75% of people in California getting COVID are “fully vaxxed”, so much for “the vax stops the virus” lie.

You didn't. Some peoples' chilluns. :nocknockHT:
methinks that grey area betwixt info and disinfo can often be very subtle Duke


The worst thing about the Covid "restrictions", IMO; Is the way the churches rolled over and took the trampling of 1st amendment rights.

Remember how this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated?

Remember how you wanted to kill grandma without the vax?

Remember how “ivermectin“ was worse than the “n-word” online?

Remember how Biden tried to push an unconstitutional vax mandate through OSHA?


Nutbag who told you vaccine prevents all infections of the newer variants?
Nutbag who told you vaccine prevents all infections of the newer variants?
Nut bag, don’t you ever research before you post? Deaths are now greater in vaccinated.

Can you say oops?
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I am totally vaxxed and just got over Covid. Took about 2 weeks. Got bronchitis, doc gave me antibiotics. It went away in a week and I was clear of Covid by the next week. I don't make any claims but that is just my experience and I am not for mandatory vaxing.
I’ve had Covid three times. Once before the vaccine, once after the vaccine, and a third time in September. Second time was the worst. The first and second time took two weeks. Third time was mild, only a few days. I’m against mandatory vaccinations.
I’ve had Covid three times. Once before the vaccine, once after the vaccine, and a third time in September. Second time was the worst. The first and second time took two weeks. Third time was mild, only a few days. I’m against mandatory vaccinations.
I’ve never had Wuhan and unvaccinated.
Well about socialism not working. Cental and South America. Parts of Europe. Caribe islands. Parts of Asia. Hundreds of millions of deaths and poverty conditions for billions.
What does that have to do with Trump throwing socialist money at big pharma?
We really don't care where your uncle went to school .. that doesn't make someone else more intelligent;

Are you sure? I have it from reliable source that it does.

Regardless, roughly 57% of the spending to research vaccines came from public sources (eg taxes), while the remaining amount came from other sources such as public-private partnerships and the industry.
Ok. True or not it is still here n the billions.
Both Bonzi and I had Covid twice.
First times was the original strain in November 2020 before the shot.
We were both damn sick. But avoided hospitals. A good solid month before back to mostly normal.
Second times was this year. Mild symptoms, no big deal at all.
We both had the original two shots. But obviously the effects of them are long gone, and we had absolutely zero interest in boosters. And will never unless it is an actual vaccine. But how would we know at this point?
Anyway - there is simply no real science that states the shot did anything resembling what they told us it would do. Not even close. An organized lie coming from both parties and 2 Presidents.
And no matter if you are liberal or conservative - it is at our peril to never forget that fact.
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