a person located in a rural area myself, I can say those that contemplate another civil war in this country will be the first to regret it.

I dont think these guys are advocates of a civil war, but they are preparing.
Personally I dont think it will happen but if it does I want ASM on my side. They are welcome on my property.
TRUMP just makes me think of Great Americans of the Past . Trump seems American all the way through and i like that as TRUMP ain't no 'john kerry' . Trump reminds me as being an American guy from the past [so far] in his Presidency . His attitude fits right in with the Greatest Generation of WW2 and Korea . He seems to be a hard azz American from the past and thats a good thing .

Trump will be remembered as a mentally unstable traitor and criminal - Not as a great American.

Let's face it, there is a screaming horde that would say that about ANY Republican president that defeated Hillary, and in fact had that script written long ago.

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