75 experts: Trump is a psychopath (University of Amsterdam, peer reviewed)

Dear Jillian: "look how cranky reality made all the trumptards.", Dear Jillian: SERIOUSLY...If you think that a bunch of pot smoking Amsterdam Euro liberal psychologists giving this opinion is any concept of "reality", well maybe this power was given to them by a watery tart distributing swords...
I pity anyone sick enough to believe anything that comes out of the Coward Continent of pedo enablers. European filth are just sore that Trump is making it harder for these arrogant, self-righteous pigs to parasite off us. They're the ultimate disgrace to my race and the ultimate, two-faced, backstabbing enemy of the USA. As far as I'm concerned, killing Zeropeans is the first good thing their Islam whoremasters have ever done.
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole

He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

No Muslims anywhere on earth cheered 9/11

none that the lying ah trump saw or heard about,,,,,,,racist garbage ,,,a republican

What ?
Some more food for thought about Trump being a psychopath:

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
  1. Uncaring
  2. Shallow Emotions
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Insincere Speech
  5. Overconfidence
  6. Narrowing of Attention
  7. Selfishness
  8. Inability to Plan for the Future
  9. Violence

Video: Donald Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers - CNN Video

Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole

He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself

No Muslims anywhere on earth cheered 9/11

What ABC News Footage Shows of 9/11 Celebrations
Sounds like you never been to New York and much less KNOW anyone from Queens, Bronx, etc.
Trump like most original New Yorkers are boisterous. Braggers. Generally say the first thing that comes to mind. Yup sounds like a typical New Yorker raised in a rough
and tough environment as Trump evidently was raised. And you know what? I really don't CARE!
For once we have a President who HAD NO financial need to become President! Who also had NO need to appeal to establishment GOP/Democrats.
Who had NO need or time for political correctness! Go President Trump. Be yourself and honestly I don't care if you are selfish for running for President to make life better
for your offspring. I'd do the same thing!
Thank you PresidentTrump for being a real person...not a phony baloney! Thanks!

Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole
He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself
No Muslims anywhere on earth cheered 9/11
none that the lying ah trump saw or heard about,,,,,,,racist garbage ,,,a republican
What ?
Read English?
Trump is not like typical New Yorkers
New Yorkers showed their true character on Sept 11

Trump is an asshole
He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself
No Muslims anywhere on earth cheered 9/11
none that the lying ah trump saw or heard about,,,,,,,racist garbage ,,,a republican
What ?
Read English?
I do pretty good with broken English while in other countries but your bs stumped me for a bit.
He's the AH that saw 100's of Muslims cheering on 9/11 ...Trump is a racist lying SOB a republican But once more ,I repeat myself
No Muslims anywhere on earth cheered 9/11
none that the lying ah trump saw or heard about,,,,,,,racist garbage ,,,a republican
What ?
Read English?
I do pretty good with broken English while in other countries but your bs stumped me for a bit.
lol if my bs stumped you you should really have a party with trumps bullshit He's a master
Don't be afraid let it play out, since you're so sure nothing is there your orange god will be vindicated and your world will be rainbows and puppy dogs!

"orange god"? You're not very bright, are you? I was a Bernie supporter and then voted for Jill Stein when Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. And, I'm not afraid of letting it "play out" since I'm sure that Trump is a one termer...unless the current strategy of the DNC continues to be followed.

So why not let the investigation play out? I also over for Stein.

I never called for the investigation to be ended. I merely pointed out that it's gone on for over a year and nothing has been found. The DNC needs to come up with a strategy that gives people a reason to vote for Democrats, not just "hate Trump"

And I pointed out that RM has not been investigating for a year. Maybe not even 9 months. Give it time, it is a process. Hell they investigated Bill for 6 1/2 years and got him for lying about a BJ, I am willing to wait until it comes to a conclusion.

I'm not worried about the investigation. I don't care if it goes on for 6 or 7 or 8 years. I just want Democrats get rid of the Corporate Whore's DNC and to stop hanging their hats on it; I want the Progressive wing to begin to proactively start working to win the next elections

I'm so happy I can entertain a mindless hillarybot troll.
Remember that time when the *mental health* community told the world that the new pschotropic medications meant that we didn't need to institutionalize crazy kids any more?

And then after all the institutions were closed, the laws changed, and kids started shooting up schools..said they were lying and medication doesn't cure violent luinatics?

I do.
Don't be afraid let it play out, since you're so sure nothing is there your orange god will be vindicated and your world will be rainbows and puppy dogs!

"orange god"? You're not very bright, are you? I was a Bernie supporter and then voted for Jill Stein when Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. And, I'm not afraid of letting it "play out" since I'm sure that Trump is a one termer...unless the current strategy of the DNC continues to be followed.

So why not let the investigation play out? I also over for Stein.

I never called for the investigation to be ended. I merely pointed out that it's gone on for over a year and nothing has been found. The DNC needs to come up with a strategy that gives people a reason to vote for Democrats, not just "hate Trump"

And I pointed out that RM has not been investigating for a year. Maybe not even 9 months. Give it time, it is a process. Hell they investigated Bill for 6 1/2 years and got him for lying about a BJ, I am willing to wait until it comes to a conclusion.

I'm not worried about the investigation. I don't care if it goes on for 6 or 7 or 8 years. I just want Democrats get rid of the Corporate Whore's DNC and to stop hanging their hats on it; I want the Progressive wing to begin to proactively start working to win the next elections

Agreed, but you can have the investigation AND get your message across, they are not mutually exclusive. I do not want a 6 or 7 year investigation, that would be a crime!
"orange god"? You're not very bright, are you? I was a Bernie supporter and then voted for Jill Stein when Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. And, I'm not afraid of letting it "play out" since I'm sure that Trump is a one termer...unless the current strategy of the DNC continues to be followed.

So why not let the investigation play out? I also over for Stein.

I never called for the investigation to be ended. I merely pointed out that it's gone on for over a year and nothing has been found. The DNC needs to come up with a strategy that gives people a reason to vote for Democrats, not just "hate Trump"

And I pointed out that RM has not been investigating for a year. Maybe not even 9 months. Give it time, it is a process. Hell they investigated Bill for 6 1/2 years and got him for lying about a BJ, I am willing to wait until it comes to a conclusion.

I'm not worried about the investigation. I don't care if it goes on for 6 or 7 or 8 years. I just want Democrats get rid of the Corporate Whore's DNC and to stop hanging their hats on it; I want the Progressive wing to begin to proactively start working to win the next elections

I'm so happy I can entertain a mindless hillarybot troll.

Nah, voted for Stein, try again!
You doubt me?

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

He should have gambled in the stock market? Let's see if we can imagine your reaction had he done that and lost most of it. Hind sight is always 20/20. Has the AP released the name of the fund that will increase in value 1336% over the next 30 years? If not, why not? I mean, it was so easy to pick it in 1988, right?

You can always say, "should have picked that one" after the race.

It is an index fund

Indexed to the S&P 500...that is where I have most of my investments
I thought it would be safer than opening a casino

Okay, what percent will it increase in the next 30 years that will generate tens of billions of dollars from a few million? Remember, this is what Trump was supposed to easily pick out in 1988.

We are talking the S&P 500
500 of our biggest and most profitable companies

It is not a crap shoot...it is sound investing

Did better than Trump's real estate

That's not what I'm asking. I want to know how it's going to perform the next 30 years. I mean, if it's going to grow over 1000%, I'm going to want to put millions into it, but if it's going to grow less than the hotels I've built, I'm not going to.

Remember, this is something Trump should have seen easily in 1988.
I got good news for you
The S&P 500 will outperform Trump

Especially with him in prison
"orange god"? You're not very bright, are you? I was a Bernie supporter and then voted for Jill Stein when Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. And, I'm not afraid of letting it "play out" since I'm sure that Trump is a one termer...unless the current strategy of the DNC continues to be followed.

So why not let the investigation play out? I also over for Stein.

I never called for the investigation to be ended. I merely pointed out that it's gone on for over a year and nothing has been found. The DNC needs to come up with a strategy that gives people a reason to vote for Democrats, not just "hate Trump"

And I pointed out that RM has not been investigating for a year. Maybe not even 9 months. Give it time, it is a process. Hell they investigated Bill for 6 1/2 years and got him for lying about a BJ, I am willing to wait until it comes to a conclusion.

I'm not worried about the investigation. I don't care if it goes on for 6 or 7 or 8 years. I just want Democrats get rid of the Corporate Whore's DNC and to stop hanging their hats on it; I want the Progressive wing to begin to proactively start working to win the next elections

Agreed, but you can have the investigation AND get your message across, they are not mutually exclusive. I do not want a 6 or 7 year investigation, that would be a crime!

I think we can lock him up in two years
Irrelevant. A moron would not turn millions into billions.

Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

Hundreds of thousands of businesses close their doors every year. It's nothing scandalous. It's an essential feature of capitalism. Are you really trying to say that everyone who starts a business that doesn't succeed is a scumbag?

You're a major fucking idiot.
So why not let the investigation play out? I also over for Stein.

I never called for the investigation to be ended. I merely pointed out that it's gone on for over a year and nothing has been found. The DNC needs to come up with a strategy that gives people a reason to vote for Democrats, not just "hate Trump"

And I pointed out that RM has not been investigating for a year. Maybe not even 9 months. Give it time, it is a process. Hell they investigated Bill for 6 1/2 years and got him for lying about a BJ, I am willing to wait until it comes to a conclusion.

I'm not worried about the investigation. I don't care if it goes on for 6 or 7 or 8 years. I just want Democrats get rid of the Corporate Whore's DNC and to stop hanging their hats on it; I want the Progressive wing to begin to proactively start working to win the next elections

Agreed, but you can have the investigation AND get your message across, they are not mutually exclusive. I do not want a 6 or 7 year investigation, that would be a crime!

I think we can lock him up in two years

He is not going to jail. Hillary is not going to jail. Obama is not going to jail. These people do not play by the same rules the rest of us have to, sad but true!
He should have gambled in the stock market? Let's see if we can imagine your reaction had he done that and lost most of it. Hind sight is always 20/20. Has the AP released the name of the fund that will increase in value 1336% over the next 30 years? If not, why not? I mean, it was so easy to pick it in 1988, right?

You can always say, "should have picked that one" after the race.

It is an index fund

Indexed to the S&P 500...that is where I have most of my investments
I thought it would be safer than opening a casino

Okay, what percent will it increase in the next 30 years that will generate tens of billions of dollars from a few million? Remember, this is what Trump was supposed to easily pick out in 1988.

We are talking the S&P 500
500 of our biggest and most profitable companies

It is not a crap shoot...it is sound investing

Did better than Trump's real estate

That's not what I'm asking. I want to know how it's going to perform the next 30 years. I mean, if it's going to grow over 1000%, I'm going to want to put millions into it, but if it's going to grow less than the hotels I've built, I'm not going to.

Remember, this is something Trump should have seen easily in 1988.
I got good news for you
The S&P 500 will outperform Trump

Especially with him in prison

You're not addressing the question. Obviously you think it should have been easy for Trump to see in 1988 that the fund would increase by that much and that he should have invested in it instead of employing thousands of people, so I want to know by what percentage it will increase in the next 30 years. It should be simple.
Trump would have done better in index funds

What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500?

Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

This way he employed and paid a lot of people a lot of money and increased value in a lot of places. I think this way is superior, don't you?

Trump went bankrupt six times, his casinos went bankrupt putting many out of work, he also screwed over small businesses who did work for him

I would not call that superior

Incorrect. A few of his hundreds of businesses went bankrupt. He did not. And I would say that employing thousands of people is superior to sinking money in a fund and watching it grow, but maybe that's just me.

The captain of the ship hit an iceberg
The ship sank...the captain survived

These businesses included his casinos, his airline...major Trump endeavors
Thousands lost their jobs because of his business decisions

Hundreds of thousands of businesses close their doors every year. It's nothing scandalous. It's an essential feature of capitalism. Are you really trying to say that everyone who starts a business that doesn't succeed is a scumbag?

You're a major fucking idiot.

This is what happens when irrational hatred replaces thought.
on January, 2018, a study was conducted in order to examine whether Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump are psychopath. Results here:


link Perceived personality and campaign style of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - ScienceDirect
madman · madwoman · maniac · lunatic · psychotic · sociopath · loony · fruitcake · nutcase · nutjob · nut · psycho · schizo · head case · sicko · screwball · crazy · kook · loon

  • informal
    an unstable and aggressive person:
    "schoolyard psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants"
clearly not
It is an index fund

Indexed to the S&P 500...that is where I have most of my investments
I thought it would be safer than opening a casino

Okay, what percent will it increase in the next 30 years that will generate tens of billions of dollars from a few million? Remember, this is what Trump was supposed to easily pick out in 1988.

We are talking the S&P 500
500 of our biggest and most profitable companies

It is not a crap shoot...it is sound investing

Did better than Trump's real estate

That's not what I'm asking. I want to know how it's going to perform the next 30 years. I mean, if it's going to grow over 1000%, I'm going to want to put millions into it, but if it's going to grow less than the hotels I've built, I'm not going to.

Remember, this is something Trump should have seen easily in 1988.
I got good news for you
The S&P 500 will outperform Trump

Especially with him in prison

You're not addressing the question. Obviously you think it should have been easy for Trump to see in 1988 that the fund would increase by that much and that he should have invested in it instead of employing thousands of people, so I want to know by what percentage it will increase in the next 30 years. It should be simple.

All we know is what has actually happened to evaluate performance

Trump's business decisions yielded profit that did not even approach that of an Index fund

Any businessman is capable of comparing his annual profit to that of the S&P 500. Trump continually came up short, yet continued making bad business decisions

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