76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

Yours was not peer reviewed either.

Sorry, I missed this the first time through.

It most certainly was peer reviewed, that was the criteria you stipulated.

The study appeared in the Oxford Quarterly Journal of Economics.

A Measure of Media Bias

Point taken. It may have been peer reviewed.

You are a genius. You proved media bias. You have proved that CNN is centrist and that the Wall Street Journal is more liberal than the New York Times. You proved that the liberal media is less liberal than Joe Lieberman.

You rock!

So....how powerful is this media bias? Is it as deep and pervasive as nutters like to think? Is it responsible for Obama getting elected twice? Is it covering up scandals to save him? Is it making political success for people like Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney impossible?

Question...How did George Bush become President...twice....with all that bias? He must have been one heck of a force to defeat that shit!
I'm surprised the number isn't higher. But it's still encouraging. I think most Republicans have had it with the the Karl Rove philosophy...'Be Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives.' I know i'm completely sick of Rove and the other Neocons/Progressives screeching about you can only win Elections if you be more like Democrats.

It's that philosophy that has allowed the phony cowards to seize control of the Party. Boehner and McConnel are sad embarrassments. Weak milquetoast leaders just going along. Not to be too ghetto, but Obama has made Boehner & McConnel his little bitches. It's time for Revolutionary change in the Party. Karl Rove and the rest of the Neocons/Progressives gotta go. Period, end of story.

I've been inching closer to that opinion myself.

I don't totally side with Ron Paul's anti-war ideas or the philosophy that we need to completely withdraw from the world, because we do some good things and there are some bad people who need to be opposed effectively.

Sucks when we have a "president" who couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff though.

Anyway the republicrats need to reject the Karl Rove standard and embrace a more libertarian agenda. It's not about winning elections anymore, it's about doing what is right.

Indeed Pete. There are way too many "ROVE" old guard Repubican Elitists so ensconced in the District of Criminals drinking the swamp water that they have a fever that leads them to worry over their re-election, rather than what they should be worried about, and that is the survival of the Constitution, What the Founders gave us...and that was Liberty itself. They care NOT for doing the right thing...but playing politics at our expense...and destroying the Republic in the process.

Ted Cruz reminded us all of the vision during his semi-filibuster...he gave true voice to the people...he caught shit for doing it. The District of Criminals is sick...and it has spread to the people...

It is alarming.
Yours was not peer reviewed either.

Sorry, I missed this the first time through.

It most certainly was peer reviewed, that was the criteria you stipulated.

The study appeared in the Oxford Quarterly Journal of Economics.

A Measure of Media Bias

Point taken. It may have been peer reviewed.

You are a genius. You proved media bias. You have proved that CNN is centrist and that the Wall Street Journal is more liberal than the New York Times. You proved that the liberal media is less liberal than Joe Lieberman.

You rock!

8 seconds with google...it wasn't that hard.

It isn't difficult to prove something that is true.

What's difficult is getting biased folks to concede that the truth is indeed true.

Kudos to you.
Communists are not right-wing.

And someone whose username is a lie itself can't be trusted.

Yeah..but Oligarchies are right wing.

Neither China nor Russia was ever communist by definition.

So now to progressives, China and Russia were never communist.


You are fucked up beyond all belief.

Of course they were communist. But they were not socialist.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative.
Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.

A common mistake is to confuse Socialism, the economic system, with Communism, the political system. Communists are "socialist" in the same way that Republicans are "compassionate conservatives". That is, they give lip service to ideals they have no intention of practicing.

Communism, or "scientific socialism", has very little to do with Marx. Communism was originally envisioned by Marx and Engels as the last stages of their socialist revolution. "The meaning of the word communism shifted after 1917, when Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia. The Bolsheviks changed their name to the Communist Party and installed a repressive, single-party regime devoted to the implementation of socialist policies." (quote from Encarta.). Those socialist policies were never implemented.

Whereas Marx saw industrialized workers rising up to take over control of their means of production, the exact opposite happened. Most countries that have gone Communist have been agrarian underdeveloped nations. The prime example is the Soviet Union. The best thing to be said about the October Revolution in 1917 is that the new government was better than the Tsars. The worst thing is that they trusted the wrong people, notably Lenin, to lead this upheaval. The Soviet Union officially abandoned socialism in 1921 when Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy allowing for taxation, local trade, some state capitalism... and extreme profiteering. Later that year, he purged 259,000 from the party membership and therefore purged them from voting (shades of the US election of 2000!) and fewer and fewer people were involved in making decisions.

Marxism became Marxist-Leninism which became Stalinism. The Wikipedia entry for Stalinism: "The term Stalinism was used by anti-Soviet Marxists, particularly Trotskyists, to distinguish the policies of the Soviet Union from those they regard as more true to Marxism. Trotskyists argue that the Stalinist USSR was not socialist, but a bureaucratized degenerated workers state that is, a state in which exploitation is controlled by a ruling caste which, while it did not own the means of production and was not a social class in its own right, accrued benefits and privileges at the expense of the working class."

Communists defending Stalin were driven by Cognitive Dissonance. "The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, motivates the person to reduce the dissonance and leads to avoidance of information likely to increase the dissonance." They didn't want to hear any criticism, and would go out of their way to deny facts. The abrupt betrayal of ideals by Lenin and Marx left many socialists clinging to the Soviet Union even though they knew Stalin was a disaster. They called themselves Communist even though they espoused none of Stalin's viewpoints and very few of Lenin's revisionism. In Russia, Lenin remains a Hero of the Revolution. Despite having screwed things up in the first place, Stalin is revered by Communists for toppling the Third Reich.


While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
They know that the worst thing Christians and Jews will do to them is pray for them.

Muslim extremists will saw their heads off with a rusty knife.

Yeah, i'm sure that has something to do with it.
What is "conservative" to Republicans these days? Let him die? Feed the poor and they will breed? Children work better hungry?
Most Republicans want something different. They're tired of Karl Rove's lies & gimmicks. You don't have to be Democrats disguised as Republicans/Conservatives to win Elections. It's time to get back to winning or losing with real Constitutional Conservatives. Otherwise, what's the point? Communists/Progressives already completely control the Democratic Party. And it now looks like they control the Republican Party as well. It's time to win or lose with honor & dignity. No more winning or losing with Karl Rove frauds.
Or what?

Wait for you assholes to force us to dig our own graves? How far left do you want us to go?


Liberals are not murderers...never have been, and never will be.

You are one fucked up excuse for a human being...your 'hero', Gen. Augusto Pinochet whose government murdered and tortured thousands during his repressive 17-year rule.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

You are the sort of bed wetting idiot that criminally insane authoritarian sociopathic despots use to get into power.

Mindless, servile and vapid.

you just praised pinochet, muppet.
What is "conservative" to Republicans these days? Let him die? Feed the poor and they will breed? Children work better hungry?

No, that's "conservative" to uninformed & lazy Communist/Progressive Democrats these days.
What is "conservative" to Republicans these days? Let him die? Feed the poor and they will breed? Children work better hungry?

No, that's "conservative" to uninformed & lazy Communist/Progressive Democrats these days.

WOW, it didn't take long to prove rdean's claim...

Talk about the obtuse...:lol::lol::lol:

You're the one being obtuse. Your perception of Conservatism is shallow & ignorant. But i expect such arrogant ignorance from a Communist/Progressive. It's all you know.
A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com

Now for the bad news. The reason such a high percentage are considered conservative or very conservative is that the moderates have been leaving the party in droves. The far right has accomplished their goal of turning the party into an ultra conservative mish mash of fiscal and social conservatism at the expense of likely never winning a national election again.
A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com

Now for the bad news. The reason such a high percentage are considered conservative or very conservative is that the moderates have been leaving the party in droves. The far right has accomplished their goal of turning the party into an ultra conservative mish mash of fiscal and social conservatism at the expense of likely never winning a national election again.

Revolutionary Change is always painful early on. It's a price that has to be paid. The Neocon/Progressive time is rapidly passing. It's time for new blood. It's time for Constitutional Conservatives to stake their claim. And then let the chips fall where they may.
No, that's "conservative" to uninformed & lazy Communist/Progressive Democrats these days.

WOW, it didn't take long to prove rdean's claim...

Talk about the obtuse...:lol::lol::lol:

You're the one being obtuse. Your perception of Conservatism is shallow & ignorant. But i expect such arrogant ignorance from a Communist/Progressive. It's all you know.

Hey pea brain, you just ADDED to the 'perception of Conservatism'...it is so typical and so fucking ignorant. You right wing turds are cementing the perception...
WOW, it didn't take long to prove rdean's claim...

Talk about the obtuse...:lol::lol::lol:

You're the one being obtuse. Your perception of Conservatism is shallow & ignorant. But i expect such arrogant ignorance from a Communist/Progressive. It's all you know.

Hey pea brain, you just ADDED to the 'perception of Conservatism'...it is so typical and so fucking ignorant. You right wing turds are cementing the perception...

You already proved your own ignorance there little dummy. You know absolutely nothing about Conservatism. You're just an average low-information lazy Communist/Progressive.
Prove it.

Dem Wendy Davis report from CNN on her Filibuster.
They talked about You Tube and Twitter how much support she had.
CNN did not mention that the abortion clinics would have to be made better for emergency care for women. Wider doors so that gurneys from the ambulance could get though. must be close to hospitals. Things that would make abortions that went wrong better for Women.
Texas filibuster on abortion bill rivets online - CNN.com

CNN report on Cruz's filibuster
Not one word on the e-mails and twitters that were coming in telling the Senators of the harm that bill is doing to them. They read e-mails and twitters on the floor about losing full time jobs, losing their Doctors.
Cruz says he'll talk until 'I am no longer able to stand' - CNN.com

This is just CNN let alone all of the others who mocked his bedtime story to his children because he wasn't there that night to read to them.
His wife put up a picture of his little girls standing in front of the TV listening to their dad reading Green Eggs & Ham on her facebook page. Not one mainstream media reported it or put the picture up.
And the scathing reports of fake filibuster and wanting to shut the Government down.

You are insane.

Explain why you think I am insane.
You wanted proof and I gave it.
Two different stories and it was treated totally different.
Total support for the Democrat on her filibuster which talked about twitter and Facebook, total put down on the Republican Filibuster, with no mention of all the twitters and e-mails.
Explain to me why CNN did not report the e-mails & twitters of people who are being hurt by the Health Care Law, or any other Mainstream News Group.
The Left is totally ignoring the facts from people that are being put on part time jobs , laid off, their loss of good Health Care Insurance and the Doctors that they had.

One of my favorite CNN segments, in which neither the "anchor" nor the "reporter" make even the slightest effort to hide their hatred for some Tea Party ralliers:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2baxw_YScxc]It's On! Showdown Between CNN Reporter & Chicago Tea Party Guests - YouTube[/ame]
Party affiliation, partisanship, quarreling between voters and the 'us verses them' meme is all good for the power brokers and bad for Americans. But whoever said that humans are the dominant of the species? Just the smartest monkeys, that's all.
Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
They know that the worst thing Christians and Jews will do to them is pray for them.

Muslim extremists will saw their heads off with a rusty knife.
Or what ever they can find...Just ask Daniel Pearl...Oh Wait...

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