76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

Dem Wendy Davis report from CNN on her Filibuster.
They talked about You Tube and Twitter how much support she had.
CNN did not mention that the abortion clinics would have to be made better for emergency care for women. Wider doors so that gurneys from the ambulance could get though. must be close to hospitals. Things that would make abortions that went wrong better for Women.
Texas filibuster on abortion bill rivets online - CNN.com

CNN report on Cruz's filibuster
Not one word on the e-mails and twitters that were coming in telling the Senators of the harm that bill is doing to them. They read e-mails and twitters on the floor about losing full time jobs, losing their Doctors.
Cruz says he'll talk until 'I am no longer able to stand' - CNN.com

This is just CNN let alone all of the others who mocked his bedtime story to his children because he wasn't there that night to read to them.
His wife put up a picture of his little girls standing in front of the TV listening to their dad reading Green Eggs & Ham on her facebook page. Not one mainstream media reported it or put the picture up.
And the scathing reports of fake filibuster and wanting to shut the Government down.

You are insane.

No. That is not proof either. That is an opinion piece from the Daily Caller.

How about a peer reviewed study of some kind showing that the media coverage that we get is biased. Something that a person like me can review and accept as proof. Not an example that supports your claim. Not an editorial article that says that admittedly left wing websites are left wing.

Have you anything at all?

No. That is not proof either. That is an opinion piece from the Daily Caller.

How about a peer reviewed study of some kind showing that the media coverage that we get is biased. Something that a person like me can review and accept as proof. Not an example that supports your claim. Not an editorial article that says that admittedly left wing websites are left wing.

Have you anything at all?

That's a fact piece from the daily caller...

You asked for proof, I gave it to you, you moved the goalpost.


For years I provided proof of the Left Wing Bias in the media.. From the constant labeling every Republican as "Right Wing", "Far Right", "Staunchly to the Right", and "Radically Right", while refusing to label even Ted Kennedy as a "Left Winger", I always said it was because of the general atmoshere in news rooms, the College Professors, and how so many heros in movies and TV show are the Journalist who wanted to get those rich, evil, bastids who going to destroy the world with their greed.

I used to send emails to TV shows every time they had the obligatory evil Conservative guy but never had a evil Liberal. Some even wrote back either disclaiming it or saying they would look into it.

I never said and always argued agains the "smoke filled room" where Journalists would sit down and actually plot how to spin stories to make the Conservative look bad..I said for years. that that wouldn't happen..not here.

That is until the Journolist story broke.

Then there was the Open Mic at a Romney gathering where the Journalists were deciding who would ask which question in which order in order to "get" Romney on some issue...

After that I have no doubt that the leading journalists are colluding on how to spin stories to protect someone they like and to get someone they didn't like.
I know you guys believe this. But I am asking you to prove it. Can you cite any academic study that supports your claim?
We haven't even had the midterms yet and we're pick8ng presidential candidates? Too damn early

Not for Daveman and Tinydancer.

They've already hitched their wagon to this guy. :lol:


Better than the wagon you bed wetters got hitched too.


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