75% of youths who died from COVID-19 had underlying health conditions.

The Chinese sent the plague to the Americans to counter Trump and the democrats who were in on it to bring down Trump amplified the danger since they did everything to harm him , they decided to give a big blow with the Covid. I hope it will not work in November
. . . which shows how dangerous is the disease.

75% of youths who died from COVID-19 had underlying health conditions.
The Chinese sent the plague to the Americans to counter Trump and the democrats who were in on it to bring down Trump amplified the danger since they did everything to harm him , they decided to give a big blow with the Covid. I hope it will not work in November
You are wrong, Dalia.

Only at risk elderly & ill should social distance & wear a mask while the infection wave washes through the population as happened in Sweden. Then there likely won't be another wave due to herd immunity preventing infection of the vulnerable population, so very fewer will die.

Covid-19 has already mutated into a less lethal, easier spreading airborne strain.
It really should now be called Covid-20

Here in the USA only 30% are willing to take a vaccine if available. So herd immunity will not be achieved until the infection wave washes through. Let the vulnerable wait for vaccine. We can't wait another year hoping to get a vaccine. Lets put this horrible chapter behind us A.S.A.P. before we go bankrupt!!!

live stream of busy Gekås Ullared AB, a superstore in Ullared, Sweden

RE-OPEN, this could be USA again.
At this point, the people of this country are thinking that things have improved slightly, and that there is a light ahead, but this is just an illusion. Most are still in a dire position economically or psychologically, and are ripe for abuse by the state. It is just the calm before the storm, as the second phase that has already been implanted in the minds of the people will soon be forthcoming unless large numbers of Americans wake up and say no more. This is just an extension of 9-11 on steroids, and this terrorist attack is no different in that it is not an attack by monsters from afar, it is an attack from within on all citizens by the very U.S. state claiming political authority over all.

Be scared, be very scared-
You can stay home, Kiss My, if you don't want to wear a mask.

We were lied to when they shut US down. It was supposed to be a couple weeks. Our death rate has surpassed Sweden that never wore masks or shut anything down. This economy is a crony capitalism zombie corporate disaster. We can't wear mask while eating & drinking at restaurants & bars. You stay home if you are old & unhealthy while the rest of us get things done!
And it’s even higher as the age group grows.

So instead of telling people with underlying conditions to take special precautions, we shutdown the nation and CONTINUE to keep it shut even knowing the facts.

Historians will forever shake their heads at the level of stupidity.

there would never have been a democrat shut down of the country if we had a democrat president. It would have been treated like obama's H1N1 or ebola
The Chinese sent the plague to the Americans to counter Trump and the democrats who were in on it to bring down Trump amplified the danger since they did everything to harm him , they decided to give a big blow with the Covid. I hope it will not work in November
You are wrong, Dalia.
and you're a mouth breath idiot

Only at risk elderly & ill should social distance & wear a mask while the infection wave washes through the population as happened in Sweden. Then there likely won't be another wave due to herd immunity preventing infection of the vulnerable population, so very fewer will die.

Covid-19 has already mutated into a less lethal, easier spreading airborne strain.
It really should now be called Covid-20

Here in the USA only 30% are willing to take a vaccine if available. So herd immunity will not be achieved until the infection wave washes through. Let the vulnerable wait for vaccine. We can't wait another year hoping to get a vaccine. Lets put this horrible chapter behind us A.S.A.P. before we go bankrupt!!!

live stream of busy Gekås Ullared AB, a superstore in Ullared, Sweden

RE-OPEN, this could be USA again.

Never let a good crisis go to waste. COVID 19 was used as a political weapon to bring down the Trump economy and his election
The only differences I see in CV-19 is it's more contagious than other viruses and it seems to be hardest on the the weakest, oldest people. So why did we not protect and isolate the oldest, weakest people and instead we shutdown everything and everyone else? Well except for New York of course where Cuomo bio-bombed the hell out of Nursing homes.
And it’s even higher as the age group grows.

So instead of telling people with underlying conditions to take special precautions, we shutdown the nation and CONTINUE to keep it shut even knowing the facts.

Historians will forever shake their heads at the level of stupidity.

25% of young people is a big chunk. That's one in 4.

Yes, but it's 1 in 4 of a number that's really small to start with. I don't know if you're aware of this, but people die. It's kinda part of being a human. And sometimes, the people who die are young and there doesn't appear to be any reason why they got sick. Covid doesn't appear to be any different in this regard to any other disease out there. It's ludicrous to keep trying to pretend that young people are all in mortal danger from this.
The 'people die' mantra is the key to ignore that person.

The whole matter is far more complex, complicated than that.
The 'people die' mantra is the key to ignore that person.

The whole matter is far more complex, complicated than that.
Yeah more people per 1k died of Covid-19 under shutdown here in the USA than in Sweden that did nothing.
We have thirty three times the population, Kiss My. We should have had 350K deaths if we were following the Swede herd mentality nonsense.

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