75% of people in California getting COVID are “fully vaxxed”, so much for “the vax stops the virus” lie.

By definition, it is a vaccine...but now that you tell me Trump threw socialist money to develop a vaccine that isn't even a vaccine, holy shit, it's worse then I thought.

When will we learn socialism doesn't work?

Fauci publically states that fast tracking the COVID "non-vaccine" would be a bad idea and Trump does it anyhow...and he used our tax money to do it...and those same pharmas will be making money hand over fist, on the tax payers investment. Republican socialism hard at work.
Good grief.

I bet Jim Jordon has an investigation up his sleeve. This has to be addressed by a republican committee before any bills to correct inflation and high gas prices can be passed.

Balls in your court Jim. Get em tiger!
Is that why Fauci still praises the vaccine?
Are you sure? I have it from reliable source that it does.

I am of the mindset using some old proverbs:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - Biblical Proverb
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." - William Shakespeare

Might be beneficial to learn from these two different proverbs.
The money Trump authorized to fast track the vaccine. Operation warp speed...Billions to big pharma...you haven't heard?
I don't agree with a lot of government spending .. why are you having a snowflake moment on government spending?
The vaccines are NOT totally safe. Of course there are side effects and some will die from it; that's not unusual with any vaccine. The problem is that the TRUTH of the matter is not yet available. For what percentage of young healthy people is it unsafe for?? NUMBER PLEASE!!!

What are the long term effects OF THE VACCINE?? We don't know yet!!!!

So tell me; why on this earth would you trust anyone without all the facts being in?? I don't!!!

these vaccines are variants of a vaccine that goes back 20 years and therefore experts say its future looks fine. Try a news station instead of garbage propaganda, super duper.
Both Bonzi and I had Covid twice.
First times was the original strain in November 2020 before the shot.
We were both damn sick. But avoided hospitals. A good solid month before back to mostly normal.
Second times was this year. Mild symptoms, no big deal at all.
We both had the original two shots. But obviously the effects of them are long gone, and we had absolutely zero interest in boosters. And will never unless it is an actual vaccine. But how would we know at this point?
Anyway - there is simply no real science that states the shot did anything resembling what they told us it would do. Not even close. An organized lie coming from both parties and 2 Presidents.
And no matter if you are liberal or conservative - it is at our peril to never forget that fact.
It's just the difference between life and death in many cases that's all. In the beginning it was 94% effective and if everybody had gotten vaccinated and wore masks things would have been totally different. Boosters are real vaccines and you are playing with fire... You had terrible first COVID but with vaccine just mild symptoms and you're letting it go? Everyone should be getting all these boosters and stop being fooled listening to crap propaganda.
If everyone had gotten vaccinated instead of being a bunch of misinformed GOP dupes, the curve would have been flattened- at that time the vaccine was 94% effective at stopping it and even now those who are vaccinated and boosted do much better 50% effective. Unfortunately for your BS thread, these people are not fully vaccinated and boosted so they are dying. Crap news for the rubes. Politically of course... People who are vaccinated don't die. Republicans are dying off like crazy just what they deserve the fools

Branch Covidian
"I have it from a reliable source".................

Well some people think it's a reliable source.

Your mileage may vary.

"I had an uncle went to MIT who is a top professor. Dr. John Trump. A genius," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "It's in my blood. I'm smart. Great marks. Like really smart."
He touted his uncle's accomplishments again in South Carolina last month.
"Good genes, very good genes. OK, very smart," Trump declared.

Well some people think it's a reliable source.

Your mileage may vary.

"I had an uncle went to MIT who is a top professor. Dr. John Trump. A genius," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "It's in my blood. I'm smart. Great marks. Like really smart."
He touted his uncle's accomplishments again in South Carolina last month.
"Good genes, very good genes. OK, very smart," Trump declared.

So President Trump has/had an uncle who went to MIT.

Doesn't do much for any claim of yours.


If everyone had gotten vaccinated instead of being a bunch of misinformed GOP dupes, the curve would have been flattened- at that time the vaccine was 94% effective at stopping it and even now those who are vaccinated and boosted do much better 50% effective. Unfortunately for your BS thread, these people are not fully vaccinated and boosted so they are dying. Crap news for the rubes. Politically of course... People who are vaccinated don't die. Republicans are dying off like crazy just what they deserve the fools

If so many gullible idiots such as yourself hadn't believed and obeyed all the lies, this routine cold/flu outbreak would have been over in a few months, just as all cold/flu outbreak are; a lot fewer people would have been directly harmed by it, we would not have lost so much freedom, we would not have suffered so much economic devastation, and corrupt politicians would not have seized and abused so much illegitimate power over us.

Ignorant cretins such as yourself bear as much guilt over this whole scam, and all the adverse consequences thereof, as did the corrupt politicians that you stupidly believed. You allowed this to happen. You begged for it, in fact.
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fewer by the day believe anything from our government.....~S~

If there is any positive side to the #CoronaHoax2020, this is it; that more people are inclined to be more skeptical of anything that our government tells us, after having seen how outrageously, prolifically, and blatantly every level of government lied to us about this.
BS. And only the unvaxed and un boosted are dying. Try science. Poor America.

Would that be the same “science” that claims that Bruce Jenner is a woman?

It's just the difference between life and death in many cases that's all. In the beginning it was 94% effective and if everybody had gotten vaccinated and wore masks things would have been totally different. Boosters are real vaccines and you are playing with fire... You had terrible first COVID but with vaccine just mild symptoms and you're letting it go? Everyone should be getting all these boosters and stop being fooled listening to crap propaganda.
We got very sick because the original strain was far worse than the omicron variants, and others after it. Which is completely normal as viruses generally mutate to be more contagious, but less harmful.
Both of my kids, and consequently their spouses are all medical professionals. As a requirement of their job they are all fully vaxxed and fully boosted.
My daughter, despite all the shots - has had Covid 4 times. None were serious as she is only 31.
Her husband has had Covid 2 times. Again not serious as he is 36.
Their daughter has had Covid twice. She turns two next week.
My son has had Covid 3 times...same.
His wife once....same.
So far their daughter, who will turn one month old next week of course has not had it.

These are the most protected people on the planet. All of them work directly with patients, my daughter is a charge RT so she was in ground zero since day one. For almost 2 years she basically worked in a hazmat suit 12 hours a day. During that period she never got Covid. They took down those requirements and only wear a mask - guess what?? - she has had Covid 4 times since.
The mask are useless.

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